Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Mitamas: After The End ❯ The Seeking ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mitamas: After The End
Chapter 2: The Seeking

Written by: Scandalous Behavior

~ ~ ~ ~

Making her way home in her car after ditching Keizo, Shanna thought back to why that strange guy would do something as odd as kissing her hand. Sure it was a romantic gesture and some people found it really personal but she found it to be strange and kinda annoying. As if she was one of the Pop Stars or some Teen Idol rather than a normal seventeen-year-old girl. Then again, Shanna thought with distaste, if people had her life they would hardly think she was normal. And then to have Masuki butting into her life like he was, it was enough for a girl to consider murder. Pulling into the residential driveway and into the garage with the automatic metal door opener hanging off the visor, she shut off her car and headed into the house to find Kusanagi sitting in the living room, in his chair, waiting impatiently for the always late Momiji.

He turned his head at the teenage girl walking in, dropping her shoes next to the door and taking her bag off her shoulder. It amazed him that she was the offspring of a person that he couldn't spend five minutes around without wanting to choke the life out of, and that was restraining his thoughts. Shanna never left doubt in his mind that there was a god and he laughed at her parent constantly for having such a daughter so opposite of him, a thought that had left a grin on his face whenever he was around the suave blond. Another thing that made him realize how like him his son was came the fact that Shanna and Masuki couldn't be around each other for more than a second without some sort of verbal battle erupting.

Kinda like Momiji, and me he thought then shuttered. All he needed was for those two to get together and turn his perfectly peaceful life upside down. Personally he liked that Shanna and Kimiko were so close, that Shanna and Masuki couldn't stand each other, and that in that very formula caused peace in the house. Add into the fact that his son was now in the process of moving all his things to an apartment, a major issue for Momiji after having Masuki come back and immediately say he was moving out, and that left no doubt that his peace would keep for a while longer. Although a big part of him, when the two teens were older of course, wished that Shanna and Masuki would find out how much they had in common and like one another, until that day, he just smiled at Shanna, he could count on his peace.

"Still waiting on Momiji, huh?"

"You'd think after years of knowing her I'd know better than to think she'd be on time, right?"

Shanna laughed, "You'd think but I don't see that happening."

"Me, either."

"Is Kimi up in her room?"

"Yes," Kusanagi stood and Shanna again cursed the Gods for making her so short and he noticed the cause of her disgruntled look and only grinned, "Kimi has been invited to spend the night at one of her friends' houses so you get to watch her," having learned that 'baby-sit' was not a good word to use for a ten-year-old, "until seven and then one of the parents will come get her. Then the house is all yours."

"Feel free to throw a party," Momiji added coming down the stairs, "invite the whole student body and blame our son."

Man, did they even know how much she wanted to blame him for everything and then do some very violent things to his person, she thought.

"I'll keep that in mind," Shanna laughed, "have fun you two."

Kusanagi groaned, "I so look forward to these meetings."

"Come on, Kusanagi, it's fine. Don't mind him, he gets grumpy whenever he has to do anything."

"Not true."

They called goodbye to Kimi, who yelled it back and the door closed behind the two adults.

Kimi peeked through the wooden banister to see Shanna, already she had gotten out of her school clothes into a white t-shirt and blue jump suit. The older girl came up and saw Kimi.

"What's up?"

"Dad told you I'm spending the night at my friend's house?"


"Good, I wanted to make sure."

The way the younger girl put it had Shanna lifting her eyebrows to what the girl was up to.

"And just why did he need to tell me?"

"Cause," Kimi stood and gave a small grin, "my friends and I are going to go to the lake."

"The lake? What lake?"

"The one by Brittany's house. It's huge and better than any pool. Mom is afraid that I'll drown or something, but I'm a really good swimmer. So please don't tell them."

"Why are you telling me if you didn't tell them?"

"I want you to know," Kimi explained, "cause you're like my sister."

Shanna smiled and kissed the top of Kimi's head.

"Just be careful is all I ask."

"I will," Kimi grinned, "Me big tough girl, tie my own shoes and everything." making her voice sound deep and mature.

Shanna laughed and went upstairs to change, before going over Kimi's homework with her, as she did every night. Trying to forget the fact that the only other person that was likely to be coming home early that night was Masuki and she pushed her thoughts out of the way.

~ ~

Meanwhile, under the very Earth that the humans walked on was the presence of something not of any known dimension. The radiating essence of the creature even caused the entering figure to the protected earth bound bubble that kept anything not wanted out while it strengthened in the middle of a blue-green suspended water cocoon. Hidden disgust in his brown-gold eyes made Akihiro glance to the positions that the only other two companions of the creature were in.

The newest one, with flowing dark red hair and maliciousness in her black irises, was leaning on a smooth, flat rock that was acting as a table her outfit made of layered silken material of black and red with blood red painted fingernails tapping the surface of the rock with impatience at the only other figure besides Akihiro allowed in this evil container.

A long forgotten presence of long black-purple hair, white skin tone and penetrating gray eyes stood the back to borrowed human form of Ama No Murakumo No Tsurugi. His back to Akihiro as he observed the growing aura coming from the creature not twenty feet from him.

"You were successful?"

Akihiro folded his arms over his chest of the High School Uniform he was still wearing.

"I was, although Masuki decided to jump in at the last minute," Akihiro looked pointed at the female, "playing Boy Hero but didn't stop me from putting the seed in her."

"At least that hasn't changed about him." The female's voice rang out, amused.

"He will have to be taken care of," Murakumo turned around with a sadistic smile on his lips, "he's as imperfect as his father. Although the Kushinada blood in his own veins makes up some for his imperfection."

"He's nothing I can't handle," Akihiro told Murakumo, "again."

"This time he's on his home turf, Akihiro. He's not going to be the weak sixteen year old he once was."

"You saw to that," Akihiro blamed, "making him fall for you only made his determination twice what it would have been if you had only slept with him and wounded his pride."

Staring at her nails, she lifted her hand to pretend to exam it.

"It made him worthy of you having to kill him, Akihiro. You're always saying how weak and useless it is to kill easy humans. I just made him worth your effort," her voice got a cold edge, "besides if Daddy-Dearest over there had killed precious Shanna back when we wouldn't have to go through all this now."

Murakumo moved, his grip painful as he touched the female's delicate skin and she gave out a yelp of pain.

"You have no idea what plans involve that girl," Murakumo's nails cut into her arm as green liquid poured out and onto the dirt floor, "she has twice the power and usefulness to this whole situation than you can possibly understand."

His hand removed its hold on her upper arm, causing her to grab at the pain that was quickly healing due to her own mitama's powers. Akihiro smirked at her naïveté towards what Murakumo could have done to her for that comment.

"When should we start to begin making own plans towards to Kushinada?"

"Tonight," Murakumo looked at the two of them, "I leave the way up to you. Make sure not to kill her, we need her alive this time."

He made his way to the cocoon and disappeared.

Akihiro glanced towards the female.

"Gee, isn't he in a pissy mood."

"You still have no idea what he's up to, do you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You've got to be the stupidest female to ever live if you think he's going to make you some sort of Princess like you want once this is all over," Akihiro informed, "you'll be lucky if you survive."

"Think so, Akihiro? Well, I've got news for him I have my own way of doing things and it will serve him well to not make me turn against him."

Akihiro gave a cold chuckle.

"Right, you keep thinking that way and your going to end up as dead as you once were."

"We'll see," she moved away, "if you don't mind I think playing with children should be your job. Oh, by the way, Akihiro does Daddy-Dearest know you've taken a personal interest in Miss Precious, watching her bedroom window? How ironic if you fall for the girl when you're the one who's going to have to kill her."

Turning on her heel she walked away.

"And wouldn't it be a shame if once Masuki sees you again that he sees right into your self-serving whore heart, eh, Caroline?" Akihiro called to her, as she stopped and forced the words away before vanishing.

Satisfied that he had but that girl in her place, he raised his hand towards the ceiling.

"I call upon the long sleep of Kappa, rise from your slumber and join me."

Akihiro heard the faint sounds of a rumble and grinned to himself.

~ ~

Realizing that she didn't talk to Toyoharu about the report like she had wanted to earlier, thanks to Masuki had made her sidetracked, she saw Kimiko wave goodbye as she got into her best friend's parents car. When the younger girl had passed by her, she had whispered to be careful. Kimiko nodded before greeting the other girl with light brown hair who had to be Brittany.

After staying by the living room window until the car was out of sight, she decided to grab her jacket and head over to the Kunikida's since the group 'adult' meeting was being held at the Yaegashi's house from last minute decisions, which was where Momiji and Kusanagi had gone tonight. Opening the front door as she put her arm in the other sleeve of her jean jacket, she almost tripped over the incoming Masuki.

"Going somewhere, Sunshine?"

"Yes. If you've got a problem with it, deal."

"Don't start, Shanna." Masuki closed the door behind him and by stepping forward made her have to step back in order to keep distance between the two of them.

"Why not? You've ruined my evening anyway."

"How about if I tell you I'm doing this for your own good?" Masuki offered.

"How about I don't care and you get out of my way?"

"Ain't going to happen?"

Frustrated with him, "Can't you for once act like a normal human being and pretend that you care if only a little bit about what I want? I'm not a doll, I'm not made of porcelain and you know nothing of what I can and can't do from these last three years. You lost all privileges of knowing me when you left, Masuki."

"So that kiss in the terminal was….?" Masuki asked.

Praying her cheeks stayed the pale shade they always were, she answered.

"A goodbye kiss. You were one of my best friends at the time, remember?"

"You're going to blame me the rest of my life for leaving?" Masuki asked, mild astonishment on his face, "Do you have any idea what it was I was doing in New York?"

"No, I don't and you know why, Mr. TAC Hotshot," she stepped closer and used her index finger to poke his chest, "because you found it inconvenient to even talk to me. E-mail me, phone me, or even write me. When you called it was to talk to your parents or to Kimiko, not once did you ask to talk to me or wonder what it was I was doing. Do you know how that made me feel? Or that fact that you'd call Keizo at least once a month to catch up? Forgive me if I took that a little personal."

"Shanna, you don't understand…"

"Fine," Shanna folded her arms, "explain it to me."

He opened his mouth to do just that when on both their wrists came the communicators that was the latest item that the TAC had been given by the government with the words of Keizo as well as his self appearing on the small screen.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation," Keizo's tone said he was anything but sorry, "but we've got a sighting in Meadow Wood Park Housing of a monster."

Shanna felt her heart clench, as that was where Kimiko was.

"Where in Meadow Wood?" Shanna asked, immediately causing both males to startle.

"In the lake…" Shanna ran out the front door to her car with Masuki on her tail, "what is it, Shanna?" Keizo asked worried.

"That's where Kimiko is."

~ ~

In the Yaegashi household, Daitetsu Kunikida, the once leader of the TAC, was standing in front of the group of his family and friends. His back to the fire place as Yaegashi's youngest son, Yoshifumi, was getting drinks for some of the adults as his mother had informed him he could before going over to his friend's house.

Kusanagi stood in the back of the couch with Momiji in front of him on the couch, Ryoko Kunikida in a chair to the left of her husband with Kome leaning over the back of the recliner that Yaegashi was in. Matsudaira was sitting in a high back chair next to Ryoko. Daitetsu held in his hand the paperwork that Toyoharu had handed him before going back to the TAC. With Shanna's handwriting stating what she had found the day she went out to take samples on the outskirts of Tokyo of the dirt and plant life.

"Why I had to bring you all together is to give some disturbing information from a report done by Shanna," Daitetsu let that sink in, "from what she conducted on the edge of Tokyo was that there was a abundant amount of dead plants that were somehow living, in all appearance they were dead but somehow living at the same time. She found what looked like fish gills on some of the plants, especially on those in watery areas that seemed to be inhaling oxygen this way."

"You're saying that plain plants are breathing air with fish gills?" Kome asked kind of confused.

"Exactly," Matsudaira spoke up, "it seems that these plants have evolved into a higher life form that no longer needs photosynthesis in order to produce what they need in order to survive."

"How are dead plants living, is what I want to know?" Kusanagi wondered.

"Indeed, it is a most difficult thing to imagine."

"Kinda like vampires." Momiji commented, which made all of them look at her.

"Vampires?" Yaegashi pondered, "What is a way to think of them as, wouldn't it?"

"Mom," came Yoshifumi's concerned voice as he ran into the living room with the communicator, "a monster is in Meadow Wood."

All of them stood as Yoshifumi bit his lip, orders given out to what was to be done, then Ryoko noticed that Fumi was still standing there.

"Something up, Fumi?"

"I told her I wouldn't say but she is in trouble," Fumi looked to Momiji and Kusanagi, "Kimiko's at the lake where Keizo says the monster is."

In that instant all the adults disappeared into cars and were driving to Meadow Wood.

~ ~

A high pitched scream echoed the lake behind the housing complex of Meadow Wood as four young girls stood in the shadow of a creature emerging from the water depths of the lake that they had recently been playing in.

Kimiko had fingers clenching her arm belonging to Brittany as they stared at the creature. The long hair with the entire body seeming to belong to different types of animals with a body of tortoise, scaly limbs like a snake with a face of an ape sitting on what looked like a cucumber. Again came piercing screams as the four girls screamed for their lives.

~ ~ ~ ~

Another Chapter. Getting any better? Let me know. The next chapter should be out in a couple of days.

~ Scandal ~
November 5, 2001