Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Mitamas: After The End ❯ The Finding ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mitamas: After The End
Prologue: The Finding

Written by: Scandalous Behavior

~ ~ ~ ~

Momiji Fujimiya shivered at the cold feeling that enveloped her body as she entered the cave. What had driven her back to Izumo, to the iwatto, and then to the cave where she currently stood at the entrance of, she couldn't explain. Having woken up in bed, turning to her husband Mamoru Kusanagi who instantly became awake as if the two of them were linked even deeper than just that link of being husband and wife, she had a feeling so ingrained in her mind that she instinctively knew where to look. So they called the rest of the TAC, that wasn't out of the country at the moment, and went to Izumo.

During the drive, she held her daughter, the sleeping three year old who was the miniature of Momiji with the soft chestnut-brown hair with closed jewel-green eyes that always seemed to take everything in. Behind her sat her rebellious eleven-year-old son, his own green eyes narrowed and intent as he stared out the window as to ask why he was being dragged into this search. Beside him were ten year old Keizo Yaegashi, Kome and Yoshiki's eldest son, whose head kept falling backwards onto the seat as he tried unsuccessfully to keep his own brown eyes open. Then to the left of the spiked red head was the eldest of the kids, Toyoharu Kunikida at fifteen wide awake with his blue eyes searching over papers his father had given him when Momiji picked him up at the house, his blue-black hair bangs falling into his eyes. Turning her glaze to her husband, his hands firmly on the wheel she had laughed earlier when he grumbled under his breath about how had they got stuck with the kids. She only kissed him on his lips softly and whispered that would he rather they ride with Kome, and after he shuttered he agreed that the boys should ride with them.

After climbing the stairs to the iwatto, she stared down into the cave that had seemed like she hadn't been there in forever. Remembering purifying herself in the spring at age fifteen and then having ran down the stairs and path to discover a very intense Kusanagi saying that he had to kill her, and the whole start of her being known as Princess Kushinada seemed like millions of years ago. A sound had caught her attention as she stood just inside the iwatto, that seemed to be coming from a different part of the cave and as her over-protective husband warned her to stay behind him she did as she always had and gone to find out what it was.

Thinking to the heart-breaking sound of when Shunichi Sugishita had called two weeks ago, after returning to Tokyo from New York with his daughter to find that next morning she was gone without a trace to who had taken her. Having it hit so close to home, to the whole group that was one big extended family, made all of them put aside whatever project they had been working on to think of who or what might have taken the girl. The apartment where they lived was attest to how much Shunichi loved his only child, whose art work, pictures, and items of treasure that only a child could fill a house with was present everywhere. Maybe it was a mistake for her to have involved her son, Masuki, in it by bringing him along but for some reason she had a feeling that he needed to be a part of it. Her instinct hit home when he stood in the doorway of the young girl's bedroom and then picked up a sea-shelled decorated picture frame of the girl. Her hair was a couple shades lighter blond than Shunichi's light brown-blond and her eyes although blue had hints of mahogany in them, she was adorable and Momiji thought how much she would be devastated if something happened to either one of her own children. Masuki had seemed mesmerized by the picture of the younger girl, who was only a year younger than him, and he had turned to Momiji with a concerned look on his youthful face.

"You are going to save her." was the words that he said, stating that fact rather than questioning if she would find the girl.

Smiling, she placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded.

"Of course, I will, Masuki."

Now she was in the cavern where she had heard that noise, almost a sniffle, coming from a cave connected to the iwatto and then it became like a clear vision in her head to just where the girl was. Running down the stone steps, she kept her balance by touching the cold, water-soaked stone wall and then turning, searching, reaching out for any sort of notion that would bring her to whatever seemed to be calling for her.

Finally she was in the middle of a waterfall spring, the water reflecting by the light that was coming from gaps high above in the cavern's ceiling. A splash echoed off the walls, and then Momiji held back a scream of seeing the horrible picture in front of her.

In front of her was the little girl, whose body was limp and seeing to be pale as a ghost, lying against the side of the waterfall pool with blood reddening the water around her. The blood when it came in contact as it fell to the stone floor and then made a stream down to the water, boiled as the blood and water mixed. A whimper sounded and then running footsteps as Momiji felt the swift movement of air as Kusanagi was behind her followed by Kome, Yaegashi, Ryoko Kunikida and Shunichi Sugishita. Then, unknown to everyone, two pairs of young eyes watched from behind a boulder. Masuki and Keizo had followed them down determined to see what was going on.

Shunichi called out to his daughter, but both Ryoko and Kusanagi held him from going to the girl as a light that was not coming from the descending sunlight filled the room to almost blinding bright and then appearing next to the girl was a woman. The woman appeared to be young with the light surrounding her form and then that of the girl, as she laid a hand under the girl's back and lifted her into her arms. Touching the girl's body, the little girl jerked and then came a small whimper as the wound that came from the girl's chest disappeared and the girl was breathing normally.

Momiji moved towards it, although Kusanagi's watchful cat-eyes kept a close eye on it should anything come to harm his wife.

"Tell me why you have helped her, please, what hurt her and who are you?" Momiji spoke softly and saw the woman stand, to Momiji's surprise she saw the purple mitama that once she had seen on Susano-oh, was on the woman's right hand.

The gentle look that enter the white eyes of the woman caused Momiji to smile sensing that this woman caused no harm to the girl and had a genuine good intention towards them all. A hand reached out that Kusanagi only looked worried at his wife, but Momiji took the hand and felt a power fill her body until she was talking with her mind to the other woman rather than with her mouth.

'Can you hear me, Princess Kushinada?'

'Yes. Who are you?'

'I am what I am. I am called Amaterasu.'

'Lord Susano-oh's sister?'

'Yes. Listen now, Princess Kushinada, for the time for me to say this is short. You must protect this girl, powers beyond that of my or my brother's control have come to kill her as they would kill you and your daughter. She is more than she seems and I ask you to do this would that I had the power I would do it myself.'

'A new power? But the Aragami have been sleeping for over ten years now.'

'This power is Aragami and yet it is not. Do this, Princess Kushinada, as only you and yours can protect the girl from them, as she will protect you.'

'Can't you tell me who is doing this? Are they the ones that took her from her room?'

A sad smile came over Amaterasu's face.

'No. Please tell her father that I am sorry that I took her from her room, as I know it grieved him so. I did it to protect her but they still found her and tried to kill her even in this sacred place.'

'I will tell him but please why this girl?'

'She is the savior, as a Princess Kushinada you have been one as well only her power is helped by that of the new Khushinada.'


'Your daughter will be a big part in her life, as will this girl in your children's lives. Be watchful and look after her, Princess Kushinada.'

With that the connection was broken, as the spell that seemed to keep Momiji in a trace dissipated and as Masuki watched the girl moved, Keizo nodded to her and they both went over to the girl even as the spirit of the Sun Goddess still left its essence. Masuki could have sworn he heard her speak to him and as he saw her fading she repeated it to his ears alone.

'She will save you, young warrior. Watch and protect those you love.'

Shaking it off, he and Keizo moved to the girl as Shunichi saw his daughter's eyes open and blink at the two boys then look to him, as Kusanagi caught Momiji as she collapsed from the draining connection between herself and the Goddess. Kome scolded Momiji as Yaegashi went to Shunichi, who know held his daughter in his arms knelt on the stone floor that had dried blood on the surface as well as it encrusted into the girl's clothes.

"Daddy?" the weak voice of the girl came and Shunichi almost cried with relief that she was alive.

"Oh, god, sweetheart," he held her gently to him, "I love you so much, Shanna."

"I feel," she moved her hand to her forehead the hand covered in red, "tired."

Momiji woke up and saw Ryoko and Yaegashi testing the girl's pulse.

"I'm sure you do, you are a very brave little girl, Shanna." Ryoko Kunikida told her.

"Didn't I tell you to stay at the car?" Kusanagi demanded from his son and Keizo, with Kome having a full support of the scolding to the boys as her son looked to her when the group was moving out of the cavern.

"But Dad.." Masuki started only to have his father's eyes narrow at him.

"Don't, Masuki. Whatever excuse you have come up with I don't want to hear it. You both disobeyed me and your mother, we'll discuss it at home."

Masuki kicked at the ground as they were now down the stairs leaving the iwatto and to the Fujimiya family home, where Shunichi put his daughter in Momiji's old home of the traditional Japanese house. Moe and Grandmother looked after the young girl as Momiji went to where her daughter was left to sleep in one of the spare bedrooms, a studying Toyoharu going over research with Azusa Matsudaira in the next room along with Azusa's son twenty-two year old Jun.

Watching the little girl, eyes closed in deep sleep with her chest moving in the even breathing pattern, Momiji sighed and hugged her arms around herself. Feeling arms circle her waist she leaned against the strong chest of the only man she ever loved.

"Are you going to tell me what she said?" he asked.

"I don't even understand it myself," Momiji looked over her shoulder at him before returning her head to the direction their daughter slept in, "I just know that Shunichi's daughter is very important and we have to protect her."

"Shunichi's daughter is that important, huh? Who would have thought?" Kusanagi mused.

"Did he ever tell you who Shanna's mother was?" Momiji asked, concerned.

"No," Kusanagi turned her in his arms so that her face looked into his, "but I have a feeling that one day my suspicion will be confirmed about who she is," seeing the question raising into his wife's always curious eyes, he add, "how about I watch Kimiko and you go talk to Masuki."

Momiji kissed his mouth, lingering on it as she felt his breath mingle with her own before she pulled gently out of his arms.

"You weren't harsh on him, were you?"

"He's growing up, Momiji. He needs to learn that he can't just do what he wants, when he wants."

"And I'm not saying that I don't agree, its just Masuki always feels left out of things. With Kimiko now the Princess Kushinada and how much attention she gets all the time, with me traveling to help Daitetsu and then with your time divided between Kimiko and him I sometimes get the feeling that he needs more than to be kept in the dark about what it is we do."

"He's only a kid, Momiji, and soon he'll be a teenager," Kusanagi almost shuddered at the thought, "he needs to learn responsibility."

"I'll talk to him."

Walking down the hallway, Momiji thought to what Amaterasu said and then walked into the courtyard where she knew Masuki would be. Sure enough, his black head that at certain times caught light and green shone in the depths of its color was bent over one of the old rocks as he leaned against it and kicked the ground with the tip of his sneaker.

"Winning the battle with the dirt?" Momiji inquired.

"It took a while but I think that dirt finally is about to give up," Masuki finished, the private jokes between them that always made them both grin.

"You know your father only wants to make sure you're okay, right?"

Masuki looked to his young mother, hard to believe she was thirty when most the kids at his school's mothers looked allot older and some of his friends thought his mother looked more like his older sister than the woman who had given him life.

"Then why does he act like I can't do anything right? I mean, with me and Keizo going into the cave, we weren't doing anything wrong."

"You might see it that way but to us, your parents, it's really hard to keep focused on what we are doing if we have to worry about you. If whatever attacked Shanna was still in there and got to you, do you know how much that would pain me and your father if you got hurt?"

"I know, I try really I do, Mom. But I want to help, to be apart of it."

"I understand, honey, I was just like you are your age always wanting to be involved in everything going on around me," Momiji laughed, "sometimes I was so willing to help that I took over what I was trying to help. Give it time, you are still young and I am sure that when you're a little older Daitetsu and the others would love to have you on the TAC. Till then, try to be patient, alright?"

Masuki scowled and then nodded.

"Okay, Mom," Masuki wondered, "is Mr. Sugishita's daughter okay?"

"She lost a lot of blood but she'll be fine."

Masuki's eyes went to the door that was closed with the girl inside.

~ ~ ~

Shunichi Sugishita paced back and forth in his apartment trying to come to the conclusion he knew he would have to come to. It was too hard on Shanna for him to keep moving them when he got new assignments and her schooling was going to start showing the strain. Now with this new situation he considered sending her to her mother, then thought again. Not even her mother could protect her all the time and Shanna was sure to need people around her all the time that could. A week had passed and she was finally getting around without having a dizzy spell or getting tired at any time. As much as he loved his daughter he knew that he couldn't protect her and that only one group could. Her mother wouldn't like it but Shanna was his by full custody and by any right.

Dialing the number he knew by heart, he heard the male voice of Kusanagi.

"I thought it over and I need to talk to Momiji."

~ ~ ~

Waiting in front of the house that they had bought right after marrying almost twelve years ago, Momiji watched for Shunichi's car that was due to come down the private drive any minute now. Masuki wasn't real happy to have another girl in the house but after knowing Shanna for two weeks now he and Keizo had come to include her in their circle. Finding out that Shanna acted and liked allot of what they did helped them not to see her as a girl but as their friend, and with Toyoharu acting as helper to them whenever they had to do something that required older kid membership. Plus Shanna and Kimiko got along, although Kimi wanted more playtime than talk time with Shanna.

Shunichi wasn't really happy to have to leave Shanna with Momiji and Kusanagi, giving legal guardianship to them but Momiji knew that he had no choice. He didn't want to endanger his only child's life anymore than it was already and so he was doing what any caring parent did and that was trust someone else to give the child the protection he couldn't. Kusanagi liked the girl, which was a big statement coming from the fact he didn't really care that much for Shunichi. Momiji had spent three days setting up the guest room into Shanna's new room, that had a joining bathroom with Kimiko's.

Shanna was very artistic, open minded with a sharp wit and was a match for Masuki in that department. Not many people dared go against the razor blade words that Masuki used to get his point across but Shanna had no such doubt of herself and at times left Masuki with the feeling he had just been shot. Keizo liked to keep score on who could insult who more and more often than not the score was equal.

Momiji snapped out of her thoughts and saw the car coming down the driveway, one of the big things that both Momiji and Kusanagi loved about the house was that it was not in Tokyo but not too far away from it, with a private driveway and over ten acres that was all part of their property. As Shunichi parked right in front of the very open designed house with four bedrooms, three 1/2 bath and six other rooms with many windows to let natural light in the house was always a great place to relax. Shanna opened the passenger door of the Explorer and hugged Momiji, who was coming to think of Shanna as another daughter.

"Morning, Momiji!"

"Morning, sunshine. Did you pack everything?"

"Dad said all I was missing was the kitchen sink," Shanna tossed a smile over to her sad faced Dad, who smiled back, "he's being weird. Like why would I want that?" Shanna teased, "Can I go see if Masuki is ready for me to be a full time pain to him?"

"Go for it," Momiji laughed, "just knock on his door before you enter."


Shunichi watched his baby girl run into the house and turned to Momiji.

"I promise to protect her, Shunichi. I know how much you love her."

"I know you will, Momiji," Shunichi put on his charming smile, "never hurts to have a beautiful woman around your daughter. Where's Kusanagi?"

Momiji hid her smile as his obvious worried words on if Kusanagi caught him complimenting her.

"Don't worry, he's inside with the kids. You don't have to worry about Kusanagi, he knows we're friends and your daughter is the center of your world."

"That she is," Shunichi winked, "so show me this new Cinderella palace she's moving into."

"Follow me."

Three hours later, Shunichi was saying goodbye to Shanna at the car having to catch a plane to his new assignment in England.

"Be good, mind Momiji and Kusanagi and don't make any trouble." Shunichi told her as he hugged her small form to him.

"She'll just cause trouble." Masuki said under his breath at the blonde's head being turned.

"I heard that, Masuki." Shanna told the older boy.

"I'll be good, Dad. Momiji and Kusanagi are great and I promise not to get caught killing their son," she said and tossed a look to Masuki who glared at her.

"That's my girl. I'll call when I get to England and you have my cell number if you need me?"

"Got it all next to my phone in my room."

"I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you, too, Dad."

Shunichi hugged her once again and then shook Kusanagi's hand and Momiji kissed Shunichi's cheek. Kimiko waved her hand at him as she ran up to Shanna and took the older girl's hand.

~ ~ ~ ~

4 years later.....

Shanna was singing with the music blaring out of her c.d.player as she pulled her hair into the signature hairstyle she had been wearing for two years. Her ponytail was her hair braided into the ponytail holder along with the hair of the actual ponytail divided into three separate braids with blue bands at the end of each. It was simple but took a little bit to get done in the morning. Coming out of the bathroom to the powder blue and white bedroom she had glanced around for the present she had bought and found it sitting on the floor at the end of her bed covered up by the covers since she hadn't made her bed just yet. Humming to the song, she pulled on her white knee high socks of her school uniform, adjusting the gray skirt that came to just above the knee and her button down white shirt tucked into the skirt with the gray blazer over it with the school emblem on the right chest pocket. Grabbing her book bag she went down the sun lit stairs to see Momiji and Kusanagi kissing beside the kitchen table, something she was used to and wished.....

Shanna shook her head. Wishing wasn't going to change the facts that he wasn't going to be around anymore. Sure all summer she knew that they would no longer be in the same school but then a month ago to find out he wasn't even going to be in the same country was really starting to mess with her head. God, even Keizo was angry about it and he was one of the most fun loving people she knew. Seeing the two adults pull away like guilty teenagers made Shanna bit her lip to keep a smile off her face. Those two were so in love it sometimes made her wonder if they realized they weren't kids anymore and that their kids thought it funny to see them so intimate.

"Shanna!! I want to go to the park after school!" the demanding cheery voice of Kimiko Kusanagi came as the purple dress clad seven year old ran down the stairs, tripping on the last stair and going head first into Shanna, who was used to it and caught Kimi.

"If you're up to it, kiddo. Your mom might want you to go with her after school," Shanna shot Momiji a look, which the adult gratefully nodded to.

"We're going to go visit Grandma and Great-Grandma after school, Kimi," Momiji told the little girl and seeing Kimi's skeptical look added, "and then on to the Ice Cream Parlor."


Kusanagi rolled his eyes at Momiji's way with their youngest. Seeing Shanna give a half-hearted smile at her 'kid sister' he lifted a green eyebrow at the girl.

"Something wrong, Shanna?"

"What?...Oh, nothing. Are we still driving him to the airport?"

In his mind Kusanagi 'ahaed' at having found out that was what was upsetting her.

"Yes, they are." came Masuki's deepened voice, which was causing a large amount of girls to actually stare in appreciation at that husky voice he had gotten over the past summer.

Glancing over her shoulder at the jeans, green t-shirt and lightweight white jacket that contrasted well with his darker complexion of Masuki Kusanagi's body trying not to be one of the many girls that were panting after the guy. But when you lived in the same house as the very cute guy it was hard to keep your eyes in your head.

"Nice outfit, Shanna," Masuki teased as he grabbed an apple off the middle of the table reaching right in front of her.

"Bite me."

"Love to, but unfortunately I've got a plane to catch, the world to see."

"Gee, don't sound so happy about it." Shanna mumbled and then seeing his puzzled expression waved her hand as if to say 'Ignore me'.

Kusanagi got the last packed suitcase in the trunk of the car and then the five of them got in going to the airport and meeting some of the other family there. Kimiko sat between the teenagers and Momiji noticed Shanna seemed even less than thrilled to see having to be in the car. When they got to the airport the young girl ignored Masuki and walked to the terminal in silence.

"Is this how big the airport terminal is?" Kimiko asked.

"This is the airport. It has lots of terminals for the planes to let passengers on and off." Shanna answered.

"She speaks." Masuki commented as they stood waiting for the rest of the group to get there, as the plane was not to take off for another half an hour.

"What do you want me to say, Masuki?" Shanna demanded, "That I'm happy you're leaving? Well, I'm not."

Sitting in the airport lounge area next to the terminal, away from his parents that were waiting a way aways for the other adults, Kimiko interested in the window that overlooked the landing strip they sat next to each other.

"You knew I wanted to become part of the TAC when I turned fifteen, Shanna. It was no big secret." his voice raised slightly and a couple sitting behind them shifted in their seats.

"I don't want to talk about it, Masuki."

"Fine. Be upset, see if I care."




"Fine!" with that they got up and moved away from each other. As Shanna went over to where Kimiko stood, her hand came to the small package that she had in her pocket and sighed. She really was being too petty about this. It was his dream, she should be happy for him but she couldn't force it and didn't want to.

"You know, you could practically feel the tension between you two from the airport parking lot." came the easygoing voice of Keizo Yaegashi, whose hair was red-orange cut short and spiky.

"Don't joke, Kei."

"Why don't you go over there, tell him you're head over heels in love with him and stop being such a baby?"

Astonished that he would say that, she turned her blue-mahogany eyes on him.

"I am not IN LOVE WITH THAT SELF CENTERED JERK," she told him between clenched teeth.

"Oh, no? Then why are you so upset about it?"

"Why aren't you? Last time I checked you weren't too happy with his decision to go all the way to the United States to live."

"He is going to be going to school and working. It's what he always wanted and talked about."

"I know," Shanna sighed, "I just wish I was more for this than against it."

"You just don't want him to go," Keizo grinned, "all those hot-blooded American girls just waiting to get their hands on him."

She punched his shoulder, as he laughed. Kimiko saw Keizo's younger brother, Yoshifumi, who was eight and smiled. He had dark hair but the same brown eyes as Keizo.

"Hey, Fumi!"

"Kimi, are you going to the park later?"

"Mom is taking me for ice cream."

The two younger kids talked as Masuki discussed things with Daitetsu, Ryoko, and Toyoharu because Daitetsu was the one going with Masuki to the U.S. because the new extension of TAC was in New York and he hadn't checked it out yet. Kome noticed her son talking to his best friend and nudged her husband, Yoshiki.

"Think the two of them will be okay without Plant Boy Jr?" Kome asked.

"They'll be fine, he won't be gone forever." Yoshiki calmly replied as Toyoharu glanced to the other two teenagers, noticing they were both in the Junior High uniforms for their final year. Toyoharu could see the upset expression on Shanna's face as she talked to Keizo, who was the clown, and then laughed at something he said. Shanna was one of the reasons Masuki gave for not leaving until next year, that if something happened to his sister or to Shanna and he wasn't here but they worked that out. Nothing had happened in four years what was going to happen if he did what he planned to all along?

As Azusa made it with Jun, who was a full member of the TAC for years now the plane was starting to board and the adults were wishing the two leaving members goodbye. Shanna went to Daitetsu, who was like another father figure in her life, and hugged him as he smiled at her.

"Take care of yourself, Shanna and make sure that Kimiko minds Momiji and Kusanagi. With you around she'll probably be less of a hand full."

"Have a good flight, Mr. Kunikida."

As Keizo just nodded his head to Masuki then the raven-haired boy looked at Shanna. The stewardess made the final boarding call for them and she just watched him get on the plane. Keizo elbowed her.


"I swear, I don't understand girls. Go and hug him for crying out loud."

"No. I am not going to."

"Do it, Shanna."

Glaring at him, she went into the boarding platform having Kome, Ryoko, and Momiji grin at her retreating figure that Ryoko looked to Kome.

"Who does that remind you of?" she asked, and then they both looked at Momiji.


In the terminal, Shanna yelled to Masuki, who was walking with Kunikida. Seeing the young girl, the older man excused himself saying he'd meet Masuki in the plane. Coming to stand right in front of Masuki, she caught her breath.


Shanna glared at his sharp tone.

"Don't get that tone with me, Masuki," Shanna countered.

"Did you come all this way to fight with me?"

Shaking her head, she pulled out the small package and handed it to him.

"I'm not good with goodbyes, alright? My dad goes to and from my life it gets a little redundant and I got mad at you for doing the same thing. All right? So sue me I acted like a girl."

Masuki lifted the corner of his mouth at her comment, since it was an old joke between him, Keizo, and Shanna that she always acted more boy than girl.

"What's the present for?"

"Well, open it."

He pulled off the paper and found it to be a small frame with a picture of her, Keizo, and him. Last year when school got out and they were goofing off in the backyard of Keizo's house.

"Travel size," Shanna explained, "more personal than a wallet picture."

"You are acting more and more like a girl," Masuki observed, seeing she had made the frame, which was out of willow wood with embossed gray sand spelling out 'Friends'.

"Don't act so surprised, I am a girl."

"I didn't say I didn't notice, Shanna." Masuki's voice had become soft.

Surprised, she stared at him. Then like a true girl threw her arms around his neck and hugged him, he quickly moved his hand out of the way so she didn't break what she had so obviously taken allot of time to create and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her head buried in his shoulder that she pulled back in his arms just enough so that she spoke her breath was against his cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you, you know."

"I'll miss you, too."

"You better or I might have to fast forward to my birthday and go all the way to New York and become your shadow all over again."

Smiling at her, he kissed her forehead before releasing her.

"Better go or they'll leave me in here."

"Yeah," she took a step back and then as if her entire body had a mind of its own, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his slowly and softly. It was the smallest of kisses and briefest but Shanna felt it throughout her entire body and pulled back, seeing the amazement in his eyes, "bye."

Then she went down the terminal with a small smile on her lips that when she came out she quickly hid. Touching her lips with the tips of her fingers and couldn't help the smile that stayed on her face the rest of the day.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So that is the Prologue, just the beginning. Thought I'd redo the start of the story and give something more to build on. The Chapter 1 will be more like what I started out with but some add ons. What did you think?

October 28, 2001