Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ The Forgotten ❯ Chatper 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The rain came down in buckets in Soul Society on this particular day, trapping all of its inhabitants indoors to escape the downpour. Included amongst them was Aizen Sosuke, captain of the fifth squad and secret planner of the downfall of soul society as well as the living world. He was a man of average height and build with dark brown hair that he chose to spike into many wild directions. He wore glasses, though they weren't necessary, just another part of the ruse he constantly played so that his goal was that much easier to complete.
Speaking of his goal, Aizen found himself at a cross roads. He was currently far too weak to have any hope of capturing Soul Society, what with only himself and his former subordinate, Ichimaru Gin as a conspirator, they stood no chance. He needed a way to increase his power. The most logical answer was shinigami, but the amount of soul reapers that had the amount of power he needed were few. He could always `persuade' some of the more powerful ones to join his side, but experience had taught the traitorous captain that shinigami who served him of their own volition made better subordinates, if only there was a way to ensure that he could have a completely loyal and powerful subordinate, without having to use his zanpakuto. The answer hit him in an instant and best of all; it would keep him away from that freakish captain of the twelfth division. All he needed to do was have a little meeting with Soifon-taicho.
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Aizen found the leader of the Special Forces in her office, not doing the paperwork that haunted many captains, but meditating.
“Aizen-taicho, to what do I owe the honor?” Soifon's voice was stiff and the rouge captain knew that the greeting was forced, not because she knew of his plans, but because Soifon only respected two people in the whole of Soul Society, earth or any other dimension and he wasn't GenryÅ«sai-sotaicho or Yoruichi, the former head of the Shihouin family.
“There are some plans that I needed to discuss with you.” Aizen's voice was smooth as years of lying to people's faces had allowed him to perfect his act.
“What plans?” Her eyes opened just in time to Aizen pull his zanpakuto from his sheath and release his shikai.
“Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu.” Upon Aizen's command the effects of his zanpakuto took hold and Soifon fell under his control as he hypnotized her to do his bidding.
“Why, the plans where you bear me the child that will lead to the downfall of Soul Society, of course.” Aizen lead Soifon out of her office and to her own bedroom, where he proceeded to initiate phase one.
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It had been a long time since the day that Aizen first decided to use Soifon. That wasn't completely unexpected, since death gods weren't exactly ideal for bringing life into the world, but this was ridiculous! In retrospect, Soifon might have been the most powerful female captain, but Unohana would have made the better mother. Getting the second division captain pregnant was proving to be a monumental task and if Aizen couldn't conceive a child soon, he might have to move on to a different women, and unfortunately using another captain would prove too difficult. People had begun to take notice of the change in the second division captain, and it was drawing unwanted attention.
It was for that reason that Soifon had been sent on a long term mission to earth, something usually left to some shinigami of no consequence, but the general had thought it best that she get some `time off'.
After less than a month on earth, she discovered that she was pregnant and although her first instinct was to contact Aizen and let him know of his plans success, something in her told her to keep this from him. He had no way of following up on her or the child. That thought struck her as odd, as she was still under hypnosis but past it off as motherly instinct.
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The months past and the baby grew, yet Soifon never told Aizen of the development. It was like the baby didn't want to be known to its father and was doing everything in its power to remain hidden. Soifon had taken to falsifying the reports she sent back to Soul Society, as she was becoming unable to do much in terms of physical activity. She couldn't wait until she could return; the patrols were becoming far too boring, as she never felt any spirits strong enough to even attract hollows. Placing a hand on her stomach, she was even happier that this was almost over.
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This was beyond agony. Had she known that child birth was such an ordeal, Soifon would've never carried the babe to term. Plus, to make things worse, being a shinigami, there weren't any doctors that could help her, and going to Unohana taicho was out of the question. Another contraction wracked her body as the baby began to demand release. Watching all of the people pass her, none aware of her existence, the captain of the second division wanted nothing more than someone to help her. It was a prayer that she hadn't expected to be answered.
She felt a strong arm latch onto her shoulder as she was pulled backwards until she was sitting down in a wheelchair. Looking at the first person to show any awareness of her since she had arrived on earth, she thought she recognized his face, it reminded her of a former captain in the Gotei 13, but she couldn't place him.
“I'll help you as best I can, but I'm afraid I don't have any pain killers meant for death gods.” Kurosaki Isshin was surprised to see the disciple of Yoruichi on earth and pregnant. However, as a doctor he felt duty bound to try and help her through the birth as best he could.
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Three hours later, Soifon was resting, having just given birth to a healthy baby girl who seemed to take after her in many different areas. After cleaning her up, Isshin lay the baby next to her mother and walked from the room to check on his own wife and their own new born, Ichigo. By the time he would check up on them again, both mother and child would be gone, the only evidence of their existence was the bedding Soifon had lay in after the delivery.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
For the next three months, Soifon couldn't remember being happier. The baby, whom she had decided to name Kasumi, had completely taken over her life. The voice that had once told her to report to Aizen was now non existent and she could see past his manipulations. He wanted to bring about a new regime to Soul Society and would do so through blood shed and destruction, with Kasumi as his front line. She had tried many times before, to find the family that had helped her, in hope that they could take care of her child, so that she would be protected from Aizen, but to no success. To make matters worse, every time that she was separated from Kasumi, she felt Aizen's control try and regain its former foot hold on her mind. It was as if the baby's presence was keeping Aizen from controlling her, meaning that if she did leave her with those nice people, she would fall to his control again.
It was the day that she was to return to Soul Society and she didn't have any more time to stall. It pained her to be in this situation; either leave her child, the one thing anchoring her to her own free will, or remain free but put the child in great risk.
Looking into Kasumi's eyes as she tried to grab a hold of her mother's hair, Soifon made up her mind. She would leave the child and hope that someone would find it and protect it, both from hollows and Aizen, but also from herself, if she couldn't fight Aizen's control and he ordered her to find the child once again.
“I'm so sorry, Kasumi-chan, but Mommy's got to go run somewhere and I just can't take you with me. Good bye my little girl.”
With that tearful and very painful parting, Soifon opened the gate to Soul Society and stepped through, not to return for her baby.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
The large eyes of a black cat watched the figure as she walked down the street, a small bundle held in her arms, invisible to all who were out and about at this time of night. She had heard rumors of a captain level shinigami present on earth, and assumed that they were out hunting after her or her friend, disgraced captain of the twelfth division, Urahara Kisuke. Instead of a hunter, Yoruichi found a heavily pregnant Soifon who seemed very different than the girl she remembered leaving years ago. Now that the baby had been born, with help from the Kurosaki family no less, the goddess of flash was wondering what her former subordinate was going to do. She watched as the girl she had singled out for her skill placed the bundle on the ground, hidden behind a dumpster, and began to speak to the mass of blankets, the only word that Yoruichi could make out was the name Kasumi-chan and then without a second look, Soifon opened the gate back to Soul society and then walked through.
To say that Yoruichi was stunned would be to say that Kisuke had taken too many bumps to the head as a child. (He acted far too weird and happy not to have some brain damage) She had known Soifon to be a nice person, who would never harm a human soul if it could be helped, or if someone insulted Yoruichi. To leave a baby in the human world where it would undoubtedly be attacked by hollows was too callous for the second division captain. Transforming back to her human body, Yoruichi picked up the baby and stared into the face of the cutest baby girl she had ever seen. Her hair was dark blue, darker than even her mothers, but her eyes were of a warm brown color that seemed to make her feel at peace.
“I don't know why she would have done something like this, but I will raise you, to make sure that you live to ask why.” Flashing back to Kisuke's store, Yoruichi realized that it would do no good to give the child her mother's last name. “I'll call you Kasumi; since it is what your mom wanted…Shihouin Kasumi.” The baby just closed its eyes and fell asleep.
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Kisuke was awoken by a pounding at his bedroom door, something only the goddess of flash would dare do. He opened the door and let her in, intent on asking if she had found Soifon, but was instead promptly handed the bundle that was Kasumi while Yoruichi began to rumble around his room, looking for something.
“And this would be?” He asked quietly, hoping not to wake the child.
“Her name is Kasumi and I'm going to raise her.” She stuck her hand in a jar full of spirit candy and fished around.
“What, if I may ask, are you looking for anyways?” Kisuke was still cradling the child in his arms with a bemused look on his face.
“The Hogyoku.” This was not the response he had been expecting. “Look, you need to hide it, before they find out about it, and Kasumi-chan will need to be able to pass as human. It might drain her of her shinigami powers, who knows for how long, but it is the best way.”
Kisuke sighed, knowing it wouldn't do to argue; after all, what Yoruichi said was true. He shifted the sleeping weight in his arms to his right arm only and reached inside his robes, before pulling out a black sphere, about the size of a peach pit. He placed the tiny orb against Kasumi's chest and watched as it disappeared into the child's pale skin. Handing the girl back to Yoruichi, he yawned and pushed her out of the room. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get some sleep.”
_________________________________________________________________ _______
Soifon stepped back into Soul Society for the first time in a little over a year. She was greeted by the gate guard and allowed to pass into the walls of the court of pure souls, the home of all shinigami. Shortly after arriving at her home, she was greeted by Aizen, who was unhappy to she that she was not pregnant with his child. He had made plans for this possibility, and erased all memories of the past year and replanted them with fake memories. When he was done, Soifon never knew that she had been pregnant or had even been to earth for the past nine months. Aizen never realized that his daughter was living with probably two of the three people in all of heaven or hell who could hide her from him.