Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Kushinada of the Past ❯ Kushinada of the Past - Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2

Momiji knew she had been dreaming when she woke up, but unlike before, she couldn't remember anything about the dream. She sat up in bed, feeling cold, her blanket pulled tightly around her. She took a deep breath, looking around the tidy little room. She noticed her bedroom window was open and the curtains were damp as the wind blew them gently back and forth. She watched them sway almost in a daze for a moment, and then snapping out of it she shook her head. She reached over, taking her robe, slipping her cold feet into her bedroom slippers and got up walking toward the window. She frowned at the window, not remembering having opened it the night before. She noted that the lock was fine as she reached out to close it.

That's when she saw her hands.

Staring down at her blood stained hands, she slid to the floor, sitting on her butt, her legs out before her. She stared, wide eyed, in horror as she noticed her legs were covered with caked brown blood. She looked at her nightgown beneath her robe, small rips and tears ruining the fabric, blood everywhere. Momiji wanted to scream, but instead her mind shut down as she fell back against the floor in a dead faint.

Sawaguchi Kome was pissed off. Where was that brat? Momiji was supposed to have been here over thirty minutes ago. It wasn't like Momiji to be late and Kome hated to admit it, but she was worried about the little Kushinada. She looked over at Matsudaira and Ryoko sipping tea, and then went back to scowling. "You did tell her noon?"

Ryoko smiled a bit, "Yes. I even left a message on her machine this morning to meet us for lunch before we go to the department store. She probably celebrated with Kusanagi late last night and overslept."

"Ryoko, do you think they...?" Kome grinned, losing her scowl.

"Kome!" Matsudaira exclaimed. "Momiji isn't like that."

"Yeah, but it would be good for her and ol' Mr. Kusanagi. He might even lighten up a..."

"Kome!" Ryoko looked at her crossly. Kome shrugged sitting down in a chair, crossing her arms leaning back. Ryoko looked at the clock behind Kome and frowned. "Actually, I'm starting to worry myself. I think I will give her a call." Ryoko stood up, walking over to her desk, dialing her number.

"MOSHI MOSHI! Momiji isn't in right now, Please leave a message! THANK YOU!" was the machine's excited reply. Ryoko frowned.

"Momiji-chan, its Ryoko. We are all waiting for you and I'm a bit worried. Give us a call if you're not already on your way."

Matsudaira poured Kome a cup of tea, frowning. "She wasn't answering?"

"No.... machine."

Kome stood up, pacing again. "This was her idea, she wanted to go pick out the invitations. She was excited even, telling me I would be clueless on picking out a design without a grenade border. I'm going to take a ride over there and see if she is okay. If she shows up, page me."

Ryoko nodded. "We'll stay here in case she shows up."

Kome nodded then stopped, "Well...what if she was at Kusanagi's last night and somehow didn't get your lunch message and is waiting at the department store?" she asked slyly.



"Ryoko... Kome..." Matsudaira looked at them and sighed. "Kome, check out her apartment, Ryoko, go look around the department store...." Ryoko opened her mouth to say something but Matsudaira held up her hand, stopping Ryoko, "Just in case, it rained last night.... Maybe she stayed because Kusanagi wouldn't drive her home on his bike. I'll wait here in case she shows up here running late."

Ryoko nodded and Kome shot her a smug look as they both headed out. Matsudaira shook her head sipping her tea. She didn't think Momiji would have had sex with Kusanagi. Actually, Matsudaira grinned, Kusanagi would probably be the one saying no. He still had a long way to come, but Matsudaira knew with Momiji in his life, he would make it. She thought of what Kome said. Grenade border wedding invitations. Really. Laughing, she looked over some new computer programs as she waited for Momiji.

Kusanagi Mamoru was sitting in the small teahouse that stood across from his apartment building, sipping tea. He tapped his fingers along the strap of his new camera, debating whether or not he should ask Momiji to come with him on his trip. He wanted to photograph some of the scenery surrounding Tokyo and he knew she would enjoy it. She would be hurt, if he didn't ask. Probably yell at him. He winced, imagining her bashing his head in with his camera. Kusanagi ran a hand through his hair, taking a breath. What did he know about dating? Or love?

"Fuck..." he put the camera in its case. He would stop by her place later. He could ask if she would like to go tomorrow. He'd settle for just taking picture of Susano-oh Park today.

"Fuck." What was his problem? Frowning, he knew. He wanted Momiji. He wanted her with every ounce of his being. It scared him how much he wanted to make her his. What if he hurt her? He stood up and tossed some money on the table, grabbing his tripod off the floor. He walked out; ignoring the stares people gave him. People would always stare... at him and then at Momiji. Momiji. They would stare at her for being with a... Fuck. He let out an angry breath. Kusanagi secured his case on his motorcycle and attached the tripod with stiff angry movements. Why couldn't he let go of this? Momiji didn't seem to mind he was a freak... a monster. He wanted to be with her. She told him he wasn't a monster. She really believed it. She never once looked at him the way others did. He got on his bike, looking around. "Fuck it."

He started the engine, putting his helmet on over his scowl, and then took off heading for Momiji's place.

Momiji jerked awake, looking around quickly. She was lying on her couch in the yellow skirt she wore the night before. Sitting up, she looked at her hands. No blood. "...What's going on?" She glanced around her apartment, everything seemingly okay. She stood up slowly, feeling sore as she walked into her bedroom. Looking out her window, she asked herself, am I going crazy? The window was closed and the lock looked fine. She glanced over to her bed, which was made. "I didn't sleep in the bed?" she walked over to it, touching it almost cautiously. Did I sleep on the couch last night?

Momiji sat on the bed, looking confused. I could have sworn.... She laid back, thinking. I know I changed into my pajamas and came in here. I know I did. She sat up, looking around the room. She saw herself staring back at her in the mirror. She stared hard at her reflection for a long moment, and then shook her head. "What a scary dream. It was so real."

She got up, walking for the bathroom. Turning the light on, she looked in the mirror as she turned on the facet to the sink. Washing her hands, she cupped them under the warm water. Leaning over, she splashed her face a few times, take a breath. That feels better. She straightened, wiping her face with a towel. Opening her eyes, she saw herself, but she wasn't alone.

A grotesque dark blue face stared at her in the mirror from behind her shoulders. Its long jagged white teeth was twisted in a horrible grin, narrow blood red eyes squinted at her. Its bright red hair standing tall on its head like a cardboard crown and as it hissed, she could only make out one word.


Ryoko walked around the shopping arcade, eyes scanning the crowd for Momiji. As she walked by young couples and families, she though about how she had been worried over Momiji since she had moved out of her and Daitetsu's home. They did appreciate the privacy as all newlyweds do, but Momiji had always seemed to be part of the family. And, Ryoko thought, helped Daitetsu deal with the loss of Kaede. Ryoko sighed sadly; he really had loved that girl. Ryoko could only hope that she could give him a baby to love, one who wouldn't have the weight of Japan on her shoulders as Kaede and Momiji had. Ryoko smiled wondering if Momiji ever felt that way, the weight of the world. Ever since she came back, she seemed to live life to the fullest. She was a remarkable young gi--- woman. Ryoko chided herself. Momiji is no longer a girl, but a young woman.

In America, she faced the monsters head on, but it was Kusanagi she ran from. She had to find her path with him, Ryoko thought. Smiling, she thought, who am I to judge? Ryoko had hidden her feelings from Daitetsu just like Momiji. Loving some one... it can do strange things to people. Ryoko pulled out her phone dialing TAC's number. "Momiji's not here, maybe Kome is having better luck."

Kome banged on Momiji's door as loud as she could without breaking the thing. "Momiji... get your ass out of bed and open the door!" She looked around the hallway, not really caring if anyone was listening. "MOMIJI! Open this door! Or I'm breaking it down!" She knocked again, and then held her head close to the door listening. Nothing. Kome made a face. "Alright...I'm coming in! One.... TWO.... THREE!!!"

She kicked the door down before she even finished the word. Looking around the living room, there was no sign of the girl. Where is she? She walked around the small apartment, stopping in the bedroom. The light was on in the bathroom. Walking over to the door, she tapped softly, "Momiji? You in there?" After listening for a moment, she opened the door, looking around. No Momiji.

Frowning, she flicked off the light. She pulled out her cell phone, dialing the TAC's number as she walked back toward the living room. "Hey, Matsu? She's not here... yeah, I'll fix the door and head over to Kusanagi's." Flipping the phone closed, she grabbed for the door when a black-gloved hand covered hers.

Looking up, Kome glared at the startled Kusanagi, "What the hell did you do to Momiji?"

Kusanagi blinked at her, "eh?"