Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ The Many Faces of Revenge ❯ A Bruised Ego ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Although Nanao was known to be grumpy at times, it was rare that she snapped at anyone but her Taichou. Today, however, as she walked with purpose toward her squad’s headquarters, she barely looked at anyone. The only time she did give someone notice was to glare at them for their cheerful greeting. Something they immediately regretted.
The eighth squad had been given their orders earlier that morning, the cause for her distress. Since they had been the squad to dispatch of the assassin, they were the ones who would be heading the investigation to find out where he’d come from. Although he had survived the battle against Shunsui and Nanao, he had yet to give them any useful information.
The detention and extraction of information from the assassin had been left to the Taichou of the 12th squad. He’d failed to keep his headquarters secure and allowed himself to be attacked and incapacitated. This was his punishment. A punishment that he continually complained of. Constantly blabbering about it being the duty of the second squad, especially if he wasn’t going to be allowed to use the man for experiments of his own choosing.
Nanao was in no mood for his complaints, especially not today. She caught sight of him walking toward her, the tiny Nemu walking submissively behind him. She knew that he was coming to ask her to take the assassin off her hands again. It was their investigation so they should want him under their roof.
She stopped abruptly and walked toward him. There was a purpose and drive in her eyes that made even the steadfast ego of Mayuri start. When he opened his mouth to speak, her hand shot up. He blinked in surprise.
“Shut up. I don’t want to hear it, Kurotsuchi Taichou. He was given to you and you’re just going to have to deal with that. I don’t have time to stand here and argue with you on the subject of your childish complaints. Now, get out of my way.”
She growled and walked around him, resisting the urge to hit him with her shoulder as she walked past. She could feel a definite chill descend around her, making her stop.
“Fukutaichou, is this how you address a man of higher rank?” He asked, his voice low, dangerous. A clear reprimand, trying to regain some of his bruised ego.
Again, she wasn’t in the mood. She spun on her heel and glared at him from over her glasses. “With all due respect, Kurotsuchi Taichou, you are a man above me in rank -only-.” She bit out. “I would appreciate it in the future if you would only bother me with important matters. I am a -very- busy woman and I don’t have time for your petty bickering. Every word that comes out of your mouth serves only two purposes. To either intimidate or annoy. You can‘t intimidate me, but you annoy me a great deal. I‘m telling you right now. Stay away from me unless you have something useful to say. Something deserving of a Taichou.”
She walked away quickly before he could say anything else, though she could feel the cold air around her darken with anger. He was probably too flustered to say anything. She knew that she would regret her words later, but for right now-
-It felt really, really good.
The afternoon was already fading by the time her words came back to haunt her. Her own Taichou came into the office, his eyes hidden by the rim of his wide hat. He was tisking softly as he gently took her hand, forcing her stop sorting papers.
“Love of my life, my dear hearted Nanao-chan. Why would you do such a thing?” He asked quietly, making his dark eyes barely visible as he regarded her.
She snapped her hand away and began to shuffle papers once more. “I knew that horrid man would complain like a little body. He had it coming.” She said quickly, her voice cold.
“Of course, he’s had it coming for centuries, that doesn’t mean you should lower yourself to his level and give it to him.” He said gently. “He isn’t really a man you’d like to cross.” He warned.
“I just wasn’t in the mood for it. Like I’m not in the mood for this.” She said sharply.
“What has come over you, Nanao-chan?”
She turned toward him, purple eyes piercing his very soul. She wanted to make sure that he fully understood what had come over her.
“Do you have -any- idea how hard it’s going to be keeping an eye on you in the living world?!” She asked, planting her hands on her hips.
“I promise to behave.” He swore, giving her his best, devilish grin.
“Right.” She said, rolling her eyes. Like she couldn’t see through that.
Resting his large hands on her slim shoulders, he pleaded for her to look up at him with his eyes. He was rewarded with her level gaze. She was trying to calm down.
“Nanao, I swear to you, I will not disappoint you. You may think that I don’t understand how hard you work, how much you do for our squad, but I do. I won’t make your life any harder. Besides, normally I would have just gone out to chase skirts. I don’t need to do that anymore.” He said with a wink. With a heavy sigh, Nanao nodded. “Dear Nanao-chan. Why don’t you tell me what’s really bothering you?” He requested gently.
“It’s this whole assassin assignment. Of the information Kurotsuchi was able to give me about the assassin, I haven’t found anything in the libraries. On top of that, he’s refusing me access to his records. He said that they’ve been combed through and there wasn’t anything relevant.”
“To be honest, your actions earlier today won’t be buying your way into his good graces any time soon. Besides, I don’t quite understand, Nanao-chan. Are you upset that you couldn’t find anything?”
“No.” She said quickly, looking down at her feet. “Of course not, that would be silly. It isn’t my fault that the information isn’t there. I’m annoyed that…that….” She sputtered slightly.
“Sweet, flowery Nanao-chan. Do not fear. Your secret is safe with me. Please do not think of it as a short coming. You yourself just said it. It isn’t your fault that the information isn’t there for you to find. We just got the orders to head the investigation this morning. The fact that you couldn’t find anything, especially with one or the more extensive branches of the library destroyed, is not at all surprising. You’re good, Nanao-chan, but no one is -that- good.”
She sighed and opened her mouth to speak, but he shook his head. “No more about it. We have a lot of packing to do, you and I.” Releasing her shoulders, he stepped back and slid his hands into his sleeves. “And while you’re doing that, I’m going to go speak to our travel companions.” He grinned, and headed out of the office.
“Taichou!” She fairly yelled at his retreating back. It was no use. He was gone, leaving her to pack for the both of them by herself. Things were getting back to normal and in some small way, that was a comfort.
Nanao struggled with the last piece of luggage, tossing it onto the pile that had gathered before the Senkai gate, all the while bitterly watching her Taichou hold an idle conversation with his good friend. Ukitake Taichou had come to see them off. Wiping her brow, she planted her hands on her hips and cleared her throat.
He glanced over at her and smiled. “Nanao-chan, you are the best fukutaichou a man could ask for.”
“Why aren’t you dressed for the living world?” She asked, like a mother addressing an attention deficit child.
“I was just getting some advice from Ukitake.” He grinned, moving toward her to take her hand and brush a gentle kiss on her knuckles. She forced herself to react with annoyance, though the touch of his lips melted her heart. It was sweet how he used actions like that to remind her when they were in public that she still held a special place in his heart.
“Well next time, less idle chatter and more helping with the luggage.” She snapped, pulling her hand away. “All of that stuff is heavy.” She admonished.
His black eyes sparkled as he bowed to her. “Of course, Nanao-chan.”
With another exasperated sigh, she rolled her eyes. “Impossible.” She muttered under her breath, looking over at the other two who were assigned to accompany them to the living world.
Hitsugya Taichou and his fukutaichou Matsumoto, had spent a fair amount of time there, so they were the reasonable choice. Matsumoto was giggling happily and bouncing around as she followed her Taichou. She was, rather melodically, speaking of all the wonderful things she would do and buy while her Taichou was masterfully ignoring her. That child’s patience was truly a sight to behold.
“Hitsugya Taichou.” Nanao greeted with a bow, nodding as well to Matsumoto who was paying no attention to anyone else. She was clearly lost in her excitement.
“I’m glad you’re coming, Ise.” He greeted in return. There was slightly more emotion in his tone than usually displayed. His relief at another level headed Shinigami going on their trip was apparent.
“Toushiro!” Shunsui greeted with his trademark lazy grin.
“Kyoraku.” He returned with his flat tone. “I assume you’re ready to leave?”
Apparently he’d caught a bit of the earlier conversation regarding his packing diligence. Nanao nodded and answered for him.
“Everything is ready. We can leave imm-.”
“Nanao!” Matsumoto exclaimed, pressing one hand to her ample chest. “How adorable!” She squealed, running over to the surprised woman and picking at her clothes as she examined them. “You took my advice, I’m so happy! You look so stunning in khakis with that little lilac top! It even has flowers on it! It makes your eyes sparkle. Aww, you’re gonna turn heads!” She continued to squeal.
Nanao smiled gracefully but mostly followed Hitsugya Taichou’s example and let the words go in one ear and out the other. “Thank you Matsumoto. I don’t know very much about the living world so I had no choice but to follow your advice. I had hoped you wouldn’t lead me astray.” She returned.
It didn’t take long for her Taichou to return, fully dressed for the living world. He wore plain black slacks and a pastel pink shirt, hidden slightly by a black sports jacket. She crossed her arms over her chest as she looked him over.
Pulling the pairing of flowers out of the tie in his hair, he pushed them behind one of her ears and smiled at her.
“We can leave now, Nanao-chan.” He grinned, happily looking over at the two Shinigami who guarded the Senkai gate. “We can leave now.” He ordered, waving a figure to indicate that they should begin the process. Finally, they could get the investigation under way.
Mayuri was still sore from the encounter with the feisty fukutaichou earlier in the morning. She had pushed all of the right buttons to put him in a foul mood. Feeling rather like making someone else suffer for his miserable mood, he descended the dark, cold staircase into the lower levels of his lab. The assassin was where he’d left him, tied to a steel table, unable to move an inch.
“Do you feel like talking yet? I’m sure no one would mind if you suddenly were to…expire?” The scientist asked with no small amount of disdain in his voice. He gently scraped the man’s cheek with one clawed finger.
“Death would be welcome to being kept here any longer. Damn your little puppy. Following you around and throwing herself in danger for you. What sort of man allows a woman to protect him?” The man growled.
“One who still lives. Besides,” He waved a hand dismissively. “She is expendable. Better to lose such a small object than allow the world to continue without my genius.” Mayuri rambled.
“Do you feel any remorse at all for the people you hurt? Even those close to you?” The assassin asked.
Mayuri looked over his shoulder at the man tied down to the table, yellow eyes unblinking as they stared. “No.” He said simply.
“You don’t even know me. Do you?” The voice, filled with hatred came from between tightly clenched teeth.
“I’ve never seen you before in my life.” Mayuri scoffed.
“Of course, you wouldn’t remember. But I remember. I remember all to well the part you played in my personal hell.” The assassin fairly spat.
“What are you talking about?” Mayuri asked with a curious stare.
The assassin’s eyes bore into him for a few seconds before he stared up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. Silence was the only answer Mayuri would receive. That, of course, only made his mood more foul. With a blow to the head hard enough to knock him out, the assassin was left in the silent darkness. The only company he would have when he woke was the lingering hatred that had flowed off of Mayuri’s being as he left.
The eighth squad had been given their orders earlier that morning, the cause for her distress. Since they had been the squad to dispatch of the assassin, they were the ones who would be heading the investigation to find out where he’d come from. Although he had survived the battle against Shunsui and Nanao, he had yet to give them any useful information.
The detention and extraction of information from the assassin had been left to the Taichou of the 12th squad. He’d failed to keep his headquarters secure and allowed himself to be attacked and incapacitated. This was his punishment. A punishment that he continually complained of. Constantly blabbering about it being the duty of the second squad, especially if he wasn’t going to be allowed to use the man for experiments of his own choosing.
Nanao was in no mood for his complaints, especially not today. She caught sight of him walking toward her, the tiny Nemu walking submissively behind him. She knew that he was coming to ask her to take the assassin off her hands again. It was their investigation so they should want him under their roof.
She stopped abruptly and walked toward him. There was a purpose and drive in her eyes that made even the steadfast ego of Mayuri start. When he opened his mouth to speak, her hand shot up. He blinked in surprise.
“Shut up. I don’t want to hear it, Kurotsuchi Taichou. He was given to you and you’re just going to have to deal with that. I don’t have time to stand here and argue with you on the subject of your childish complaints. Now, get out of my way.”
She growled and walked around him, resisting the urge to hit him with her shoulder as she walked past. She could feel a definite chill descend around her, making her stop.
“Fukutaichou, is this how you address a man of higher rank?” He asked, his voice low, dangerous. A clear reprimand, trying to regain some of his bruised ego.
Again, she wasn’t in the mood. She spun on her heel and glared at him from over her glasses. “With all due respect, Kurotsuchi Taichou, you are a man above me in rank -only-.” She bit out. “I would appreciate it in the future if you would only bother me with important matters. I am a -very- busy woman and I don’t have time for your petty bickering. Every word that comes out of your mouth serves only two purposes. To either intimidate or annoy. You can‘t intimidate me, but you annoy me a great deal. I‘m telling you right now. Stay away from me unless you have something useful to say. Something deserving of a Taichou.”
She walked away quickly before he could say anything else, though she could feel the cold air around her darken with anger. He was probably too flustered to say anything. She knew that she would regret her words later, but for right now-
-It felt really, really good.
The afternoon was already fading by the time her words came back to haunt her. Her own Taichou came into the office, his eyes hidden by the rim of his wide hat. He was tisking softly as he gently took her hand, forcing her stop sorting papers.
“Love of my life, my dear hearted Nanao-chan. Why would you do such a thing?” He asked quietly, making his dark eyes barely visible as he regarded her.
She snapped her hand away and began to shuffle papers once more. “I knew that horrid man would complain like a little body. He had it coming.” She said quickly, her voice cold.
“Of course, he’s had it coming for centuries, that doesn’t mean you should lower yourself to his level and give it to him.” He said gently. “He isn’t really a man you’d like to cross.” He warned.
“I just wasn’t in the mood for it. Like I’m not in the mood for this.” She said sharply.
“What has come over you, Nanao-chan?”
She turned toward him, purple eyes piercing his very soul. She wanted to make sure that he fully understood what had come over her.
“Do you have -any- idea how hard it’s going to be keeping an eye on you in the living world?!” She asked, planting her hands on her hips.
“I promise to behave.” He swore, giving her his best, devilish grin.
“Right.” She said, rolling her eyes. Like she couldn’t see through that.
Resting his large hands on her slim shoulders, he pleaded for her to look up at him with his eyes. He was rewarded with her level gaze. She was trying to calm down.
“Nanao, I swear to you, I will not disappoint you. You may think that I don’t understand how hard you work, how much you do for our squad, but I do. I won’t make your life any harder. Besides, normally I would have just gone out to chase skirts. I don’t need to do that anymore.” He said with a wink. With a heavy sigh, Nanao nodded. “Dear Nanao-chan. Why don’t you tell me what’s really bothering you?” He requested gently.
“It’s this whole assassin assignment. Of the information Kurotsuchi was able to give me about the assassin, I haven’t found anything in the libraries. On top of that, he’s refusing me access to his records. He said that they’ve been combed through and there wasn’t anything relevant.”
“To be honest, your actions earlier today won’t be buying your way into his good graces any time soon. Besides, I don’t quite understand, Nanao-chan. Are you upset that you couldn’t find anything?”
“No.” She said quickly, looking down at her feet. “Of course not, that would be silly. It isn’t my fault that the information isn’t there. I’m annoyed that…that….” She sputtered slightly.
“Sweet, flowery Nanao-chan. Do not fear. Your secret is safe with me. Please do not think of it as a short coming. You yourself just said it. It isn’t your fault that the information isn’t there for you to find. We just got the orders to head the investigation this morning. The fact that you couldn’t find anything, especially with one or the more extensive branches of the library destroyed, is not at all surprising. You’re good, Nanao-chan, but no one is -that- good.”
She sighed and opened her mouth to speak, but he shook his head. “No more about it. We have a lot of packing to do, you and I.” Releasing her shoulders, he stepped back and slid his hands into his sleeves. “And while you’re doing that, I’m going to go speak to our travel companions.” He grinned, and headed out of the office.
“Taichou!” She fairly yelled at his retreating back. It was no use. He was gone, leaving her to pack for the both of them by herself. Things were getting back to normal and in some small way, that was a comfort.
Nanao struggled with the last piece of luggage, tossing it onto the pile that had gathered before the Senkai gate, all the while bitterly watching her Taichou hold an idle conversation with his good friend. Ukitake Taichou had come to see them off. Wiping her brow, she planted her hands on her hips and cleared her throat.
He glanced over at her and smiled. “Nanao-chan, you are the best fukutaichou a man could ask for.”
“Why aren’t you dressed for the living world?” She asked, like a mother addressing an attention deficit child.
“I was just getting some advice from Ukitake.” He grinned, moving toward her to take her hand and brush a gentle kiss on her knuckles. She forced herself to react with annoyance, though the touch of his lips melted her heart. It was sweet how he used actions like that to remind her when they were in public that she still held a special place in his heart.
“Well next time, less idle chatter and more helping with the luggage.” She snapped, pulling her hand away. “All of that stuff is heavy.” She admonished.
His black eyes sparkled as he bowed to her. “Of course, Nanao-chan.”
With another exasperated sigh, she rolled her eyes. “Impossible.” She muttered under her breath, looking over at the other two who were assigned to accompany them to the living world.
Hitsugya Taichou and his fukutaichou Matsumoto, had spent a fair amount of time there, so they were the reasonable choice. Matsumoto was giggling happily and bouncing around as she followed her Taichou. She was, rather melodically, speaking of all the wonderful things she would do and buy while her Taichou was masterfully ignoring her. That child’s patience was truly a sight to behold.
“Hitsugya Taichou.” Nanao greeted with a bow, nodding as well to Matsumoto who was paying no attention to anyone else. She was clearly lost in her excitement.
“I’m glad you’re coming, Ise.” He greeted in return. There was slightly more emotion in his tone than usually displayed. His relief at another level headed Shinigami going on their trip was apparent.
“Toushiro!” Shunsui greeted with his trademark lazy grin.
“Kyoraku.” He returned with his flat tone. “I assume you’re ready to leave?”
Apparently he’d caught a bit of the earlier conversation regarding his packing diligence. Nanao nodded and answered for him.
“Everything is ready. We can leave imm-.”
“Nanao!” Matsumoto exclaimed, pressing one hand to her ample chest. “How adorable!” She squealed, running over to the surprised woman and picking at her clothes as she examined them. “You took my advice, I’m so happy! You look so stunning in khakis with that little lilac top! It even has flowers on it! It makes your eyes sparkle. Aww, you’re gonna turn heads!” She continued to squeal.
Nanao smiled gracefully but mostly followed Hitsugya Taichou’s example and let the words go in one ear and out the other. “Thank you Matsumoto. I don’t know very much about the living world so I had no choice but to follow your advice. I had hoped you wouldn’t lead me astray.” She returned.
It didn’t take long for her Taichou to return, fully dressed for the living world. He wore plain black slacks and a pastel pink shirt, hidden slightly by a black sports jacket. She crossed her arms over her chest as she looked him over.
Pulling the pairing of flowers out of the tie in his hair, he pushed them behind one of her ears and smiled at her.
“We can leave now, Nanao-chan.” He grinned, happily looking over at the two Shinigami who guarded the Senkai gate. “We can leave now.” He ordered, waving a figure to indicate that they should begin the process. Finally, they could get the investigation under way.
Mayuri was still sore from the encounter with the feisty fukutaichou earlier in the morning. She had pushed all of the right buttons to put him in a foul mood. Feeling rather like making someone else suffer for his miserable mood, he descended the dark, cold staircase into the lower levels of his lab. The assassin was where he’d left him, tied to a steel table, unable to move an inch.
“Do you feel like talking yet? I’m sure no one would mind if you suddenly were to…expire?” The scientist asked with no small amount of disdain in his voice. He gently scraped the man’s cheek with one clawed finger.
“Death would be welcome to being kept here any longer. Damn your little puppy. Following you around and throwing herself in danger for you. What sort of man allows a woman to protect him?” The man growled.
“One who still lives. Besides,” He waved a hand dismissively. “She is expendable. Better to lose such a small object than allow the world to continue without my genius.” Mayuri rambled.
“Do you feel any remorse at all for the people you hurt? Even those close to you?” The assassin asked.
Mayuri looked over his shoulder at the man tied down to the table, yellow eyes unblinking as they stared. “No.” He said simply.
“You don’t even know me. Do you?” The voice, filled with hatred came from between tightly clenched teeth.
“I’ve never seen you before in my life.” Mayuri scoffed.
“Of course, you wouldn’t remember. But I remember. I remember all to well the part you played in my personal hell.” The assassin fairly spat.
“What are you talking about?” Mayuri asked with a curious stare.
The assassin’s eyes bore into him for a few seconds before he stared up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. Silence was the only answer Mayuri would receive. That, of course, only made his mood more foul. With a blow to the head hard enough to knock him out, the assassin was left in the silent darkness. The only company he would have when he woke was the lingering hatred that had flowed off of Mayuri’s being as he left.