Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Soaked Brides ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Slayer and Shadow
Blood Soaked Brides
Drusilla lay back in the waters, steam rising up around her as the dark haired woman cleaned her skin with graceful gestures. Her dark eyes were clear for the first time in ages, the taint of madness done from them, her face strangely peaceful as she stretched out gracefully. Round breasts bounced slightly as she poured water over her body, the dark triangle between her legs glistening.
Nearby the edge of the pool the redheaded boy twitched a bit still, even with his broken spine, blood pooling around him and flowing to tint the sauna's bubbling water a faint rose. The scent of blood in the air made Drusilla smile, sweeping through the steaming water toward the cowering girl in the corner. Her arm was broken, clutched by the tearful girl to her chest and her eyes were wide with pure fear and terror.
"Wha.. what do you want?' she stammered out, brown hair falling limply around her face, her soaked uniform clinging to her body.
Dru reached out to stroke her face, gently, then down over the smooth neck to her shoulders. "You two were the only employees here?" she asked her softly, leaning forward to breathe the words into her ear.
"Yes," she squeaked, unconsciously breathing a little faster.
Dru smiled slightly, seeing the excitement that was beginning to touch the child through her terror. Many humans reacted like that to vampires, part of them filled with fear yet also wanting the creatures of the night. 'Little fools,' she thought fondly. "Good," she purred, licking her throat.
"Starting without me?" the voice asked.
Looking up Dru saw the blonde standing by the side of the pool, pulling off her jacket in a graceful gesture. Amy stripped off her T-shirt next, her small breasts upthrust and firm, skin as snow white as Dru's own. Teasingly she unbuttoned her pants, slowly pulling the zipper of her jeans down to reveal a nearly invisible triangle of golden curls.
"Just keeping her warm," Dru answered, her voice becoming even more catlike, eyes lighting up at the sight of her.
Amy slipped into the water with barely a ripple, stalking over to Dru and the girl's side. "I see," she murmured, pressing her nude form up against Dru's side, licking her ear with a long swipe of her tongue. She turned to give their guest a sultry look, "Even with a broken wing she's adorable."
"Isn't she?" Dru agreed. She smiled as she kissed Amy's cheek, sucking at her skin gently, "I wanted to make her a present to you."
"You give me all the best presents," Amy laughed softly as she held Dru close, "but I wouldn't want to deprive you, love."
"Sharing could be fun," Dru said as she slid down to kiss the silken skin of the neck, tongue flickering out to taste.
"Lets," Amy agreed. She gracefully swayed through the water as they both moved to surround the young lady, reaching out to stroke through the clothes, "What's your name?"
"Sally," she squeaked, gulping. Her eyes were wide, darting as she tried to find someplace safe to settle on, trying not to gaze at the sexy women's bodies.
"This will hurt, Sally," Dru purred.
"Ahhh!" Sally yelped as both women began to strip her naked, her broken arm pulsing with agony as her shirt was pulled off first, Much more gently they got the bra off, then Amy knelt in the water to tug her skirt down. Panties clung wetly to her pussy mound, the dark colored fur boldly revealed by the thin cloth.
"Sweet," Amy purred, bending forward to kiss the pussy, leaving a red lipstick mark on the fabric covering.
"Let's find someplace better to play with our new toy," Dru said, tugging Amy to her feet. Together they gently pulled Sally from the water, the three striding across the tiled floor to where the towels waited in racks. In a single rough gesture Dru sent towels spilling to the floor, the larger ones easily arranged into a improvised bed.
Sally yelped in pain as she was suddenly shoved down, jarring her arm and bringing tears to her eyes. With her face scrunched up in pain she looked eve more beautiful to her companions, the blood pumping in her veins even more attractive. Amy knelt beside her to kiss each tear away, her raspy tongue enjoying salty flesh.
Dru slipped a finger into the soaked panties then simply tore the damp cloth away, her roughness bringing another painful cry from the girl. Still despite all the rough treatment the scent of excited female seemed to radiate off the girl, her eyes dewy with passion.
"I bet you liked it when boys got rough with you," Dru purred, her breath blowing across the girl's engorged nether lips, "did you let them spank you, sweetness?"
"Nooo...," Sally whimpered, but her hips ground upward wantonly.
"You're lying," Amy said with amusement from where she curled up beside her, reaching out to take one of the rosy breasts into her hand. Cruelly she pinched at a throbbing, pointed nipple and laughed as the girl moaned quite submissively, tossing her head back and forth.
"Amy," Dru sounded amused, "she's practically gushing."
"And you haven't even touched her yet," Amy chuckled, twisting a nipple and making Sally gasp. "Do you want Dru to touch you," she whispered into Sally's ear, "to take you? If she does you are ours, little one, forever... do you want that?"
"Please..." Sally moaned, pumping her hips up wantonly, desperately seeking the slightest touch of Dru's lips.
"Tell us," Dru ordered, letting only her breath tease at the girl's feverish flesh. Her firm breasts pressed into the wildly moving girl's legs, the scent of wildly pumping blood even more exciting than the scent of the girl's rising passion.
"Yes, take me," Sally wailed, moaning as Amy roughly took both of her breasts into her cruel white hands, "I'm yours!"
Dru lunged forward, pressing a kiss to Sally's feverish pussy as the girl cried out in pleasure. Her tongue roughly plunged between the lips to explore the humid depths, lapping at the sweet juices and blood filled skin, even as her hunger surged powerfully. A hand slid down her pale body as Dru slipped a finger into her own body, wetness of a different sort lubricating her channel as she stroked her excited flesh happily.
Taking Sally's uninjured hand Amy roughly pulled it to her groin even as she bit and nipped at her neck, fighting the urge to plunge her fangs home. Boldly she pressed her breasts up against her, Amy choking back a cry as Sally stroked her with surprisingly experienced fingers.
"Little slut," Amy purred to her huskily as she drove a nail bloodily into a nipple, "you're no innocent, are you? I bet you've spread your legs to every women in this city...."
Sally squealed as her breast was pierced, twisting wildly as she came violently, spasming into Dru's hungry mouth. "Yes," she wept out, "I'm a slut! Mistresses, please take me!"
"Amy?" Dru looked up, face matted with clear juices, eyes glazed with desire.
"Yes," Amy said as she pressed her lips to Sally's throat.
Dru opened her mouth, her appearance shifting to the vamp face as her fangs gleamed, then she plunged them into the blood filled flesh of the girl's still spasming pussy. Sally screeched until Amy struck, her fangs plunging into the writhing girl's neck even as her wild motions brought Amy to a stunning climax. They nursed on they struggling captive until the flow trickled to a stop, letting her empty body fall limply to the towels they lay on.
With a moan Dru rolled onto her back, legs spreading wantonly to reveal her own aching center. "Please," she reached down, taking pale fingers to spread the lips open invitingly.
Amy crawled forward gracefully over the soaked towels, the blonde pressing her face to Dru's wet pussy as she kissed the sleek lips. "Don't worry love," she cooed as her breath blew across soaking flesh, "I'll take care of you, always."
Ignoring the cooling bodies of their victims Amy and Dru played together through the night, stroking fevered bodies to greater and greater heights of passion. It was only the coming dawn that slowed them, the two circled together in the steam filled room.
"So what do you want to do now, love?" Dru asked, lovingly stroking blonde hair away from Amy's face.
"I heard from a vampire that the Master is dead," Amy revealed, "maybe we should consider visiting Sunnydale?"
"Isn't the Slayer supposed to be there?" Dru asked curiously.
Amy smiled back, "And wouldn't she be fun to play with."
"Oh yes," Dru agreed with a laugh.
Notes: This ties in with my regular Slayer and Shadow series, set before chapter Sixteen and their first appearance in that fic. In what little has been revealed in the Buffy/Angel series vampires are capable of 'normal' sex, so I figured Dru and Amy would be able to, as well.