Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Until We Meet Again ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Until We Meet Again Chapter 3
After the winter wars, much was in disrepair. Soul Society found itself in a dire need to reform its way and to restructure itself in order to get past the destruction the war had caused. Ichigo was asked to stay in soul society, as his powers were greatly needed to help with the rebuilding of the Gotei 13 division.
Ichigo was hesitant though, his family being his first priority. On seeing this, Soul Society granted Ichigo five years to live his life in the human world, and to decide in that time where his happiness lay. If after the five years, his life was of a shinigami, he would be welcomed to Soul Society. If not, he would be granted his life and remain as a human.
With a farewell that seemed to strike pain in Ichigo's heart, he said goodbye to his friends in Soul Society. But perhaps the greatest pain he felt was leaving the one who had changed his world…Kuchiki Rukia. With a parting smile that showed equal pain, they promised to meet each other again after the five years had passed.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of - Blaise Pascal
“This is it.” Ichigo muttered as he opened the door to his apartment, tossing his keys aimlessly at the side table near the door. Renji and Rukia followed curiously from behind, poking their heads in first before entering. Ichigo shrugged off his coat and made his way to close the main door, when the bedroom door creaked open cautiously. Before they knew it, a plushie was flying through the air at Rukia.

“Nnnneeeeee-ssaannnn!” Kon sobbed, only to be met with the heel of Rukia's shoe. He fell lightly on the floor, continuing to sob. “So long since we have seen each other, and yet you still greet me as so. It's true, you are my Nee-san!!! I'm so…I'm so hhaappyy…”

Rukia raised her brow at him, a smile threatening her feature as Ichigo grumbled behind her. 

“I didn't think a day would come where I would actually say I missed you too, Kon…but I guess I will make an exception today.”

Kon's eyes lit up at this. “Oh, Nee-san! Hearing your beautiful voice and that confession is well worth the torture I have gone through living with him all this time,” he sniffed, pointing his paw dismissively at Ichigo.

Ichigo snarled and tried to grab Kon, missing him by inches as the plushie made a mad dash across the living room. Rukia watched the two as Renji wandered around the apartment. Ichigo finally caught Kon and chucked him into the bedroom, making certain to shut the door as the plushie cursed inside.

“Why do I always get stuck with him?” he muttered angrily.

He turned to see Rukia and Renji still surveying his apartment with interest. Scratching his head, he grumbled quietly, “It's nothing, really. But, well, it's something, right?”

Renji snorted as Rukia turned to face Ichigo. “It's lovely, Ichigo.”

Renji rolled his eyes and grabbed the small bag he had brought. “Well, you two can continue talking. I'm going to take a bath before I go to sleep.”

After the bathroom door slammed shut, Ichigo motioned Rukia to follow him. “You will be staying in my room. Renji and I will stay out here.”

Rukia stared at his back as he opened his bedroom door, quickly dodging a surprise attack from a miffed Kon.

“Are you sure, Ichigo?” Rukia asked hesitantly as she too tilted her head to avoid Kon flying past them.

Ichigo nodded, but did not look at her as he turned on the light. Rukia walked in, and she could not help but smile. The room looked exactly like his old room at his house. There wasn't much furniture other then a bed near a large window and a small desk to the side. Probably the only other thing that might have been new was a small bookshelf that was laden with books. She walked around, surveying it with interest. Ichigo sighed and scratched his head again. He hated how he did that because Rukia knew very well he always did when he got nervous. He forced his hand back to his side as she turned her attention to the other side of the room.
Rukia's eyes fell upon a beautiful painting that was on the wall. It seemed to be the only thing that he had adorned his otherwise bland cream walls with. Her eyes then turned to the small desk to the side of his room, and noticed a large frame with two very familiar figures. She quickly picked up the frame, surveying the people closely, her eyes widening. There were two girls who looked to be Ichigo's age when Rukia had first met him. One had short black hair and was clad in a simple t-shirt and jeans, while the other had long orange hair that extended to her waist, wearing a cute yellow dress.
She turned to see him still standing by the door, leaning against the frame with an amused smile.
“Is this…Is this Karin and Yuzu?” Rukia asked quietly, still shocked as she looked back at the picture frame.
She heard him chuckle softly and walk towards her. “Yeah, that's them. They just started high school.”
Rukia shook her head in disbelief. “I…I can't believe they have grown so much. I barely recognized them.”
Her eyes slightly shifted to look at him. She had not noticed it earlier with so much going on, but Ichigo too had changed quite a bit. He had grown slightly taller, if that was even possible, and she pouted knowing she was still the same height. At least he didn't tease her about it, though he was probably waiting for a key opportunity to do it. His hair had grown slightly as well and was rowdier then ever. Yet, it seemed to suit him quite nicely. Her cheeks flushed as she turned quickly back to the picture, not liking where her thoughts were taking her.
Ichigo watched her carefully as she traced her fingers gently across the cool glass. He smiled inwardly when he noticed she was the same petite shinigami that he had left all those years ago. Her hair was slightly longer though. But everything else about her was exactly how he had remembered her. As she continued to examine the picture and speaking of things Ichigo seemed to be completely oblivious too, his heart quivered as a delicate strand of hair fell on her face. He fought the urge to reach out and move it, and instead, chuckled as she blew it off with one puff.
He soon snapped out of his thoughts when her attention reverted back to him. She bit her lip hesitantly, as she looked down at the portrait. “Ichigo? Do you think that we can go see them tomorrow before I leave? I have missed them and never even got a chance to thank them for everything the last time I was here.”
She was startled to see him staring at her so closely. He stood quiet for a moment, before shrugging. “Yeah. I already had told them that you were coming, and they had insisted that you stay with them for a few days. Though since you decided you will be going tomorrow…”
He broke off, and Rukia swallowed with difficulty. “I…I'm sorry, Ichigo. I didn't know. Maybe next-” She stopped suddenly and turned.
“Rukia?” Ichigo asked hesitantly as he moved towards her.
“I love this artwork.” She suddenly turned and walked towards the painting on the wall. “Where did you get it from?”
“It was a gift from someone. She made it for me last year.”
Rukia blinked and turned to him. “It's lovely. She is very talented.”
Ichigo nodded. “Yeah she is. She's really something else.”
Rukia nodded, finding it strange how words were beginning to become more difficult for her.
For some reason, she felt a strange twinge of pain in her heart as she looked back at the painting. Was it that person she had seen before? It probably had been. After all, Ichigo had never shown interest in any other girl. But that one person was perhaps an exception.
“Um…” She thought frantically of what to say next, the awkward silence becoming more burdensome with each passing moment. What could she possibly say at this point?
She suddenly turned around so fast that Ichigo flew back a few steps.
“Hey! That does remind me,” she said thoughtfully, touching her chin with her two middle fingers. She frowned slightly and looked around the room. “Where is that drawing I gave you?”
Ichigo blinked a few times. His eyes shifted momentarily at his backpack, and then at Rukia. A small mischievous grin spread across his face and he shrugged, putting his hands in his pocket and staying silent.
Rukia stared at him with her eyes narrowing dangerously close.
`I'm going to die for this, but hell, its hilarious to see her like this…' he mused.
She crossed her arm, and blew the few strands of hair in front of her face away. “You threw it away, didn't you?! I told you if you didn't want it, then to give it back!” she yelled.
Ichigo still continued to grin, and it took every ounce of self control Rukia had to not kick him upside the head. “I didn't say I threw it away. I just conveniently misplaced it, that all. Besides, you already know what I think of your drawings.”
He winced at the sudden pain in his abdomen as Rukia's foot made contact. She took the pillow and stared at him angrily. “There is nothing wrong with my drawings and no one but you think that! Now why is that, Ichigo?!”
Ichigo still continued to grin, trying to ignore the pain. “Because everyone else is just being nice?”
A small twitch appeared on her forehead before the pillow hurtled its way towards Ichigo's head. He dodged, chuckling lightly for a moment before he had to dodge again, this time ducking the trash can. His eyes bulged from their socket as he saw Rukia trying to find the closest object she could lift to throw at him, which unfortunately for him was a stapler.
“Oye, Rukia?! Are you insane?!” he yelled as she grabbed it and threw it at him.
“You!” she growled, grabbing another pillow from his bed. “JERK!”
She had gone insane.
“You…put…someone else's picture on your wall…but just…dump mine…like it's…like it's…” she stopped, realizing what she was saying.
When did she ever care about such things?
Apparently, Ichigo was thinking the same thing as he stared at her in surprise. “Rukia?” He walked towards her, but she shook her head and moved away. She turned to see that she had knocked over his backpack in her fit, spilling its contents on the floor and sighed.
“Nothing, Ichigo, just drop it,” she muttered and walked over to the mess. Ichigo felt himself stiffen slightly as she began picking up the things and putting them back.
“Oye! Don't worry about those, I'll get them,” he said quickly, running to make his way towards her.
Rukia sighed again in irritation. “I got it. It's not that big of a-”
She stopped, and Ichigo was horrified by what was in her hands. The pages of the book were open, and Rukia was staring wide eyed at the contents.
“Ichigo,” A mischievous grin played across her face. “I didn't know you started drawing too.”
Ichigo groaned as she giggled furiously. He made to swipe the book away from her, but the little midget was too quick for him. “Wait! These are so cute! But what is that blob there?”
Ichigo growled and lunged again at her, causing her to giggle even more and use that sweet simpering tone he hated so much. “Tsk, Kurosaki-kun, who was the one teasing me about my drawings just now, hm?”
“Rukia…” he muttered dangerously as Rukia stuck her tongue at him. She dodged another attempt from him to grab the book when a few sheets of paper that were stuck in between the drawings fell out. Rukia looked down curiously at the folded pieces of paper, and leaned down to grab them. She gasped when she felt Ichigo grab her wrist inches from the paper. She looked up, seeing Ichigo staring at her with his face completely flushed.
“Um, what the hell just happened here?”
Both turned quickly to see Renji standing at the entrance to the bathroom, looking around at the demolished room. He sighed. “I leave you for a few minutes and you guys are already back to your old selves.” His attention turned to them, and a grin appeared on his face at their close proximity. “Amongst other things, I see.”
Rukia and Ichigo both looked at each other and quickly moved away. Renji chuckled slightly before heading towards the door. “I'm tired. Going to head for bed.”
Rukia quietly followed Renji, looking back once to see Ichigo quickly grabbing the contents and stuffing it into his bag.
“Why?! Why?! Whhhyyy?!!”
Ichigo muttered curses as the stuffed toy continued to whine about having to sleep outside with him and Renji.
“It isn't a picnic for us either, Kon! But you are staying out here, got it?!”
Kon screamed in frustration before swiping his soft paws on Ichigo's legs. “I want to stay with Nee-san, not you two!”
Ichigo growled as he looked down. “You'll be sleeping outside if you don't stop that!”
Kon stopped immediately and sat down, crossing his arms with an angry expression.
Rukia sat on the couch, watching in amusement as Renji and Ichigo each set up their own sheets, fighting for the most space in the small living room.
Once they had managed to set everything up, both fell onto their beds, exhausted. Rukia smiled and leaned slightly to see the two. “Aw, you guys can't sleep right now!”
Renji opened his eyes and looked at Rukia. “Weren't you tired earlier, Rukia?”
She nodded. “I was, but now I'm not. Come on! Wake up, both of you!”
Ichigo groaned and buried his face in his pillow. “Rukia, we're tired. Can't we talk in the morning?”
Rukia pouted, sniffling a little.
Oh great, here she goes. Don't look up, don't look up…
Another sniff could be heard followed by a low sob.
He looked up.
Rukia's pout intensified as she grabbed a handkerchief out of thin air and began wiping her rather dry eyes.
Ichigo could feel his head slowly descend to the right as he fought to stay awake. The TV was on, and he had to endure on of the dullest movies ever. Renji was in no better condition, with one eye closed and the other dangerously close to it. Only Rukia seemed to be wide awake, staring at the screen with her eyes and mouth wide open. Kon was already snoring softly beside Rukia. 

“Ichigo, did you see that?!” she asked eagerly, poking him. His head jerked up and he sighed. “Yeah…” He stifled a yawn before turning his eyes slowly to look at her. She was sitting on the edge of the couch, a pillow resting gently on her lap. Her hair was tied up, which Ichigo couldn't help but think was a very cute look for her, though he made a mental note never to let her know that. Just the thought of it was causing his cheeks to flush.
He leaned back against the couch, a slight frown on his face. Why was it so awkward being around her now? Fighting over the drawing was the first time it felt like they were back to their old selves. But for the most part, he had to admit that there was a change in the way they were around one another. She seemed more quiet around him, and truth be told, he didn't blame her. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so forward with her back then. But just the thought of not seeing her for so many years had really gotten to him to the point that he could not do anything but let her know how he felt about her before he left.

It was easier back then since he felt that he would use this time of separation to grow himself, and finally be able to tell her how he really felt about her when they met again. Yet his traitorous self got completely tongue tied the moment he saw her after all these years. He felt like he was that awkward teenager again.
When the movie had finally ended, and Rukia had finally relented to not keeping them up any longer, she made her way to the bedroom.
Ichigo shifted his comforter slightly as he slid between the cold sheets. Renji stifled a loud yawn next to him as he grumbled under his own blanket.

“Oye, Renji…”


Ichigo scratched his head slightly before his face creased into a frown. “Is…something going on? For some reason, I just feel like you guys are keeping something from me. Did something happen after we left?”

Renji sighed. “A lot has been going on since you left. I guess we got more damage then we had first thought. It took a long time for the repairs to be completed. Even now, we are still in the process of rebuilding several areas that had been completely destroyed,” he added bitterly.

Ichigo turned his head curiously from the ceiling to the dark silhouette of Renji's face.

There was a frustrated sigh before he resumed. “Something happened. We don't know what that made it almost impossible to go safely back and forth between here and Soul Society. We only did so when it was absolutely necessary, and even that was scarce. Since even the hollows have gotten less frequent, the urgency to come here was not as high as it used to be. The resident shinigami stayed here for most of these five years. I think he had nearly gone mad once the portal was fixed,” he added with an amused tone in his voice.
There was a moment's pause. “We tried several times to come and see you. But, yeah, it just wasn't safe to come, not that it stopped Rukia from trying,” he chuckled. “We had to hold her down a couple of times, which was extremely difficult mind you, before she finally agreed to stay in Soul Society until the problem was fixed.”
Ichigo smiled softly. He could just imagine her having an argument with the others over having her way. He had many fights with her before, and knew it was a lost cause. Yet a thought had been nagging him for some time now. If she was so eager to come, why was she wishing to return so quickly? He frowned slightly, and shifted to his side.
“Renji, is there any other reason as to why you guys have to leave tomorrow? I only talked to you a few days ago, and you had told me that you were planning on staying a couple of days. But now, both of you are leaving tomorrow.”
There was a short pause as he saw Renji's shadow shift uncomfortably. “Aye. Just don't tell Rukia that I told you, ok?”
Ichigo nodded.
Renji sighed. “Well, to be honest, I was surprised that we were even given one day to come here. It was under Kuchiki taichou's orders…”
Ichigo frowned again. “Byakuya?”
“Taichou…” Renji added irritably. “Yes. Well, there was a reason. You see, a year ago, he had some unexpected visitors. To be more frank, some of the elders from the branches of the Kuchiki clan. When taichou learned of their arrival, he suddenly gave permission to Rukia to come here. She did, but she returned abruptly that very same day.”
Ichigo jerked his head up. “Wait, what?!” Ichigo's head was feeling extremely heavy from sleep, but the news he had just learned woke him up immediately.
“Rukia came to Karakura a year ago?”
Renji nodded, and suddenly looked strangely at Ichigo. “Yeah, she did. She was quite excited by it as well. But, she came back the very same day. When I had asked her why, she didn't say anything. You know her, its better not to pursue such questioning.”
Ichigo wrapped his arms around his legs, curling up as he frowned. Rukia had been here a year ago? Why had she not said anything? Why had she not come to see him?
His thoughts were drowned yet again as Renji resumed. “Anyways, what happened after was kept within the walls of the Kuchiki household. But just a week ago, the elders returned again. This time, there were others with them. Taichou wouldn't reveal who, though from the look of it, they were a noble family as well. He again wanted Rukia to leave for a few days while they stayed. She didn't wish it, but in the end complied with his wishes. We were going to stay for only a few days, but suddenly Taichou himself changed it to just one day. He never did explain why; only Rukia and he know.
Ichigo scratched his head, confused at the new turn of events. “So, you don't know why they came so suddenly?”
Renji shook his head. “I don't know. But one thing was sure, Taichou did not want Rukia there when they got there. I'm guessing it's because, well, the elders aren't particularly fond of her since she isn't of `noble blood'. They have always ignored her during their visits, acting as if she was not even there. This did seem to cause quite a few arguments between them and Taichou.
Ichigo furrowed his brow. He felt anger welling up inside him at hearing this. How could her own clan treat her like this? Just because she was not born a Kuchiki?
Just then they heard a slight shuffle in the bedroom and went silent. They listened for a few minutes, but heard no other sound. Renji shifted to the other side, his back towards Ichigo. “Anyways, that's the reason we are here. And now if you please, I'm going to sleep.
Ichigo narrowed his eyes, furious that Renji was not telling him anything else. He was about to argue, but Renji had already started snoring loudly.
Giving up, Ichigo laid his head on the pillow and stared at the ceiling. So much had happened, and he only heard all of it now. Rukia had come to Karakura to see him a year ago. But why hadn't he seen her? Why did she return that very same day? Also, from what Renji told him, why had she been hesitant about coming back again now? It seems had it not been due to Byakuya's insistence, she would not have come at all. This thought scared him. He had waited so long for this day. But what had happened to cause Rukia to not want to see him anymore?
Ichigo gritted his teeth as he tried his best to drown out Renji's snores and Kon's muttering, but found it useless. How was he supposed to sleep like this? He grumbled and tossed and turned a few more minutes before growling in frustration. He laid down on his back and stared at the ceiling again. There was a small tinge of moonlight coming through the curtains, illuminating the living room. His ears perked at the sound of the door creaking open. He quickly closed his eyes, and could hear small footsteps pacing through the room. They stopped for a second in front of him, before carefully moving to the main door. He held his breath as the door opened very gently, and closed. His eyes shot open and looked to see his bedroom door was wide open.
“Rukia…” he whispered, looking at the clock. It was nearly three in the morning. He quickly scrambled up, rubbing his sore neck before walking towards the main entrance door. `What is she doing up?' he thought with irritation as he opened the door quietly.
There she was, standing by the railing, still unaware of his presence. He felt his breath stop for a moment. She looked…stunning. The moonlight brought such a glow to her creamy skin; the cool breeze seemed to caress her hair. Her eyes were closed, and a feeling of peace seemed to be etched on her features. Her eyes slowly opened when Ichigo approached her. She turned slowly to him, her brows slowly furrowing.
“What are you doing up?” she asked.
Ichigo chuckled. “I should be asking you the same question…”
Rukia sighed and turned her attention towards the empty street. “I…I couldn't sleep.”
“Because of what you heard?”
Rukia turned to him sharply, her eyes wide with surprise. “What do you-”
Ichigo snorted. “You don't think I heard you behind the door?”
Rukia bit her lip, her eyes downcast as she looked away from him again. There was silence between the two as Ichigo waited for her to say something.
“I wonder if I'll ever really feel like I belong as a Kuchiki,” she said quietly. She wrapped her arms around herself, fending off the cold. “It just seems I'm always causing Nisama some problem…”
She leaned gently towards the railing, resting herself on her elbows as she looked up.
“So that is why he agreed to let me come here,” she said, more to herself then to Ichigo. She cupped her face in her hands, with a slight pout. “No matter what, I will always seem to be a burden on him.”
She was startled when she heard Ichigo's quiet, yet angered response. “Stop that, Rukia.”
Rukia turned to Ichigo, startled at his piercing gaze. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had his usual frown on his face. He walked a few steps towards her, stopping when she instinctively took a few steps back herself. He stared at her for a few moments, reveling in her deep azure eyes. There was so much hidden within them; hesitation, curiosity, and fear. They continued to gaze at one another until Ichigo took a deep breath, and smiled softly at her. “You were never a burden on anyone, Rukia. You have never been, and you will never be, got it?”
He suddenly lifted his hand, pushing a few strands of hair that had fallen in front of her face. She shivered slightly under his touch, and her eyes widened as his hand moved from her hair to her cheek, cupping it gently in his hand. She could feel his breath tickling her as his face drew closer. She shook her head quickly, moving back and away from his touch. Ichigo was startled to see her reaction and watched her as she breathed heavily, looking away from him.
She swallowed with difficulty, shaking her head again. “I'm…I'm sorry, Ichigo. I'm very tired. I need some sleep.”
He nodded, slightly hurt at her rejection, yet knowing that perhaps it was still too soon. He moved aside, running his fingers through his hair as he turned to follow her inside.
He found Rukia standing by the door, grumbling under her breath as she surveyed her surroundings. There were blankets, playing cards, and videos thrown everywhere and no sight of Renji, who was buried somewhere there. She sighed and moved towards the first pile of blankets. She edged carefully around it, hoping Renji or any of his body parts were not in there. She was relieved when she made it past safely, as Ichigo followed suit.
They had gotten through most of the tangled mess, and Rukia became more confident with her footing. She suddenly stopped when she heard a slight moan, and her foot seemed to get caught in a hard object beneath her. Before she knew it, she found herself losing her balance and tumbling down, before a pair of hands quickly grabbed her by the waist. She sucked in her breath as she tried to gain her balance, while being held up protectively by Ichigo. For a moment, they just stood there as Rukia attempted to catch her breath. After a moment of silence, they could hear Renji's snoring start again, and looked down to see Rukia had nearly tripped over his leg. She cursed lowly and kicked it, earning a small grunt from Renji before his snoring resumed again.
She then noticed that Ichigo's arms were still wrapped tightly around her, and took a sharp intake of breath. He was holding her protectively towards him, his face almost buried in her soft hair. “Ichigo…” she said quietly.
A short pause ensued before he mumbled, “Yeah?”
“Um, I think I'm ok now. You can let go.”
Ichigo's arms quickly recoiled from her waist and she headed for the bedroom.
“Thanks,” she muttered before shutting it.
Ichigo let out a deep breath before turning with slight irritation at the red head that he knew had been pretending to sleep for all this time. Sure enough, there was a small smirk playing across the irritating fool's face. Ichigo growled and kicked Renji as hard as he could, angered at how this made Renji chuckle harder.
Rukia leaned against the door, breathing heavily. She slowly slid down and buried her face in her knees. What was happening to her? She felt she could control this before she had left for Soul Society. But now being with him, being so close to him, she felt herself losing whatever will power she had. But she knew she couldn't. She knew she had to stay strong and not let her emotions get the best of her again. She had realized that they were from very different worlds. Though Ichigo associated himself more as a shinigami when he received his powers, she felt for the first time after seeing him a year ago that perhaps he did have a chance in the real world. She didn't want to come back. She did not want to force him to choose what he wanted to do with the remainder of his life. He had the right to live his life out the way he should have before she entered it.
She had shown her vulnerable side that day that Ichigo was leaving Soul Society, knowing she shouldn't have. She shivered slightly, still feeling his lips softly brush her cheeks.
Her fingers gently touched her cheek. He had held it so tenderly just a moment ago.
A sound came from the darkened room which made her jump up.
“Nee-san?” a voice squeaked from under the bed.
“Kon?” Rukia blinked a few times, before seeing the plushie poke his head out from under the bed. “What are you doing here?”
Kon quickly got out of the bed, dusting himself off. “I couldn't sleep with those two! Not when my dear Nee-san is here!”
Rukia shook her head in irritation and got up. “I'm very tired, Kon. I just don't have time to deal with this. Go outside before Ichigo finds out where you went.”
Kon crossed his arm and sat stubbornly on the floor. “Come now, Nnnneeee-san. I promise to sleep in the closet. I just can't stand the irritating snoring. I promise to be good.”
Rukia looked over to him, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. She sighed in frustration, too tired to fight. “Fine, but if I catch you anywhere near my bed, Ichigo isn't the only thing you will be have to worry about.”
Kon swallowed with difficulty and quickly made his way to the closet. Rukia gently pushed aside the blankets that she had been using. A soft thud from behind made her turn, and she was startled to see the backpack that she had knocked over earlier on the ground. It appeared Ichigo had thrown it into the closet, only to be tossed back out again by Kon.
She bit her lip hesitantly and took a few steps toward it. She knew Ichigo didn't want her to look at the book, but her curiosity was aroused by the contents. She grabbed the backpack and opened the zipper as quietly as she could. She stopped for a second, and was relieved to hear Ichigo's soft snores.
She pulled out the book, flipping through the first pages. Kon sat in the closet, watching her curiously. “That's Ichigo's. He always keeps it with him. Tch, I can draw so much better then him.”
Rukia smiled at the first few pages. There were scribbles all over the pages, but overall, his art was not so bad at all.
Kon quietly crept out of the closet and approached her, watching her flip through the remaining pages, as if searching for something.
“I can't believe he drew all these,” she muttered, stopping midway.
Kon nodded. “Yeah, he decided to take an art class one term. I have no idea why.”
“Is that where he met her?” she asked quietly, earning a curious look from him. She shifted her head to the painting that was hanging on his wall.

Kon followed her glance, understanding where this was going. He hesitated slightly, and nodded. “Yeah, he did.” She nodded, and turned back to the book.

“But you know something, Nee-san…”
Rukia looked up at him, who was watching her carefully.

“She doesn't mean anything to him other then a friend.”
Rukia blinked a few times, and could sense her face flush slightly under his stare. Since when did Kon ever get intuitive about such things?!

She shook her head, glad that there wasn't much light in the room for him to see her cheeks red. “I didn't mean it like that,” she muttered quietly before turning another page. She noticed the same piece of paper that had fallen out earlier wedged between the pages in the middle. She curiously pulled it out, noting that it was thick, and consisted of more then a few pages. She opened it, and felt her breath stop. It was her drawings. Not just the one she had given to Ichigo, but several others she had drawn while she was staying with him. In between the pages was a small picture. A picture of Ichigo and her that was taken unexpectedly by Rangiku at a feast that had been set up after the war was over, and that had mysteriously gone missing. She held the picture with her trembling fingers. They were bickering as usual in there, with the others looking on in horror.

“He never forgot you, you know. Not once…”

Rukia closed her eyes, before quickly placing everything back into the backpack. Silently, she got up and put the back pack into the closet, and walked to the edge of the bed. She gently sat down on the floor, her head resting against the soft bed. 

`What am I going to do?'
She looked out the window. No matter how loudly her heart might shout otherwise, it was already too late. She had gotten the answer she needed. Tomorrow, she would speak to Renji about her decision regarding Ichigo.
As she stared out at the cold moonlight, a single tear trickled down her face…
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: A thousand apologies for this being so late. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read it, and for everyone who has left such awesome comments for me for previous chapters.
A special thank you and love to my dear friend and beta, Avalonia, who is perhaps the only reason why this chapter saw the light of day. *sniff*