Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Warmth ❯ Warmth ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of the characters!
After the brightness and warmth of the days she spent here, she always dreaded the nights. It was so dark and cold in the closet. Like a prisoner she was sentenced to spend her nights asleep…alone… Even though she knew it wasn't…Rukia always thought the closet felt cold. Occasionally the annoying bear would snuggle up with her but it just wasn't the same. During the days everything was bright and warm, beautiful and wonderful. She never felt alone…even when she was. But the nights…the nights were dark and depressing.
Sliding over to the door she cracked it open and peeked out. There he was, curled up all snug and warm in his bed. Looking as though he hadn't a care in the world, she envied him that. He knew it would always be warm when he woke up. He would never have to worry about the cold, never have to worry about when the warmth, even during the days, would end and the chill would become permanent. She dreaded the thought of going back, even though at times she missed her other life. There she knew her place, there she was never teased and then denied, there things were always the same and no one would pull her blankets away from her.
“Ichigo,” she whispered. He was the warmest blanket she had ever known. It tore at her heart to think that she would lose him too someday soon.
At least she had gotten to know that heat, she told herself. Although, in the back of her mind, she wondered if it wouldn't have been better to have never known it, than to have to leave and miss it.
She knew it wouldn't be that much longer. She had already had far more time than she had expected.
Wanting to feel that warmth up close…just this once…she quietly pulled the door further open. Having no idea how much longer she would have, she would not let this opportunity be wasted.
Crawling off of her perch, she slowly walked over to the sleeping figure on the bed. Brushing the hair off of his forehead with her fingertips, she reflected on how absolutely alive he looked, even in his sleep. She knew for a fact that he would never be cold. There was nothing that could strip the vibrancy completely away from the boy before her.
Crawling softly, quietly into the bed, she snuggled up behind him and laid her cheek against his back. She felt the beautiful heat flood through her being and sighed deeply. This was what she would miss the most when she left. The complete warmth and vitality of this world…of….Ichigo…
Breathing his scent in deeply, she closed her eyes to sleep, vowing to wake up before him and move herself back to her cold, empty prison.
No, she thought to herself as she slipped into sleep, he would never feel the icy emptiness of always being apart, of constantly being alone, of being nothing …and she was glad.
A/N: Hello all! This is my first Bleach fanfiction! I hope that you like it! Please read and review and let me know what you think! Thank you!