Bubblegum Crisis Fan Fiction ❯ Ultimate Bubblegum Crisis ❯ The Beginning - Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ultimate Bubblegum Crisis - The Beginning Part 2
MegaTokyo, 2032
The dim light of the view screen was the only illumination in the room as an older man in a high-ranking officer's uniform sat at his desk, a cigar in between his fingers. Also in the room was a much younger man, in the uniform of a lieutenant.
“Commander, these are the Knight Sabers.” The lieutenant said as he turned footage of the Knight Sabers in action on.
“So, are they mercenaries?” the commander asked.
“At least partially. Their goals are unknown, but our intelligence suggests they do accept commissions.” Responded the lieutenant.
“Hmm, to think such suits actually exist. I would very much like to acquire them for analysis.”
“You mean you want to hire them, sir?” the lieutenant asked.
“We cannot let it become public knowledge that this latest fiasco involves a USSD military secret. Let's offer them a job.” The commander answered.
“Yes, sir.”
_________________________________________________________________ _______
The next afternoon Sylia had company at her apartment, her fellow members of the Knight Sabers. Priss, Linna, Nene, and Sylia's younger brother Mackie were seated around the living room waiting for Sylia to begin the meeting. The ladies knew there was a job offer made in a very public way, by newspaper, to the Knight Sabers and they were here to discuss this.
“Have you finished investigating the client?” Linna asked.
“It's USSD.” Sylia calmly replied.
“It's USSD? The space defense force?” Nene questioned, her high-pitched voice cracking into an even higher octave.
“This is a bunch of bullshit. There has got to a catch somewhere.” Priss groused.
“You're right.” Nene agreed.
“But, I think if we have an offer we should take it. It is work after all.” Linna countered.
“It might just be a trap.” Priss retorted.
“That's true.” Linna conceded.
“What do we do, Sylia?” Nene asked as she turned towards the Knight Sabers leader. All eyes in the room fell on Sylia as she considered this for a moment.
“I think there's merit in both of your view points. We need details of the job and what they're really after. Anyway, let's contact them right away. Nene?”
“You are through with work for the day?” Sylia asked.
“I want you to come with me.”
_________________________________________________________________ ______
Logan sat at the table in the center of the ramshackle apartment, a tumbler half full of bourbon in his hand. The smoke from a lit cigar in the ashtray wafted up to the ceiling, ringing the bare light bulb that provided the only light in the room as it hung from the ceiling. Silence permeated the room as Logan waited, the only sound being made was that of Logan's own even breathing. The calm was broken by a forceful knock at the door.
“It's open!” Logan called out.
The door opened and a small Asian man in an imitation Armani suit walked in, flanked by a large tough with a ring through his nose.
“Logan-san, I have the information you asked for.” The little man said in heavily accented English. He reached forward and placed a large manila envelope in front of Logan. Just as the little man was pulling his hand back, Logan sprung from his seat and buried the outer claws of his left hand into the table on either side of the man's hand, the middle claw halfway extended, drawing a droplet of blood. Logan's right hand was poised just below the little man's throat, claws extended and shining wickedly in the low light.

“Tell Johnny the Bull to back his ass outta the room or you're going to get the closest shave of your life, Touji, your choice.” Logan growled. The tough, caught by the quickness of Wolverine's attack, stood with a look of shock on his face, his arms still crossed in an attempt to look menacing.
“Benjy, w-wait in the hall.” The little man named Touji croaked.
`Benjy' stared dumbly at the scene for a moment, then bowed his head in resignation and retreated from the apartment.
“So, Touji, when are the Hunters getting here? I know your slimy ass sold me out to them, so at least make it sporting, and I may not play ginsu on you.” Logan asked. Over the past 24 hours Logan had been in contact with enough of the underbelly of MegaTokyo to find out that there was a story on the street about people, mainly teenagers being grabbed off the street by groups of Mutant Hunters.
“I-I wouldn't do that Logan-san, I swear.” Touji replied.
“Bullshit. Now when are they coming?” Logan said as he poked the underside of Touji's chin with his extended claws. “I won't ask again, and trust me, you won't be answering ever again.”
“The Hunters are not coming, they are waiting for you in Aqua City. I was supposed to tell you where their base of operation is, but I know it isn't the right place. They're laying a trap for you, Wolverine.”
“Good. I'd hate to disappoint them.”
_________________________________________________________________ ______
“You should have seen their faces when we walked into the Commander's office in our hard suits. I thought the Commander was going to swallow his cigar!” Nene said as she fought to control her giggles.
“So, are we taking the job, Sylia?” Priss asked ignoring the red head that was sitting beside her on Sylia's couch.
“And how much are we being paid?” Linna added.
“Yes, we are taking the job and the pay is 20 million, Linna.”
“20 million!” Linna exclaimed.
“Yeah, but what do we have to do to for that 20 million?” Priss asked.
“We have to find a missing little girl named Cynthia. And before you ask, the reason they are hiring us is the involvement of boomers in this kidnapping. We have pictures of Cynthia and a computer technician named Frederick who is believed to be involved.” Sylia responded.
“Humph.” Was all that came from Priss.
“Priss, Linna I need you two to take the search to the streets. Nene, I want you to search the `Net to see if there is any electronic trail. Mackie, you will need to monitor the police band.”
As they rose to start their assignments, Sylia continued, “And make sure to check in regularly.” The remark did not single any one person out, but everyone knew whom she was talking about.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever!” Priss responded as she walked out the door of the apartment. Her grumbling could still be heard even as she closed the door.
_________________________________________________________________ _____
“Sir, the target mutant, Wolverine, has been sighted entering the Aqua City compound.” Said a woman seated before a communications station.
“Excellent, we will be able to acquire both the mutant and the black box in one evening. The Chairman will be pleased.” Mason responded, a self-congratulatory smile splitting his face. “Have the helicopter readied. I want to be in Aqua City at midnight to pickup both items.”
“Yes, sir.”
_________________________________________________________________ _______
Logan pulled himself off the ground, the admantium lacing his skull the only thing that kept his head from bursting like a watermelon from the punch he had just received from the combat boomer in front of him. Lights danced before his eyes and blood streamed down his face from cuts inflicted by the beating. The fact that the wounds were still bleeding stood as stark testament to the severity of the assault Logan had withstood. Usually, his healing factor would have healed the wounds by now, but it was slowly being overwhelmed. Logan had given as well as he got though, for the floor of the warehouse was littered with boomer parts and the orange boomer equivalent of blood. Before he could clear his head though, two massive hands gripped each of his arms just above the wrists and pulled them in opposite directions. Logan was lifted from the floor, effectively crucified by the boomer.
“I bet that hurts, Wolverine.” a woman's voice with a Scottish accent stated.
“Nah, I've had worse from bar fights.” Logan responded, dried blood on his lips cracking with the movement.
“Ooo, the machismo is thick. We'll get rid of that soon enough.” The woman said. Logan's vision cleared enough to see her clearly now, and he could see that she was a young woman with purple hair. < She's the human handler for the boomers, but she isn't even here. That's a projection of some kind. > Logan realized as her image flickered and had no scent.
“It ain't bragging' if you back it up, babe.”
“Yuir bravado is impressive, Wolverine. And ye did cost me three B-55c boomers, but maybe when we dissect you we'll get enough information to outweigh that cost.” The woman said. “Lucky for me that I still have a few spare boomers.” She continued, gesturing to the two boomers that flanked her on either side. Both were assassin models, made to appear human in every way, but these were wearing paramilitary body armor and both had assault rifles.
“Stop it, you'll make me blush.” Logan retorted. “So, you're grabbing kids for research? Not because you hate mutants?” He could see her expression harden. “Damn, I guess I lost the pool.”
“Ha. Ye can be the witty one, eh? Why don't you tell me why the X-Men are interested in a 14-year-old mutant from the other side of the world? Don't you people mainly operate in the Americas? Or are you operating solo, Wolverine?”
“The answer to that question would be no.” came the answer from the rafters above the interrogation. The phantom woman turned towards the voice to see a young man step off an I-beam and slowly descend to the floor. Her assassin boomers turned training their rifles on the newcomer. He didn't appear to be threatening, a young man of with long brown hair, bright green eyes, and an athletic build.
“Let me introduce myself, I'm Wolverine's teammate, Phoenix. They call me that for reasons that are about to become apparent.” Said the young man. As he lowered to the ground, a fiery aura began to surround Phoenix's form, taking the form of a flaming bird of prey. The phoenix effect lit the expanse of the warehouse, becoming the focus of attention for all present. The assassin boomers opened fire on Phoenix with their rifles but to no effect as the slugs melted as they came into contact with the aura surrounding him.
Phoenix reached the floor and began to move towards the boomers and Wolverine. “Now, Shadowcat!” Phoenix screamed as the psionic fire surrounding him flared and twin talons shot forth, encompassing the boomers flanking the purple haired woman. A look of consternation crossed Phoenix's face, a small trickle of blood flowing from his nose, as the boomers' armor buckled under the pressure and they were driven to the ground, orange blood leaking from the seams of the armor.
Behind this action a ghostly female form rose from the floor, lightly touching Wolverine's legs. Wolverine felt her touch, and knowing what was about to happen, took a large gulp of air. Shadowcat phased Wolverine into an ethereal state, allowing him to slide from the combat boomer's grasp and through the floor with her. Phoenix took note of the events as he crushed the two boomers before him, his eyes meeting Wolverine's as he slid into the floor like an apparition.
“Your turn, Jubilee! Hold nothing back!” Phoenix commanded.
“I know the plan, so stop yelling already!” a young Chinese woman said as she sent a shower of plasma particles she called `pfaffs' into the face of the remaining combat boomer. The plasma exploded upon impact, looking like a Fourth of July fireworks display, and staggered the machine a couple of steps back. Phoenix, still holding the two boomers in his telekinetic claws, rose into the air, the phoenix effect spreading its wings again. With a swift motion, Phoenix brought his hands together, the held boomers mimicking his movements, until they came together with the last combat boomer in a resounding crash.
“Pour it on Jubilee!”
“Bite me, Phoenix!” Jubilee yelled in response, while showering the boomers with more plasma pfaffs than before. The resulting explosions pockmarked the boomers, and melted armor and false skin alike. Her anger seemed to fuel her plasma discharge; the sheer strength and numbers of the plasma pfaffs obscured the boomers from sight for moments. When the smoke cleared, the boomers were a mass of smoldering, misshapen metal that seemed to have been poured out of a cauldron onto the warehouse floor.
“Good work, Jubilee.” Phoenix said, ignoring the look of disdain she shot at him. “So, you have a problem with mutants. Why don't you tell me who you work for and why you are hunting young mutants?” Phoenix asked as he turned his attention to the purple haired woman who had remained motionless and silent during the entire extraction of Wolverine.
The woman just stared at Phoenix for a long, silent moment, then said, “I would advise you and your band to leave Japan, young man. Goodbye.” As if she were never there.
“Damn.” Phoenix swore. He turned his head away from Jubilee and wiped the blood from his nose away with the back of his hand.
“Let me guess, you're still pissed, huh?” Phoenix asked as he turned back to where Jubilee was standing, already knowing the answer before he asked the question. He could feel the waves of hurt and anger rolling off of Jubilee like a tidal wave directed solely at him. < Sometimes being an empath sucks. > He thought to himself.
“Drop dead, Chris.” Jubilee called over her shoulder as she walked out of the warehouse. “I'm going to check on Wolverine. At least he doesn't ignore me.”
“It just gets better and better.” Phoenix said under his breath. He waited a few minutes to allow Jubilee to get ahead of him, and then he followed her out of the warehouse. After a couple of minutes, he arrived at the parking area just outside of Aqua City. In the back seat of a black sedan, Logan's head was laid against Shadowcat's shoulder as she cleaned the bloody, battered face. Jubilee had turned to stare out the windshield at his approach as she sat behind the steering wheel.
“How's he doing, Kitty?” Phoenix asked as he opened the back door and poked his head in.
“His healing factor is already kicking in, Chris. With a couple of days of rest he should be good as new. I think.” Kitty responded, still cleaning the matted blood from Logan.
“Good, let's…” Chris began as a racing bike ridden by a woman wearing a red jumpsuit sped by at an extremely high rate of speed, paper and debris swirling in her wake.
“She's in a bit of a hurry.” Chris said, looking at the retreating red light of the bike's taillight. He closed the back door and walked around the backside of the sedan. As Chris reached the passenger side front door a large blue form zipped by stirring the trash back up after it had just started to settle down. < That was a combat boomer! > Chris thought.
“I think I may need to stay here for awhile.” Chris said into the vehicle.
“You're going after the boomer aren't you, you fucking knight-in-shining-armor wannabe?” Jubilee asked, even though it was more statement than question, her eyes never breaking away from staring out the windshield. More than anything she would not cry or show weakness to him.
* Sigh * “Yeah, I'm going to follow that monstrosity. What chance does a normal person have against a combat boomer? None, and you know it. Get Logan back to the safe house, I'll keep my link open and report in regularly, ok?” Chris replied.
“Whatever.” Was all Jubilee had to say.
“Be careful, Chris.” Kitty said to him.
“Yer a boy scout just like your old man, Chris.” Logan said while pulling himself up to a sitting position and off of Kitty.
“I'm going to assume you meant that as a compliment Logan, and leave it at that.” Chris responded with a smirk on his face. “Glad to see you decided to live, old man.”
“Wouldn't miss it for the world, kid.”
“I've got to go. See you all later.” Chris said. He stepped back away from the car, his psionic fire enveloping him. Phoenix lifted from the ground, his firebird's wings spreading as he flew back towards Aqua City where the woman on the motorcycle and the combat boomer were headed.
_________________________________________________________________ _____
The three X-Men in the sedan watched Phoenix's firebird head towards Aqua City. Logan looked at Jubilee and could see the look on the young woman's face. <She's still hung up on Chris. > Logan thought.
“Why don't you back the hero up, Jubes?” Logan asked. Not waiting for an answer, Logan continued, “Jubilee, Kitty can get the two of us back to the house. Chris needs you to back him up, whether he says so or not.”
“Logan, I don't know…” Jubilee started.
“Enough, Jubilation. You are an X Man and so is Chris, so act like it.” Logan said in his most authoritative voice. “Your personal feelings about Summers are not the issue here, got it?”
Jubilee's face seemed to lock itself in perpetual frown as she replied, “Fine.” With that she opened the door and walked away from the car towards Aqua City.
“Let's go, Kitty. I'm starving.”
“Alright, Logan.” Kitty said as she got in the driver's seat. “Do you think they'll be ok?”
“Those two may not be right as a couple, but they work together naturally, even when Jubes wants to kill Chris. They'll be fine.” Logan responded.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
End of The Beginning Part 2