Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Watching you Watching me ❯ Watching you Watching me ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer Stuff:::   Written for Makin Lemonaide WEEK 9: 'Is THAT all?!' Begin and end your story with that sentence.
And WEEK 31: Write about your favorite feature: Eyes
I do not own BLEACH, nor do I wish to offend anyone with a delicate sensitivity to it.   This is just a fic.   no biggie... just a little fic.  So don't sue  I'm poor and I know this sux.
Series: Bleach
Pairing: Ichimaru Gin X Matsumoto Rangiku
Rating: NC-17 it's PWP just smut nothing else
Watching you Watching me
“Is that all? You've been ignoring me all day and I'm not going to wait forever.” She pulled her legs up to her chest and watched him go through the usual motions. He was always making sure that things were in order. She'd wondered in the past if it was a nervous habit.
Rangiku had learned to just not interrupt him. He'd get back to her eventually, when it suited him. He'd been like that as long as she could remember. She'd loved him anyways. The times that he allowed her to be close to him, to share his precious space, were priceless to her. She'd wait as long as it took.
She sat on the pallet he used as a bed and assessed his quarters. He hadn't changed his styles in ages. There was nothing to indicate personal flair. His Spartan style of living had driven her crazy when they had been young.
She'd bring home some flowers or something to brighten up the rooms they shared, and before she knew it, he'd have thrown them out thinking that they cluttered the room.
She'd cried, screamed, and even slapped him for his stupid habits. He always smiled and apologized for not thinking of her feelings. But he always did it again the next time. Well, there was the one time he'd actually picked a flower for her as an apology. Neither of them had known what to do after that. She never brought flowers home again, he never picked her another. They'd just stared at the flower alone in a cup. It had meant so many things to them that they didn't ever sort out.
Here they were all these years past and neither had budged in any sort of way. Their time together was fueled with passion and despite having such distinctly different ways of living; their precious few moments alone were always cherished.
She watched as Gin collected the tea cups and returned them to their proper spaces, his robe hung properly and his shoes were exactly side by side waiting for him to need them.
Her sandals were beside his and she waited for him to correct them. She'd casually toed them off and left them… a certain revenge for all the blossoms he'd thrown away.
Sure enough. The last thing he did before his attention was finally fixed on her was to right her sandals and arrange them next to his own. He could afford to always seem carefree. He knew that he'd done everything his way to ensure that he didn't have to deal with it later.
He'd called her to him tonight, but regardless she knew that he meant for her to wait for him to finish his routine. She was the only woman he'd ever let get close to him, but he wasn't about to make any concessions for her. She was an ornament in his life. A pretty bauble to pass the time with, when he wanted it.
Tonight it appeared, he wanted it.
Turning to finally face her he shrugged and gave her a gentle smile. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
She changed position on the bed to offer him a more inviting look. She could read the desire in his eyes but she never could get the feeling behind it. She knew that she wanted his most attentive nature for as long as she could secure it. He was so fickle with his affections. He was a hard man to assess. He guarded his desires so often that it was habit.
Batting her eyes up at him she crawled forward, carelessly tossing the long sash she wore around her shoulders. He watched her come closer and waited. He never made the first move. He always forced her to come to him.
His hair fell over his eyes but she caught the fire behind it all. Sitting back on her heels she held out her hands to him.
“Are you going to keep me waiting all night? I'm not the most patient girl in Soul Society you know!” Her easy teasing brought him to her.
He crushed his lips against hers as he fell to the pallet. She caught him in her arms and let her soul melt against his.
His long legs straddled her while long fingers pulled and caught in the curls of her hair.
The fire was as good as it had always been. Hot, wet kisses and fevered touches like they had no time left and wanted to live the fullest while they could.
She tore at his wraps and ties. “Dammit it all, Gin! Why do you have to be so meticulous even in dressing! I can't get this thing off of you!”
He laughed and nipped her ear, “Sorry, Rangiku…” His hands left her body and deftly released the knots that held his clothing. He looked back up at her still smirking, knowing that the ease he'd had with the knots would do nothing for her temper.
She grabbed his robes and slid them off his shoulders as she trailed kisses along his neck and collar bone. Gin arched into her kisses and let his head loll back. He ignored the sound of her hands gathering his clothing into a ball and throwing it as far across the room as she could. He could feel her smirk in slight satisfaction against his skin.
His hands followed the path from her legs to the curves of her sides to her breasts to her soft cheeks. He cupped her face as she kissed and tasted his skin.
She returned briefly to kiss his lips. Her eyes wide and always watching his face. His eyes barely visible behind his hair were her link to his soul. His quiet, solitary, secretive person. The one she knew he hid from her.
Seeing his eyes darkened with unfaltering lust she slid her body free of her robes. She pressed her breasts against his hard lean chest and felt the sizzle of anticipation.
He watched her nuzzle against him, keeping their eyes locked. She traced his jaw with her tongue and fumbled with the ties at his waist. Freeing him and gently cupping his erection with her hands she moved lower with her tongue.
He'd closed his eyes and allowed her complete control. She smoothly moved her body back and moved her attentions to focus lower.
He sat back on his heels and modeled before her hungry gaze. She worked her kisses lower still until she could trade her hands for her tongue.
She licked at the tip of his cock and tasted the salty treat that had formed there before she took him into her mouth completely. His moan was barely audible.
He fisted his hands in her hair as she moved over him. Her mouth warm and soft exerting the perfect control to ensure that he lasted until she was done with him.
She trailed her tongue over the tight underside of his cock teasing the sensitive nerve endings. His body jerked in anticipation of what he knew would come.
With a soft “pop” she pulled back and looked back at his face for guidance. They knew each other so well. He crushed his lips against hers.
All the pent up lust was released and he pushed her back until she was against the wall.
He dug greedily at her waist for the ties that would free her and quickly dealt with that. Their dueling tongues heightened the passion as they clung and pulled at what remained of their clothing.
Finally freeing her legs he grabbed one and wound it around his waist. Using the wall for support he maneuvered himself to her opening and guided his member home.
She cried out as her body clenched at him deep inside of her. He was wild in his love making when he wanted to be. As his hands teased her breasts his hips were setting a frantic pace. She clung to his shoulders.
Their breaths were coming faster and faster and their skin created a slick slapping sound as he pounded her against the wall.
One strong hand snuck its way between their bodies. “Rangiku, I want to feel you come.” His soft voice rang like church bells in her ears. It resonated deep within her.
His fingers found her clit and rubbed her hard. Her hands clawed at his back and pulled at his hair. She found her voice and pulled his head away from her neck and kissed him.
“Those eyes, Gin, look at me when you come, look at me with those eyes. Please"
As their bodies shuddered against each other, they locked eyes.
She drank in the sensations. She never knew what he thought or felt. He was maddeningly mysterious. But in those eyes she never had to question. She knew that she was his girl. The man that cared for none, cared for her. All his secrets aside it was still for her that he was primal and passionate.
Totally spent he gathered her into his arms and laid them both down. He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead.
So rare was the chance to get him to relax completely. Rangiku fell asleep listening to the sound of his soft breath. It felt so good to lay in his arms. It was an opportunity that was few and far between over their time together.
“Is that all, Rangiku? You find so much in my eyes, Sorry, but I don't think it's what you think.”