Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction / Supernatural Fan Fiction ❯ Oops ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own them.
Chapter 3
When John woke up he half expected to still be in hell. But when he opened his eyes he found himself staring up at a ceiling. He rolled over and sat up slowly, testing his younger body and happy to find a lot less aches and pains than he remembered, so there was one good thing about being de-aged. He got up and made his way to the bathroom to clean up a little and then to the kitchen when he heard noise. He found Xander sitting down and eating a bowl of cereal but the other male looked up when John approached.
“Good morning. Sleep well?” Xander asked and John nodded.
“Surprisingly, yeah. So you have work?”
“Yeah, I'm crew lead on the crew rebuilding the old high school.” Xander answered between mouthfuls. John was impressed, to do that sort of work all day and then hunt at night, John didn't know if he could keep that up.
“What happened to the old school?”
“We blew it up. Had to, to save the world but yeah, every teenagers dream. Town's pretty safe during the day if you want to wonder just head back to the Magic Box before sunset. Weapons in the hall closet, our cops are pretty blind but grab a jacket to cover them in case. If you're here long enough to need work there's spots on the crew vacant. Later.” With that Xander grabbed his tools and was out the door, leaving John to stare after him. He figured he might as well do as suggested and scout out the town, Giles wasn't sure if he was tied to the hellmouth or something and until they knew...he didn't want to drag his boys to such a wrong town.
“Who's the new guy?” John turned at the question ot see a short blond woman standing in the doorway, staring at him.
“John Winchester, Buffy Summers, my Slayer.” Giles introduced them and Buffy rolled her eyes.
“What happened to the secret identity?” She asked and it was Xander who answered.
“Willow oopsed again.”
“Huh, okay. Just keep him out of the way for patrols.” She answered, wondering off to the back room to train. John stared after in and then looked at Xander who shrugged.
“You're human therefore not a threat or a real help.” Was the bitter answer. John scowled at that.
“That's a bit narrow minded. Human with a gun could easily take her down without ever getting in range of her.” He pointed out and Xander nodded.
“Trust me, I've tried to get that across, gave up in the end. Welcome to the land of special girl syndrome. Us guys are good for fetching, carrying, research, weapons maintenance and food runs.” Xander told him and even John could see the pain in his eyes as he spoke.
“What sort of weapons?”
“Crossbows, swords, stakes, things like that.”
“No guns?” John asked in horror and Xander quirked a grin.
“Nope. Despite the fact that silver bullets would be very useful against certain species, not to mention something like a magnesium bullet that'd ignite upon impact, that'd help against vampires. Buffy won't let us use them though. She's the Slayer therefore her word is law.” Xander explained and John shook his head.
“Hey, I'm with you on this but I still have to live here.”
“Do you? There are plenty of hunters out there you could go to for further training and then hit the road.” John told him and Xander stared in shock.
“Yeah. Giles isn't sure whether I'm stuck here so I could see where you are, give you some help.” John offered and Xander slowly smiled at him.
“That'd be great, thanks.”
“No problem, you're letting me use your spare room after all.”
John spent a few days observing everything before coming to the conclusion that, except for Tara, the girls in the group were spoiled brats. He'd met Mrs. Summers and her youngest, Dawn and he liked the two a lot more than the others. Giles was far too lenient and blind to a lot of what was going on. Xander ha d a lot of potential but he hid it behind a joker's mask, much like Dean hid behind his tough soldier act. But as long as he stayed with the group said potential would never be realised. And besides that, he liked the kid. He was loyal to a fault, stubborn and had a handy knack of surviving things he shouldn't.
Xander needed a lot of training, most of the time. It was weird but sometimes he moved and acted liked a seasoned soldier and then the next instant he would be tripping over his own feet. It was confusing and more than a bit annoying but Xander wasn't volunteering any answers.
So he started to train Xander as a true hunter. He already had pretty good physical strength and stamina due to work and patrol but John started to build even further on in as he taught Xander how to actually fight. He was already a fair brawler, he had to be to have survived so long but John wanted to refine his skills. It was actually a lot easier than he had expected, Xander soaked up the training an attention like a sponge which led to John wondering what Xander's family life was like as a child. He'd noticed pretty fast the complete lack of family photos in the now shared apartment.
Since they still didn't know whether or not he could leave town, and John was very reluctant to simply test it in case of nasty side effects, he had taken up permanent residence in Xander's apartment and had even taken one of the empty spots on his construction crew. It was hard but fulfilling work and at least it gave him a steady income. He still hadn't tried to call anyone, although a brief search had shown Bobby was still alive and kicking and both his boys were on the FBI Wanted list. Xander had grinned at that and showed him a bookmarked page with his own rating of `don't touch, he bites'. That had led to Xander explaining how they had brought down a clandestine military operation in town a few months ago. Only in Sunnydale.