Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Zanpaku-to? ❯ Normal Protocol ( Chapter 59 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tite Kubo owns Bleach. I just borrowed the characters. I do own Atonomatsuri (the bird) and Piecrust (the jerk). I make no money from this work. However, writing it makes me laugh.

Normal Protocol

"Lead the way, Captain Kurotsuchi," the Old Man commanded.

The hesitation seemed more like a stubborn refusal to move. "This is not normal protocol."

An unfamiliar rasping, grinding noise issued from Captain-General. It sounded like something familiar, but not from that source. Then Zaraki realised the man was laughing.

Had he ever heard Captain Yamamoto laugh? The man wasn't jolly, nor did he seem to wish to show he enjoyed anything, not even a good fight.

"Normal protocol? Captain Kurotsuchi, I thought Captain Kuchiki possessed the most pride of any of my Shinigami's but you once more prove me wrong," his face became serious. "Learn your place which is as my subordinate," Yamamoto paused and finally added, "for the present."

The underlying implication was clear. He may be a Captain now, but there was the possibility he might be returned to the Maggot's Nest or executed for his crimes.

The man reacted as if he'd received a mortal blow.

"He doesn't look happy, Kenny. Does the Old Man mean it?" Atonomatsuri seemed pleased and eager, for what he didn't know.

"Very well," Kurotsuchi said with obvious reluctance. "However, I trust each of you understand the need for secrecy."

He turned and walked slowly out of the room. Zaraki waited until everyone else had left and followed. It might be fun to observe the interaction between the participants while he had time to consider what he'd heard.

The man had been performing dangerous experiments on Hollows. Why?

Did he even need a reason? Maybe he was driven to experiment the same way Zaraki was driven to fight. It was instinctual and necessary for his interest in survival, though the man seemed needy if he needed to experiment all the time. Zaraki didn't need to fight every day. He'd like to but often there was little point as most of the people who were available didn't interest him. Their skills were limited or he knew their style and abilities too well for it to be even a slight challenge. No one he was interested in fighting wished to indulge him.

Experimenting, at least the way Kurotsuchi practiced the term, didn't provide much information except for the subjects tolerance for pain and the way they functioned and performed tasks while either being tortured or under threat of torture. Had the man killed puppies and kittens when he was younger? Cutting the poor creatures or administering poisonous concoctions to see the results? Alternatively, were puppies and kittens too strong for him, so he started with insects and fish, gradually working up to mammals, with a side venture into reptiles and birds?

In some ways he could see the fascination in studying Hollows, maybe, but mainly their varied fighting style. What other factor about them could interest him? Hollows were there to provide him with entertainment while they tried to defeat him, and of course, failed.

Any recollection of the knowledge of his previous existence he firmly forced from his awareness. Such thoughts weren't important or helpful.

Why were they tarrying? Why hadn't the Old Man forced the Winter War to commence so he could stop being so bored and taking part in these stupid challenges, which were to prove an obviously guilty man's depravity?

All the same, he was on the way to 'investigate' the 'Super' Hollows enhanced by the Clown Captain. If the man had actually done some work on them to enhance their abilities as he had hinted they might be interesting, put up a bit of a fight. Too few interesting fights recently. The last interesting fight he'd had... then he shuddered at the memory. That 'interesting' fight with the kid had directly led to this current mess. Or had it? Wouldn't Kurotsuchi still be the person he was?

"He would be the same. It's you who has changed," Atonomatsuri said, gently.

"Yeah? Well change is over rated. I was happy..."

"We've had this conversation before. Without change, there is only stagnation. You were bored before we talked, weren't you?"

Zaraki thought about it, despite his reluctance to follow any of the bird's advice. He'd been slightly down after Ichigo defeated him and kept refusing a rematch before he'd left. In his deeper, darker moments he wondered if Ichigo had dismissed him as a worthy opponent and that was why he'd run from each encounter. Bored, possibly as no one who was prepared to fight him offered a decent challenge, which added to the depression had lead to this current situation. Hell, why did Kuchiki always say no? Why did all the Captains refuse his offer of letting them test each other's abilities? If only...

He shut down that line of reasoning. "It is what it is," he thought. "If I go through all the "if only's" it would take up too much time and it makes no fracking difference."

Was the bird chuckling quietly? "Yes, Kenny boy. No difference. Didn't Ben Hurbster say: 'The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become'?" The damnable creature was laughing at him and he didn't want to answer. His temper was responding despite his efforts.

There was a bottleneck at the door. Zaraki almost grabbed a few people to move them out of the way but decided for once not to use force to clear his way. The Super Hollows were trapped underground and while he was impatient to see what challenges they might provide, if Kurotsuchi had been involved in creating them, their main abilities might be boring, like long-winded talking about how wonderful they were.

Finally, Kurotsuchi moved out of the way and permitted the Captain-General to precede him. Considering his initial reluctance, Kurotsuchi seemed eager to be on his way, or was he trying to get to the 'experiments' and administer some quick acting poison to deprive Zaraki of his fun? Or did he want to hide the evidence?

Zaraki waited until the others had exited and then followed. He noticed the Shinigami were walking in groups and Kurotsuchi was trying to have a quiet conversation with Akon until the Captain-General joined them. A grim smile lifted Zaraki's lips. Was the Old Man going to accompany them to observe? He hadn't mentioned it, but who could tell?

Yachiru jumped on his shoulder. "Ken-chan, why did you wait so long? I got outside first and waited and waited for you."

Madarame walked over and smiled at his Captain. "Our Assistant Captain needs to learn the value of patience."

"Patience yourself, Baldy. Ken-chan isn't patient. Why should I be? Even Long Eyebrows said he isn't known for his patience."

Long Eyebrows? Another nickname, but who did she mean? Then it quickly came to him that she meant the Old Man. He did have long eyebrows, which often meant a sign of wisdom. Yachiru always amused him with her apt names.

He laughed, while looking at Madarame. "You. Talking about patience? Yeah. You're such a good example of a person with patience."

Flushing, Madarame opened his mouth to respond, shut it again and then, grudgingly laughed. "I follow my Captain's example."

Zaraki tried not to smile and simply replied, "Yeah, yeah. Blame me for your faults like the example of the Clown Captain?"

Madarame looked shocked and then quickly said, "I wasn't trying to do that, Captain!"

Yachiru giggled and pointed at her subordinate. "Baldy wants to join 12th Division. I can see him trying to do kido."

"I don't want to join 12th Division. They always try to get out of fighting saying their research is more important. They're a bunch of wankers who talk but don't act." Madarame was smiling widely as he spoke.

"I don't know Ken-chan. He may be a closet scientist," Yachiru said thoughtfully. "Maybe we should check his quarters to see if he has a microscope and Bunsen burner."

"What is a Bunsen Burner? " The man's forehead was creased and he again looked worried.

Yachiru looked at Zaraki as if he might know. "I don't know what a Bunsen burner is. You mentioned it. You must know," he told her.

"A Bunsen burner produces a single open flame which is used in a science laboratory for heating and sterilizing," Atonomatsuri told Zaraki, who much to his surprise and those of his subordinates repeated the information. They looked at him and then at each other.

Madarame eventually shrugged. "How do you know that?"

Zaraki shrugged in return and didn't answer.

"Tell them it was me," Atonomatsuri said. "Don't take credit for my work."

"No. It's not important," he told her, wishing he hadn't simply repeated her words without thinking about her reaction.

The bird sighed heavily. "It is the fate of the great ones of this earth, to be appreciated only after they are gone."

Briefly, he wondered about whom she was talking. Until now, anything that might be considered a compliment had always had a sting in the words, or there was a reminder about all the years he'd tortured her. As she certainly wasn't talking about Yachiru or Madarame and it wasn't even slightly possible she was referring to Kurotsuchi and why would she be talking about the Captain General?

If he left all those potential, 'great ones' out there was only one person to whom she might be referring. Herself. In all their conversations, the constant refrain regarding her worth and abilities had flown over his consciousness but he hadn't really taken any notice. Now he thought about them, the words produced a strange reaction in Zaraki. He'd said he wanted her to go and it seemed she was hinting this might be a possibility.

"Are you going somewhere?" he asked hoping he didn't sound too eager. She had a habit of raising a possibility and then dashing his hopes as quickly.

She sighed even more heavily. "No, Kenny boy. I am simply telling you that you would miss me if I left. Do good and throw it into the sea -- if it is not appreciated by an ungrateful man, it will be appreciated by God."

It was easy to guess she meant he was the ungrateful man. Nevertheless, how did throwing anything in the sea mean you were doing good? He frowned, trying to puzzle it though. What did it mean?

It was another bloody proverb. The second in as many minutes. Not even attempting to stifle the growl, Zaraki strode forward to catch up with the people in front, hoping if he walked faster, he might leave her behind, but knowing he'd have no such luck. "Stop it with the adages," he instructed the bird. "You don't have to use one in every sentence you utter."

Atonomatsuri harrumphed, sounding remarkably like the Captain General. "I merely use words of wisdom which provide enlightenment on current situations. A spoon does not know the taste of soup, nor a learned fool the taste of wisdom."

His growl became noticeably louder. Another one and this one saying he was a fool, or a spoon. Until now, Atonomatsuri hadn't implied he was an eating implement. Was he the learned fool? Or did she simply include the 'learned' because it was part of the adage? Of course she had. "One more, just one more and I'll..." and then paused. No threats had impressed her in the past. Even the time they'd spent trapped in his 'mind' hadn't scared her much except when they nearly 'died'.

"You'll do what, Ken-ken?"

"I won't talk to you."

"So you say."

"Yeah, I do."

Their voices contained more tension and the words were spoken faster with a hard edge growing with each sentence.

"You'll talk to me because you can't help yourself," Atonomatsuri said triumphantly.

If she could attack with words, so could he. "You won't stop talking to me because you need to be acknowledged."

She went silent. It was an odd, moody silence, which stretched out until he forgot they'd been talking and they'd arrived at the entrance, or what he assumed was the entrance.

"Is this the place?" the Captain General asked? He was looking doubtfully at the ground.

Where was the entrance? He saw a few buildings but none of them seemed large enough to contain holding cells of the size required to keep the 'Super Hollows' contained.

"It seemed wisest to confine them underground. I did say they were causing the earth tremors," Kurotsuchi seemed uncomfortable with the admission.

Then Zaraki looked down at what appeared to be a manhole cover. A very unpleasant realisation began to force itself into his mind. "We're going into a sewer?"

He didn't mind travelling anywhere to a fight, but the man was supposed to be a scientist and it was hard for him to imagine Kurotsuchi willingly working in a sewer, despite his feelings about the man and his morals. From the little he knew about science, and he liked the ignorance, it seemed there was an emphasis on cleanliness and order. It was hard to imagine a clean and orderly sewer.

"It's well maintained, we all know the attention to detail the Fourth Division pay to such matters," Kurotsuchi said dismissively, staring at the manhole cover. Perhaps he hoped it would magically vanish before he needed to enter.

Not liking his tone or the way the words might be interpreted, Zaraki said, "Why don't you take care of it?"

The Clown Captain appeared stunned at the question and quickly shook his head. "It would be an insult to Captain Unohana if I tried to usurp her authority."

A fast response and one, which may be rehearsed.

"Or you are simply taking advantage of her good nature," Captain Kuchiki said with one eyebrow raised.

Abarai nodded in agreement. "Captain Unohana and her Division don't need to do your work for you."

Kurotsuchi glared at the Sixth Division Assistant Captain. Obviously, the sentiment was not welcome. Before he made the furious response he was planning, the Captain General spoke.

"Now is not the time for discussing the delegation of responsibilities. Captain Kurotsuchi, we will speak of this later and you will make restitution to the Fourth Division for their work. As time is passing and we are uncertain of the situation we must proceed. Open the cover."

Noticing Kurotsuchi's hesitation, Zaraki simply moved him aside and lifted the cover, placing it to one side.

The smell, which arose from the open hole, was not pleasant. Who was he kidding? It was rank and smelt exactly like a sewer.

"We should let the air clear before we proceed," Kuchiki suggested, his scarf noticeably in front of his nose.

Akon spoke, surprising them as he rarely voiced an opinion. "There is little point in waiting. The air won't clear. I have brought some masks which you may choose to wear if the smell offends you." In his hands were white paper squares with pieces of elastic attached.

"Smell doesn't hurt," Zaraki said, waving away the proffered item.

"No, but it may offend," Kuchiki said quietly while taking a mask and placing it over his nose and mouth. After some hesitation, his Assistant Captain followed his example after a quick mime show conversation with Madarame. Obviously, he was trying to please his Captain, but not prepared to be demeaned in the eyes of his friend by accepting what he might consider sheer frippery.

"Looking good, Renji," Madarame with humour.

His friend glared back and then moved his shoulders with embarrassment.

"I wish I had a camera, Ken-chan," Yachiru murmured, not too softly, in his ear. "I know people would pay money to see Captain Frosty and the Crimson Kamikaze with masks on. They look funny."

Abarai apparently overheard and gave Yachiru a startled and worried glance. She noticed and smiled happily, pleased to have the opportunity to tease a new victim.

"Does it make it smell any better?" she asked curiously.

Abarai shrugged and turned away, not providing any comment and obviously uncomfortable at her scrutiny and questions. Had he always been this humourless, or was it something to do with being in the presence of his Captain. He remembered the man joking and laughing with Madarame when he was in 11th Division, and their constant brawling after drinking excessively. Then again, Kuchiki was a joyless bastard and his influence might be affecting his subordinate.

After climbing down the ladder into the sewer, Zaraki noticed there was evidence of rats and other creatures which liked to frequent dark, dank places.

"I don't like it here, Kenny," Atonomatsuri whined, her voice shrill.

Zaraki grimaced but did not reply. She'd challenged him and he wasn't prepared to back down, so he kept walking, following the Old Man who led the way with Kurotsuchi.

"You do know where we are going, don't you Captain. It would irritate me greatly if you hoped to mislead us," the Captain-General said loudly as they passed a path leading west from the one on which they were headed south.

Kurotsuchi stopped and then trying to hide his mixture of fear and anger led them down the path leading west.

"How did he know, Kenny? I still don't like it here. Why aren't you talking to me? I'm not happy!" the shrillness of the vulture's voice had increased and grated on Zaraki's already stretched patience.

"Talking to me now? Didn't take you long to crack, did it?"

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die. I don't like sewers. They smell and have nasty things in them. It reminds me of your mind."

It was easier to ignore her, Zaraki decided. Sometimes it seemed possible they might find a common ground and become if not friends, at least allies, but her mood was changeable and it wasn't possible to predict how words might affect her. If he didn't answer, her mood changed for either better or worse but there was the possibility it might improve. Anything was possible.

"It's pretty smelly, Ken-chan, but we might fight some strong Hollows. Isn't it exciting?" Yachiru said as she bounced on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I could do with a good fight. Nothing really challenging has happened for a while," he agreed. "Why are you so excited?"

"I love watching you fight. You smile and seem so happy and then afterwards you buy me sweets and cake and tea."

"Cupboard love, eh, Yachiru? I thought it was more than that," Zaraki teased back.

She immediately giggled and patted him on the head. "You know you are in a better mood after a good battle, unless you've been fighting with words, then you get grumpy. Or when you fight with 'Suri. I don't know why she puts you in such a bad mood."

Why wasn't he allowed to forget about the bird?

Madarame nodded. "Yeah, the bird gets it's talons into you."

Yachiru groaned at the bad joke. "Baldy, if you are going to try to make jokes, at least make them funny."

Zaraki partially listened to their banter but found his eyes were watching Kurotsuchi. As far as he could tell the man was looking flustered and unhappy. He tried to maintain a certain distance from the Captain-General, but the Old Man had apparently noticed and stayed close. The pace of the walk slowed considerably and used to running when he wished to arrive somewhere, even when he knew Yachiru would provide the wrong directions, he found the slow pace annoying.

"Can we get there sometime today? I want the semblance of my life back," he called loudly. "Why are we walking so slowly?"

"A good question, Captain Zaraki. I do not like lingering in insanitary conditions. Although Fourth Division maintains them to a good standard, a sewer is nonetheless, a sewer," was the unexpected support he received from Kuchiki.

"I believe our good Captain is feeling certain reluctance in discovering if his theories are correct, or he is worried of my reaction," Yamamoto said sternly. "Captain Kurotsuchi, lead us there now, fast."

Zaraki noticed the absence of a threat if the man failed to carry out his order. As it was, the man was losing the challenge to save his life, his career and whatever else he valued. Did he have much more to lose? Alternatively, was it the potential loss of face that now motivated him? How could he lose more face? Was he worried he'd be mocked about his failed experiments? Until now, he'd blustered that all the problems he had caused were the fault of others. Why not use the same ploy on this occasion?

Pushing away the thoughts because thinking about Kurotsuchi creeped him out, he picked up his pace as the rest began to move more swiftly. Not as fast as he usually travelled but speedily enough.

The tunnels through which they walked now were less well lit and occasionally he could hear the distant squeaking of rats and the patter of their feet as they ran from the approaching Shinigami. For a moment, he considered running after them and killing a few, but such past times had never amused him. It wasn't sport or much fun to kill such inferior foes.

A few more turns and they arrived at the end of a tunnel. The 12th Division Captain made some movements with his hands and muttered some words; Zaraki suspected some variant of a kido and another ladder appeared which led down further. The Clown Captain stopped and spoke before he descended. "This is a long ladder. It leads to the first level of my concealed laboratory and the entrance is normally concealed. I insist none of you use this knowledge to tamper with my future experiments."

The Old Man raised one eyebrow. "You assume too much."


"You assume you will have the ability and rank to perform any experiments in the future. You have wasted enough of my time. Lead the way," Yamamoto cut through the question. It was becoming clear his patience was waning.

The man nodded and then opened a cupboard Zaraki hadn't detected and handed out what appeared to be lights that strapped to the head. "There is only minimal lighting on the ladder. You might wish to wear one of these."

Wearing a light on his head when he spent so much time getting his hair the way it was? No way was he going to do that.

It seemed Yachiru noticed his thoughts. "I'll wear it if I can stay on your shoulder, Ken-chan. I think it would look cute on me, but not on you. It would look like a giant boil if you wore it, as it looks on Baldy." She lowered her voice slightly. "I really wish I had a camera. Captain Frosty would hate it if anyone else saw him like that."

Glancing at the man, Zaraki had to stifle his laughter. It was hard for the man to maintain his dignity wearing a facemask and a light. He almost carried if off, but it was still amusing.

"Yeah, Yachiru. You wear the light and I'll carry you. Just don't bounce around while we are on the ladder. I'll have to concentrate."

'You got it Ken-chan." Yachiru said as she put the torch on her head. "Let's go."

While he didn't want to, he decided to wait until last. His urge was to go first and seek out these supposed Super Hollows to fight before anyone had a chance, but he hoped there would be enough for them to all have at least one decent fight, maybe two for him if he was lucky, unless the Old Man went all macho and decided he wanted to prove how he still had the ability to defeat any enemy.

Commencing the climb down the ladder, he wondered why Kurotsuchi hadn't told them how many steps there were on the ladder. Simply saying it was long gave no indication of the length of time required to climb down the thing.

Atonomatsuri once again proved her inability to remain silent. "It's longer than you think, Kenny boy. It's longer than you think."

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Author's Note
As nearly every game contains a sewer/underground level it amused me to include a sewer level in this story. Anything that amuses me now is treasured and used.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Still trying to work out if it is a train, helicopter, truck or daylight.

Thank you to the people who review and provide helpful comments.

Please review.


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