Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Seireitei Serenade ❯ Unexpected ( Chapter 14 )

[ A - All Readers ]
14) Unexpected
Pairing/characters: Gin, Oc
Decription: Well, Kya sure didn't expect this one, though it was rather amusing.
Warning: Oc, hints of het, spoilers for SS arc, etc.
Dedication: RAWRified on FFN and DA, for letting me borrow her Oc for this. Kya belongs to RAWRified, and may not be used by anyone else without first speaking with RAWRified herself.
Rating: T
Authoress' Note: RAWRified has officially given me permission to use her Oc, Arakaki Kya, in the following note: i formally give you permission, just say where u got kya from and ill be happy


When Kya had been told to go into the human world, she hadn't expected her opponent to be this stubborn. The damn hollow just wouldn't die. Of course, Kya had no doubts about her power and knew she was much stronger than the twitching fish-like thing on the ground - regenerating again - but... It was stubborn. She just kind of felt the need to point that one out.

"Hey, die already! Okay, just die!" she shouted at it, her voice overly loud and frustrated.

It only twitched, still in the process of regenerating.

"Yanno, ya could jus' slice it's mask while it's regeneratin'," a voice suggested, sounding amused.

Kya looked over her shoulder. "Wow! I don't think that one occurred to me!" she said, laughing sheepishly. Her sword surreptiously slashed through the hollows mask behind her before she gave the man before her a once over. "Can't say I expected you to be here, Ichimaru."

He shrugged. "Didn' 'spect ta see ya here, either. Small world, huh?" He grinned. "An' it's Gin, Kya-san," he added.

Kya shook her head. "You know, Gin, I had to go through an entire fiasco because you and your comrades up and betrayed Seireitei. You really hurt her, too."

Gin looked down, sighing. "Yea, I know," he muttered. "Tell 'er I'm sorry abou' tha', okay?"

"Yeah, I'll tell her," Kya agreed.

Suddenly, a hand reached out of nowhere, grabbing onto Gin's pantleg. He jumped and looked down. "W-Wonderweiss? The hell?" He looked around, eyes opening slightly, as if he expected someone else to be there.

"Aw, how cute!" Kya gushed, bending over and cooing at the little boy.

"Yer nuts," Gin muttered, looking just a shade shy of unnerved. "Tha' kid freaks me out..."

Kya laughed and winked up at him. "That's because you're guilty."

"O' what?" the fox-faced traitor asked, looking down at her skeptically.

"Dunno, just are," she replied, grinning at him teasingly.

"Tch," Gin scoffed, pouting and averting his gaze. "Yer still nuts."

Kya shook her head, chuckling. "Tell that to Byakuya." She paused thoughtfully. "Well, I suppose he'd probably agree with you, though..." Her brow furrowed as she tried to imagine that conversation, and she snorted when she could only come up with Byakuya trying to slash his way through, and Gin making fun of him and dodging. "Probably not a good idea, now that I think of it."

"Ah-ha! I knew it!" Gin shouted suddenly, pointing accusingly at a billboard.

Kya gave him a strange look and started to inch away, wondering if Gin had just fallen off his rocker. That is, until she realized who he was talking to. Tosen stepped out from behind the billboard and sniffed, muttering something about justice, and Kya... Well, she just wanted to puke. "Ew! He's got cooties!" she gasped, reeling away and stepping behind Gin. "Don't let him infect me with his cooties..."

Gin snickered. "Told ya, Kana-chan! Ya do have cooties! See? Kya-san said so."

Tosen sniffed again. "And how is that justifiably possible?"

Kya and Gin paused, giving him identical blank looks. "What?" they chorused.

Tosen sighed. "The both of you are morons," he muttered. "Anyway, you are aware that Arakaki-san is your enemy, are you not?"

Kya glared. "Did he just...?"

Gin nodded, feeling sorry for Tosen for once. "Yep."

Kya stepped out from behind Gin and scowled at Tosen, who sensed her angry aura and took a step back, worry entering his expression. "Did you call my by my family name?" she demanded, taking another threatening step forward.

"I am trying to be as polite as possible considering the situa-"

"You called me by my family name, Tosen."

Gin decided to step back and watch the carnage, smiling happily as she pounded the living shit out of Kaname. Hey, the bastard had broken a cardinal rule: never call Kya by her last name.


Hope you like it, Rose! To everyone else, R&R and if you have a request/prompt that you'd like to see, lemme know!