Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Silly Putty ❯ A Lesson to Learn ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

A/N: I do not own Bleach at all. I wrote this story purely for some cheesy good fun. This idea came to me a while back, when she struggled with opening her juice (and originally, not even knowing what it was). I thought to myself `if she doesn't even know what that is, then what else would she not know about?'
And then, two words came to mind; silly putty.
The scene was set, so to speak. xD
Enjoy! :]
Ichigo sighed to himself as he walked into class. He was dead tired from the hollow he defeated last night, and he had wanted to sleep in and just go late.
Rukia, however, didn't let him.
He went over to his desk and leaned against it. He looked over at Rukia who was talking and laughing with Orihime.
He struggled to keep a scowl on his face. Whenever Rukia smiled he couldn't help but feel the corners of his own mouth begin to turn up.
Ichigo looked out the window as Keigo came tromping in;
"IIIIIICHIIIIGOOOOOO!!" yelled Keigo as he started jumping over desks to get to Ichigo's.
Ichigo looked at him and scowled even more and Rukia could barely stifle her giggles. Orihime as well had a hand over her mouth hiding her huge grin.
Ichigo growled in annoyance. "Wha'dya want, Keigo?" he said as he scratched his head.
Keigo just whipped out a giant orange plastic egg and pointed at it."Look! Look! It's so cool!"
The entire gang looked at it, trying to not laugh, and Ichigo became even more annoyed.
"What are you, five? It's just freaking' silly putty, big deal!" He grumbled
Keigo dropped to the floor. "Just, silly putty? JUST silly putty?! It's the biggest thing of silly putty ever made!"
Ichigo sighed and turned to sit at his desk. "Is that what the box said? I thought it would've been something more stupid to get you to buy it."
Keigo growled and began a starring match with Ichigo over the matter.
Then Rukia's voice broke the silence.
"Uhm...What's...what's this...'silly putty'?" she said.
Keigo's eyes went wide "WHAT?! You don't know what silly putty is?!"
But before he could continue Ichigo had snatched the bright orange egg away and... And... Replaced his scowl with a smile...?
Rukia was surprised to see him smile and it made her heart skip a beat.
'Why isn't he teasing me like usual? And WHY is he smiling at me?! Oh Kami, why does he make me so nervous...'
Everyone else was surprised to see him smile too.
"Shut up, Keigo." Came Ichigo's stern voice.
"No. Shut up." Ichigo began to become greatly annoyed as everyone was staring at him. "I'll explain it."
The gang huddled up around his desk to hear him, even though the explanation was only for Rukia's sake.
Ichigo turned in his chair toward her desk and cleared his throat. Rukia turned as well placing her hands on her knees.
"See, this orange egg is made out of plastic and it's hollow in side. They put the silly putty inside it."
'Man, I love explaining human world stuff to her. It's great seeing how surprised she gets over such things.'
Ichigo twisted the egg in half. The top half was empty, but the bottom half had a neon orange goo in the bottom.
Rukia's eyes went wide at first, but then she cocked her head and looked at it questioningly. Then she looked up at Ichigo with that same look.
He couldn't help but chuckle and give her a reassuring smile. Which wasn't all that reassuring. After all he NEVER smiles. Rukia found herself fidgeting every time their eyes met.
Ichigo pulled the stuff out of the bottom half with a 'squish' sound and held it in his hands.
"Here, you can touch it."
She looked at it apprehensively and Ichigo laughed.
"Trust me, it won't bite. It's safe."
Rukia reached out and poked it.
"Eek, its cold!" she exclaimed and pulled her finger back.
The entire gang started laughing at her, but the only laugh she could hear was Ichigo's.
She scrunched her face up, and was going to give him a piece of her mind. But when she looked up at his smiling face her expression relaxed and she forgot what it was she had been about to say.
He smiled. "Of course it is. It's not living so the heat it gets is from your hands. The heat from your hands helps you to mold it into shapes better."
At that he began to roll it around between his hands. When he stopped the ball of bright orange goo looked like it was melting as it flattened out into his palm.
Rukia looked at it with more curiosity. Icigo couldn't help but smirk.
'She looks like a child who hasn't seen the world before.' He thought to himself.
"See." He said as he took her hand and dumped the glob of orange putty into her it. She expected it to be cold, but, it was warm.
She looked up at him and he smiled down at her.
"Oh." was all she could say as she looked down at it.
Ichigo scratched the back of his head.
"And that's not the cool part. It can copy ink from paper."
She looked up at him a bit surprised.
"Yeah....hmmm...I've got an idea."
Rukia looked up at him questioningly with the orange goo still in her hands.
Ichigo opened his desk up and pulled out his art pad.
Currently in class they were working on an art project, and they found that Ichigo was quite the artist.
He flipped through the notebook and with a little "ah-ha." Set it open on his desk.
It was the current art project and he had shown it to no one yet.
Everyone around his desk gasped in surprise. He had never shared it because it was a sketch of a certain shinigami (in human form) who was sitting right next to him.
The sketch was her sitting at her desk, legs crossed, head resting in her hand, and looking towards the direction of the windows in class (and of course, towards where Ichigo sits).
Rukia never even noticed him doing it, as she was always zoned when she was looking out the window.
"Sorry, it's not done yet. I wasn't going to show it to anyone until I had finished it and colored it."
A slight blush hinted at making an appearance on his cheeks and his hand went up to his head.
Rukia was surprised.
'He...He's been drawing me for his art project?'
She couldn't help but blush herself.
"Anyways..." said Ichigo as he looked down at Rukia "I pulled it out because I've been using an ink pen to draw it, so the putty should pick it up really well."
Rukia couldn't help but notice his hand brush against hers as he took the putty from her hands.
He placed it on the top half of the picture, and smoothed it out with his thumb, pressing ever so lightly.
He then peeled it up and revealed an ink copy of her from the waist up on neon orange.
Rukia squealed in delight "that's so cool!" and couldn't help but smile at him.
Ichigo grinned back and handed her the orange putty.
She looked at it for a second, and then asked him "does the image stay on this forever?"
She gave a wary glance at Keigo. After all, it was his putty and she didn't really want him to have a copy her face.
Ichigo shook his head no. "You can wipe the ink off, and when you ball it back up it'll go away too.”
"Ohhh.” Was all the said and then she wiped at the forehead and watched it smear and rub off.
Ichigo reached out and helped her rub the rest of it away.
Ichigo grinned and showed her his right hand. His finger tips were black. She looked down at her own hand, which also had black finger tips.
She showed him hers and started laughing.
"Thanks Ichigo." she said as she smiled.
"No problem" he said in return as he stuffed the putty back into its egg and threw it at Keigo's face.
Just then the bell rang. Everyone scattered to their seats; class had begun.