Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Kushinada of the Past ❯ Kushinada of the Past - Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 7

Kome stared the young man down over her gun, "Momiji... move away from him."

Katana and Hiei looked at her confused. Then looked at each other. "Hiei, who is this person?"

Hiei looked back at the jumpsuit wearing young woman and shrugged. "I have no idea. She's talking to you, Babe."

A second woman moved over to them, and Hiei squinted at her. What the hell? She put a hand on the woman's shoulder with the gun. "Momiji?" She looked over at Katana. Katana returned her look with a confused expression. The woman looked to the armed blond with a confused look as well. Hiei kept his arm around Katana, getting extremely pissed off. Not to mention there was now a large group of onlookers making a large circle around them. Whoever they were, they were confused. Maybe he can use that to get Katana and himself out of this rather quickly.

Putting his free arm up, he looked to the blond. "Listen... my girlfriend and I are on our way home. You're scaring her. Let us leave before some one gets hurt." Katana made his story believable, as she was holding onto his sleeve with a death grip, nails digging into his shoulders.

"That girl is not leaving with you. Momiji, get over here now."

The taller woman with the short, blue-black hair was studying them. "Kome... maybe she's not Momiji. The resemblance is striking though..."

"What's your name?" Kome demanded.

"Katana...." she said in a whisper.

"Just Katana? No last name?" She pointed the gun to Hiei's chest. "Let her go. I think your scaring her."

Hiei let go slowly, putting his hands high in the air. "Who the hell are you people? You've ruined our date. What kind of people would do that?" He inched away a little from Katana, who was staring at the couple in front of them. She didn't seem to know them. She looked confused, a deer trapped in the headlights. Hiei wanted to do damage seeing that look in her face. Who the fuck did they think they were.

The taller woman walked slowly towards Katana while Kome kept her gun aimed at Hiei. "Momiji? Katana? I'm not going to hurt you. Its just... our friend Momiji has been missing for a while and we are searching for her. You look just like her, except for the hair... Can you please just talk to us a moment?"

Katana looked from her to Hiei, then back. "Momiji?" She took a step back from Ryoko as she advanced. "Please... I don't know you. Just let Hiei and me go..."

Hiei practically snarled. "Leave her alone. You're scaring her!"

Katana took a few more steps back, the crowd parting slightly. She jumped, startled as Hiei suddenly threw himself at Ryoko. Kome, cursing, lunged at him. The three of them were suddenly on the ground and Katana heard Hiei yell, very clearly, "RUN! I'll find you!"

Katana turned and ran, knowing he would.

Kusanagi arrived as Kome and Ryoko were putting a young man in cuffs. Frowning, he walked up behind them. Glancing around at all the onlookers, he spoke to Ryoko. "What's going on?"

"We found a young girl who looked almost exactly like Momiji. Only the hair was different. This guy threw himself at me so she could run away. Kome wanted to shoot him, but I think Kunikeda needs to talk to him." Ryoko smoothed back her messy hair. "He put up a fight. Lucky there was two of us. I don't think he wanted to hurt us, just give her time to run away."

Kusanagi walked right over to the man, and grabbed him. "Kusanagi-san!" Ryoko yelled, coming over to them. Ignoring her, he raised the shorter man up off his feet.

"Where is Momiji?"

Hiei looked at Kusanagi, eyes narrowed. Was Katana running from him? Who were these people? Did they hurt her? "I don't know a Momiji."

Kome stood behind Hiei, watching Kusanagi with satisfaction. "She was calling herself Katana. They seemed quite a pair. He said we were interrupting their date."

Kusanagi's eyes widened and stared at the man. "Who the fuck are you?"

Hiei smiled at him unpleasantly. "What? Your girl run off? So you want to steal mine? Go fuck yourself."

Kusanagi backhanded him, letting Hiei go flying off to the side. Kome and Ryoko yelled his name as he advanced on Hiei.

Hiei spit out some blood, trying to stand, the handcuffs hindering him. "Sure. Attack me while my hands are tied. Do you attack defenseless women also? No wonder she left a monster like you."

Kusanagi grabbed the front of his shirt, when Kome put a hand on his arm. "...Lets take him to Kunikeda. If he says its okay... you can have him."

Kusanagi frowned at Kome, and then shoved the thug at her and Ryoko. "...I'll keep looking for her. Call me if he says where she might be." He looked into Hiei's face. "If the girl you were with is Momiji... I'll kill you." Turning his back, he walked away; leaving Hiei with no doubt in his mind that he would do it.

Sugishita Shunichi sat across from Kunikeda, looking over reports. Interesting. There were two deaths in the past two nights that were classified as animal. Shaking his head, he frowned, remembering two years ago. He had to make the news reports for the TAC back then, as the media liaison. He knew how the aragami kills were always categorized an animal attack. Coincidence? Did they awake again? Only a few months ago there was an outbreak in America, could another scientist be at work? These deaths were random. However, Momiji was missing. Only for one night... Could something be feeding? Gaining strength? Who could be after the little Kushinada this time? Susano-oh was resting peacefully two month ago. What could it be, if not the Aragami? Valencia's father? Valencia?

Leaning back in his chair, he considered. She had stopped her father and freed herself from the mitamas, but did she harbor thoughts of revenge? Dismissing the idea from his thoughts, he concluded that it didn't make sense. Rubbing his temples, he decided he would call Valencia and see where she was. Better safe than sorry. Sighing, he glanced at his watch. Sakura should be arriving any time, he thought bemused. He closed his eyes and contemplated what outfit she would be wearing when she arrived.

He was disrupted however when Kome and Ryoko shoved a man into the room. Kunikeda stood up, gaping at the two women and their captive. The young man fell forward, nearly falling on the floor as Kome shoved him. Ryoko grabbed him before he had a chance to hit the floor.


"This is the man we found with Katana, Sir. We believe she is Momiji, and this man was the one who took her."

Hiei stood, brow wrinkled, looking rather pissed. He gave Kome a look that said he really wished his hands were free.

Kunikeda walked over and looked down at Hiei. "What's your name?"

"MY name? Who are you fucks? What the hell do you want with me?" Hiei spit the words out, moving back from the tall man. He glanced around the office, noting two other men watching him warily.

"My name is Kunikeda and I am part of the TAC. It's an offshoot government agency. I suggest you drop the attitude and help up. A young girl is missing and we need your help finding her."

Hiei frowned. The man seemed okay, not like that psycho in pink. He motioned to his hands, "Can I have these off?" The tall man nodded and pulled out a key, unlocking the cuffs. Kome started to protest, but Ryoko grabbed her arm. Hiei rubbed his wrists, then looked sat down on Sugi's desk, ignoring the man's protest. Kunikeda sat in a chair across from him.

"My name is Yu Hiei. I don't know who the hell that Momiji person is, but I met Katana this morning. I think you have made a mistake."

Kunikeda looked thoughtful. "Tell me everything you know about this Katana woman."

Hiei gave a twisted smile. "We just met. However, I know this, I will kill any one of you who would hurt her."

Kusanagi was in a rage. Who the fuck was that thug? How dare he keep Momiji away from him? A monster he said. Kusanagi gave a smile. He was a monster. He'd kill anyone who dared take Momiji away. He looked around, feeling that odd sensation again. It was close. He looked around him, seeing the Tokyo Tower to the right. Here again? He frowned following the feeling. It wasn't Momiji. Or was it? Kusanagi felt strange. He walked along till he came to a back ally. Something in him suddenly went cold. There was something in there. But what?

A shriek broke the sudden silence, and Kusanagi ran into the dark ally. Standing there, he watched a dark-blue creature leaning over the body of a young woman, its face buried in the throat of its young victim. Kusanagi's eyes widened. What was it? Not an aragami? What the hell?

Stepping closer, he moved his arms to his side, as the blades tore from his arms, "Who the hell are you?"

The creature looked up, its face covered with blood, grinned at him. "Kusanagi," the thing hissed.

"WHO ARE YOU?" He stepped closer.

"Don't you know me?" The creature stood up on its haunches. Its red hair stood and pointed in several directions. It tossed the body down on the ground turning toward Kusanagi, its body moving slowly.

"What are you?" He asked, lowering his arms.

The creature bared its bloodied teeth at him, saliva dripping down its chin.

Kusanagi frowned, looking confused. How does it know him?

"I am Akuto." She stepped toward him. She opened her mouth and Kusanagi watched, unable to do anything else so fixated by her eyes, he hardly flinched when sharp pointed teeth clamped down on his shoulder.

His last thought before unconsciousness was he found her.