Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ When I Am You Songfic ❯ When I Am You Songfic ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Authors Note: I don't own Bleach and make no claims on it. If I did, there'd be a whole hell of a lot of kinky shit going down. The song used here is When I Am You by the band Panzer AG. All rights to the song remain with its creator.
When I Am You Songfic
When I am you…
I never need to care for me.
I can't ever tell a single soul how freeing I find it when I am you, Shirosaki. I never need to care for me, or anybody else for that matter, when I am you. All the burdens I shoulder on a daily basis melt away when I am you. I'm sure you know that sometimes I don't fight against you very hard because I want to lose my responsibilities for a few brief moments and just live in the now like you do. When I am you nothing else matters except the fight and who's next to fall under my blade. I shouldn't crave those stolen moments as much as I do.
When I'm you…
I love myself just like you.
Those instances when I beat you and gain control are sweet, Ichigo. It's an even bigger thrill when you call for me and let me take you over. Those times, when I'm you, I know I can do anything I want short of harming or killing your friends and you won't try and stop me. You revel in what I do when I'm you, subtly encouraging me to fight harder and go further. I love myself the way I am just like you love yourself the way you are. I wouldn't either one of us to change. We need to be the way we are to exist with each other. Eventually, you'll realize that and embrace what we can be.
When I'm you…
I kid my brain and think like you.
When I'm you, you've helped me win battles that I should've lost, Shirosaki. I know I couldn't have come out on top without your help even though it pissed me off at the time that I wasn't strong enough on my own to beat my enemy. I can kid my brain and think like you but it's not the same as when I'm you. When I'm you I feel invincible and like I could take on the world and win. As much as I love that rush of absolute power, the strength of my desire scares the fuck out of me. What am I becoming if I'm starting to like it when I'm you?
When I'm you…
I never need to hold it back.
When I'm you, Ichigo, I never need to hold it back. Everything I do, when I am you is full-bore. Passion, rage, power… everything. I don't think I could hold it back if I tried and neither one of us wants that anyway. We both like the feeling of letting loose with everything we've got. We've got a few rules between us about not hurting family or friends and as bad-ass as I am, you know I'll keep my word. Why? Because as much as you deny it, I am you and you are me.
When I'm you…
I kill like you,
I'm drugged on you,
It's not my fault.
When I'm you, Shirosaki, I loose myself in what you are. The power is a rush and as much as I hate to admit it, you look kinda cool in battle. I kill like you when pushed hard enough and although I know I should be concerned about that, all I can feel is a sense of rightness and accomplishment. And the desire to do it again. In the middle of a fight, when I'm you, I feel unbelievably alive and like I'm filled to bursting with power. As wrong as that probably is, I love it. That worries me a hell of a lot but, far less that it should.
It's damn hard for me to admit that most of the time I feel like I'm drugged on you, Ichigo. Taking your power and twisting it with mine is an incredible high. If you'd let me, I'd do it all the time. I want more from you but I don't think you're ready yet to give me more. It's not my fault. I'll share power with you. I'll share everything with you if you'd only ask. I know I am you and you are me. You're the one who needs to realize that little fact. Everything will go so much easier for both of us once you do.
When I'm you…
I kill,
I'm you,
I pray that it's not my fault.
I am you…
When I am you, Ichigo, I kill and I can taste your pleasure in the act. You don't want to enjoy it but you do. Deny it as hard as you want but, I live in your head and know exactly what you feel. You don't want to listen to me when I tell you that I'm you and you are me. Eventually you will. You're not stupid and you'll come to realize it sooner or later.
In those moments that I share in your joy of a life slipping away under my blade I pray that it's not my fault that I feel that way, Shirosaki. That has to be your influence, doesn't it? I'm not that kind of a person, am I? Then again, if I believe what you say, I am you and you are me and I know you love the battles and the deaths so, maybe that's just a reflection of what I truly desire. You probably know how much that scares the crap outta me, don't you?
When I am you…
Just like you…
When I am you, Ichigo, we are one and as close to invincible as anything mortal can get. You need to realize that soon. Time is running out for both of us. For the things I can feel coming, we need to act as one if we want to have a prayer of making it out alive and in one piece. I sure as shit don't want to die and I know you don't either so I hope for both our sakes you get your ass in gear soon and pay attention to what I've been telling you for a while now.
I feel like something huge is looming on the horizon, Shirosaki. An event that'll change everything for both of us. As much as that terrifies me, it also draws me to it. I can feel the swirl of powerful currents around me and I know you can, too. In this one instance, I can admit that I'm just like you because I want the power that's reaching out for me as badly as you want it. Just like you, I'm power hungry and want all I can get.
When I am you…
When I am you, Ichigo, nothing is beyond our reach and the world trembles at our feet.
When I am you, Shirosaki, nobody can stand in our way and nothing can stop us.