Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ We Are Forever Entwined (Shinji Hirako) ❯ We Are Forever Entwined (Shinji Hirako) ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
We Are Forever Entwined

Disclamer: I don't own anything that is the world of Bleach.

Author's Note- This lemon for Shinji Hirako was requested by icecreamkiller on quizilla. I am now granting her/his request. Please don't take my impression of Shinji too seriously. I haven't seen him in awhile in the episodes other than the arc where he's got the long hair and was once a Captain in the Soul Society (SPOILER! If you haven't been watching the episodes, go and watch them! The arc of this section is Season 11).

Without further delay, the story, of course after a bit of info on the other main character. His love interest.

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Character Name- Lianna Goro

Age- old (looks about 17-18)

Eyes- Forest Green

Hair- Blood Red (waist length)

Skin- Pale (but not deathly pale, think of Uyruu Ishida the Quincy)

Race- Human/Shinigami/Visored (Vizard) (my own making)

Mother- Human/Shinigami (once a lieutenant for Squad 1.)

Father- Shinigami/Visored (Vizard) (a former leader of the stealth force before Yoruichi took over)

Love Interest- Shinji Hirako


Her mother and father met years ago before Shinji and the other Vizard's attained positions in the Soul Society. Her father somehow became the first Vizard ever to be created. Not wanting to leave her husband, Lianna's mother fled the Soul Society to be with him, becoming a deserter and an enemy to the S.S. Birthing Lianna and training her in the ways of a Shinigami and a Vizard, Lianna's parents soon met their end at the hands of a mysterious creature. Lianna killed it and was found by the S.S. squad members sent out to kill it but upon learning that she had already killed it before they got there, decided to take her back with them to enter her into the Soul Reaper Academy. Later meeting her Captain, Jushiro Ukitake of Squad 13, Lianna soon grew to come to trust him and see him as a second father figure in her life.

Soon after meeting Captain Shinji Hirako of Squad 5 and bumping into him every now and then upon delivering important papers or messages to the other Captain's, Lianna eventually felt herself growing a likeness of the monotoned, lazy, but funny Captain.

Not wanting him to know of her feelings for the man, Lianna kept her head down and didn't speak a word, but that didn't mean that her own Captain couldn't see her infatuation with the young Captain Shinji Hirako and stop him from planning on getting the two of them together. And now...ladies and where our story begins. 110 years ago in the Soul Society where Captain Shinji Hirako recides along with the present Vizards, now all in various positions within the Soul Society, including a young Sosuke Aizen of whom was none other than Shinji's very own lieutenant. And quite a distrustful and uncomfortable man if Lianna ever saw, felt, or sensed.   

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Sighing heavily to herself as she carefully picked up the high pile stack of papers that needed to be signed, looked over, and then signed again by other various Captain's in the Soul Society, Lianna Goro sent a sympathetic smile towards Captain Jushiro Ukitake when he coughed once again. Knowing that his health wasn't always in the best of spirits, Lianna informed him that she was going to be off to get the papers signed before returning back to her squad for further instructions.

"Okay Lianna, thank you for doing this for me. I'm sorry that I'm such a bother."

"You're not a bother Captain. You're sick. There's a difference. Besides, I'm happy to do this for you, really Captain Ukitake it's no trouble at all."

:"Well thank you Lianna. But first, Captain Hirako, how may I help you?"

Freezing suddenly in surprise, blush forming on her cheeks as she heard the loud draw out sigh of the man she'd come to develop strong feelings for, and hopefully wouldn't be shown to him any time soon.

"Uhh yeah, I need this document signed by you and Lianna here before I hand it in to the Head Captain. I don't know what it is, but, he wanted both of your signatures on it."

"Oh I see. Well alright then."

Hardly able to remove her gaze from his lithe figure as Shinji walked past Lianna to stop just ahead of her, Lianna swallowed her gathering saliva hardly able to cease her eyes from zoning in lustfully upon Shinji's backside especially when he leaned over Captain Ukitake's desk to sign his name on the document; seeing that it needed his signature as well.

Shifting her eyes towards her captain and seeing that he noticed her looking at Captain Hirako's backside, Lianna instantly shifted her head down in embarrassment, her cheeks flushing wildly as she did so. Her thoughts raced through her head as barely noticed her captain sign his name and then tell Lianna that she was next.


"Oh, I'm sorry, yes captain?" Lianna asked nervously as she shifted from one foot to the other, still holding onto the stacks of papers from earlier.

"You need to sign your name. Place the papers here on my desk for a moment."


Placing the papers onto the desk with a heavy sigh of relief, Lianna then grabbed onto the stencil and signed her name, oblivious to the wondering eyes of Captain Shinji Hirako upon her body. Her captain however, wasn't as oblivious as some people thought, and immediately began to plan a way to get Lianna, whom had come to be his newly appointed personal assistant but not quite making it to the rank of vice-captain or lieutenant and Captain Shinji Hirako together.

Not knowing deep down that Lianna simply chose not to take the seat of a lieutenant or that of a vice-captain, Jushiro Ukitake hmmed quietly to himself as he noticed their mannerisms around each other infront of him for but a moment before suggesting that since Captain Hirako seemed to have nothing else to do, then he'd assist Lianna in carrying her papers.

"Hmph, fine I guess that's better than being kicked around by Kisuke's lieutenant again."

"You're still fighting at odd ends with Lieutenant Hiyori?" Lianna bravely asked the man of her affections before she could stop her mouth from asking what was inside her head.

"Yeah, but it's no big deal, I'm used to it by now."

"Oh, well thank you Captain Hirako for helping me with these, I know that you really don't have to but still...thanks." Lianna said as she grabbed onto one pile of the papers and Shinji grabbed the other, easily halfing it's full weight and making it much easier for Lianna to carry around.

"Yeah well, I just felt like it. And the name's Shinji. Remember Lianna, call me Shinji, not Captain or sir or anything like that okay? We're not that much different in age you know."

"Uhh...yeah. I'm sorry Captain-"

"SHIN-JI! Say it with me, Shin-ji. Shinji."

"Sorry, Shin-ji."

"Good, now continue. Where are we heading off to first?"

"Squad 8 to get Captain Kyoraku's signature and then after that is Squad 6 for Captain Ginrei Kuchiki's signature."

"Oh man, this is going to be such a pain in my ass."

"I'm sorry Captain, if you want too, you can leave. I'm sorry to have wasted your time."

"Geez, you're not going to cry on me are ya? I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that sooner or later Hiyori is gonna come running on through and knocking me over once again about something stupid. That's all. It has nothing to do with you."

"Oh, okay. Well, we're almost there. After these two signatures only four more to go and then its finishing it off with your's I believe and then we're done."

"Really? Well, let's hope that we can get this done quickly."


"I heard from Love that there's a storm coming in. A really bad one."

"Oh, well then, let's get going. Finally, the squad 8 barracks."

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After attaining the signature's of Captain Shunsui Kyoraku and Captain Ginrei Kuchiki, Lianna and Shinji then hurried along the long hallways and corridors towards the medical wing where they had to attain Captain Retsu Unohana's signature. Getting it and apologizing for taking up her time, Lianna and Shinji quickly left the medical barracks on towards that of squad 2 for Captain Yoruichi Shihoin.

Getting her signature proved to be a little difficult. Especially when she teased Lianna and Shinji of walking around together like they were a couple. Making the two of them blush before Shinji stuttered out that they needed her signature and one other before his and to turn all these papers into the head captain before the big storm rolled in.

Signing her name and sending them out with wink and a joke that they had better hurry or else the lovely white kimono that Lianna was wearing would reveal to Shinji all her beloved assets when the pouring rain from the storm finally came down upon them.

Leaving with a heavy blush on her cheeks, knowing that Yoruichi was right, Lianna quickly ushered herself on towards the squad 9 barracks for Captain Kensei Muguruma's initials.

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Finally attaining all but Shinji's signature's Lianna thought that it would be best to finish signing the paperwork back at his squad's barracks inside his office where they would be safe from the storm that was now almost upon them.

Running and often using flash step to get there faster, Lianna and Shinji finally made it to his squad's barracks, however the rain made it along with them. Practically soaking them both to the bone. Praying that no one could see through her kimono, Lianna peered inside Shinji's office to see to her surprise that it was empty. His lieutenant, Sosuke Aizen, was no where to be seen.

'Thank god.' Lianna thought to herself with great relief. Never fully comfortable around that man. 'There was just something about him that screamed...danger beyond belief.' she continued to think as she walked over to Shinji's desk and set down her stack of papers, casually glancing around Shinji's office curiously, oblivious to his now hungry gaze wondering her supple form now that it had been revealed to his eyes through the rain that soaked their clothes. Making Lianna's kimono practically see through and sticking to her figure like a second layer of skin.

Lightning shown through his open window as the big storm finally arrived bringing with it cold rain, heavy wind, and loud shocks of lightning.

Shivering slightly as the temperature in the room seemed to drop, Lianna instantly wrapped her arms around herself for warmth, but continued to shiver regardless she tried to warm herself up.

After placing his own stack of paperwork on top of his desk, Shinji tried to get his mind out of the gutter for once in his life, but looking over at and upon Lianna's shivering beautiful body, he couldn't stop the images of what it would be like to have her right here and right now inside his very own office during the storm of the century no less, from filtering inside his head.

Walking over towards her from behind Shinji instantly wrapped his arms around Lianna bringing her body closer to his own. Although his own clothes were no better than hers, Shinji knew that inorder for them to survive the cold night and get through this in one piece, they would have to shed their clothes and share body heat underneath something.

"Lianna, you know what we must do in order for us to get through this, right?"

Flushing intensely, freezing up in embarrassment, and biting down on her lip as a surge of arousal flowed through her body as an image of her and Shinji, naked underneath a blanket or his captain's coat, getting intimate with each other flew through her mind; Lianna nodded nervously knowing deep in her wildly beating heart just what he was about to say next.

"Well, if you want to survive tonight, you know that we have to share body heat. If you want me too I'll turn around."


"Alright. If you need my help just let me know."

After she watched as he turned his back towards her, Lianna carefully began to undress out of her kimono, but suddenly got a problem as she reached behind herself to untie her obi (sash) from around her waist. It was stuck. Untying the obi when it was dry by herself was hard enough but this, it being wet, seemed practically impossible.

Shifting her gaze back to Shinji, noticing that he still had his back to her, Lianna felt her face flush once again and stampered out to him nervously if he would help her.

"What do you need?" he asked, sighing loudly, complaining to himself that he was cold and needed to get out of his clothes and soon.

" obi is hard to untie by myself and I need your help."

Flushing more, shifting her eyes downwards as Shinji turned around and walked up to her and motioned for her to turn around, knowing that he would get a good glimpse of her light blue panties underneath it's see through material; Lianna crossed her arms across her breasts, to try and give herself a little more modesty from his wondering eyes.

Feeling her obi loosen and fall to the floor, Lianna opened her mouth to thank Shinji only to gasp in surprise instead when she felt his arms wrap around her body begin to take off her kimono.

Shaking, mind racing, not knowing what else to do but stand there as she felt Shinji's body so close to her own, Lianna stood there unsure if she should turn around, stay put or try to find something to wrap herself in to keep out the cold air from brisking over her goose bumped flesh.

"Here, take my coat, it should be pretty dry by now." Shinji replied to Lianna as he took off his long white captain's coat and wrapped it around her shaking body.

"Th-thanks." Lianna responded back shakily as she felt her teeth begin to chatter, wrapping herself more around Shinji's coat, taking in not only what remained of his body heat but also his scent into herself.

Walking over to his couch nearby and sitting down upon it, Lianna turned her head over towards Shinji to ask him a question only to gasp, stare widely, and flush once more.

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After he had given Lianna his captain's coat to help keep the cold air off of her shaking body, Shinji then set about getting himself out of his wet clothes to cease the process of hypothermia from claiming him as its victim, while wearing his wet clothes of course.

He had shed the top part of his soul reaper's uniform and was about to shed his pants when he turned around upon hearing Lianna gasp out softly from over by the couch.

Turning towards her, Shinji raised an eyebrow at the expression upon her face, moreso for the flush on her cheeks.

"Huh? What's wrong with you? Are you getting sick or something? Your face is all red." Shinji replied back to her as he lowered his hands down to his own sash that kept his pants tied to his waist, curious all of a sudden about her strange behaviour that she's been into as of late. Especially whenever he was around.

Whenever he was around. When he was around her.

'That's it.' Shinji thought to himself, turning his back towards Lianna, crossing his arms across his bare chest. 'She must have some kind of a crush on me or something. Well, I know I'm not certainly the most handsome guy around here but, for someone like her to like a guy like me, well...there's a bonus for ya no problem Shinji. But would I really go so far as to actually lie with her like this? Especially when both of us aren't wearing any clothes. Yeah, I would. But does this mean that I possibly like her too? Ugh man! This is going to be such a pain in my ass no matter what happens, even if we don't have sex, it's still going to be a pain in my ass. Especially when Hiyori finds out about it.'

Glancing back towards Lianna for a moment and then back onto himself, Shinji thought to himself for just a second before shrugging his shoulders and thinking one last time before undoing his sash and stepping out of his pants, causing Lianna to suddenly cry out and duck her head underneath Shinji's coat. Hiding her face from his view as he walked over towards her after he disposed of his shoes and socks and doing the same to her before joining her on the couch, completely comfortable with his nudity.

'Oh well, any way you look at it, you're going to go to hell for this. Might as well have the joy of getting laid before I go.'

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Tensing upon feeling the couch sink beside her when Shinji sat down after disposing of her shoes and socks, Lianna glanced up out from underneath Shinji's coat to come face to face with his own staring right back at her, seemingly mere inches away from her own. Shocked with surprise and embarrassment into complete stillness, Lianna couldn't have stopped Shinji from doing whatever he wanted right there and then no matter what was going through her mind, for one instant he was staring right into her eyes, then the next, he was kissing her.

He was kissing her. Shinji was kissing her. Captain Shinji Hirako of Squad 5 was kissing Lianna Goro. None other than Captain Ukitake's personal assistant.

Lianna felt her mind instantly go blank upon feeling Shinji's lips caress her own. When he coaxed her mouth open to further the kiss, bring out his own tongue to play with hers, Lianna groaned low in her throat in pleasure, her fists clenching his coat to herself as she felt him lean his body weight down onto hers. Making sure that Lianna was soon given no other option but to lay down upon the couch or else she'd fall onto the floor in her unbalance.

Lying down with Shinji on top of her made her feel like nothing she had ever felt before. It felt warm, arousing, right. It felt right that he was there with her, on top of her, kissing her. Kissing down her throat, sucking at her pulse point making her head fall back in pleasure granting him further room to explore.

Subconsciously opening up her arms, unclenching her fists of his captain's coat, making it fall beneath her like a blanket of pure white snow surrounding her gasping, flushed, aroused form.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, raking her fingers through his long hair, Lianna called out Shinji's name as she felt his lips kiss down her collarbone onto the top of her unclothed breasts. Taking each in hand and squeezing, pulling, taking her hardened rosy nipples inbetween his thumb and index fingers and rolling them, tugging them, pinching them. Making her cry out, buck up, and toss her head from side to side in both pain and pleasure from his malevolent onslaught.

"Ahh! Shin-ji! Please! More!" Lianna cried out, no longer caring about how flushed she was, how her body was no bucking into his like a common whore, her legs automatically spreading themselves to further accomodate him inbetween them.

"Heh, geez, will you be more quiet. I don't want to have to hear about this tomorrow from my squad you know. It's bad enough that I'll have to hear it tonight. I certainly don't want them to hear you cryng out the way you are right now. It'll get them all curious and want to come and see what the noise is all about. So if you don't want company any time soon, try to shut your mouth. Cause if you don't, then I might have no other choice but to gag you, and as much fun as that would be for me I really don't want to do that to you. So what do you say Lianna, be a little more quiet?"

"Y-yeah...ugn!...I'll...I'll try." Lianna stuttered out as she felt Shinji begin to thrust himself against her body, now having taken her breasts into his mouth after his long dreary speech. But having quiet a meaning to it that struck deep within Lianna. She didn't want anybody else to come and witness her in such an intimate act with none other than a captain.

She didn't want anybody to know about this. Or else, she'd be charged with having an affair with a captain, one of her superiors and be out of her squad faster than she could ever dream.

No. The only way that she could continue on in her position as Captain Ukitake's personal assistant, was to try and keep her mouth shut as she felt Shinji kiss and lick his way down to her navel and caress her body from her hips down ontop of her thighs.

"There that's much better...are you ready for what I have in store for you next my little Lia?"


"Good. Cause I'd still do it whether or not you were ready. Just kidding Lia, now brace yourself, I heard that you women really kill their throats hoarse over this."

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Leaning down licking across sweet nether lips, Lianna instantly thrusted her arm over top her mouth to smother her loud cry of pleasure as she felt her body sing, buck into Shinji's mouth, begging for more.

Feeling him continue his ministrations, Lianna could hardly believe that such an amount of pleasure coursing through her body could have all started from down there, but glancing down and only seeing the top of his head inbetween her legs, Lianna reached down and grasped a fist full of his long hair to try and get his attention.

Shinji glanced up at her for just a moment before leaning back down and continuing his work.

Shaking like a leaf upon the couch, hardly able to string together two words much less control her frantic thoughts and feelings that she was now, finally getting the chance to be with the one man that had so easily captured her heart.

Crying out into her arm as her orgasm suddenly came down upon her, Lianna quickly turned her head away from Shinji's pleased gaze in embarrassment, slightly ashamed of how she had reacted to just his mouth; knowing that what would come next would cause her inhibitions to go into overdrive. Make her cry, beg, and scream for more of his attentions.

Feeling his hand gently turn her head back to the front, his eyes upon her face, Shinji leaned down and soundly kissed her once more. Opening her mouth to play with her tongue, letting Lianna taste herself upon his tongue, Shinji broke the kiss and started to turn his attention onto her throat and chest as his fingers began their own exploration upon her nether lips. To try and coax them apart so that he could stretch her, prepare her, for what was soon to come.

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Praying that he wouldn't leave a mark upon her neck where people could see it, Lianna felt her face warm up further than her body as an image of a mark upon her neck being spotted by Yoruichi or heaven forbid her own Captain came into her mind and she having to explain, rather embarrassingly where she got the mark and from whom.

Gasping suddenly upon feeling one of Shinji's fingers suddenly enter inside her moist cavern, Lianna groaned low in her throat upon feeling him circle his finger inside of her, and then thrust it inside and out of her. Rhythmic motions in an never ending, age old dance, groaning to himself as he felt how tight and hot her walls where around his finger; only just imagining how that would feel around his thick cock when he would finally enter her and show her just good it felt to be with her.

Thrusting two of his fingers into her and then slowly three, to help get her better prepared for when he was going to take her, Shinji couldn't stop himself from leaning down licking a trail inbetween her breasts, up to her throat and over onto her shoulder where bit down upon her. Not hard enough to draw blood, but just hard enough to leave marks for the rest of the night, before they disappeared from her beautiful body in the morning.

Now comfortable with himself that he's stretched her enough, Shinji moved himself into his position between her legs, his cok resting right against her center.

Gazing into her beautiful forest green eyes, Shinji thrusted himself into her gently after he received her permission to do so by the nodding of her head, groaning loudly into the room with his head leaned back in pleasure.

" you're so damn tight...and hot." Shinji muttered to her as he slowly moved inside of her until he was inside of her all the way.

"Sh-Shinji." Lianna groaned out, raising her arms and wrapping them around his neck, pulling his body down onto hers. Kissing him for all he was worth.

Letting him know that she was ready and that he should start making love to her.

Thrusting himself back and forth, in and out, while lying on top of her; Shinji began to feel sweat pour out from his heated body mixing together with hers. His scent and hers coming together, like their lips, their groans, their souls. Forever connecting to one another as they danced the horizontal position of passion.

Thrusting even harder into her upon finding a good rhythm, feeling his climax and hers fastly approaching by the clenching of her legs around his waist and her inner walls around his cock, Shinji instantly began to hasten his movements to try and make it so that they climaxed together. His mind delirious with heat, with pleasure, with reaching his climax so in the forefront, he never took notice of his head raised above the very place upon Lianna's shoudler where he had bitten her earlier.

His mouth open, ready and waiting to bite down on her once again, he groaned suddenly closing his eyes before leaning down and biting down furiously upon Lianna's shoulder. Her blood spilling into his mouth as his teeth broke the surface of her skin, their climaxes erupting together, her screams filling his ears as her body clenched tightly onto his own.

Then suddenly, as soon as it came, it was over. His hot and sweaty body fell on to hers, panting loudly, gasping for breath as they tried to slow down their racing hearts. Arms wrapped around one another for just a moment before Shinji tugged and pulled out his captain's coat out from underneath Lianna's body and tugging it down over on top of them. Covering their sweaty bodies with it as a makeshift blanket to keep out the cooled air that was beginning to raise goosebumps upon their skin.


Shinji raised his head from beside Lianna's wounded shoulder, where he had bitten her, marked her as his woman to hear what Lianna had to say.


"I...that is umm..."

"Ya love me right?"

"I uhh...we-well..."

"It's alright Lia, I love ya too."


"Ya, now let's get some sleep. I'm beat."


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Waking up to the morning sun, bright and early the next morning regardless of their night activities, Shinji and Lianna quickly untangled themselves from underneath his captain's coat and walked over toward their now slightly wet, but more dry than last night clothes and shrugged them back on. Informing Shinji that she'd be right back after she went home and changed to pick up the paperwork that they discarded last night on his desk, Lianna quickly used Flash Step to get home thankfully without being seen and changed into new clothes.

Taking a quick shower first, Lianna then got dressed into her customary soul reaper uniform and left her home to flash step back into Shinji's office an half an hour later.

Gathering up one stack of papers, and a freshly washed and dressed Shinji taking the other, they walked out of his office like nothing happened and on towards the head captain's main office to deliver the now signed paperwork into his care.

After completing her mission, Lianna glanced over at Shinji once or twice as they walked side by side to who knows where, holding her hand onto her inujred but now medically dressed shoulder where Shinji had bitten her last night. Curious to know why he did that, Lianna turned towards him and asked him thta very question.

"Shinji, why did you bite me?"

Stopping suddenly, not expecting such a question to come from her so soon, knowing that she was going to ask but not expecting her to do so now, Shinji scratched the back of his head, thinking of a good answer to give to her. Before he could answer her question, he suddenly flung back into the nearest wall, clutching his face into his hands groaning and complaining loudly in pain and anger.

"Ow! Geez! What the hell was that for Hiyori?"

Knowing that the only person capable of doing such a thing and daring to as well would be none other than Captain Kisuke Urahara's lieutenant Hiyori Sarugaki, not understandable of her actions or temper issues at all, Shinji carefully stood back up with the help of Lianna at his side. Handng out to him a handkerchief to clean up the blood from his face where she had kicked him into the wall.

"Where were you?! Your whole squad was waiting for you back in the squad barracks you dumbass! And you! Your Captain was worried sick over you! He's waiting for you back in his office!"

"Oh I see. Thank you Lieutenant Sarugaki. Shin...I mean...Captain Hirako, I had best get going now. Thank you for relaying the message to me Miss Hiyori. I'll see around sometime Captain. Goodbye."

Waving at them with a smile, Lianna flash stepped on towards her Captain's office, slightly disappointed that she never got her answer from Shinji about why he bit her. But not too worried about it at the moment, Lianna greeted Captain Jushiro Ukitake and began to inform him of where she had been last night due to the storm.

"So you see Captain, because the storm had been so bad and not wanting to try and rush through it and possibly get injured getting back, I remained back with Captain Shinji Hirako in his office helping him finish the paperwork to be signed and turned in this morning to the head captain."

Obviously omitting the real story about what had happened between herself and Shinji, Lianna simply informed her captain of a down sized but believable background story for where she had been last night and what they had been doing. Telling him that Shinji offered her a spare change of clothing, how they finished signing the paperwork and falling asleep upon his couch.

Thankfull that he believed her story, Lianna then set about to deliver more papers to other various captains of the soul society before making her final stop at the Captain of Squad 12, of the Research and Development department, Kisuke Urahara.

"Captain Urahara, I have with me a few papers that need to be signed immediately before being turned in to the vice-captain of squad 1." Lianna called out from behind his closed office doors.

"Oh I see, well come on in but be carefull, I have some company with me." was her reply from inside.

Opening the doors and finding Captain Kisuke Urahara surrounded by paperwork, test tubes, and other such strange objects, Lianna carefully walked inside and maneuvered herself over towards his desk where she presented him with the last three sheets of paper that needed to have his signature as a Captain and not a Researcher on it.

"Well, well, fancy meeting you here so soon after our departure." a very familiar male voice spoke out to her from behind.

"Ah! Captain Hirako, just the man I was looking for. Have you seen my lieutenant anywhere by chance? I need her help with something."

"Nope, last I saw, she was heading over to squad 7 to talk to Love about something."

"Oh, well, thanks for telling me. Say I have an idea, why don't the two of you do me a little favor? Please? If you do this one thing for me, I'll owe you."

"Fine, I've got nothing better to do."

"Lianna? Think you could spare a few more minutes?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Great! I need you two to go out into the forest nearby and pck out a few berries for me."

"Berries? You want us to pick some berries? What are we doing making a pie or something?"

"No Lianna, both of you will need to wear these gloves because you can't let them get into contact with your flesh. They're poisonous."

"Okay, how many berries do you want."

"Only about twenty or thirty should be enough."

"Alright we'll be right back."

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Walking through the forest, looking for the berries that Kisuke Urahara wanted her and Captain Hirako to retrieve for him for obvious research material, Lianna looked over and all around her as she hoped to find some kind sign of where those berries were located.

"Hey Captain, do you see any sign of a berry bush around here?" Lianna asked, calling out to Shinji, praying that he did.

"It's Shinji, Lia, and no I haven't."

"I think he sent us out here on a wild goose chase."

"Really? I've been getting the same feeling."

"You have? Since when?"

"Since we left Kisuke's office. I thought I felt the presence of Captain Jushiro and Yoruichi Shihoin nearby, but just shrugged it off as them passing by."


"But, now that I think about it, I could've sworn I saw Yoruichi smirk at us as we left Kisuke's office together. Him too."

"Really? Well, they are friends."

"Yeah and that's what worries me."


"Think about it. Yoruichi teased us about getting together, Your Captain noticed that you liked me and I in turn felt an attraction towards you, and now Kisuke sending us off together to look for some berries that he needs to experiment on? Sounds kinda fishy to me."

"Yeah, now that I think about it, it kinda does. So, what? Do we stop looking and just head back or do we continue looking, hoping that there actually are berries nearby and jsut grab a few dozen and bring them back to Kisuke?"

"Well, I certainly don't want to go back right now, especially with Hiyori out there just waiting for the perfect moment to strike back at me. Should any problems arise within my squad, then lieutenant Aizen can handle it in my absence."

"I guess so. I just hope that Captain Ukitake doesn't become ill so soon. He just began feeling better this morning."

"Well, you look in that direction and I'll look in this one. Holler at me if you happen to find any."

"Okay and you do the same thing."

>_<>_<>_<>_<>_<>_<>_& lt;

Surprisingly, Lianna was the one to find the berry bush they had been looking for, calling out to Shinji and telling him where she was, Shinji immediately made his way over towards her direction to help pick some of them out.

Carefully grabbing a good few dozens, Lianna and Shinji then placed the berries into the special basket that Kisuke gave to Shinji just before they left his office.

On their way back, Lianna thought that now would be a good time as any without any distractions to ask him about the bite he gave her on her shoulder.

"Shinji, you never answered my question from before, why did you bite my shoulder?"

"Huh? Why did I bite your shoulder? Well...I guess you could say..."

"Say what? Why did you bite me?"

"You really want to know?"


"Alright, I bit you because I wanted everyone to know that you're mine."

"That...I'm yours?"

"Yep. There's your answer. I'd be jealous if any other man tried to take you from me and obviously you yourself would be jealous of any girl trying to take me from you. So...I bit you. As for your mark, well, let's just say that my back has plenty of those."

"O-Oh. I...I see."

"That answer your question Lia?"

"Y-Yeah. Thanks. Well, what do you say to a nice lunch out after dropping these off?"

"Lunch? You buying?"

"Yep. Once in a life time opportunity. interested?"

"Sure, why not, hopefully we'll be able to get there without running into Hiyori."

"Yeah, I hope so too."

>_<>_<>_<>_<>_<>_<>_& lt;

After dropping off the berries and leaving to go eat lunch, Lianna glanced back down upon her bitten shoulder now no longer in curiosity but in tenderness, she happily smiled to herself upon remembering that she now also marked Shinji in a similar manner that he did her.

Remembering the dried blood crusted from underneath her fingernails where she had scratched his back upon reaching her peak of pleasure.

Walking along side Shinji towards the nearest bar/restaurant in town, Lianna glanced up into the sky and thanked her lucky stars that such a man like Shinji Hirako was in her life and now in her heart. Praying that from that day on, they would always be together. And if not, then he would always think of her, like she would forever think of him. No matter where their paths took them they would always somehow find a way back into the arms of one another. Even if the fate that eventually lead them there would bring them to their deaths.

As long as she and Shinji were together, Lianna knew in her heart that nothing and no one could stand in there way, not even the sentence of death or forever banishment. That they would always find a way back to each other. For they were no mated souls. Forever intwined beyond death and spirit reincarnation.

>_<>_<>_<>_<>_<>_<>_& lt;

The End.

Author's Note- Well, there it is. I hope you all liked it. Especially icecreamkiller for whom had requested a story of Shinji Hirako be made. Let me know what you all thought. And good luck to all of you out there for your own interpretations of the characters of your own anime stories. Trust me, they can be hard to recreate.

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