Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction ❯ BTVS: Season Pokegirl ❯ Prologue: Politics ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Pokegirl.
Episode 1, Welcome to the Wildlife.
Disclaimer: This is a piece of ADULT fiction. Its contents should be viewed as such and only read by people deemed legally adults by their communities. This story features violence and sexual situations and should be considered Adult material.
Metroanime first penned the Pokegirl Universe in his fic Wild Horses and Pokegirl's and it has since been explored by many other great authors I claim nothing. BTVS is the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy I still claim nothing.
A/N. This is my first go at a writing a Lemon scene and real effort at writing Hand to Hand combat, so please be gentle. On the other hand if it sucks donkey balls would someone please tell me! Otherwise I'll just carry on blissfully thinking its great and never improve.
Prologue, Politics.
Classified TT Classified TT Classified TT Classified TT Classified TT Classified TT Classified TT Classified TT Classified TT Classified TT
Inter-dimensional Harvesting.
Goals, Problems, Solutions and predicted Benefits.
By Professor Margaret Walsh.
Inter-dimensional Harvesting the process by which the Initiative is able using a combination of Magic, Science and artifacts of Forbidden Tech provided by our Trauma Team partners, to pierce the boundaries separating our dimension from those neighboring dimension's, dimension's with resources which we have a better use for.
The main resource we are currently able to extract across the dimensional boundaries is a sufficiently strong personality matrix or soul if the reader is prone to superstition. A strong personality matrix can be detected by our scans once the initial breach has been achieved in the dimensional boundaries. Once identified and located, Transit can be accomplished.
Transit is the means of Inter-dimensional travel and bares a strong resemblance to the Leagues so far unsuccessful transmat experiments, but is in fact only cosmetically related. In that the subject, rather than being moved bodily as in the teleport or portal travel we are familiar with, is converted into an energy stream, travels from start point to end point and there is converted back from a energy into their physical form. Transit is completely reliant on the medium it operates in, none of our experiments or simulations have indicated that this form of transmat could ever be adapted to work within a single dimension.
The Inter-dimensional Harvesting or I.D.H. is a three-stage process Locate, Transit and Modification. It was the final phase where the problems showed themselves. By their very nature the subjects are dangerous and powerful beings the most fool proof method of containment is of course Modification into Pokegirl's followed by a series of level three and four tamings until the subject is rendered docile.
Two flaws have been encountered with the Inter-dimensional Harvesting process, both related and simulations predict both solvable by the same means.
The first problem cropped up when it was discovered that a Matrix after the rigors of Transit is too unstable to survive Modification. The first test showed that while Transit was successful and Pokegirl Modification was preformed without problem, the resulting Pokegirl's suffered a prolonged period of discomfort as their new bodies destabilized resulting in death. Of the test subjects, not even the corpses remained for study as the destabilization extended to a molecular level.
The second problem can be seen as a variation of the first, even before the above mentioned destabilization was noted over half the test subjects had suffered massive and fatal failures to most of there major organs. Heart attacks and brain aneurysms were the most wide spread causes of death, but these were mere symptoms. The root cause was determined to be the massive strain of Transit. Test subjects to old, to young or weakened by injury or ill health could not meet the tremendous physical demands. The hoped for cushioning effect of the energy state in which subjects exist during Transit travel did not manifest, or was not enough to compensate for the stain of moving through such an alien environment.
The solution to these problems lies in the mutable nature of the ether between dimensions, through which Transit occurs. In this environment it is possible to tweak the subject's Matrix with a properly compatible template. To this end, for the next series of experiments the Initiative has acquired a selection of male and female Bio-Form Scans taken representing hundred of Tamers in peak physical heath height of vigor in regard to age and possessing such Blood Gifts as would be beneficial to the subject survival.
During the Transit process these Bio-Form Scans will be introduced into the subjects Matrix. This, simulations have suggested, will increase the subjects Matrix physical durability enough for a larger percentage to survive Transit and cure the destabilization problem.
The second experiment is scheduled for 0800 tomorrow morning and my staff and I feel confident that with this new process in place Interdimensional Harvesting we soon be reaping the benefits the Initiative and Trauma Team hope for.
Secret Initiative Laboratory, Hard Pass, thirty miles north of Triennia Town, Triennia Province, Mountain League, Near the border to Edo.
Professor Margaret Walsh allowed herself a rare smile as the elevator carried her smoothly down towards her lab. The brilliantly polished steel doors reflecting the pleased expression back to her, only served to improve her already jubilant mood and her satisfied smile threatened to grow into a full blown grin.
The Sixty three year old scientist cut a striking figure, her short soft blonde hair becoming an iron grey near her temples, her back unbent by age still carrying her 5 foot 3 inches with a dignified air of knowledge and power. Today she wore her normal crisp white lab coat over a neat light blue silk blouse with a comfortable but smart pair of grey slacks replacing her normal thigh length skirt.
Today was `The Day' and even things that normally irritated or enraged her only served to remind her of her soon to be glorious success. Even her reflection that yesterday had shown her a woman passed her best years, who'd never been able to force the established Pokegirl centric scientific community to pay the proper respect her or her research deserved.
Oh sure in the early days of her career she'd been somewhat sort after as an associate or assistant. But always forced to aid some blithering fool in his latest quest to find some insignificant detail in yet another useless bimbo Pokegirl species. Never had she been able to gather enough support to launch her own project into truly important research.
Not Today! Today on the eve of her vindication and triumph the woman in her reflection stood straight and proud wearing her grey hair and sixty three years as hard earned badges of a long fought war against a world that refused to acknowledge her brilliance.
Today in her reflection she saw a woman who'd had the courage of her convictions. Twenty-five years ago sick of pandering to Pokegirl Researchers like Professor Stroak and his sickening band of yes men and sycophant's she'd started her own project. Secretly channeling funds and equipment away from useless Pokegirl studies and beginning her own quest to understand the very building blocks of the universe.
The elevator `Pinged' and Maggie quickly schooled her expression into her normal professional mask as the twin doors slid silently open leading out into the sprawling high tech lab of her half of Project Initiative. Three men waited for her just outside the elevator, Tamers Graham Miller and Forrest Gates and her assistant Dr. Angleman.
"Good morning gentleman." Maggie said as she stepped out into her lab.
"Professor." The two Tamers chorused.
Both young men were wearing Project Initiative military fatigues patterned in urban camouflage of white, grey and black rather than Trauma Team white double T emblazoned armored skin suits. They both worked for Maggie personally, like the vast majority of the Initiative bunker personnel, she had recruited the two and set out their training herself.
"Margaret." Dr. Angleman nodded and gave her a quick exited grin before quickly calming himself down and falling into step as Maggie marched past him.
Maggie gritted her teeth but refused to let the man's unwanted familiarity anger her.
"Have they arrived yet?" Maggie demanded scanning the wide-open compound, but not seeing some people she'd expected.
The large circular room, was ordered and clean as she could organize it, as she expected. Even with most of the base's faculty sent away for this experiment, she would except no excuses and her people knew it. Two other Scientists and three lab technician dressed like Angleman in white long lab coats over neat civilian shirts and trousers were checking equipment armed with clipboards and pens. They were working on a final check of the equipment, one final review to insure that today of all days there was no problems.
The devices they worked on were a curious mix of ultra advanced crystals technology supported but holographic computers straight out of the latest SCI/FI drama and brass equipment covered in magical runes. That wouldn't have looked out of place in Doctor Frankenstein's lab or perhaps on Dr. Moreau's island. Tesla coils sprouted from the walls, while pipes of full of glowing yellow liquid passed between them, seeming to surge with power as the energy leaped from coil to coil.
Uniformly spaced around the curving wall were a dozen pods, each high tech looking device, an expensive piece of molded white plastic and alloyed steel, tall and wide enough to hold a large man. Each pod sported a window covering half the front surface, facing into the Lab. A closer inspection would have shown the inside of each pod was cushioned with open clamps waiting to snap closed where a persons wrists and ankles would be, if they were inside. A nearly undetectable hair thin line traced around the edge of the front surface. Showing that the pods could be opened. Each Pod mounted a fist sized nearly see through pale red crystal at its highest point, each crystal pulsed gently in time with a larger dark red crystal that stood among a brace of energized coils and computers in the middle of the room.
"Yes ma'am, half an hour ago, they're in the control room with Director O'Brian, Commander Finn is keeping and eye on them." Forrest Gates answered nodding towards the structure built into the labs ceiling.
The Laboratory's main command centre was a little disappointing after all the high tech and downright bizarre gadgets of the Labs main area. It was just a flat square metal box built straight into the center the ceiling projecting out of the rough cut stone the base was carved into, 10 meters to the side, with windows looking out onto the Laboratory floor.
Maggie looked up, the high ceiling was well above head level, and the command rooms floor was suspended eight meters above the main level that she had just excited out onto.
As Maggie looked she caught a flash of vivid Indigo hair as someone inside turned away from the window.
Maggie winced they wouldn't have. Not Today!
"Who did they send?" Maggie snapped feeling a bubble of anger start to surface, in spite of her good mood.
She changed direction slightly and headed towards a different set of elevator's, set opposite the ones she's just used.
These were the bases internal banks, which led up to the command post or down to the storerooms, medical station, guestrooms and cells. Her people followed quickly in her wake.
"Its Brenda and Keith Crawford, I'm afraid Margaret." Dr. Angleman informed her, his voice carrying more than a little nervousness.
"Damn! I told them to keep that psycho bitch away from me!" Maggie hissed, cursing under her breath. She strode past the four-meter tall Master Crystal in the center of the room, ignoring it slightly ominous red pulse, and lengthened her stride. Her anger sending her barreling ahead; forcing the three men who were following her, to scramble to keep up.
Maggie Walsh was nearly running by the time she had crossed the floor, radiating anger her good mood forgotten for the moment.
As the Initiative leader arrived at the elevator doors she savagely jabbed the call button.
Angleman, Miller and Gates caught up to their boss just as the doors slid open and the four filed into the elevator.
As soon as the door shut Patrick Angleman turned to his silently fuming boss and managed a sympathetic smile.
"Maggie I know how much she infuriates you, but this is your day of triumph." Before he could continue Maggie rounded on him and Angleman's little encouraging speech ground to a halt in the face of his bosses' furious glare.
It was all Professor Walsh could do not hit the stupid little man, or better yet order one or both of her men to hit him.... A lot.
As much as she despised the representative that Trauma Team had sent to observe her latest experiment, there were few things in the world she hated more than the insignificant little so called scientists that she was forced to employ, toadying up to her. It was one of the great evils of her profession in Maggie Walsh experience, one she would not stand for in her Labs.
The incompetent yes men had nearly destroyed her last time, blinding her with their praise, while in their traitorous shallow little minds they'd been secretly ready to turn on her at their first chance! Because of something as minor as public opinion!
Maggie Walsh remembered. After she'd branched out to do her own research, they'd flocked to her. The hangers on, the bootlickers and flunkies were hoping to ride her coattail's to success and glory.
It had gone well at first the preliminary papers she'd been able to publish had been well received. There had been interest from some of the Leagues and some very prestigious Universities had been interested in her work.
Tentative offers had been made by some very high level people who'd recognized the huge potential to be found in a true understanding of the forces behind Magic and their effects on the physical world.
Then just as she was ready to move on to green pastures there'd been a series of unfortunate accidents and some of her more daring experiments had escaped from her lab.
Just a few Pokegirl's that studies had shown had an unconscious, but deep connection to some of the higher dimensions.
Officer Jenny's had investigated despite Maggie's refusing the stupid pseudo police entrance, they'd ignored her! One had actually laid hands on her, first to move her from blocking the door, and then one of the stupid sluts had dared to put force her into restraining cuffs.
The shortsighted fool's that had dared to think themselves her academic equals had allowed their ridiculously weak backbones to bend when history had needed them to stand tall and support her against the mewing of the uneducated masses.
A few pictures of a Megami-sama strapped to an operating table with half the stupid bimbo's skull removed, electrodes connected to her exposed brain and they'd deserted her, thrown her to the wolves.
All her so called colleges, desperately pretending that they hadn't been bowing and scraping to her mere day ago, hoping she'd let them join her project.
The pathetic populist journalists had demonized her; ripped her apart in the court of public opinion, they'd made her out to be some kind of monster!
Completely ignoring the science, dismissing what she'd already achieved and what she'd been on the way to achieving.
She's been given no chance to explain her side. It wasn't like Maggie had experimented on the useless sub-human creatures for fun! It had been a necessary sacrifice for Knowledge! For Science!
As more and instances of savage beatings, electro-shock and summery executions of rebellious Pokesluts had been found, her once bright career had taken more and more hits.
First suspended, she'd soon found herself being charged with crimes against nature! After a farce of a show trial in which none of her evidence had been given the weight it deserved she'd been locked up in a sanitarium for the criminally insane.
Five years she'd languished there caged with the animal in Arkham while idiotic fools without a tenth of her intelligence had vainly tried to understand the working of her magnificent intellect!
Then she'd been rescued a group of fearless rebels and freethinkers had been able to see past the unfortunate costs of her research and see some small part of the glory she'd been working towards.
Only a small part, even her new employers were a blinded by the insignificant power that Pokegirl's could control but their scientists had understood enough to see a few of the minor benefits that she could provide
Team Trauma had seen the brilliance of her work and understood enough to see the potential of her theories.
Of course the poor fools were as fixated on Pokesluts as the rest of deluded world that Sukebe had created. She'd had to narrow her studies and had been constantly interrupted by her new employer's demands to upgrade Pokeballs to beat anti-capture fields and create new weapons to hunt stronger Pokegirl's.
But no research was ever truly wasted and over the years her projects had progressed.
With an effort of will Maggie calmed herself down as the elevator began to short ride up to the command post entrance corridor.
"I would appreciate it if you developed a more professional attitude while we meet our guests Dr. Angleman!" Maggie told the suddenly scared man.
"Yes Professor Walsh! I'm sorry Professor Walsh, I don't know ... I mean it's just the excitement of `Today's' experiment!" Patrick Angleman nearly pleaded as he shuffled back as far as he could manage in the small elevator car and gulped nervously as he fought against a sudden wave of rising panic.
The two Tamers, Miller and Gates stood flanking the Initiatives leader stared at him impassively, blank bored looks on their faces.
"Pull yourself together man!" Maggie snapped in disgust turning a way and dismissing him.
Angleman sagged in relief, he had worked for Margaret Walsh for four years now and he'd seen some of the things that happened to people who truly raised her anger.
The elevator finished its short trip and the came to a stop.
Margaret Walsh with the ruthless determination that had served her well over the years, the scientist put all these minor aggravations from her mind and focused on what `Today' meant!
Now she was ready!
She was still forced to word her proposals in terms of how many powerful Pokegirl's she could acquire, to get her backers to fund her research. But if on the road to gaining a few more useless bimbos for Trauma Team she happened to unlock the secrets of the universe, well at that point no one would be arguing with her!
The corridor from the elevator door to the stairs down to the Bases command center took barely a minute and soon Maggie Walsh looked at her command staff and the visitors to her Base, Observers sent by Trauma Team to her watch her latest triumph.
Maggie stepped into the room with a polite smile on her face, one that touched nowhere near her coolly calculating dark brown eyes. But in her business few people expected to be greeted with joy and happiness.
Polite was the best anybody could expect.
The Control room was a simple design in the center sat the banks of computer main frames, ten featureless half-meter wide one-meter high grey boxes. Each connected to their identical neighbor's by two high-speed fibre optic cables. Not state of the art, but sturdy and capable of what was needed; only used to collect and organize data. The true computer power of the Initiative was nearly a mile away safely under tons of stone and concrete shielded by the best armor and magic money could bye or Trauma Team could steal.
A simple desk ran around the sides of the command room crowded with workstations looking out through the window down into the Laboratory bellow. Each workstation monitored and controlled various pieces that made up Professor Margaret Walsh greatest invention.
Maggie coolly cataloged the group waiting for her.
First to catch her attention was the six foot four frame of her head of security Commander Finn was standing apart from the main group keeping himself between the white armored skin suited figures and the three technicians manning there stations. Beside him stood his Alpha a Samurai and his battle specialist an Armsmistress (Maggie had never learned the creatures names, her only concern was whether they preformed their functions adequately). Riley Finn cast a quick glance at Maggie's group as they clattered down the stairs into the control room. As soon as he identified who they were, he turned his attention back to what was happening infront of him.
Standing directly infront of Riley Finn stood what could only, despite her white uniform, be a Dark Lady. Maggie was convinced that she would have guessed the bitch's species even if she hadn't been there eight years ago when her then lab assistant Brenda Strong had gotten a little to big for her britches.
Just Brenda now she was a rather weak Dark Lady as the bread went. The illegally modified Pokeball that had turned her from a whiny little five foot tall human with mousy limp brown hair and no cleavage to speak of into a 5 6 tall indigo manned beauty sporting a respectable C-cup seething with rage had worked with what it had. Brenda Strong had been in Professor Walsh's opinion a nothing no intellect or force of will or character to speak of. In that second when her stupid little idiotic plan had been ripped apart and she saw the modified Pokeball sailing towards her was probably the only time in her life she'd felt any true impressive emotion. That it had been rage and the techno-magical chip in the modified Pokeball had used it to fuel her transformation into a Dark Lady didn't negate the fact that over all Brenda Strong had been a none entity most of her life. Dark Lady's evolved from powerful Dark Elf's usually at least level 30's and normally level 40's or higher. After her transformation Brenda the Dark Lady had been a level 2. She'd had to learn all of the common Dark Lady attacks like Energy Blade, Aura Barrier and Enhancements like Magical Levitation from scratch and still at level 23 didn't have the strength to hold them for long.
Her grand plan to get the respect and power Brenda in her deluded little mind had decided the world owed her, had been the pathetic highlight of a meaningless life. The stupid fool had gathered a collection of incriminating evidence (Including pictures of the shoot on sight wanted fugitive Professor Margaret Walsh) and had started making demands, while she threatened to release her carefully hidden evidence to authorities if she didn't get her way. It had taken Trauma Team Video Girls and Data Dogs less than fifteen minutes to find her hidden cache of files primed to send copies of itself to most of the police forces in the world. Maggie had thrown the Illegal transform and capture Pokeball herself, it had seemed like a good idea at the time. But now after nearly eight years of dealing with the new Dark Lady incarnation of Brenda Strong, Maggie dearly wished she'd gone with her first thought and just had the idiot dragged outside and shot.
Maggie curled her lip in disgust at the indigo haired animal, Brenda was playing her normal childish games taunting Commander Finn soon no doubt she'd turn her attention towards Maggie herself. Maggie dismissed Brenda from her thinking she was a known quantity and not worth much thought even with the powers of a Dark Lady at her disposal. Standing behind Brenda was another in the white skin suit with black T's front and back of Trauma Team Keith Crawford, Brenda's Tamer or was that doormat? Maggie could never keep that straight when it came to those two.
Talking quietly to Keith Crawford was the final white suited figure Director Davis O'Brian the Trauma Team's liaison to Maggie's Project Initiative and the man in charge of all the area's of the base that Maggie didn't actively control.
"So Professor Walsh ready to show us some more goo?" Maggie nearly flinched at Brenda's nasal whine, before flushing with rage as what the disgusting semen receptacle had said.
Before the Scientist could retort Davis O'Brian interrupted. The Trauma Team member had no where near as much invested in these experiments as Maggie did but there success was still important to him and failures would reflect badly on him with his superiors in the TT Organization. The tall 5,9 thin man stepped forward and placed a conciliatory hand on the Dark Ladies shoulder. It was a calculated move Director O'Brian knew that Brenda was a favorite of several Trauma Teams mid level bosses and so had a certain reflected power so it was wise to stay on the very small area of land known as her good side. At the same time, she was after all just a Pokegirl, and if she were to say rip Davis's arm off, he knew that Professor Walsh would gleeful have the Dark Lady put down ... painfully, the second afterwards. The Base Director was gambling that Brenda was smart enough to understand that as well.
"The failure last time has been rectified there will be no repeat of the unfortunate goo incident." The Dark Ladies shoulder tensed under Davis O'Brian's hand but after a second the Pokegirl visibly forced herself to relax. O'Brian let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding the girl seemed to comprehend that she'd come very close to crossing a line which even her Tamer's Keith Crawford supervisor thinking she was cute when she interrogated suspected agents wouldn't save her from.
"Yes the problem of matrix destabilization has been corrected." Maggie finally said after an awkward pause.
"Really what was the cause?" Keith Crawford asked suddenly interested. The tall lanky Tamer took a step forward putting himself alongside his Dark Lady and pushed his glasses higher up on his nose settling them in place as he looked towards Maggie with an alert intelligent interest.
That was why Maggie had to put up with his Alpha's noxious presents so often. Keith Crawford was without a doubt a loathsome worm of a human being, who let his Pokegirl's and especially his Alpha the Dark Lady Brenda control his life whenever they choose to make the effort. Unfortunately he was also one of Trauma Teams top Roving Agents and one that specialized in Lostech and Forbidden Tech, he was one of maybe a thousand people in the world who could comprehend some small part of what Maggie was doing.
Maggie Walsh took a calming deep breath and began to explain she'd known she would have to tell whoever Trauma Team sent what they discovered from the earlier failed experiment and had put some thought into a short explanatory speech.
"The problem we encountered with our first experiment was one of matrix stability, the collected bio-constructs are just not stable enough, after transfer to except reconfiguration into an alien structure like a Pokegirl. Resulting in as your Alpha so eloquently put it `Goo' we haven't been able to correct the problem but with some work we have found a way to work around it." Maggie told her audience.
Brenda clicked her Indigo painted fingernails together a nasty smirk forming on her otherwise beautiful features.
"So you're taking shortcuts and going around problems now Maggie? I seem to remember back in the `Old Days' you saying that that was the mark of a poor scientist! Shouldn't you have put that big brain of yours to work finding and fixing the real problem?" Brenda leaned up against her Tamer wrapping one arm about his shoulders she draped the other across his chest and started tracing the embroidered double T logo with one sharp nailed finger.
Maggie watched as the 27-year-old Tamer just accepted his Pokegirl's sluttish behavior: that one of the thing that disgusted her about the pair Keith Crawford had a real mind yet he willingly associated himself with this whorish creature.
"Don't be ridiculous you stupid tart! If our solution wasn't the best we would have reworked the entire system but such a waste of time and resources wasn't needed." Maggie snapped.
The Dark Ladies already fiery eyes darkened with rage at Maggie's insult.
With a hiss that would have been more at home coming from a Widow than the gorgeously human looking Pokegirl. Brenda launched herself from her wonton embrace around her Tamers upper body, flinging herself at her personal Devil. With a scream of rage a bright red energy blade flickered into existence in one raised clenched fist. Brenda brought her arm around in a wild swing, the glowing red blade slashed down in a slice that would cut the expressionless Maggie Walsh in half.
The nearly supersonic `Dragon Slash' caught the Dark Lady as she was at the highest point of her leap her body fully extended. The expression of inhuman rage crumpled into shock and pain as Riley Finn's Alpha the Samurai, Sam's masterwork katana ripped through Brenda's tough Trauma Team armor and cut deeply into her side. The power of the `Dragon Slash' attack catapulting the Dark Lady across the control room in a spray of blood.
Before the critically wounded Dark Lady could crash through one of the control windows and fall out into lab bellow, Rose Riley's Armsmistress appeared infront of the tumbling body.
Coming out of her burst of `Speed' in a balanced offensive stance Rose's armored forms superbly trained and shapely legs tensed in their incasing armor uncoiling like a coiled spring, launching her into a vertical jump, nearly taking her to the control rooms ceiling, and preformed a perfect `Roundhouse Kick'.
The CRACK! Of bones braking echoed through the control room as the powerful attack connected on the other side of the Dark Ladies chest from where Sam's Harem sister's cut had landed. The mercifully unconscious and hideously wounded Dark Ladies body reversed course and rocketed back towards the group of humans.
With a wet sounding SMACK! Brenda's bloody and broken body slapped down to the steel floor between her stunned Tamer and Professor Margaret Walsh.
Unnoticed by most of the rooms occupants Rose, Riley Finns Armsmistress finished her move, using the rebound from the perfectly timed attack to redirect her flight, before she overshot and smashed into the roof the Armsmistress turned her ascent into a backward tumble. With an agility an Acrobabe would have envied Rose flipped gracefully though the air and landed lightly in a crouch on the desk inches away from the window. Crouched on the desk Rose's eyes were locked on the uniformed Trauma Team her muscles tensed her power focused for another burst of `Speed' if one of her Masters guests should reach for a weapon or Pokeball. Sam Riley Alpha had already flicked her sword clean of blood, sheathed it and returned to her guard position next to her Master. The Samurai looked completely calm, bored even, just like she had been before she'd moved faster than human eyes could track to intercept the Dark Ladies attack on her Masters leader.
The whole desperate battle had taken seconds most of the room's occupants could barely follow what happened. Once moment the Dark Lady had been snarking at her old boss, something all the staff at the Initiative base had seen many times before. Than she had lunged towards Professor Walsh, been knocked across the room by a barely seen blur that had resolved itself into Sam; Riley's Samurai when she stopped moving. Before anyone could even draw breath to scream her bloody body had been punted back by Riley's Armsmistress, who had been quietly standing by her Masters side on the other side of the room an eyeblink ago!
Into the stunned room Maggie was the first to act, calmly the Initiative leader pulled a neatly folded handkerchief from one of the deep pockets of her lab coat and carefully dabbed the few spots of blood that had managed to spray across her face. Clearing the already cooling wet spots she could feel Maggie silently her soiled handkerchief to Dr. Angleman, who standing by her side had caught rather more of the explosion of blood and looked as if he had just dunked his head in a bucket full of gore.
"I think you need to work on your dear Brenda's discipline Keith. One of these days the poor girl's going to get herself hurt." Davis O'Brian's drawled, his brutally sarcastic comment braking the stunned silence that had fallen.
Keith Crawford shook himself out of his stunned shock and scrambled at his belt for Brenda's Pokeball.
"Typhonna's Tits!" Keith swore as he looked at his Dark Lady. She was unconscious, bloody and beaten. Through the huge slash in her armor running across her right side her flesh had parted and the Trauma Team tech expert could see into the deep wound. Poking out of the blood and gore Keith saw the off whitish yellow of the girls ribs and splashes of lumpy purple; that he had the horrific idea were Brenda's internal organs. Finally he managed to get his fingers to work and popped Brenda's Pokegirl from where it was mounted on his Tamers belt and activated the recall beam. The red laser like beam sprang from the Pokeball in his hand and played across the still body infront of him. For one awful second Keith thought it wouldn't work, that his Dark Lady was already dead. But then Brenda's form dissolved into a red glow that was pulled back into his Pokeball.
Keith sighed with relief once inside her Pokeball her body was in suspended animation once he got her to a healing machine she would be fine.
"Got her in time." The Trauma Team member muttered as he hooked the Pokeball back to his belt.
"Pity." Maggie Walsh commented. The Initiative leader's good mood, that she'd felt earlier came back to her full force, as she walked forward carefully stepping around the pool of blood now spreading across the control rooms floor.
Keith winced at the Professors comment but kept his opinions to himself by attacking a human Brenda had forfeited any imagined rights she may have earned for herself as a favored member of Trauma Team. With a glare at the Initiative security commander Riley Finn and the two Pokegirl's that were again flanking him. Keith pushed the last few minutes to the back of his mind.
If Professor Walsh complained to Trauma Team they'd probably have Brenda destroyed without a seconds thought, but Keith doubted Walsh would do that, unless he tried to get her to reprimand her Security chief and his Pokegirl's. Maggie Walsh had as little to do with the upper levels of Trauma Team and Keith doubted she would rate anything to do with Pokegirl's even one threatening her as anything like important enough to go to them complaining.
Trauma Team was very much a Catgirl eat Titmouse organization the strong destroyed the weak unless they could get some use out of them the overrides the momentary pleasure of squashing someone just because you could.
Keith Crawford wasn't particularly strong, Brenda was, at level 23 the most powerful Pokegirl he had ever managed to train up or beg, borrow or steal. He was useful being a tech specialist that Trauma Team would be hard pressed to replace but that in no way gave him the clout to lock horns with someone as powerful as Professor Walsh. She had since she'd joined Trauma Team carved out her own little empire in the Initiative although it was still part of Trauma Team it was by far the most independent part and here her word was law. Even some of the lower members of the command council would think twice before making an enemy of her.
"Now if we can move along with no further disruptions?" Professor Walsh asked the room with a raised eyebrow her gaze on Keith Crawford who shook his head in the negative and dropped his eyes. "Good! As I was saying our solution to the destabilization was to introduce a intermediate form closer to the original matrix."
Keith followed along as Maggie Walsh lead the group past the banks off mainframes to the command rooms main station, here were all the instruments needed for the Initiative technicians to monitor and control the experiment set up in the lab bellow. A series of hi definition plasma screens were mounted on stands above the computer monitors showed the view from camera's set up around the base of the Command Post. Some showing the area's that could be seen through the command post windows directly bellow the room's floor others focused on close up images of the Pods mounted around the circumference of the Laboratory.
The others of the group, Initiative Tamer Forrest Gates, Trauma Team Roving Agent Keith Crawford, Trauma Team Base Director Davis O'Brian, Initiative Tamer Graham Miller, Initiative Research Scientist Doctor Patrick Angleman all arranged themselves around Maggie Walsh. Initiative Security Commander Riley Finn stood a few steps back from the group where he could keep an eye on everyone. His Alpha the Samurai Sam stood just behind his right shoulder and his Combat specialist the Armsmistress Rose just behind his left shoulder.
The three technicians that Maggie had chosen slipped through the group a settled into their seats, manning the command workstations.
"Intermediate form, closer to the original matrix?" Keith asked "Your going to keep them as human? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the exercise?" The Trauma Team member queried turning to face Maggie.
"Not at all as I said "Intermediate" Just until they stabilize then the transformation process can be implemented without the "Goo" factor." Professor Walsh confidently replied.
"As I informed your superiors Agent Crawford when I arranged for this demonstration all the bugs have been worked out! With the prototype working as will be shown Today Trauma Team will be able to start on a full scale faculty and on our way to power and money beyond our wildest dream!" Director O'Brian proclaimed, rather grandiosely but without as much confidence as Professor Walsh had managed. The so called `Goo' incident had left a lasting impression on Davis O'Brian. The sight not to mention the smell of a dozen human sized figures slowly falling apart into their component atoms was not something wanted to see again.
"Bring the generator up to its first stage!" Maggie ordered the technicians sitting infront of her.
Chapter End Notes:
(1) I based my POKEDEX Tamer entries on the template designed by Kerrik Wolf.
(2) POKEDEX Pokegirl's entries found at the Pokegirl World Project.
Name: Riley Finn
Age: 22
Residence: Triennia Town
Region: Mountain League
Status: Active
Rank: 53
Security Clearance: Withheld
Active Harem
Species Name Level
Samurai Sam 39
Armsmistress Rose 37
Alpha Sam
Beta None
Tamer Y
Master Tamer N
Researcher N
Watcher N
Breeder N
Name: Keith Crawford
Age: 27
Residence: Ero Creek
Region: Orange League
Status: Active
Rank: 31
Security Clearance: Withheld
Active Harem
Species Name Level
Dark Lady Brenda 23
Alpha Brenda
Beta None
Tamer Y
Master Tamer N
Researcher N
Watcher N
Breeder N
----------------------------Pokegirl Notes--------------------------
SAMURAI, the Bodyguard Pokegirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Fighting
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: human style diet, also has high tolerance for alcohol
Role: veteran warriors
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Rock, Normal, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic
Libido: High, but ONLY manifests if the Samurai is alone with her Tamer
Attacks: Basic swordfighting, Swordwave, Spincut, Slasher, Focus Energy, Fireworks, Mirror of Equity, Weapon Repel, Weapon Guard, Toxic Sword, Dragon Slash, Metal Slash, Demi Blade
Can ONLY learn over level 40: Falcon Sword, Miracle Slash, Keen Blade, Cry of the Fallen
Can ONLY learn over level 50: Armor Break, Power Break, Mental Break, Magic Break, Zanmato
Enhancements: Enhanced Speed (x6), Enhanced Stamina (x6), Enhanced Strength (x8), Enhanced Durability (x7), Slow aging, Can summon two weapons at the same time
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Ronin (mechanism uncertain - may be unique)
No one knows how or why a Ronin becomes a Samurai, even though researchers are still running test after test, to no avail each time. It's a longtime frustration for researchers everywhere, but it's still regarded as one of the more important research topics out there, and that is for one very special reason.
When the first Samurai was discovered, a Pokewomon in her 60s that was living in Edo with her Tamer, she slew over 200 Team Shogun agents, tanks included, with a single Zanmato. This was also was how the Zanmato attack was first discovered...
Very little data is available on Samurais, as those who have them tend to be un-forthcoming. And with good reason, as Samurais are among the most powerful sword-type Pokégirls alive.
When a Ronin evolves, they gain a foot and a half in height. Their hair grows twice as long as it was before, and their bust size increases. For some reason, though, they lose sight in one eye and become ten years older in appearance than they actually are, their face lining and their hair turning gray. No one seems able to explain this, and Samurais still stay ten years older in appearance than their actual age for the rest of their lives.
Samurais live for two things and two things only: to fight, and to protect their master. It is a lifestyle choice for them, to battle every day, and the Tamer who wishes to have one in their harem should be prepared to fight them DIRECTLY, not with another Pokégirl, at least once a day to keep their Samurai's respect. But whether or not they respect their master they will protect them no matter the cost.
A Samurai, once they accept a master, will not betray them or abandon them for any reason. Samurais have a strict code of honor, that will forbid them from betraying their master, even if they hate him or her.
They are the perfect bodyguards, and think that letting their master come to harm is the ultimate form of failure, wishing to rectify their dishonor and mistake by any means necessary. They are loners by nature, and while patient and tolerant of others in the Harem, they will remain aloof towards them, rarely showing affection towards them unless they have earned the Samurai's respect. This becomes easier if the Samurai was previously in the Tamer's harem as a Ronin, already knowing and being friends with her harem sisters. When their master dies, the Samurai will usually still be alive, as they age at only half the rate others do. If this occurs, the Samurai will refuse to take any other master, remaining loyal to their original even after his or her death. They will instead seek a solitary lifestyle, keeping a single Pokégirl with them to keep them Tame, usually a dog-type. When alone with their Tamer is when their libido becomes active.
When certain they have privacy, a Samurai undergoes a 180 degree turn in terms of personality, unable to get their clothes off fast enough in their desire to be Tamed, their libido rising to the point where it could be compared to a Vixxen.
Samurais can summon, a natural magic ability, any sort of Japanese sword they desire in any style and design. Their preferred weapon is a daisho set, a katana and wakizashi. They are masterful swordswomen, the best in the world. Ronins will always respect and look up to them, as they consider the evolved Pokégirl as the perfect sword fighter.
The Feral state of a Samurai is very light, much like that of an Ingenue, insomuch they seem, as they are constantly distracted. It's a little more dangerous than that, though as a Samurai will become fascinated by the way the light plays off their sword blade and will move it about randomly to try and get random effects. No reports of a Threshold transformation have been reported, and seeing as it's incredibly rare for a Samurai to appear in some way to begin with, it's unlikely there will be.
ARMSMISTRESS, the Ultimate Fighting Pokegirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Fighting/Steel
Frequency: Uncommon (Normal, and in all Leagues) to Very Rare (Winged) (Gold League)
Diet: any human style food
Role: can adapt to almost anything
Libido: Low (High with favored master)
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Dragon, Ghost, Ice, Normal, Plant, Poison, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Electric, Fighting, Fire, Ground, cat Pokegirl
Attacks: Pummel, Roundhouse Kick, Sword Dance, Meteor Punch, Chi Blast, Master Blow. (And Feather Shuriken, Thunderbolt, and Whirlwind if the winged-type of Armsmistress).
Enhancements: 25x Human Strength, Agility, Durability, Speed, Weapons Knowledge, Armored
Evolves: Seraph(Valkyrie-based winged Armsmistress only; Angel Stone), Warrior Nun(Amazonchan/Amazonlee-based Armsmistress only; Angel Stone)
Evolves From: Amazonchan(works on it's speed), Amazonlee(works on it's strength), and Valkyrie (mechanism unknown)
Amazingly human in appearance; only distinguishing feature that sets them apart from 'normal' humans are the fact that all Armsmistress's have red hair and green eyes. Their busts do increase from their previous forms, but usually only by a half-cup at most.
The Armsmistress is a hard-to-attain-evolved form of the Amazonchan and the Amazonlee. They come from either form since it seems to be when an Amazonchan and Amazonlee balance their speed and strength.
They are more human appearance than the three stages of the Amachop (Amachop, Amachoke, Amachamp) and often better fighters than Herochans and Heroines. This is because Armsmistress's are incredibly skilled fighters, ranging from hand-to-hand to fighting with any form of weapon. (Preferably swords).
Armsmistress's are unparalleled armorers, and each creates her own armor shortly after evolving. The armor of an Armsmistress is also highly sought out by Tamers. The combination of intricately molded steel and leather is incredible in its quality. Few attacks can barely even scratch it. This armor typically reflects the personality of the Armsmistress who crafted it, though armor created for others can be created with their tastes in mind. Few Armsmistress's will ever craft armor for anyone but themselves, however, making these extremely rare.
Even then, the armor is never quite as effective for another as it is for the Armsmistress herself.
Armsmistress's will only remove their armor for Taming. They are perfectly comfortable sleeping in their armor, and tend not to favor post-Taming cuddling, preferring to get back into their armor as quickly as possible. An Armsmistress outside of her armor loses a considerable amount of her strength, and is generally safe to tame without restraints. They become paranoid about attacks when unarmored, however, partially accounting for their low libido. They are more willing to "let down their guard" with a Tamer they trust, which can raise their libido significantly. Armsmistress's will only bathe if dirtied by outside conditions, such as mud and the like, and still prefer to do so while armored, if possible. Armsmistress's have an unusually efficient internal cooling mechanism, allowing them to engage in strenuous physical activity without sweating. They do tend to breathe heavily during these activities, as their circulation system is similar to that of pre-Sukebe cheetahs, though more refined.
Armsmistress's that evolve from Valkyries, called Malakim in some Leagues, are extremely rare. In the wild one can tell if an Armsmistress evolved from a Valkyrie from a simple fact. They have wings, and can learn Flying-type attacks. (This however, has caused many Tamers to mistake an Armsmistress for a Valkyrie and visa-versa).
How to evolve an Armsmistress from a Valkyrie however, is still a complete mystery. Due to a peculiarity on the part of an Armsmistress' maternal instincts, they cannot fight feline-like Pokegirl. Instead they show great maternal affection towards the feline-types. This is believed to be related to their cat-like circulation system, indicating that Sukebe may have used trace amounts of cheetah DNA in their creation, resulting in unforeseen feelings of kinship with feline Pokegirl's.
DARK LADY, the Seething Bitch Pokegirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Magic
Frequency: Rare
Diet: human foods
Role: murderess, combat
Libido: Low (High with Tamers who can control them)
Strong Vs: Magic, Normal, Psychic, celestial Pokegirl's (Angels, Megami, etc)
Weak Vs: Fighting, Dark, Dragon
Attacks: Reflect, Absorb, Burst, Energy Blade, Aura Barrier, Mystic Bolt, Power Bolt, Teleport
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x3), Magical Levitation, Darkvision
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Dark Elf (Moon Stone)
Dark Ladies are evolved from Dark Elves when brought into contact with a Moon Stone. They stand taller than their previous form, usually an inch or two over five and a half feet tall.
Their breasts are generous but not huge, a modest C-cup, and are quite firm, with sensitive nipples. Their nails are always painted and well manicured/peticured, even after marching about the wilderness for days on end. Dark Ladies always prefer to have long hair, and will never cut it unless it's in danger of dragging on the ground. Even then, they'd rather braid it or style it to raise it just enough that it doesn't quite reach the ground. They are very vain about their hair and will go to great lengths to care for it and enhance it. A Dark Lady will always try to dress in an outfit that is provocative and arousing without looking slutty, such as dresses with long slits to show off her legs, or low-cut tops that show off the upper portions of her breasts.
Despite their allure, Dark Ladies are not often found in Harems. This is because, although they are very beautiful, they are consumed with intense rage. They seem to have nothing but fiery hatred for everyone and everything, with a special place being reserved in their dark hearts for Pokegirl's of a celestial nature, such as Angels, Megamis, and Megami-samas. The best known example of this was when a kindly Angel rescued a Dark Lady, not knowing what type of Pokegirl she was, from drowning and took her back to her Tamer to nurse the half-dead Dark Lady back to health. When the Dark Lady awoke to seeing an Angel watching over her and tending to her, she immediately flew into a screaming fit of rage and attacked her rescuer. Killing the poor Angel, who didn't even have a chance to defend herself, and slaughtered a third of the Tamer's Harem, who were shocked into inaction, before being brought down.
Dark Ladies are not subtle combatants. They don't have the patience or inclination for subterfuge and much prefer open confrontations. They usually use their Magical Levitation enhancement to remain away from any sort of physical fighting, and hide behind magical defenses such as Aura Barrier while they rain down Mystic Bolts and Power Bolts, along with taunts. When the fighting does get physical, they use Energy Blade until they can get more distance between themselves and their opponent, and if worse comes to worst, they Teleport away, although they are loathe to quit a battle, and have an annoying tendency to return for rematches at the least convenient times. During battles, Dark Ladies verbally as well as magically assault their foes, mocking things they believe in, telling them how weak and pathetic they are, and how she will torment their surviving friends/lovers/Pokegirl's. Dark Ladies are not fools however, and their anger is calculated. They know when to retreat, and won't throw their lives away in an attack unless they perceive there to be no escape.
No one is really sure why Dark Ladies are so sadistic. They seem driven to cause pain and anguish to anyone they can, for reasons even they don't seem to understand. They hate celestial Pokegirl's, and those who would associate with them, more than other people, and will target them in preference to others. Some have suggested that Dark Ladies are upset because they have lost their Longevity enhancement that they had as a Dark Elf, and feel cheated of their long lives. Others postulate that they hate celestial Pokegirl's because they seem to radiate the peace and serenity that Dark Ladies lack so much in their own lives.
Despite all this, it is possible to Tame and control a Dark Lady, though difficult. Dark Ladies don't respond well to kindness nor appeals to reason, but raw power, and the willingness to use it, is one of the very few things that gets through to them. A Tamer who shows himself to be her superior will earn her obedience, but doing so is a harsh lesson to force on her. Since a Dark Lady will naturally satisfy her carnal lusts on helpless victims, a Tamer who forces himself on her in such a manner can make her submit to him.
Generally, this requires her to be heavily bound and gagged so she can't cast her spells while the Tamer takes her harshly, bragging about his ability to do this to her and her inability to stop him. The more harshly she is taken, the quicker and better the results will be, and more exotic forms of intercourse, such as anally or tit-fucking, are known to work better.
After the Taming, a Dark Lady will behave very differently towards her new Tamer. She is obedient to him now, and appears to revel in her new position. Her loyalty to her new Tamer is unshakeable, and she would gladly die before abandoning or betraying him. She is almost obsequious in her desire to please her new owner, calling him "Master" whenever she can, almost whorishly servicing his every desire, volunteering to be the first to fight pokebattles for him, etc. She regards her Tamer almost as a god, and will talk long and almost lovingly about him to anyone who is willing to listen. Such rants are not love-driven poems however. A Dark Lady appears to view her Tamer almost as some sort of evil overlord, telling others things such as "my Master is more powerful than you can possibly imagine!" and "my Master finds you displeasing, begone!" A Dark Lady in a Harem will always work her hardest to be the Alpha, seeing only herself as the most worthy to be with her Master.
Feral Dark Ladies are beings of pure rage, attacking anything that moves with a mindless fury. They are too distracted to use their magic or their Magical Levitation ability though, and always resort to just using their strength to tear their opponent limb from limb. In this state they aren't much of a fight, and they know it, making sure to find some poor soul every few weeks to force themselves on. Such experiences are never pleasant memories for the one they use. No Threshold girl has ever been known to become a Dark Lady, for which everyone is thankful.