Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ When Captains Collide ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2
A green-haired soul reaper made her way towards Captain Kyoraku's office. She had just heard a second announcement calling her squad to his office. She quickened her pace, managing to reach her designation at the same time most of the others did. Captain Kyoraku was standing ill at ease as the remainder of squad 12 entered. He cleared his throat before addressing them. “Alright. You all may not have heard the news, but your squad is as of now without a lieutenant.” Several small gasps of surprise reverberated throughout the squad. Shunsui nodded, confirming their disbeliefs. “Yes, shocking I know. After Captain Kurotsuchi reportedly escaped from a ryoka by transforming to his liquid state, Lieutenant Kurotsuchi went missing. However, she did leave a note behind explaining that she ran away and will never return. It was also mentioned that she couldn't take anymore abuse. So now it is my job to assign your squad a new lieutenant.”
The others remained still, save for the green-haired female from before. Her violet eyes were wide with excitement as her feet seemed to dance of their own accord. Unlike the others, she absolutely adored Mayuri Kurotsuchi. It mattered not to her if she was beaten, she'd do anything for her number one idol. Shunsui frowned as his eyes drifted over the solemn faces. “I won't force any of you if I don't have to. Anyone who wishes to volunteer is more than welcome, that is, if you're lieutenant material.” The excited female's hand shot up in an instant. It was obvious that she was the only one after the job. Shunsui issued her a surprised stare. “Well, I suppose that does it, then. Naomi Unchiko, you are the new lieutenant of squad 12.” She lowered her hand and stepped forward; a proud and loyal look plastered to her face. The others were bewildered as to why anyone would want to get close to their captain. (They'd all heard about Mayuri's little tactic to kill two ryoka by killing three of their own.) Shunsui handed Naomi Nemu's old badge that had also been left behind. “Here you are. And because your captain is temporarily indisposed, you and your squad are to assist squad 11 with their patrol duties. Understood?”
The squad as a whole saluted wordlessly and filed out of his office. Naomi slipped on her new badge and followed with excitement behind the others. Not only was she excited about her promotion, but also excited that she could spend some time on the job with her older siblings; both in squad 11. She giggled quietly to herself. `Tehe, they'll be so jealous to hear that I've become a lieutenant already.'
As if on cue, she just happened to look up and see both of her siblings dash by. Without another thought, she leapt after them; tackling both to the ground. Fortunately, they'd been in midair above a building, so the three of them landed safely. Kohaku and Rankaku turned their irritated faces to their mischievous little sister. Naomi was just about to brag to them about her new position, but was rendered speechless upon seeing their new accessories. “No way! You guys too?” Her siblings dropped their angry stares and nodded. Then, Naomi frowned. “Where were you two off to? Weren't you supposed to be on patrol duty?” Her tone was accusing, as though she suspected that they were ditching work. To her surprise, Kohaku issued a very fresh grin. “We think we may have sensed the same two ryoka that your captain fought yesterday. One of the pressures is weaker than a soul reaper's, and the other is completely different.” “A Quincy,” Rankaku added. That was reason enough for Naomi. “Yay! I love Quincies!” Her siblings knew by now not to stare. Naomi was known for being a little out there. So, knowing what had to be done, the three siblings set off.
A dark-haired Quincy, leading his red-haired companion, practically charged through an open door off the streets. But upon entering a dimly lit bar, they slowed almost to a stop. “Are you absolutely sure we're being followed, Uryuu?” He nodded, trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible. “Yes, Orihime. I can sense three of them; they didn't even bother concealing their pressures. And they're coming fast. I think if we just blend in with the other members here, then maybe we won't be singled out.” His tone was heavily laced with fear. She nodded and headed towards the back of this moderately noisy place. There was a small uninhabited table further back than the others, and suspiciously close to the bathroom. It seemed perfect, so Orihime seated herself. Uryuu did likewise and began to make small talk; another tactic to blend in.
Almost simultaneously, the still-ajar door to the bar was kicked nearly off its hinges. The Unchiko siblings' entrance was nothing short of aggressiveness. “Everyone on the floor, NOW! Two ryoka may be present in this very room!” Kohaku's booming voice sent chills through all present; making it clear that her order was mandatory. Normally, Kohaku never yelled, but she was so close; she was not going to lose two ryoka. Most of the souls present, squad 5 and 6 members, obeyed immediately. Though they had no idea who she was, the Captain's haori was enough. The commanding reapers wasted no time in scanning the room. Uryuu and Orihime huddled close, making sure to keep their heads down. The whole minute that the search required seemed to last endlessly for the frightened ryoka. But to their tremendous relief, the searchers returned to the front of the bar and prepared to leave.
But instead of all three of them leaving, the captain stayed behind. She'd motioned for them to go on ahead and keep searching. Kohaku was determined that she could sense that Quincy among everyone else. So, she stepped cautiously through the huddled bodies; her magenta eyes anything but their usual brightness. Closer and closer she crept towards the back, convincing the two ryoka that they needed to get away. The split second Kohaku had her head turned to a particularly skinny squad 6 member, they scrambled into the closest bathroom. The sinister footsteps eased closer and closer. Orihime shivered with fear, practically holding a vice grip on Uryuu. “What are we going to do?” whispered the Quincy in desperation. But that gave Orihime an idea. “Uryuu, you may not like this, but I think I can get us out of this.” “What is…?”
He was cut off as Orihime suddenly forced him to the floor; pressing her lips forcefully to his. His face went lobster red as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Almost instantaneously, Kohaku kicked in the bathroom door. (These poor doors) She quickly regretted doing so as the view of the soul reapers making out met her eyes. Instead of saying anything, she stepped back; closing the now broken door. She shook her head and left the bar to find her siblings. Due to the shock, she'd lost her concentration and was unable to detect the Quincy's pressure. She growled in frustration, but continued her search elsewhere.
Orihime finally broke off the kiss, looking up in relief. “Whew, that was a close one. Sorry about that Ur…” She wasn't permitted to finish as Uryuu gently but suddenly pushed her head downwards; connecting their lips yet again. She wanted to pull away, considering this to be betraying her feelings for Ichigo, but it felt so good. She just couldn't. Uryuu deepened the kiss and rolled Orihime onto her back. She was surprised at how aggressive her companion was all of the sudden. But she continued to kiss him, now using her tongue.
And just as Uryuu began to reach for her robe top, a husky squad 5 man burst in. “Hey, you two! I'm not gonna piss while yer makin' love! This ain't a motel; out!” Uryuu quickly got to his feet, helping Orihime up. They wordlessly exited and discreetly stepped out onto the streets. They were relieved to be alone again, so they sat down against a cold brick wall. Neither felt like running off again so soon. Uryuu was red again, but more from embarrassment. “I'm sorry, Orihime. I realize you only did what you did as a tactic to drive away that captain. I didn't think it'd work, but it did. That was a really good idea, but I shouldn't have insisted on continuing. Forgive me.”
He hung his head in shame. But she shook her head, taking his hand in hers. “Why should you be sorry? I didn't fight back, did I?” “But what about Ichi…?” She held a finger to his lips. “Come on, I know you can see it too. He's head over heels for Rukia, right?” “Well, I guess…” “So, that means I have to let him go.” She then rose to her feet. “We'll have to talk more later. I don't fell safe out here.” Uryuu stood up as well. “Alright, let's go.” She nodded and quickly planted another kiss on his lips. “One for the road,” she said cheerily before starting away. Uryuu was red again, but had to hurry to catch up to her.