Boys Over Flowers Fan Fiction ❯ Once in a lifetime Opportunity ❯ going to Canada ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Tsukushi Makino was getting ready to walk home it’s been three years since she last seen the love of her life although she wouldn’t tell him that he was the love of her life. Love was so complicated. He asked her to marry him and she gave him a hard time, he asked her to go with him to New York and be his wife and she turned him down and he commanded that she wait for him and he’ll be back in four years and this she did. Why she was so hard on him she’d never know. Sometimes she wished she could be as free as her best friend Yuuki who freely gave herself to Sojiro Nishikado four years ago the worst playboy in the entire universe. At one time she almost did do it with Tsukasa but she had gotten a fever and he didn’t want her in that condition he wanted her well and healthy. And since that day she wasn’t able to do it with him. She thought about having relations with Tsukasa many times and in her fantasies it was always something barbaric or weird or somethingc. She couldn’t imagine it being soft and gentle like they show in movies. She imagined him telling her what to do like if she was some ill mannered slave girl. “Tsukushi you’re such an idiot! This is why I don’t like poor people they don’t know how to ride horses you’re supposed to ride me like a horse!”

“Like a horse huh?”

Tsukushi jumped out of her skin as she heard Rui laughing at her expense. She really needs to get out of the habit of speaking her thoughts out loud. Back when she had first came to Eitoku Academy she had fallen in love with Rui Hanazawa with his quiet cool aloofness but somehow or another still unexplainable to her Tsukasa the loud arrogant bully won her heart. But Rui was her guardian angel, the one and only person whom she could turn to about anything that concerns her feelings for Tsukasa without saying the words out loud.

“Shut up Rui Hanazawa you weren’t supposed to hear that! And Stop picturing it you pervert!”

“I’m a pervert? I’m not riding people like horses.”

She hit him hard in the arm for that one and he still giggled. They walked quietly for a while before he spoke again. It was like this between them. They didn’t need to have long conversations the quiet was enough. “When was the last time you saw Tsukasa?”

“Ummm, I haven’t seen Domyoji now for two years. But I talk to him on the phone and he sent me a computer butcI don’t know how to work it, so he yelled at me the last time we spoke on the phone and called me a dumb ungrateful idiot.” She said in an irritated manner. Rui laughed again. “That isn’t funny Rui Hanazawa.”

Well, how about we go to Canada this year again and see if he comes to visit this time. Tsukushi made a sad face and shook her head in the negative for the past two years she traveled with the remaining F4 to Canada but Domyoji wasn’t able to visit. His mother had him really busy going all around the world for meetings and the like. She didn’t think that she could handle another let down. Rui understood what she was saying without her having to say anything. “How about your friend Yuuki? You haven’t seen her for five years since she moved to Canada and I know she was busy the last three times you went to Canada but how about seeing if she’s available now. I’m pretty sure if you tell Tsukasa he’ll let you use the manner to entertain her.”

“Oh I don’t know. I mean I don’t have any money to go abroad for a holiday and I don’t want to ask Tsukasa for something so trivial when he’s running an international business.”

“When was the last time you’ve spoken to Yuuki? How is she doing? I’ve tried e-mailing her with that address you gave me but I get no response back.” Both Rui and Tsukushi turned their attention to the voice of Sojiro. Ever since Yuuki told her about what happened with Sojiro, Tsukushi couldn’t help but to avert her eyes. That smile on Yuuki’s face still very memorable in her brain. ‘I guess he would be good with all the practice that he’s had.’ Then she imagined Yuuki riding Sojiro like a horse.

“Um Makino, here’s a tissue your nose is bleeding.” Akira said while handing her a tissue. “Ohcthank you I’m sorryc” she said blushing madly than continued “um the last time I spoke to Yuuki was about a month ago. She said she was working really hard and that she was really busy so I couldn’t stay on long with her. I’m so proud of her, her French is splendid. She has been studying hard and ever since she’s met you Sojiro she has become a stronger person.”

Sojiro smiled coldly. “I’m happy to hear that I have done something good in a woman’s life.” And he walked away. All three looked at his back as he walked away from them. “I guess I said something wrong.”

“No, you didn’t he’s been a bit different since that night he had sex with Yuuki-chan. Oh damn it you weren’t supposed to know. Please don’t tell him if he finds out he’llc” Akira said with a bit of panic.

“Hah, I already knew, she told me.”

“Oh, well then tell me, why did she leave the room before he did?”

“I didn’t know that!”


Hey Yuuki

Just wanted to let you know that Makino is going to visit Canada as a Christmas present from us the F4. She hasn’t seen you in a while and she really misses you but you know how she is. She is too proud and doesn’t want to be a bother to anyone socplease don’t tell her that it’s from us ok. She thinks she won a prize. Take the last week of December off and the first week of January. If this vacation is going to strain your wallet we’ll compensate for your loss time of work. There will be no “no” as an answer. This is non- negotiable. A taxi will pick you up at your address at 7:30 am sharp. Have fun!

He often wondered if she read his e-mails, she never responds. It kind of pissed him off that she blew him off like that. After that night he gave her, he’s never worked so hard for any woman, but as always he lay down in his bed and thought about that night and how she’s right for not responding. It would be cruel to casually talk like old friends after a night like that. That kind of intimacy he’s never experienced again. No, only Yuuki will receive that gift from him. He sighed as his phone rang. By the ringtone he already knew it was Akira.

“What’s up?”

“Got to a couple of hot chicks waiting for us at the club lets go meet them.”

“Alright come get me.”

“I’m already at your house.”

“Hahaha alright I’ll be right out then.”

That night was a disaster. Akira had to excuse himself and Sojiro because of his friends’ rude behavior toward the girl and stormed out. Sojiro stepped into the car and relaxed. But that small peace was short lived as soon as Akira entered the car.

“What the hell man, you ruined a night with perfectly two hot looking models, what the hell is going on with you man? I mean I’m going to get personal with you for a minute.”

Sojiro opened one eye and spied his friend suspiciously. Akira continued “why is it that every time you hear that girls name you get an attitude, did you love her or something?”

“Of course not idiot. I’m Sojiro I can’t love any female. My father is a player, my grandfather and his father before him all were players even their legacies of unfaithfulness will outlive me, can’t break the tradition you know.”

“Don’t give me that. I’ve noticed that you aren’t sleeping with all the women you meet”

“So because I’m not man whoring myself out there’s something wrong with me?”

“That’s not what I meant, what I mean is the ones that look like they are the good girls, you get a really spiteful attitude with them, come on was it necessary to spill the drink on that girl tonight and call her names just because she was flirting with you?”

“Man she was totally scamming. She was pretending to not care about who I was. Like I couldn’t tell that she was a gold digger. C’mon talking about her marriage dreams with me?”

“All right so, she was a scamming model who wants to level up the social ladder, but what about the last time and the time after that. C’mon man be real with me, this is me you’re talking to. Tell me exactly what happened that night man with Makino’s friend. You’ve changed man. I’ve noticed a change in you some years back and although you started sleeping with women again you’ve become really picky and I know that sometimes you take them to the hotel and then just leave. Come on we share everything and you’re keeping me out on this one. Maybe if you talk about itc”

Sojiro thought about it for a minute and decided that maybe his friend is right. Maybe he ought to talk about it.

“Wow, you gave her the works and then she just left like that huh?” Akira said trying to hold back some giggles.

“See I tell you in confidence and then you go and laugh.”

“Sorry bro, no, for real. You’ve never had a woman leave you before you were ready maybe that’s what it was, or, the fact that you took her virginity and then she didn’t so much as write you a thank you note before leavingcworking class girls could be so strong. It’s no wonder whyc.ah never mind.”

“Nah don’t give me a never mind finish what you were going to say.”

“Alright alright, well, since we’ve come to know Makino and we’ve seen her in all her struggles, isn’t there a part of you that wellckind of has a soft spot for her? Like you know, you find yourself wanting to find another girl like Makino but way prettier.”

Sojiro laughed. “Yeah I get your meaning. I totally see the appeal in the behavior unlike the girls we bed. They are all beautiful but the heartc Yuuki was like that I guess that girl was really in love with me, not my money or my name. Even though she knew exactly who I was she selflessly loved me. I’m a bastard and I don’t deserve that love, but, there’s a part of me that wants her to be happy, but that selfish side of me just like Tsukasa doesn’t want her to have peace. Keh, I’m a bastard aren’t I?”

Akira looked up into the night sky and took a swig of his beer. “Ah, we’re not that bad, we constantly watch over Tsukasa and Makino right so we’re not that bad.”


Tsukushi was so excited that she won a ticket to Canada as a prize. She was also happy that she won the ticket to ride first class and she was also happy that she didn’t have to ride on the plane all alone. Of course Rui Hanazawa rode with her. They kept each other company throughout the entire flight and by the time they landed and got to the house Rui was completely worn out. So he went off to bed and left Makino there to wait by herself. She was so happy that she didn’t have to wait long for she saw the taxi pull up.

Yuuki pulled up to the manner that she’d been too a long time ago when she and Tsukushi were still teenagers in high school. She came up to the door and it opened with a very excited best friend on the other side.

“Oh my goodness Yuuki I’m so glad that you were able to make it at such a late notice!”

“It’s amazing that you won a prize to Canada and that your fiancé allowed you to stay at his house here. How is it going with your long distance relationshipc”

In her excitement she totally forgot the news she had to brake to her friend. In fact she wasn’t expecting Tsukushi to be at the manor yet. Right now in front of her was a bugged eyed friend who was looking at the item that was holding on to the tail of her coat.

“Oh my God! He’scoh my godcwhy didn’t youchowc.OH MY GOD! It was that timec”

They were in the parlor already when Tsukushi finally calmed down and was at least saying that much.

“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything to you Tsukushi, it’s one of the reasons why I didn’t see you the past couple of times when you came out.”

“No, I don’t see why you couldn’t mention something when we were both practicing FRENCH together via tapes, or how about the few telephone conversations in FRENCH when we were practicingc”

“I know, I wanted to but I was scared. Please forgive me Tsukushi and let me introduce you now ok? This is Soji he’s five years old he’s in kindergarten and yes he’s the father.”

Tsukushi looked at the child who was playing quietly on the floor with his spider man toys and smiled with teary eyes. “I wish you told me, I would’ve helped out. But then you wouldn’t need me when Sojiro is payingcwait a minute does hec.”

“No, he doesn’t and please Tsukushi don’t tell him.”

“But Yuuki he has a right to know that’s his son! That he has a son!”

“I thought about it really I did. But I can’t let him know, please Tsukushi my father disowned me because I got pregnant and wouldn’t tell him who the father was but, if he had found out he would have contacted his family and they would probably embarrass my parents or if they actually questioned Sojiro about it and he confirmed they might take the only memory I have of Sojiro. This is a confirmation that I didn’t dream it. I really did love him Tsukushi and that nightcthat night I know that for that night he loved me, for that one night he loved me plain old Yuuki for one night I was his Cinderellac.Sojic.he’s my world Tsukushi and if you taught me anything is that the rich people they may not want us weeds in their flower beds and they will stop at nothing to hurt those they don’t want in their beds including their own. I don’t want Sojiro or Soji hurt.”

“But Yuukicif he knewche could’ve foughtc” She saw Yuuki with determined tears in her eyes; pleading with her to stay quiet. This was going to be hard, but the consequences be damned when it all comes to light. This was her best friend and it isn’t her secret to tell and even now that Tsukasa fought so hard his mother is still trying to keep them separated so she promised to not say anything. Looking at her best friend and quickly reminiscing their childhood she could see how much Yuuki had grown strong from the cry baby that she used to protect back in elementary school and middle school. That night the girls had a wonderful time catching up and sharing stories.


“Oi, Makino I’m hehoureo! He pulled the hand that was covering his mouth up “what the hell!”

“Shhh do you want to ruin the surprise?” Akira said finally letting go of the excited man who is going to rule the world. “Goodness is it really ok that you’re the economy’s future?”

“Shut up!”

“Hey don’t hit me! How old are we now?”

“Really Tsukasa have Akira and I taught you anything? You should quietly sneak into her room and slide between the sheets andc”

When he stopped talking the other two looked to see what made him stop and they’re eyes caught the same thing he did.

“What the hell, that’s a miniature Sojiro standing at the top of the staircase, is there a ghost in here?” Tsukasa yelled.

Sojiro heard nothing but the blood rushing to the soles of his feet. He tried to swallow but couldn’t.

“Soji, didn’t I tell you not to wonder off. If you have to go to the potty you need to wake me up, this is a big house and you could get lost.”

“Mommy, why are those guys looking at us so strangely?”

Yuuki looked toward the staircase and blanched. Her heart rate accelerated she should have known, that they would come was this all a trick from him, no it couldn’t be a trick why would he trick her? Her mind started racing as she saw her son and his father staring at each other. He knew, even her son can tell.

“Soji go back to the room right now sweetie.”

“Soji?” She heard Sojiro say

The little boy turned around and looked at the man questioningly.

“Who are you sir? How did you know my name?”

“I just heard you’re mommy say it.”

“Wow you have super powers, mommy whispered my name that’s pretty cool.”

“Yea, Soji how old are you?”

Yuuki began to panic she pulled her son up and placed him behind her. “I’ll answer all your questions please not here ok. Not in front ofc.” She could feel the aura change on the stairwell. Even the others after their shock dropped their stuff and closed the distance between them and Sojiro.

“Hey Sojiro maybe you ought to talk about this in another room ok.” Akira said really worried for his friend. Even he was shocked. She had a child and didn’t tell him. Right now he couldn’t imagine how Sojiro was feeling.

“No, she needs to spit it out right now, why the hell do you have a child that looks like Sojiro? Did the two of you sleep together? When did this happen?”

Sojiro answered “almost six years ago the night that you accompanied her to a lot of cake with Makino. When I called her it was to tell her thank you for something personal. That night we had sex and she left, so this is my son who should be five years old if I do the math his birthday should be coming sometime next month right? It takes almost a year to carry him, how many times have we fc.”

“Enough!” Was the sharp yell from Makino.

“Woman if I find out that you had a part in thisc”

“Shut up Domyoji! This is not the place to be having a conversation like this with a child present. Come on Soji.” At the same time Sojiro in a flash had climb up the stairs and grabbed Yuuki by the wrist hard.

“You’re hurting me! Let go!”

“We’re going to talk!”

“Let go of me I am capable of walking myself Sojiro-kun!”

“Do not say my name nu you do not have that right tocow!”

“Leave my mommy alone! You said that I was your son, my mommy said my daddy is a prince and a prince never hurts a princess! I hate you I don’t want you to be my daddy!”

Again the little boy kicked him in the ankle but this time he didn’t feel it. His heart completely stopped beating. It was Tsukasa and Akira who kept him from falling where he stood.

“Sojirocare you alright man?” Akira asked

“Man don’t listen to that snotty nosed kid, he didn’t mean it.” Tsukasa remarked.

“Yawn, what is all the commotion?” Two out of three looked up to see Rui with bed head looking at them puzzled. “Did I just see a mini Sojiro run by me?”


Sojiro paced back and forth in front of the front door. He knew that Yuuki was probably calling a cab and trying to get to the safety of her home with his son. His son. The more he thought about it the angrier he became. “DAMN IT! DAMN YOU WOMAN!”

“Sojiro calm down. If you keep making a scene she’s neverc” Akira tried his best to calm his friend down as Tsukasa was sitting on the overstuffed leather sofa.


“I understand that but, come oncwhat could you have done with that information huh? She probably didn’t tell you because she didn’t want to get hurt.”

“She could have told him and made him pay, but that’s why I hate poor people they lack the common test.”

Akira, Sojiro and Rui all looked at him. “Is it really ok that you’re the economy’s future?!” They all said in unison. But then Rui butted in. “If it was Makino who did this would she have said anything or struggled on her own?”

“Makinocis pregnant!”

Rui rolled his eyes and calmed his friend down fast with a dose of cold water and logic.

“It’s an example, Yuuki is friends with Makino they both came from the same social class. She didn’t tell Sojiro because it wasn’t like he would have offered her the life she would have wanted or needed at that time and in her defense, being that she was eye witness to Mrs. Domyoji’s tactics of dealing with people she doesn’t want around her heir she probably felt that if he tried to take care of his responsibility out of duty that his parents would not have given their blessings but instead maybe took her child and gave it to some other rich relatives that didn’t have any. Come on, it’s not like it’s not known to happen. How many illegitimate kids run in your family alone Sojiro you being one of them?”

Sojiro turned on Rui and raised his hand to beat the breath out of Rui. That was a sore subject with him, he thought it was odd that his mother was cold with him, it was until he found out that he was the son of a model who later took her life with drugs because his father wouldn’t leave his wife to be with her. Both Tsukasa and Akira stopped him with much effort. “What are you her freaking lawyer now? Huh Rui? Still trying to score points with Makino by helping out her friend?”

“Oi, Sojiro cut it out before you say something stupid.”

“You always say something stupid Tsukasa! Come on Rui! Are you still hoping that she’ll leave Domyoji here for you? Huh realized what you gave up and waiting to be there when the shoe drops”

Cool hard eyes stared at hot fiery angry ones. “That is enough!” All the boys looked at the tiny yet mad as hell woman standing in front of them with her hands up in little balls.

“Makinocwe apologize.” Akira said quickly. “He’s just mad I can’t blame him though I would be too.”

Makino raised an eyebrow. “Oh, this is lovely, you’re mad? Huh, you have got some nerve. First, you sleep with my friend and you can’t even offer her anything other than a weekend of sex you didn’t even use protection and you call yourself a playboy, well how many other children do you have running around that you don’t know about eh? Here she is protecting her son from snobby rich people who would care nothing about him and also protecting you. She didn’t want you to feel bad about it and guilty and maybe try to change who you were so that YOU don’t hurt YOUR son like your father hurts YOU and YOUR mother. She was disowned by her father and had to raise her son without her family’s help. She got minimal help from her mom. She did this by herself so as not to disrupt your life!”

Sojiro slumped up against the door frame and ran his hand through his hair. “Sojiro, had you known whatcwhat would you have done? How would you have protected Yuuki and Soji? She did the best that she could all by herself. She didn’t even tell me because she was afraid that I’d tell you.” Tsukushi Makino said this time a lot more gently and with genuine concern for her friend.

“And you would have right because that’s the right thing to do.” Tsukasa came up and kissed his woman on the top of her head.


“Oi what do you mean no? She lied and kept it a secret it was his right that he know about the baby maybec”

He couldn’t finish his thought because she had punched him in the gut. “What the hell was that for?”

“Didn’t you listen to a word I said? Other than you, those two friends of yours over there wouldn’t stand up to their fathers and I don’t think that their parents are any more worse than your dragon of a mother, I may be saying this with some prejudice but...I can’t help but to think that she made the right choice, if his parents found out how would they insult her? Would they have forced her into aborting the baby or forced her to give it up? How can she really trust in Sojiro who goes womanizing every chance that he gets? He even told her that he didn’t love her. I believe he respects her, so, he should honor that respect now and understand her position. Had it been any other of those women who sleeps with him they would call him out for money to take whatever it was that he can offer. They probably would have done whatever his parents suggested just to get money or worse, they could have tried black mailing she didn’t do either of these. She just wanted to keep her precious memory of something beautiful that they shared.”

Then she turned and looked at her friend who was sitting on the cold floor, she walked over to him and knelt down she put her hand on his hand and said “She’s become stronger because of you, you have an opportunity now right. She said to me that you are always saying something about a once in a lifetime opportunity, this may be your opportunity to get to know your son before you have to go back to your life again. Who knows what will come of thisc”

“Yea man, I mean there isn’t anything you can do to change what had already happened. But if you’re really interested in this boy than start now, it’s not like your meeting him as a man right? Go talk to her and get to know your son. We’ll all be behind you right guys?” Akira smiled out.


“Well hurry up! Go fix this. I didn’t win these tickets so that my vacation could be over before it started! And apologize to Rui for what you said to him and Rui apologize to Sojiro that was a low blow even though you were trying to prove a point.” And with that out of the way she practically pulled him up the stairs.


He knocked on the door and then opened it quietly. He saw Yuuki packing her things and his son asleep with a troubled look on his small little face. When the door had opened Yuuki looked up and frowned.

“Can we talk?” He could see the tears starting to well up in her eyes and his anger returned to him. Why should she be crying as if she were the one hurt. She’s the one who stole his damn kid. He walked over to her and stilled her hand as she was trying to pack up Soji’s toys. “We need to talk.” He pulled her gently out of the room and closed the door and brought her to his room across the hall. He shut the door behind him and they both stood there quietly for what stretched out to be an eternity.



 220;Answer me Yuuki. I didn’t think you’d do something so low.”


“What? Tell me, I deserve to know, why did you do this Yuuki?”

“Would you have put away those playboy days and married me and become a father to Soji? Would you have left your life of privilege to stay by our side huh?”

“I could’ve helped you with hospital bills, a place to stay, and schooling for him!”

He was stopped mid-sentence by a sharp feeling on his face. This is the second time she did that to him. She went to smack him again but he caught her hand this time.

“As if I’d allow that twice.” He threw her hand away from him and pulled his hands over his face. “Why didn’t you tell me that I was a father?”

““I can’t look at you as someone I can love Yuukic but to me, you’re an important being to me.” Didn’t you say that to me? Didn’t you remind me all the while when we were in that hotel room? All the while you showered me with your_we both know that I loved you, you said it yourself, had I stayed in Japan and seen you with those other women andc I never wanted a playboy, I’ve always just wanted you, I want a man who can love me and my son entirely. Shouldn’t you want the same thing for me, for your son?”

To hear her utter those words that he remembered saying so clearly punched him in the gut and stabbed him the head all at the same time. “Don’tcdon’t go bringing upc”

“Why? It’s the truth. Why spoil a beautiful night that we shared, you gave me everything you can give me. Who am I to ask for more? I really don’t ask for much. You gave me a precious gift and I love him so much Nishikado-sanc”

He winced when he heard the name change, he didn’t like the sound of it. It sounded like she was slapping him. But he did tell her she couldn’t be so familiar with him and now he didn’t like it.

“Pleasecplease don’t take him away from me. He’s all I have, he’s my heart. I don’t have anything to give you in return I won’t ask anything of you but pleasecplease don’t take him away from me just to spite me. I understand your angry, but please understand, if I had said anything Sojiro I know you would have done the honorable things and helped me, but your parentsc.I’mc.I’m a nobody to them I am nothing but the dirt that they walk onc but our son..what if they took him away and constantly reminded him that he is a bastard child?” She was sobbing now, her face just as angelic and innocent but red from crying her body on the floor in a bowing gesture to him, her hands touching his house shoed foot. A knot formed in his throat he pulled her up and trapped her against a wall and made sure that his large body stood firmly in front of hers, he held her wrist in his hand and put his forehead against hers and he had to clear his voice so that he can speak albeit brokenly.

“My mother would not have cared since I’m not her real son and all, when I was brought to her house she had lost a baby who was the same age as me. Apparently, she wasn’t able to have any children afterward due to my father’s indiscretions, he contracted whatever it was my mother gave him I happened to have been brought home as a replacement since my biological mother over dosed on drugs. As for my father, he would have let you keep Soji and paid you handsomely, housed you, given you anything you wanted, but to himcyou’d be nothing more than a whore who got knocked up. He might have even lied to you and said ‘sleep with me and I’ll let you keep my grandson.’ ”

He heard a gasp and even though the only body parts that were touching was his hands on her wrist and his forehead on hers he felt her shiver at his last statement. He put his arms around her and hugged her close to his body as if to warm her up. “And there would have been nothing that I could have done for youcbutchad I known, I wouldn’t have told my parents, I would have taken care of you and my son on my own. Not in the way that you would have wanted, but you didn’t have to suffer by yourself you are an important being to me after all.” Sojiro let her go and walked toward the door and punched a hole through the wall. He hurt his hand in the process but didn’t brake anything a little bit of ice and some spirits and he’ll be fine physically.

“cdon’t leave, it wouldn’t be fair to Makino to not have her time spent with her best friend on account of ourc’problem’ we’ll discuss it at another time. By no means is this over. In front of Makino I’ll be a true gentleman. Just to remind you if you think about leaving or anything, I have the ways and the means to find you and our son. There is no rock you can hide under where I can’t find you.”

With that he left the room to get what he needed and gave her time to leave his bedroom. He heard her crying as he was walking down the hall he even passed Makino who was looking at him with the question in her eyes should she comfort him, but decided that he’ll manage on his own and did what any good friend would do sought to comfort her friend. His friends new about his so called family affairs but, he’s never spoken about it like that with anyone, the reason he couldn’t love any female, he didn’t think his friends would understand it at all. However, that little exchange in his bedroom left him with a strange feeling it was a new feeling to be so angry with her and want her sexually at the same time. That softness near him, while he felt her panic thump against her pulse at his nearness. That hug he gave her; he learned that he still had some kind of effect on her, damn it he was truly a bastards’ bastard.


The early morning light was filtering through the windows curtains and the maids began their early morning routine of tidying up the great mansion and getting the food prepared. Sojiro was well pass drunk and laying in his bed while Akira was passed out on the couch in his room when a little boy opened the door and crept quietly into his space and saw the bandaged hand.

“Do you have a boo boo Mr.?”

“Yeah, nothing serious though had to drink this here to keep away the pain and put a little ice on it.” He said holding up the bottle of Whiskey.

“My mommy works for doctor Arcand maybe he can fix it. One time a long time ago mommy said I was very sick and he got me better for free and gave mommy a job too.”

“Oh yea, I’m glad he’s nice.” He started to get some un-nice thoughts in his head about a guy doing something for free without getting anything in return.

“Oh doctor Arcand is very nice. I think he likes my mommy a lot.”

Sojiro felt his ire rising as well as something else coming up from his stomach. He thought it best to swallow it down, oh what a jagged little pill. Bitterly he asked, “Oh yea, what makes you think that?”

“Well, he always comes to our house for dinner and brings mommy flowers, but, mommy always smiles and is nice to doctor Arcand but he always leaves with a sad face. I don’t think mommy loves him.”

He felt somewhat relieved. ‘Damn I am a bastard’ “Is your mommy in love with someone else?”

The little boy looked into his eyes. It was odd to see your own eyes staring back at you.

“I don’t know, but when mommy talks about the prince she met a long time ago she gets all dreamy in her eyes and really happy, and gives me a big hug, but at night when she’s all alone I can hear her crying sometimes. She’s usually looking at a picture I don’t get to see the picture because she keeps it in a secret place. I know that the prince is my daddy but shh my mommy doesn’t know that I know it’s youc

Sojiro’s eyes opened really wide for a moment and he believed that his heart had skipped several beats he started to breathe again when he looked at the little boy who was at the moment looking forlorned. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier, but you hurt my mommy andcand if you are that prince that I think you arecplease don’t make my mommy cry anymore. Can you fight those bad guys who don’t want mommy to be a princess and make her a princess anyway? Mommy said that you have a very powerful prince who rules the whole world can’t your friend help you? My mommy says that a good friend will always help you out when you’re in a pickle.”

Sojiro put his hand slowly on the kids head. He had a really smart boy. A knot formed in his throat and tears leaked out as he brought the boy to his side for a hug with his wrapped up hand. Soon he was able to fall asleep and he felt happy that he was able to talk to his son.