Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Unlike Uryuu ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thank you everyone for the reviews! It's 8:30 am, been up all night finishing this chapter, I hope you like it. I found it a bit boring myself, but I PROMISE the next one will be more interesting. Review please, it makes me want to write more and please my readers! But please... be gentle, like I said, this isn't the greastest chapter I've written.

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Hitsugaya was sitting at his desk, going over the report about Uryuu. He slammed the paper down and massaged his temples.
“What's wrong taichou?” Matsumoto asked, lifting her head from the couch.
He got up, snatching the report from his desk. “These idiots didn't do what was instructed for them to do.” he walked towards the door.
“Where are you going?” She asked, now sitting up.
“To the research center. When Kurosaki and Anderson arrive, have them meet me there.” He answered, then walked out the door.
He made it to the reasearch center and was let in by one of the researchers. He walked past Uryuu, hooked up to a large machine and still unconsious, and slammed the report on a table in front of one of the research team members. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to remain calm. “What exactly did I instruct you to do?” he asked, agravation heard clearly in his voice.
He hesitated before answering. “You told us to slowly remove his extra spirit energy.”
“Then what is this?” The small captain asked, motioning towards Uryuu.
“It's one of our new inventions. It removes spirit energy in larger quantities and faster than the old one.”
Hitsugaya opened his eyes and one twitched in his effort to calm himself. “I know this, it was in the report. What I'm asking for is an explaination as to why, which your report seemed to lack."
"It... seemed more efficient."
"You deliberately disobeyed orders and did something increadibly stupid! Does this look more efficient? His spirit energy is now dangerously low and I don't know that we can get him back!" He slammed his fist on the table.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ichigo and Lydia arrived at the soul society and headed directly for Hitsugaya's office. Once there Matsumoto answered the door.
"Lydia Anderson repoting in from the real world. May we speak with Hitsugaya-taichou?"
"Aaaw! I love your accent, you're so cute! You don't have to be so formal with me..." She said as she embraced Lydia in a fierce hug, pressing her against her huge boobs.
"I... can't breathe..." She managed to get out of her mouth while being squeazed hard by Matsumoto. She was let go, and took a deep breath.
"The taichou is out right now, but he said for you both to meet him at the research center."
Lydia gave a small bow, and they both left.
They got to the training center and was led into one of the research rooms where they saw Hitsugaya standing by Uryuu. He turned around at the sound of them entering. "Kurosaki, Anderson..."
"What's happened with Ishida?" Ichigo asked, walking over to the teen lying in the bed.
Hitsugaya sighed. " I instructed them to take it slow, but they ignored me and hooked him up to some new equipment. It's drained too much of his energy too quickly, and we need a doner."
"I'll do it." said Ichigo, not looking away from Ishida. Hitsugaya looked a bit surprized at how quickly he had answered. "Right after I murder them!" He pulled out his sword and charged at one of the researchers, but was stopped by Hitsugaya's blade clashing against his own.
"Kurosaki! I'm taking care of it!"
Ichigo pulled back and put away Zangetsu.
"What has gotten into you Kurosaki?! You're flying off the handle even more than you usually do."
Ichigo said nothing as he walked back over to Uryuu. "So how do we do this?"

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One of the researchers brought out another machine and hooked both Ichigo and Uryuu to it. Several hours passed and they unhooked both teens. Ichigo sat up on the edge of the bed, facing Uryuu. Hitsugaya thought it was best to leave them alone.
"Anderson, I need you to follow me to my office." he said to the blond next to him and he walked out of the room. Lydia followed.
When they arrived at his office, Hitsugaya sat behind his desk, Lydia in front of him.
"Hitsugaya-taichou, I was wondering... why did you bring me here? I could've stayed in Karakura taking care of some of the hollows."
Hitsugaya was sitting there, doing something that he not often did... drifting off with his thoughts. He remebered when Lydia had first come here from America.


Hitsugaya heard a knock on his door. "Yes?"
Matsumoto entered with a slender blond beside of her.
"Taichou, this is Anderson Lydia. She's new to our squad... well new to Japan altogether actually."
"Hitsugaya-taichou, it is such a pleasure to meet you, I've heard so much about you and your achievements. It is an honor to be in your squad."
"What has brought you here Anderson?" he asked, not looking up from his reports.
"Things are relatively calm in America, so they sent me here to help out since there has been a rather large spike in hollow activity."
"Well, you must be powerful to be chosen to come here alone. We haven't had this happen before." said the white-haired captain, finding himself looking up to see her reaction. She looked a bit shocked at the praise.
"I can hold my own in battle, but I'm not..." she was cut off.
"Then why are you here?" he asked, looking back down at his papers.
"They believed I was best for the job."
Her accent intrigued him to the point where he was suprized to find himself wanting to hear more.
"Where were you assigned?" He asked calmly, trying to make the conversation seem as related to work as possible.
"In Florida." was her short response. He was dissapointed to have run out of things that he "needed" to ask so quickly. He dismissed her and Matsumoto and returned to reviewing the reports.

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Several days had passed, and in order to see what this new girl could do, he sent her to Karakura to help Ichigo with the hollows.
"Oh come on taichou! We have to help her out. This is her first time in a foreign country. Just for a couple of days, and then we're back here. What do you say?" Matsumoto stuck her lip out in a pout, which frustrated the captain immensly.
"Fine." he mumbled and she squealed with delight. She left the room and was back in a couple of seconds with her bags.
"Do you need help packing taichou?" she asked excitedly. Hitsugaya's eyes went from her face, to her bags where he saw a tall bottle. He just shook his head.
"Do you have to take sake with you everywhere you go?" He asked irritably. He hoped she wasn't planning on getting the new girl drunk.
"No, but we're going to be staying there for a couple of days, and you never know. Come on taichou, lighten up."
"What is everyone's obsession with drinking?" he asked irritably. "Ishida, Renji, you... all the teens at that party were basically falling over themselves..." He got out of his chair and went to pack his things.

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"Over here..." Matsumoto said as they walked to a hotel.
"But... I don't have any money." Lydia said worriedly as they approached the big building.
"Aaaaw! That's so sad!" Matsumoto said as she squeazed her tightly. "But don't worry, the soul society pays for everything. Except shopping... but don't fret! I have enough, we can go find you some new real world clothes."
They stepped inside the hotel and Matsumoto got a room.
They put their things up and the big breasted soul reaper grabbed Lydia's hand and pulled her out of the room.
"Matsumoto! Where are you going?" He had asked.
"Oh! Sorry, we're going shopping. Would you like to come?" The last thing he wanted to do was shop... but he couldn't let them go alone, he had to make sure they didn't get into any trouble, right?
He followed along as they went from shop to shop, watching them try on several different things when Lydia came out in a camoflage tank top and a pair of kakis.
"What's on your shoulders?" he asked.
"Oh! Tribal stars. They're tattooed. Matsumoto-fukutaichou... this just isn't my style." She walked back into the dressing room and came back out with her previous clothes on. She went over to look through some clothes for herself.
'Tattoos...' he thought to himself. This interested him a little. Wait... no, no it didn't. What was going on with him?
Lydia went back into the dressing room with some clothes that she had picked out, and came back out with a black mini-skirt with a spiked belt, and a black spegetti-strap sirt.
"This is more my style. Simple, yet it gets the point across.Kind of a punk hint to it, but its not overwhelming."
"You look adorable!" Matsumoto exlaimed and Lydia gave a look that somehow told Hitsugaya that "adorable" wasn't what she was going for.
"Uuum, thanks... I'd like to hear the taichou's opinion as well. If that's alright with you..." She replied.
Hitsugaya was suprized that she considered his opinion. In truth, he thought she looked amazing, but he couldn't get too involved with things like this. He had to set a good example, keep his eyes set on the tasks ahead that had to do with protecting the souls of others.
He just nodded.
"Well, if you approve then I have to have it." She said and smiled.
Matsumoto bought the outfit for her, along with several for herself.
They exited the store, and she turned to Lydia, "So... what now?" She asked.
"Ummm, I dunno..."
"What do you like to do?"
"Well, I really enjoy listening to rock bands and partying, but shouldn't we ask HItsugaya-taichou what he likes as well?"
"This is for you! There's a bar nearby that local rock bands play at, we should go!"
'Great' Hitsygaya thought. 'More alcohol.'

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Hitsugaya watched as Lydia jumped up and down to the music. She walked back over to the bar and sat next to Matsumoto.
"This is great!" She yelled over the music, then took another shot.
"I know, isn't?" replied a thoroughly intoxicated Matsumoto.
"Matsumoto, Anderson, we really should be going. It's getting late."
"Oh, but taichou..." The fukutaichou began.
"That wasn't a request." He said, getting up from his seat. "It was an order."
The two dissappointed girls got up and walked out of the bar, heading back to the hotel, laughing and talking the whole way.

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Once inside the room, Lydia plopped down, back first onto the bed. Matsumoto went over to her bags and pulled out her bottle of sake.
"Not to fear." She sat down on the bed beside of Lydia. "We still have this! It is so great to have another drinking buddy." She poured a cup for Lydia, then one for herself.
Hitsugaya sighed. "I'm gonna go get a drink from that machine thing downstairs." he left the room and took the elevator to the first floor, where he struggled for a little while with the drink vender. He finally got his beverage and headed back upstairs. He got to the door and could hear the voices of the increadibly loud girls inside. He put his hand on the door knob and started to turn, but stopped when he heard his name.
"You mean the taichou?!" Matsumoto laughed.
"Yeah... what?! You don't think so? Toshirou is so sexy in my opinion..."
Hitsugaya felt a little spark from this, but he shook his head and opened the door. "It's Hitsugaya-taichou to you." he said, looking at Lydia.

End Flashback

"Taichou... taichou, are you alright?" Hitsugaya focused back on reality and saw Lydia waving her hand in from of his face.
"Oh, Anderson, right, well. I needed you to escort Ichigo here. I couldn't let him wander around on his own."
"So, what would you like for me to do now?" Hitsugaya found himself staring. Staring at Lydia. She had such a beautiful face... and those lips... He had to clear his head. He picked up some reports from his desk and stared at the papers.
"Go to the research center and wait for Kurosaki to be ready to go back to the real world, then escort both of them back." He had to get her out of here. Something about her rebellious yet charming attitude had struck something inside of him. He was a captain, and he had to focus on more important things than getting mixed up in some unnessesary relationship with a girl that he knows little about.

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Lydia made it to the research center and was sitting across the room from Ichigo and Uryuu.
Uryuu's eyes fluttered. "I... Ichigo...?" he whispered. Ichigo jumped up.
"You're awake."
"What happened?" he asked, starting to sit up, but Ichigo coaxed him back down with a small nudge of his hand.
"The drug you took basically over-filled your body with spirit energy and these fucking idiots..." Ichigo shot a glare to the researcher in the room. "decided to try some new equipment on you, which drained almost all of your spirit energy."
"How did I get it back?"
Ichigo looked down. "I donated some of mine."
Uryuu sat up and looked away from him. "I don't need any help from someone like you."
"Fine, then you can find your way back on your own." Ichigo headed for the door.
"Actually, he can't. I've been ordered to escort..."
"Fine, escort him back, but I'm..."
"What is with everyone cutting me of?! You can't leave either Kurosaki! Now get your ass back here, I was ordered to escort both of you back."
Ichigo looked a little shocked to hear such a demand come out of someone so small, but just turned around and left anyway.
"Damn it..." She whispered under her breath and went after him.
"Kurosaki! Come back here, you're going to get me in trouble with the taichou. I was given an order, and I have to follow through with it. Kurosaki!"
Ichigo opened the pathway to the real world and was gone.
He got to his world and stepped into the rain. "Perfect." He said irritably as he walked home. His mind was on only one thing, Uryuu, when he passed the dark haired teen's house. He stopped in front of the doorway.

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Lydia went back to the research center.
"Ishida, are you well enough to go back?"
"Sure, I'm fine." He started to stand up, but fell back to the bed. He put a hand on his head.
"Are you alright?" she walked over and put a hand on his shoulder, he brushed it off.
"Yeah, just a little light headed. It's nothing." He got up and they walked outside where Lydia opened the pathway to the real world.
They arrived and parted ways as Lydia went to her hotel room and Uryuu went to his apartment. She turned her head towards him.
"Take care of yourself, okay?" she said, sounding slightly worried, then continued on her way.
He turned the knob to his front door. 'Shit, I forgot to lock the door' he thought as he walked inside. He walked to his living room, planning on trying to relax on the couch with a book, when he saw Ichigo occupying that space. He was furious.
"Kurosaki! What the hell are you doing here?! Just because the door is unlocked, it doesn't mean that you can just walk in!"
Ichigo got off of the couch and walked towards Uryuu, a look in his eyes that he'd never seen before. Uryuu just stood there as Ichigo aproached him and put his hand on the other teens face, then pushed his hair back and kissed him gently. Uryuu did nothing but stand in shock, then shoved Ichigo away.
"I've already told you, I can't do this anymore!" He wiped his mouth. "Get out, Kurosaki..." he wanted so badly for him to stay, but he couldn't, he couldn't let this continue.
"Uryuu, I'm not leaving." he stated firmly.
"Go! I don't need you here!" Uryuu was trying hard not to break down. Ichigo approached him again, and stood in front of him, almost touching. He leaned his face beside of Uryuu's ear.
"I love you." he whispered, sending chills down Uryuu's back. He couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed Ichigo by the back of the hair and kissed his firecly. Ichigo returned the kiss, then grabbed Uryuu and threw him on the couch. He climbed ontop of him and took his own shirt off, then unbuttoned the shirt of the teen below him. He started kissing his chest. Uryuu reached up and unbuttoned Ichigo's pants, which he slid off effortlessly. He then unbuttoned his own pants and slipped them off. Ichigo kissed lower, the soft, gentle kisses filling Uryuu with excitment, and took off the boxers of his lover. He put his hand on the bare ass, and Uryuu tensed.
"Relax..." he said softly. "I'll take it slow." he then placed a finger in his entrance. Uryuu gasped a little as Ichigo stretched him a little with one finger, then inserted two. Uryuu put a hand to his face and Ichigo stopped.
"Is this okay?" He asked, sounding a little concerned. Uryuu leaned up and kissed him. Ichigo took off his boxers and put his tip to Uryuu's entrance, then leaned down to his ear.
"You ready?" He whispered seductively. Uryuu nodded and Ichigo thrusted himself inside, then slowly slid out, only to enter again. It made Uryuu feel a little uncomfortable, until...
"Ichigo..." he whispered as the shinigami hit a spot that sent chills through Uryuu's body. He put his hands on Ichigo's hips. Uryuu moaned softly as he continued to thrust, his hands encouraging Ichigo to go faster, deeper. He picked up the pace to a point where sweat glissened on his body, and a droplet fell to Uryuu's bare chest. Ichigo took the neglected erection in his hand and started moving it up and down as he quickly moved his hips, creating increasingly louder moans from Uryuu. He dug his nails into Ichigo's hips and took a sharp intake of air as he spilled his semen onto Inchigos hand. Everything tightend around his erection sending him over the edge, coming inside of the teen that was now sweating as well. He pulled out and walked into the bathroom. He came out with a towel and tossed it to Uryuu, who was now laying with his arm over his forehead, breathing hard.
He took the towl and cleaned off, the got up, put his boxers on, and put the towel in the hamper in his room. He sat down on the edge of his bed, and put his head in his hands. He had just... given in. He had wanted it so badly, wanted Ichigo, the closeness, but after what he had done with Renji... there was no way that he was just going to forget about that. He lifted his head up and got out of bed. He finished getting dressed and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" Ichigo asked, walking towards him, but Uryuu sped up.
"You... can stay here if you like, but I... I have to take a walk." He just couldn't bring himself to tell him to leave, he wanted him there, but at the same time, he couldn't stand thinking about coming back to him in his apartment. What was he doing? What was going on in his head, with his emothions? He turned the knob to his front door again, and left.