Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Until We Meet Again ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5
Ichigo yawned loudly as he made his way down the stairs. The entire family and most of his friends had stayed up nearly the entire night, happy that Rukia was able to stay for another day. The chaos that had taken over had now been replaced with an eerie silence. Ichigo made his way to the living room, and stopped dead in his tracks.

He frowned lightly when he saw the state of the room; it looked as if a tornado had struck last night. Piles of movies and board games were thrown around the floor, with several empty cartons of ice cream and bowls covering the tables. He rolled his eyes when he saw his father passed out in the corner of the room, right where they had left him. His eyes moved to the enormous pile of blankets that were in the center of the room.

Walking closer, he smiled on seeing Rukia and his sisters sleeping peacefully, completely wiped out from last night. He knew they stayed up until nearly five this morning from the sound of their laughter that filled the entire house. Though he didn't get a wink of sleep due to it, he still felt content that Rukia and his sisters had a good time. There had just been too much tension for the past two days, and it was nice for him to know that she had relaxed somewhat.

He went back upstairs to quickly shower, knowing they were probably not going to wake up for a while now. He turned on the hot water, allowing it to sooth the weariness he still felt from everything that had been happening since Rukia's arrival. He closed his eyes as he pressed his forehead against the cold tile.

He knew he had to talk to her. Something was wrong, and a part of him wondered if it was the painful reason that he had been trying to deny to himself. Did Rukia even feel the same way as he did? As he thought about it, he realized that she had never reciprocated any of his feelings and he wondered whether this was the reason that she was uncomfortable whenever he tried to come close to her. He sighed, knowing that he had to find out before he did anything else.

He quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way out the door to his room. He stopped abruptly at the sound of his closet door closing, and his entire face flushed when Rukia turned to see him entering, her face suddenly turning just the same shade of red. They stood there for a moment, too shocked to move.

It took every bit of will power Rukia had to not look anywhere below Ichigo's shoulder blade. The towel itself was barely covering him, not that she had looked enough to be able to tell. But from what she did see, she knew she had better turn around. "S-sorry. Yuzu told me to put the futons and blankets away. I didn't know you were done with your bath." 

Ichigo muttered something as he held his towel closer to him. Rukia nodded, still fighting to keep her eye on his head and not let them travel any lower, walked around him to leave the room. She gasped when she felt something behind her feet, causing her to lose her balance. She shrieked as she hurtled backward, only to have Ichigo grab her wrist and pull her to regain her balance. She hit his solid chest hard, her face now the deepest shade it had ever been. His clean scent overwhelmed her, and she squirmed slightly when realizing he still held her arms firmly. They stared at each other for some time before a soft rustle below them caused Rukia's mouth to open in shock. Ichigo seemed still unaware as he continued to look at her.

"Ichigo..." she barely whispered, "Your towel..."

Ichigo blinked before looking down, cursing as he quickly knelt to get the towel that had fallen while Rukia prayed to the high heavens that she would keep her eyes straight and not let the little evil figure on her shoulder tell her to do anything otherwise.


Both froze as Yuzu's cheery voice filled the hallways. The door slowly opened before Ichigo yelled that he was still in his towel. "Oh! Sorry, Oni-san! Have you seen Nee-san? She came here to put away all the blankets." 

Ichigo quickly buttoned his pants and shook his head. "No, I haven't..." Yuzu pouted slightly before leaving. "Ok, but tell her that breakfast is ready if you see her!" 

Ichigo nodded and waited until Yuzu closed the door. The closet door slowly opened and Rukia peeked out. She took in a deep breath and got out, looking back. `It's been so long since I last stayed there...' 

Ichigo chuckled lightly, bringing Rukia back to the current situation. She turned to find him pulling on his shirt, but she still couldn't get the image quite out of her head. Her cheeks were still hot as she started leaving without a word even when Ichigo called her name, telling her to stay since Yuzu had just left. The moment she came outside, she found Yuzu and Karin standing at the end of the hallways with their mouths wide open. She groaned when they covered their mouths in laughter as Ichigo walked out right behind her with his shirt still half buttoned, grabbing her hand to pull her back in before anyone saw her. She glared at him and then to Yuzu. He cringed as the girls giggled louder. Karin smirked, “Oye, Onisan, why didn't you just tell us Nee-san was helping you get dressed?” Ichigo face turned a bright scarlet red before he started running after the two girls with a very shocked Rukia left behind in the hallway.
There was an awkward silence at breakfast that morning. Ichigo and Rukia refused to look at one another while Yuzu and Karin snickered quietly, gaining a curious look from Isshin. Ichigo finally couldn't stand it and quickly finished his food. He stood up and looked over his shoulder at the others. "Oye, Rukia?" 

Rukia looked up, as the others leaned forward slightly to hear the conversation.

He rolled his eyes. "You said you wanted to see the school yesterday. I think we might have some time today if you still want to go?" 

She nodded, thankful that she would get out of the house. She loved being here, but after being caught in Ichigo's room, she had been hounded by his sisters to the point that she needed to get out of there. At least Ichigo was clueless enough not to bring anything up that would embarrass either of them.

They got ready, and quickly said their goodbyes to the family. Ichigo could feel a tick on his forehead from irritation when Isshin began sobbing, holding onto Rukia's hand tightly. "Take care, Rukia-chan! Know that papa is always here if you need anything. If my son doesn't behave well, you come tell me right away!" 

Ichigo growled and grabbed Rukia's arm, dragging her out while the girls continued to smirk.

They drove quietly, Rukia refusing to look at Ichigo. The scene from earlier still played in her head, and she just could not get the image of Ichigo clad with nothing but a towel out of her head. Yes, she admitted to herself, she did look below the collarbone, which was her undoing.
Rukia could not help but smile when the sight of their school came into view. It seemed so long ago that she had been there, and yet she remembered every detail of it. They made their way to the gate, and Rukia looked around, remembering fondly the memories she had just from where she was standing. She looked to see Ichigo opening the gate, and blinked. "Ichigo, is it ok to go inside? Won't they say anything?" she asked as she followed him. He smirked. "They will if they find us." She blinked before he grinned, motioning her to follow him. She had to admit, he was good at sneaking through the school, even though a part of her did wonder if he had learned of these routes while trying to sneak out of class. They finally made it to the stairway that lead to the roof. Rukia followed him as they made their way up. She gasped in delight when they arrived, running to the fence on the edge. She looked down, seeing the entire school. Each corner had a place in Rukia's thoughts...they were times when she was happy and wanted.

She turned to find Ichigo settling where they used to have their lunch and pull out a bento and two juice boxes.  He looked up and smiled to her, motioning her to sit down. She walked over to him and settled down, taking the juice box from him.
 “Yuzu packed this since we had to…rush with our breakfast,” he muttered as Rukia blushed from the thought of just why they had to in the first place. She looked at the juice box and laughed quietly. “Yuzu packed this too?” she teased. He looked over to her and smiled sheepishly. “I thought you would like that.”
She laughed lightly and nodded. While they ate, Ichigo told her about all their other friends from school and what they were doing. Rukia felt sad when she learned that some were still in Karakura and she didn't get a chance to see them. She could feel a sense of emptiness on knowing she had missed so much after being gone for so long. She had thought of Karakura as another home, and so much had changed in these few years. Her thoughts were brought back when she found Ichigo putting away the empty bento and rising slowly, pulling out his hand to help her up.
"This place hasn't changed at all, has it?" 

Ichigo shook his head. "No, it hasn't." 

Rukia smiled gently. "I've missed this place so much." 

"Yeah...we've missed you here as well," he said quietly, as Rukia looked over to him. He was watching her, and she could feel her cheeks growing hot again as she looked away. She knew it was now or never.

"Ichigo, we need to talk." she said quietly, leaning against the fence. Ichigo nodded and waited for her to say something.

She bit her lip and sighed. "I know we came here to ask what you wanted to do. But after being here, I just think that it would be best if you stayed here.” 

Ichigo's expression remained unreadable and he did not say a word, his brow knitting together. Rukia breathed deeply. "It's just that...from how long I've been here, I've seen that you have really made a place here for yourself. You have your friends, friends...I...I just don't want you to lose all of this." She looked away again, her head resting against fence.

"What about you?" he asked quietly. "If I stay here, I won't ever see you."

Rukia continued to look out at the small town, not knowing the words to say. "Well, yes. But I don't think you should choose to come back because of me. If you want to come back, it's because it's something you want to do. I don't want you to make a decision for any other reason other then that. It's not like you cannot be a shinigami while being here. You are already a representative here and you can take care of your town more easily while being with your family."
There was a silent pause as Ichigo nodded, looking out at the town. Rukia waited for his answer, silently nervous at what he would say.


"Yes, Ichigo?" She slowly turned to him, concerned to hear the sudden sadness in his voice.

“I'm sorry,” he said very quietly, turning away from her. She continued to look at him, her heart beating painfully as she watched his head descend slightly, and his hair covering his eyes.
“I've been thinking,” he said, uncertainty in his voice as he refused to look at her. “It just seems that every time I try to come close, you push me away. I could never understand why. Was I just doing something wrong?”

He swallowed, still not looking at her as he continued. “Then I thought about all the times we spent before and after our separation. I realized that it was I who was always pushing for something. I never even asked what you wanted. I always assumed it was the same, but you never said it. Then I realized that it was because of this. It was because it was just me who felt this way. That I kept pushing you into something you didn't want. I wonder also if it's because of this that you don't want me to come back with you. You say it is my choice, but it just sounds that no matter what I choose, you will still not be a part of it…”

He couldn't say anymore. His breathing was heavy, and he continued to look down, his expression hidden behind his strawberry hair. She knew he was trying to calm himself down. It tore her apart to know that he had been hurt because of her.
This is how it should have been though. She knew this was going to be his reaction, but why did it still hurt her to see him in this state? She knew she should have let it end there. Yet still…


Ichigo stiffened slightly when he felt her warm fingers on his arm, motioning for him to turn to her. He turned and looked at her, his eyes widening when he felt her other hand touch his cheek. She smiled softly, though her eyes were filled with sadness. “You did nothing wrong,” she whispered, slowly pulling his face towards her. Their lips brushed together very gently, and she could see the complete shock in Ichigo's eyes. She leaned her forehead against his, taking a deep breath. If she could, she would want to stay like this with him forever, but she knew it had to stop. She could feel his breathing returning to normal as he stared at her in confusion. She sighed, and moved her hands away as she pulled slightly back. “You are not the only one that feels this way. It's just that, it's not possible for us to be together,” she whispered. She felt him walking towards her and froze when she felt his arms cup her face, before bringing his lips once more upon hers.
The kiss was very gentle, filled with fear and uncertainty. But as seconds passed, the kiss deepened into something much more. She shivered slightly as she felt his hand leave her cheek and entangled his fingers into her hair, pulling her even closer. She clutched his shirt tightly, knowing what she was doing was wrong, but she just couldn't move away from him. He was still shaking slightly in her arms, pouring all of his emotions into that one single gesture that had her heart beating furiously. They finally parted reluctantly, though Ichigo still held her tightly in his arms, his eyes staring straight into hers. He smiled gently as he moved a few strands of her hair from her face before bringing his faced closer to resume where they had left off. Yet no sooner had their lips touched that the door to the roof flew open and a few students entered, gaping at the two. Rukia quickly pushed herself away as Ichigo cursed furiously at the timing. The students giggled as they apologized, quickly leaving the two alone. Ichigo turned to find Rukia putting on her jacket, her face completely flushed. He sighed, knowing that it was probably best to leave since it appeared it was lunch time for the rest of the school. He hesitantly opened the door for her, and she went through without a word to him. Though they had been quite embarrassed from being found out, he still couldn't help but let the grin appear on his face.
Rukia stared out the window as Ichigo drove. The awkward silence that ensued was unbearable for both, but Rukia knew that they needed more time to talk about what just happened. However, the ringing of Ichigo's cell phone silenced her again as he pulled it out.
She played with her fingers as he began talking to someone, wondering just how she was going to get out of the mess she kept putting herself into. She could see the happiness that was now on Ichigo's face, but it pained her to know that it would be short lived, especially when she had to go back.
Her ears perked suddenly at what Ichigo was saying and slowly turned to him. He was still on the phone, and it was obvious he was slightly irritated. “Shurei…no, no. Don't take the taxi. I'm nearby so I'll come and pick you up. It's fine, don't worry. See you in 20 minutes. Bye.”
He turned off the phone and sighed in frustration.
“Are you ok, Ichigo? Who was that?” she asked quietly.

Ichigo turned his head slightly with a smile. "A friend. She moved to London a few months ago, and decided to surprise everyone by coming over for a few days. She has no ride, so we are just going to go get her and drop her at her apartment. It's ok?"

Rukia nodded, slightly sinking into her seat. That name sounded so familiar…
Ichigo grew thoughtful for a moment and then “Remember that painting in my room? It's her.”
Rukia felt herself growing numb. "O-oh?" She turned nervously back to the window, cursing herself for her stammering and hoped Ichigo hadn't noticed.

Fortunately for her, he didn't. “I think you both will get along great. I really want you to meet her."

She nodded, sinking more in her chair. This was a bad idea. Maybe the car wasn't going fast enough that she could jump out? Though trying to explain her reasons would be awkward. Perhaps a hollow appeared out of the blue? `That could work' she thought desperately. But luck was not on her side it seemed since no sooner had she looked out to see just how fast they were going that Ichigo turned into the airport entrance. They parked their car quickly and made their way inside. Rukia walked awkwardly behind him as they walked past the crowd to the arrival gate. Rukia muttered angrily as she continued to get shoved from left to right. Sometimes she really hated being so small. She suddenly stopped when she felt his hands reach out for hers, pulling her gently through the crowd. Even as they got past the crowds and reached a more open area, he still never let it go, but at the same time refused to look at her. She couldn't help but smile slightly as she watched the back of his neck turn a bright red.

He finally let go of her hand as he stopped. She leaned to the side slowly to see and her eyes widened. There, in the distance, stood an extremely beautiful young woman, smiling brightly as she turned to them. She had long golden locks that fell lightly onto her slender waist. Her vibrant blue eyes shone brightly and her smile was just...beautiful and full of warmth. She had a beautiful sundress on that accentuated her slender figure. But all of these things weren't what concerned Rukia. It was the fact that this was not the first time she had seen this young woman.

As Ichigo made his way over to her, Rukia swiveled her head left and right, trying to find a place to hide. Before she could, she cursed lightly when she heard Ichigo calling her name. She turned very slowly in time to see the woman wrapping her arms around Ichigo, laughing. Rukia felt a slight tinge of anger at her actions, but knew that this wasn't the best time to bring out her zanpaktou.

She walked over to them, watching as Ichigo awkwardly tried to get out of the girl's hug, muttering something she couldn't understand. His face was completely red, and as soon as Rukia came to them, he quickly went to her side and pushed her a little further forward. "Eh, Rukia, this is my friend, Shurei. Shurei, this is Rukia. I've told you about her."

The young woman's eyes met with Rukia, and there was a slight pause as the two stared at one another. Rukia could tell that the realization was suddenly dawning upon the girl. She just hoped that it would be something that wouldn't be brought out.

Shurei walked forward, the smile returning to her face. "Kuchiki-san...yes, it's so nice to meet you. Ichigo has said much about you" she asked, still not taking her eyes off of Rukia.

"Hello," Rukia said awkwardly, looking away from Shurei. They stood there for a moment with Rukia nodding her head nervously, and Shurei continually looking at her while Ichigo grumbled with the luggage behind them. Shurei finally turned her attention to him and giggled softly. “Don't worry about that, Ichigo-kun, I can get those.”
He shook his head and got the luggage and started walking towards the door, following closely by the two.
Rukia could feel the woman's eyes on her through the rear view mirror, which unnerved her. The ride to Shurei's hotel felt like an eternity.
“So, Kuchiki-san, when did you arrive in Karakura? Ichigo-kun never mentioned on the phone you would be coming.”
Rukia turned slightly to Ichigo, who was determined to keep his eyes on the road, and then to Shurei. She coughed slightly before speaking to her in the same sweet tone that she had always acted with around his classmates. “Oh, Kurosaki-kun didn't? Well, I came just two days ago. I was supposed to leave yesterday, but it seems things didn't work out, did it, Kurosaki-kun?” Ichigo muttered something and Shurei chuckled.
“Well either way, I am so happy I got to meet you, Kuchiki-san.”
Rukia nodded and turned back to her window. She could still feel Shurei's eyes upon her before she heard a loud squeal in the back that made her turn. Shurei's eyes were wide and she grinned.
“Sorry, I was thinking when I saw you at the airport that we had met before, but I just couldn't remember! Now I do! I just wish I had known who you were at that time so Ichigo could have met with you too!”
Rukia's eyes grew wide as Ichigo turned slowly to her. “Er, I'm sure you are mistaken, Shurei-san, I haven't been here before.”
She groaned inwardly as Ichigo's brow cocked up at that, still staring at her from the corner of his eyes as he drove. “Where did you think you saw her, Shurei?” he asked quietly. Rukia looked at him horrified. `This can't be happening…' she thought. She looked over to Shurei with a pleading look. Shurei watched her with a confused expression before smiling again. “Well, it doesn't matter. I mean, Kuchiki-san has said she hasn't been here before, so it was probably someone else.”
Rukia nodded furiously as Ichigo's grip tightened around the steering wheel.
They parked at a nearby restaurant since Shurei complained she was very hungry. Rukia wanted nothing more to just be anywhere but with them at the moment, but with the way Ichigo was behaving, she dared not say anything to him. His jaw tightened considerably after their drive, and he kept throwing her suspicious looks. She just hoped that the lunch was done with quickly and by some miracle, Renji would call.
They walked inside and ordered their food, with Ichigo excusing himself for a moment. When they were both sure he was out of ear shot, Shurei turned to her. “I'm sorry about earlier. I had no idea that you were his friend and you didn't want him to know I saw you…”
Rukia shook his head. “It's ok, Shurei-san.”
Shurei-san bit her lip and hesitated slightly before continuing. “It did feel odd telling you everything when I thought you were a stranger. But now that I know you are his friend, I'm relieved.” Rukia nodded, trying to distract herself with the drinks that had just arrived. She really didn't want to get into this conversation at the moment, but Shurei seemed to keep pressing it onward, which was really beginning to irritate her.
When Ichigo made his way back, she glanced at Shurei, who stopped immediately, much to her relief.

Ichigo settled in the chair across from them as their food was brought. Rukia and Ichigo barely ate since they had already eaten before, and remained silent for the most part while Shurei did nothing but talk about her trip. They nodded, smiled, everything they felt they should to keep her happy. Rukia could feel Ichigo's eyes on her from time to time. She excused herself halfway through, not able to take his scrutinizing look anymore, and made her way outside, to try her phone and see if she could get a hold of Renji. Yet the fool that he was refused to pick up. 
Ichigo watched Rukia get up leave and quickly turned to Shurei. “Shurei, where did you see Rukia?” Shurei looked up and laughed nervously. “I told you Ichigo-kun, it was a mistake. Now that I think about it, it was all a silly mix-up.”

Ichigo glared at her and her smile faltered slightly. “Ichigo-kun…really…”
He gritted his teeth, trying to control his temper. “Please…Shurei.”
She turned her gaze to where Rukia had left and then back to Ichigo. “Well, just so you know, Ichigo-kun, I'm sure it wasn't her. But if it had been…well…”  

Ichigo nodded.

Shurei bit her lip. “Eh, I saw her the night that we…went out.”

Ichigo stared at her in shock as she continued. “Remember the night of the festival that I asked you to go out with me at least once. I know you really weren't interested, but I thought at least we could try. I was so happy when you finally agreed. Anyway, I saw her for a moment…” she broke off and Ichigo could feel his heart stopping.
"When?" He said through gritted teeth, afraid he already knew the answer.
Shurei blushed. "When I kissed you," She admitted after a moment and his heart sank.

“Anyways, when I ran off after you rejected me, I bumped into her again. I was just running so fast that I nearly lost my balance. She helped me. She was so kind, though I could sense so much sadness in her. She didn't stay long though and left quickly before I could ask her name.”

Ichigo swallowed. “What did she say to you?”

Shurei shrugged. “I really don't remember, Ichigo-kun. It just happened so fast.  She wanted to know why I seemed upset.  I was embarrassed.  I didn't tell her.  I just told her I'd been on a date with you.  She didn't say much after that. She seemed sad herself.”
Ichigo looked down at the table, his fist curling tightly around the tablecloth. She had been there when he had gone out with Shurei. No wonder she had been behaving like that. `Of all the times for her to come, she had to come at that very moment', he cursed to himself. He quickly looked up when he heard a thud very close and quickly turned to see Rukia looking at them in horror. She must have heard everything, as the moment their eyes locked, she quickly turned around and ran out of the restaurant. Ichigo cursed and tried to go, only to be held up by the waiter. He growled in anger before pulling out his wallet and throwing some bills on the table. Shurei got up quickly as well and ran out of the restaurant with him. But Rukia was nowhere in sight.
She was not at his apartment, or at his house. After dropping Shurei off, he searched frantically in all the places she could have possibly run to, cursing himself for allowing her to get away like that. He just wished that she had not returned to Soul Society, knowing once she got there, she probably would never return.

'How could this have happened?! Why didn't she...of all the times...'  He growled in frustration, knowing he would always hate himself if he didn't find her in time. He had to tell her everything that happened that night. He just had to make her see what really happened.

His car screeched to a halt in front of Inoue's apartment. He knew she was his last hope in finding where Rukia was. Perhaps she had seen or heard from her before, since Renji still had not contacted her when she was with him. He quickly ran up the stairs, and knocked on the door, trying to catch his breath as he waited for someone to answer.

The door slowly opened and Inoue looked out, surprised to see him standing there. "Kurosaki-kun? What are you doing here so late?" 

Ichigo steadied his breath a bit more before looking up at her. "Rukia?" 

Inoue blinked in confusion as he stood up, leaning a bit to see whether Rukia was inside. He raised his brow as Inoue also leaned in the same direction, trying to block his view. "Kuchiki-san?" she asked, a slight unease in her voice. "I thought she was with you?" 

Ichigo shook his head. "No. She...she ran off, Inoue. I really need to talk to her. Have you seen her?" 

Inoue bit her lip hesitantly and shook her head after a moment, not meeting his eyes. "No, I haven't seen her..."

Ichigo took a deep breath, feeling the slight familiar reitsu coming from inside. "Inoue...please..." he said very quietly so that only she could hear.

Inoue looked at him helplessly and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Kurosaki-kun. It's really not..."

"She is here, isn't she?" he interrupted, staring at her intently.

She swallowed, and nodded. "She isn't...just give her some time, Kurosaki-kun. I promise I'll get her to talk to you. Just right now its not a good time." 

He was about to say something, but her pleading look made him sigh in defeat. He stood there for a moment, trying to control his anger before he looked at Inoue, who was watching him in concern. He nodded finally, looking once more into the apartment, before turning and walking away. Inoue watched him go to his car and slowly closed the door. She turned and walked towards her room, finding Rukia sitting on the floor and checking her phone. Rukia looked up as Inoue walked over to her, and sat down next to her.

"He left," she said quietly, and Rukia nodded.

"Thank you, Inoue. I'm so sorry you had to go through all this."

Inoue smiled lightly and shook her head, "No, don't worry about it...."

Rukia returned the smile before turning sadly to her phone again. Still no calls. She could feel the tears stinging her eyes as she tried desperately not to let them fall, but it was getting harder each moment.

"Kuchiki-san, what happened?" 

Rukia shook her head, staying silent as she fiddled with the phone in her hand. She explained to Inoue what had just happened. There was silence between them for a while, before Inoue turned to her. "Can I ask you a question, Kuchiki-san?" 

Rukia nodded slightly.

"What are your feelings for Kurosaki-kun?" 

Rukia blinked several times, her mouth open with the shock and surprise at the question. "W-what kind of question is that, Inoue?" she muttered, turning quickly away to hide her blush. Inoue chuckled lightly and placed her arms around Rukia. "Do you love him, Kuchiki-san?" 

If it was possible, Rukia could feel her face turning even more red. What kind of a question was that? Her feelings for Ichigo? Rukia took a deep breath, wondering herself now what to say. "I don't know..." she muttered quietly, still feeling the heat from her face intensifying as Inoue continued to observe her in amusement.

Inoue sighed and leaned back against her bed, her eyes closed. "Well, Kuchiki-san, when you do know, you will know exactly what you need to do."

Rukia bit her lip, curling her legs to rest her chin on her knees.

"You know something, Kuchiki-san. I had always known it. That there was always something...there." 

Rukia turned her head to Inoue, who still had her eyes closed.

"Ever since we went to Soul Society to save you, I knew that Kurosaki-kun didn't see you as just a nakama. He fought so much for your life. He risked everything. I saw it...from the way he looked at you, the way you would always be the one to heal the wounds he always felt in his changed his world, Kuchiki-san."

Rukia could hear the sadness in Inoue's voice, knowing fully well that Inoue had loved Ichigo as well. She tried to find the right words, but was cut off by Inoue, who gave her a knowing smile.

"Even when we returned, it felt as if a part of him was left behind. A part that no one could bring back, no matter how hard they tried. It was as if he left his heart back there," she giggled lightly, causing Rukia to blush slightly and turn back to an interesting spot on the floor.

"Anyways, I could tell right from the very moment I saw him the day you came back that he was so happy. Just the way he was when you returned from Soul Society the first time. And I knew at that time just how much you meant to him, how much you were a part of him, even after being from such different worlds. He cares about you, Kuchiki-san. I just want you to be able to tell him how you feel. He deserves to know that much at least."

Rukia buried her face on top of her knees. How could she tell him what she felt if she was unsure herself? All these emotions that she had been feeling up to this point...what did they mean to her?" 

She looked over to Inoue, who was now surveying her closely. "What about you, Inoue?" she asked quietly.

It was Inoue's turn to blush slightly and look away. "I did love him, Kuchiki-san. I always have, and I suppose it is one of those things that will always be there. But I knew right from the beginning it was not meant to be. I moved on, but sometimes...its difficult. I started seeing Uryuu..."

Rukia's ears perked at this, and she stared at Inoue in shock. Inoue chuckled at Rukia's expression. "Yes, we started seeing each other a little after we returned from Soul Society. He was just so kind, Kuchiki-san, that I thought why not? But, sometimes I feel there is still this distance between us because he knows about my feelings for Kurosaki-kun. There is just nothing I can do or say to change that." 

Rukia smiled lightly. "Then I would have to say that we both would need to follow your advice, Inoue. If you want Ishida to not have to worry constantly about how you should just tell him straight out what you wish for." 

Inoue nodded. "Yes, I think I need to. I don't want to lose him..." she muttered lightly, her eyes nearly widening as much as Rukia at her own statement. Rukia smirked at Inoue's glowing red features before taking a deep breath. "You are fortunate, Inoue, that you can tell him this...and everything will work. I just...I cant..."

"Why not, Kuchiki-san? If you just tell Kurosaki-kun how you feel..."

"It won't make a difference, Inoue," she interrupted. "Nothing will."

"Why not, Kuchiki-san...what aren't you telling me?" 

Rukia looked over to Inoue, hesitating on whether she should tell her.

Inoue parked the car in front of Ichigo's apartment. Rukia's eyes grew wide and she shook her head. "I changed my mind, Inoue. I can't do this..." 

Inoue turned to her, a strange sort of enthusiastic glimmer in her eyes that scared Rukia slightly. "There is no turning back, Kuchiki-san. You have to tell him everything."

Rukia breathed in and out, trying to calm herself. "I can't. I can't face him after everything. Take me back, In-"


Both girls screamed at the top of their lungs when they heard a knock on the window. Rukia lost complete composure on seeing Ichigo standing there, looking thoroughly irritated. She whipped her head angrily at Inoue, who blushed. "Sorry, Kuchiki-san, I had to make sure he was awake before we I called him to let him know we were coming..."

Rukia looked back and forth between Inoue and Ichigo, still shaking from being stuck in such a predicament. She finally growled in frustration and pushed open the door, nearly hitting Ichigo. She slammed the door, and Inoue quickly pulled out, giving her a thumbs up before leaving. Rukia narrowed her eyes at her friend's retreating car.

'Last time I tell Inoue anything...' she thought angrily before her thoughts were turned to the person standing behind her. She turned and looked straight at his amber eyes, which were strangely unreadable to her. He quietly turned and made his way to his apartment. Rukia scratched her head lightly, a trait she had somehow acquired from Ichigo, before following him. The walk seemed to take an eternity, and Rukia could see her palms sweating. Why was she getting so nervous? Since when had she ever been nervous around him? 

She entered his apartment and he quietly shut the door. She felt like a trapped bird in a cage. He walked past her without a word and to the kitchen. "Do you want something to eat?" he asked quietly, still not looking at her. She shook her head, feeling foolish since he wasn't even looking at her. She sat down at the edge of the couch, her hands folded on her lap. She felt him sitting in the chair near her and looked up.

He was watching her, trying to find the right words to start the conversation. He didn't want her to run away or to not trust in his words. He could feel the anger, frustration of what had happened earlier, but he knew he had to keep his temper in check if they were going to get through this. For some reason, he felt scared that this was the last chance for them to allow everything out in the open.

"Rukia," he began, but Rukia shook her head. "No don't, Ichigo. Look, whatever happened, happened. It's no big deal..."

Ichigo scoffed. "Then why did you run away?" 

Rukia pouted and crossed her arms, not looking for him. "I wasn't running away. I thought a jog would be an excellent form of exercise since I haven't been doing anything here with no hollows." She heard a soft chuckle from him and she felt her body freeze when he settled down next to her. She tried to move slightly away, cursing to herself when she realized she was already on the edge of the couch.

"Rukia, look at me." 

She closed her eye, taking a deep breath. She was frightened, but it was now or never; although a part of her wished there was a later option. She turned to him and met his gaze.

"That kiss wasn't supposed to happen. Shurei just kissed me and I pulled away immediately. I don't have any such feelings for her," he said in almost a whisper.

Rukia felt a lump in her throat and nodded. "I know...I trust you, Ichigo."

"Then why didn't you meet me that night? Why did you leave?" he asked, his voice strained from the hurt he felt after realizing she had been right there, and he never knew.

"I don't know..." she muttered, staring out the window behind them. "I don't know. I came to meet you but when I found you, you were having so much fun with Shurei on your date. I was…jealous at first. Thought about coming at you with Sode no Shirayuki. But then it just made me realize that there was a chance for you here if I wasn't part of your life. I thought maybe you could move on and be happy with someone and still be with your family and friends. There is nothing for you in Sou-"

She stopped immediately when his lips crashed onto hers as he pulled her closer to him. The kiss was felt more tender then the one they had shared on the rooftop, and she found she couldn't think of anything else but that very moment that she was in his arms. It was a comfort she had never thought she would ever have, but here she was, kissing his with such fervor that she felt all of her pain melt away. “Rukia,” he murmured softly against her lips as he began pushing her down on the couch. She opened her eyes fractionally to see him looking at her and all the reality of what was happening or about to happen struck her. She felt the tears that had been threatening earlier slowly start sliding down her cheeks as she quickly broke away from him. He looked at her, confused, and she quickly got up. "I'm so sorry, Ichigo. This...shouldn't have happened." She felt him rising and grabbing her wrist, turning her around gently.

"Rukia, you are going to tell me right now what is going on. You are telling me that what happened that night meant nothing and yet you still push me away! Why are you doing this, Rukia?"

Rukia tried to pull her wrist out of his hand, but he held it firmly. "Because what is happening, shouldn't happen, Ichigo!" she shouted, pulling harder but finding his hold getting tighter.

"Tell me one good reason why not!" he demanded.

"Because..." she took in a deep breath, "I'm engaged to someone else, Ichigo."
A/N: Yes. I enjoy evil cliffhangers…fuuuuu…