[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: mackon 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season Pokegirl.
Episode 1, Welcome to the Wildlife.
Disclaimer: This is a piece of ADULT fiction. Its contents should be viewed as such and only read by people deemed legally adults by their communities. This story features violence and sexual situations and should be considered Adult material.
Metroanime first penned the Pokegirl Universe in his fic Wild Horses and Pokegirl's and it has since been explored by many other great authors I claim nothing. BTVS is the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy I still claim nothing.
Chapter 5: Learning Curves. Part One.
Triennia Province, Mountain League, Near the border to Edo.
The inside of the tent was dark, little light could get past the two layers of thick pseudo silk or the branches of the Spruce tree outside, the sun had been going down anyway. Meant for eight people, Willow felt a little lost with only her and Tara taking up the wide-open space of the tents one big room. Their sleeping bag was set up away from the zipped shut opening with the two girls huddled together. Even though she was warmer than she’d been all day, while they hiked through the snow-covered forest, Willow couldn’t repress a shiver. The only shapes in the gloom were the two girls in their sleeping bag, the pile of three backpacks and discarded snow gear Tara and Willow had worn all and on the other side of the room the foot tall heater standing by itself. Lit only by the glowing red elements in the heater, the blue silk like material the tent was made of was cast into an off-putting reddish yellow.
The instruction manual she and Buffy had found in the tents carry bag called the interior roomy, but with only two people it looked more big and lonely.
Willow watched Tara’s still form for a minute, half-hoping her girlfriend wasn’t asleep yet and they could take a few minutes to talk about all the crazy time they’d had, since they’d woken up in the cavern. But Tara was exhausted after the daylong trek, then using her magic to power the wards for the camp. She’d barely managed to crawl into their big sleeping bag before her eyes had closed and Tara was out like a light.
Willow herself was more tired than she could ever remember being, but she couldn’t sleep. There was too much running through her head. She was terrified about what had been done to them, scared of this strange place they’d found themselves in and worried about whatever had been spooking Buffy all day. Briefly she considered getting up, pulling her snow clothes back on and going outside to talk to Buffy for a while. But Buffy only knew as much as she did and the three girls had talked that into the ground a dozen times during the day, all they’d end up doing was guessing and speculating again.
Right now the redheaded Hacker needed facts.
Sitting up carefully, trying not to disturb Tara. Willow pulled her backpack over to her and flipped open the cover. These Pokepacks (1) were amazing, anything you could fit in was shrunken down to who knows how small? You labeled it on the small keyboard on the flap, then you could call it out whenever you liked and when you put in back in the Pokepack remembered and just filed it away. If there were multiply of the same things, like those little red and white balls called Pokeballs (2) they were stacked. Willow had eighteen of them in her Pokepack and she knew Buffy and Tara had more. Most of the things they’d packed away already had an entry, that was how they found out what most of the weird thing were called. She, Buffy and Tara had spent half an hour just running mad in the base’s storeroom. Just grabbing anything they could and stuffing it in their packs, no matter if they knew what it was, or if it looked remotely useful, if it fit in the packs they’d bagged it. The only limit seemed to be weight, there was a counter on the computer display on the inside of the cover that slowly climbed as you put things in it. Buffy who had been collecting the larger, heavy bits of equipment had got hers all the way up to 500 pounds, which seemed to be the limit. Willow had only got hers up to around 293 lb. But it still sat on her back as easy as her old school bag.
But what Willow was after wasn’t in the amazing shrinking storage space, she’d tucked it into the normal backpack section. Willow reached into the bag, pulled the thin grey box out into her hands and flipped the cover/screen up watching the laptop boot up. Willow had spent half an hour trying to crack the simple looking password protection back at the base and gotten nowhere. The technology looked much the same as what she was used to, but scratch the surface and you found out you were dealing with something decades maybe centuries ahead. And in programming terms that put Willow Rosenberg, resident Scoobie Hacker and all round genius scrambling around in the Stone Age compared to this thing.
Willow had been thinking about it on and off all day and had remembered a few theories she had seen discussed in the books on techno-paganism she’d inherited from Jenny Calendar after Angelus had murdered her first teacher in computers and witchcraft. They’d only hinted at what she was about to try. But without going a little extreme Willow couldn’t think of a single way she could convince herself had even a small chance of getting past the laptop’s security.
Sitting up straight with the open laptop balanced on her knees, Willow spread her fingers over the keyboard, as if she was preparing to type. But she didn’t, she stayed like that for ten minutes, trying to force her magic into a new pattern. Willow brow scrunched up and a line a sweat appeared on her forehead, her hands started to tremble. Next to her laying asleep, Tara moved restlessly and mumbled something too quietly for Willow to hear, as the blonde which sensed the gathering magic. Then with a faint glow Willows poised fingers sank into the computer. The screen blinked, password prompt filled itself in and disappeared, the operating system desktop came up and files started opening one by one. Flicking past, first at a pace Willow could quickly read, but as she got used to being inside the machine literally sucking knowledge straight from the computer more and more files opened quicker and quicker. Flashing past.
Soon it was a blur, as Willow blazed through the laptops database the her eyes trying to pop out of their sockets, so stunned by what she was learning.
20 miles away, East. Towards the border to Edo.
Chao-Ahn shivered clinging silently to a pine trunk nearly twenty meters above the ground. Drawing the shadows about her as she listened to her pursuers search about for her trail. The Ninjette was terrified, not only was she lost among the twisting valleys of this horrific foreign land, being chased by at least four strong Pokegirl’s. But she was finding it harder and harder to think. It had been over a week since her honorless Tamer had abandoned her in these endless mountains, just because she wouldn’t grovel enough to his stupid pet Kunimitsu. The bitch had made Chao-Ahn’s life a living hell and thought it was her right as Alpha. When Chao-Ahn had objected their Tamer Keiichiro hadn’t even blinked and Chao-Ahn had found herself abandoned in the cold with only her skintight flimsy black Gi, (4) to her name. They hadn’t even let her keep the Bokken (4) she’d made for herself, or the wooden Shurikens darts (4) She was lucky Momomiya hadn’t thought to make her give up the new Tabi Boots (4) Keiichiro had bought for her, back when he’d first traded her from the farm.
Now after a week on her own and nearly a month before that left in her Pokeball, she could feel her mind fogging as she slowly lost her grip on herself and the feral madness crept over her. Barely two months away from the Breeder farm (3) where she’d been born and lived all her life and the Pokegirl was pretty sure she was going to die.
(Earlier that Day) Triennia Province, Mountain League, Near the border to Edo.
The country the three Sunnydale girls found outside the tunnel exit was one of those in between landscapes. Often seen in postcards and paintings. Pretty, even beautiful when shown in a nice panoramic view, maybe from a passing airplane, always from a distance!
But in reality it was not so great for human habitation especially when you were down there in it, with the cold and the snow up close and personal. They were in an alpine looking setting, a wide flat valley between two large snow topped mountains. The valley started near their exit, gently sloping down, full of shrubs with a sprinkling of small trees, within a hundred meters it became a dense forest dominated by towering Spruce, Fir and Pine. The smallest of the giant trees easily 20 metres tall, while the tallest could have been anywhere from 60 to 80 meters. The forest didn’t look like it had seen the attentions of a lumberjack for a long, long time, if ever. The trees were dusted with a covering of pure white snow, to match the surrounding mountains tops and what little open ground could be seen, it was all very picturesque; it was also very, very cold.
“Oh! This bites! Now we know why they had so much snow gear, we’re in Alaska!” Buffy watched her breath puff out in white clouds of condensation for a second, before helping Tara and Willow get their backpacks off. Getting the Snowshoes on would be awkward enough with out the extra weight on their backs throwing them off.
“I don’t think its Alaska Buffy.” Willow commented as she started lacing the tennis racket like devices to her boots.
“It looks more like the Rockies, in winter. But that’s not right ether those pines are wrong.” Tara added quickly following suit.
“Yea guys are right, Alaska was just the first place I thought of with huge trees and snow. Really it looks more like Russia from the discovery channel.” Buffy said absently. She was concentrating on tying the Snowshoes on tightly, but not so tightly that she broke the laces. “It’s a good thing you got us to rug up Tara, I don’t think the splotchy uniforms would have helped much out here.”
Tara smiled, it had been the shy blonde who had pointed out that the bases storeroom probably wouldn’t have had racks of cold whether gear if they wasn’t needed. Buffy had walked right past the bulky jackets, pants and oversized boots heading towards the shelves of more normal looking clothes. Even if they’d been all urban camouflage splotchy white and grey at lest they looked mildly comfortable and they appealed to Buffy more than the Ski gear.
They’d taken a few changes of wardrobe in the uniforms, but they’d dressed in the snow gear. So now all three girls were decked out in the tight, white and light blue ski pants and jackets. There had been a surprising range of sizes, as if the bases owners expected a lot of woman and girls to come through needing clothes, they’d all, even Buffy, been able to find something that fit.
The tunnel they’d followed from the underground base had finished up inside a natural looking cave, more a small crevasse really in the rock wall at the base the of a hill. Just deep enough so the armored metal door into the tunnel couldn’t be seen from outside. The hill was the first in a line that grew into steadily rising foothills, clustered around the beginnings of a snow-covered mountain. That mountain was the smallest in a group of three, forming the valley the Scoobies found themselves in. It stood blocking the valley between the other two much larger mountains. Judging by the length of time the hike up the tunnel from the base had taken, the original cavern must have been on the other side of it.
“Right Scoobies! Let get going, I really don’t want to hang around here waiting for those demons to come back with reinforcements. We’ll get the hell out of dodge and try to figure this mess out and find the others.” Buffy declared and led the way, clumsy at first in the snowshoes but quickly getting the hang of it. She kept to a slow amble at first to let Tara and Willow practice on the things, but the Slayer was surprised at how quickly her friends got it. But she still stayed close, ready to grab ether of them if looked like they were about to fall.
“We’ll keep an eye out for spell components Buffy, but this doesn’t look like the right kind of forest to find most of what we need.” Willow said, carefully putting one foot in front of the other.
“I know Will, the base was pretty high tech there must be towns and cities around somewhere maybe we can by what we need.” Buffy told them.
“I don’t know Buffy there were a few bit we picked up like those T2 things that have magic but it’s completely different to ours, I don’t know if they’ll have what we need foe a locator spell.” Tara said.
“We’ll figure something out Tara.” Buffy assured the other girl. “Once we get away from here, we’ll find a town or something and you two big brains can go all research girl, I’ll even step up and be the official snack scrounger until we find Xander!”
“If you gave me some time, I might be able to get into one of the computers.” Willow didn’t sound very sure, she’d tried back in the base and gotten nowhere.
“No Wills, first we run. Then we research, you too Tara. I want to know what they did to us a much as you do, but first things first.” Buffy looked both girls in the eye and was mildly surprised when instead of arguing a little more, they both nodded back and started heading down towards the forest away from the base.
Willow and Tara had both wanted to set up camp as soon as possible. Willow to examine the salvaged PDA’s (5) called Pokedex’s (6) and the notebook computer they been able to find in the bases living quarters and storerooms. Hopefully there would be some clues about who had done this to them, where they were and where the rest of the Scoobies had ended up. Tara wanted to have a really good look at the changes that had been forced on them not only the physical stuff but also how she and Willow could suddenly cast new spells without remembering ever learning them. There were spells she had learned from her mom that she hoped would tell them what exactly had been done to them?
Buffy agreed with both ideas wholeheartedly, but first wanted to be as far away from the entrance to the enemy base as they could possible get. Just in case their kidnappers came back for them.
“Hey which way are we going? I failed Girlscouts by, you know, never being one.” Buffy called towards Tara and Willow’s backs as she easily fitted her own backpack onto her shoulders.
The Slayer followed her two friends and quickly took the lead. Not only so she’d run into anything dangerous first and her better eyesight could pick out the easiest route under the forest canopy. But with Tara and Willow safely further back, the two magic-users could use their spells range advantage.
Tara and Willow exchanged a glance and smiled at each other. Tara answered “Well Buffy the suns rising straight ahead, just peaking over the trees, so we’re heading East.”
The Slayer set a easy pace to begin with, but as Tara and Willow had matched her step for step even in the bulky winter gear they’d liberated Buffy started upping the speed a little. After a while slowly increasing her pace she was frankly astounded that her two Wicca hadn’t collapsed from exhaustion. But the two non-superpowered girls kept up the pace. They’d struggled as the cold started to get to them and Buffy had called breaks as often as she could, so they could rest and eat some of the rations they’d taken from the base kitchen, but they’d managed. Not that Buffy had been going at anything like her best pace, even for walking, but it was damn impressive and raised even more worry’s in the Slayer’s mind about exactly what had been done to them.
At the end of the day Tara even had the strength left to cast spells to ward their campsite, while Willow had helped Buffy figure out the instructions and lent hand setting up the tent, before they’d conked out for the night. Buffy had pushed the rapidly fading girls into the tent while she stood or rather sat guard. As the Slayer she didn’t need a lot of rest, going most days on two or three hours a night.
As Buffy sat outside the big eight-man tent, Buffy silently cataloged the worries she’d picked up during since leaving the underground base.
First there was the question of what actually lived in this forest.
It hadn’t been half hour into the daylong hike through the forest, that Buffy had started to seriously wish she’d decided to go with Tara and Willows ideas. Not that the Slayer had been wrong about needing to get as far from the kidnappers base as possible, but after that first thirty minutes Buffy was desperate for some ideas of where they were and what had been done to them.
Because if she’d given Willow time to go through the Notebook Computer they’d found, the Hacker might have been able to tell Buffy about the creatures that were following the three girls.
The Slayer had caught flashes of movement and small sounds, the three Scoobies were being shadowed by a lot of different creatures. They stayed well out of sight mostly and there seemed to be different groups. When Buffy had first noticed there’d only been one creature, staying about forty meters away slipping from tree to tree keeping pace with the girls. Buffy had spent ten minutes trying to get a look at it, but the forest was tightly packed and it reasonably stealthy.
After about an hour of listening to the first, what ever it was, slowly circle the three marching Scoobies. Always staying about forty to fifty meters away Buffy had sensed it close in, to about thirty and settle into a tailing position. Actually following along on the path Buffy had blazed through the forest for Willow and Tara. Buffy by this time was a mass of curiosity about what was following them and was about to signal Willow and Tara to go on a bit without her, so she could hang back and catch a glimpse when the situation had changed.
The following creature had suddenly frozen in place, and Buffy could all but taste the fear rolling off of it. Then it was gone, racing back the way they’d come. Stealth forgotten, the thing that had been following them had run in a panic, making such a racket as it barreled through the forest as fast as it could go, that Tara and Willow had heard it. The three girls had stopped and listened as it faded into the distance, before moving on again.
The two Wicca hadn’t noticed the four new creatures that had moved in though. Buffy herself had barely sensed them, where the first had been OK at sneaking about, these four where a very, very good. Only Buffy being positive that something must have scared the first away had driven the Slayer to strain her senses to the utmost, allowing her to catch the odd sound or flash of color and movement. That group had stayed with the three girls until noon, when the sun was straight over head, before they’d just disappeared off of the Slayers internal radar. Two new followers had soon replaced them, and these two didn’t seem to care about staying unnoticed at all. That had been a nasty hour, with Willow and Tara jumping every time one of their followers had crashed through a small tree, rather than taking a second to go around. Finally these two had fallen behind and a single being had taken their place. The Slayer had been happy that her friends had calmed down when they’d heard the two followers move away, but Buffy had gone on high alert.
What ever had taken up the odd chase had felt like nails on a black board to her Slayer senses, it had circled the three girls silently like clockwork, effortlessly matching their pace. It had stayed with them for three hours Buffy never caught a glimpse of it or heard a sound. Just a constant nagging feeling in the back of her mind, there hadn’t been a second when Buffy couldn’t have just raised her arm and pointed straight at it.
What ever it was had hadn’t really struck Buffy’s Slayer senses as truly evil, the way a Vampire or a Demon would, but there’d been something off about it. At one point Buffy had spotted a gap through the trees, a natural path that led almost to where she could sense it and without a second thought she’d charged. As fast as the Slayer could move, sprinting on near flat open ground she had streaked towards it, Willow and Tara probably didn’t even see her leave, there one second gone the next.
And it had matched her!
Moving without a sound, slipping deeper into the forest, staying the exact distance away. When Buffy had stopped, confronted by densely packed trees and undergrowth that would have slowed her to near human speeds, the damn thing was still sitting on the edge of her senses, still roughly thirty meters away.
Buffy had spent a good five minutes running through her vocabulary of curses and making up more on the spot. Then she had to go back to Willow and Tara and try to explain what had been going on. And as the beaten Slayer had trudged back to her friends, the damn thing had followed along, until it was right back where it started it had even kept up its slow circling of the group.
Buffy had hoped for a stern talking to from Willow and a disappointed frown from Tara, about keeping things to herself, but it hadn’t really worked that way. Buffy had mentioned that she’d sensed something but that it didn’t seem to be a problem and the two Wicca had just accepted it!
That brought Buffy to the other needed research, what had their kidnappers done to them? On the whole what she discovered, going over Willow and Tara’s actions over the last 24 hours worried Buffy a lot.
The two girls were deferring to her, not that that was earth shaking on its own, but to a much greater degree than Buffy was used to. The Slayer had always been the leader, the one who had the final word in the Scoobies. But there’s always been an element of consensus, Willow could be incredibly stubborn when she wanted to and Tara had always struck Buffy as having nerves of steel, underneath that shy exterior.
Now the two girls just seemed…? It was hard to put into words even in Buffy’s own mind, but there was a new, deeper, Acceptance? Need? Dependency? on Buffy’s leadership. It was as if when it came right down to it, nether Willow or Tara could really conceive of not following where Buffy led.
It was more than a bit spooky really.
That baffling change in her relationship with the two Wicca was the most subtly and alarming change, but what Buffy had found in her own mind had shocked the Slayer to her core. Even after the ‘Lust Dust’ incident.
Buffy hadn’t even noticed at first, she’d been in the lead of the small group, picking the easiest trail for her girls, with Tara and Willow walking behind her. But then they’d come to relatively open natural path, where the trees where a bit further apart and the pine needles and snow had kept the underbrush down. The Slayer had dropped back behind the others, hoping to get a better idea of what was following them.
It hadn’t been five minutes before Buffy had caught herself mesmerized, by Tara bending from the waist to adjust her snowshoes! The Slayer’s mind had gone blank as she stared in awe. Buffy had watched the play of the tight ski pants over Tara’s heart shaped ass for who knows how long, unable and unwilling to look away as Tara had fiddled with the tennis racket shaped devices. Then the taller blonde, apparently satisfied, had stood straight again and the spell had been broken. Buffy had blushed scarlet when she realized what she’d been doing and noticed her nipples were trying to poke holes in the thermal shirt she was wearing under her bulky jacket.
Buffy had stumbled along following the two Wicca in a daze, not believing what had just happened, it had been all she could do not to let her twitching hands slip forward and see if Tara’s curves felt as soft as she remembered from the day before. But this time, there’d been no Lust Dust in the drivers seat of her hormones it had been all Buffy. The shocked nineteen-year-old had spent some long agonizing minutes, trying to fit this new appreciation of Tara’s body into what she’d known about herself. Trying to relate it to the Buffy she’d known herself to be, before they’d come to this place. And she’d gotten nowhere! Even the few times she’d found herself attracted to Faith had been nothing like that strong, hell Buffy couldn’t remember being so strongly attracted to a man’s body, let alone a woman’s!
Then Willow had turned slightly, presenting Buffy with a side on profile of her oldest friend and stretched!
Her arms high over her head fingers entwined, the sight had roughly jolted the Slayer out of her dazed introspection the erotic sight searing itself into poor Buffy’s already shocked mind. The redheaded hacker had twisted and turned, arcing her spine as she worked out the kinks from the grueling march. Buffy had watched riveted, her eyes glued to the bulging curves as they danced before her, showing plainly under the tight jacket Willow was wearing the Slayers mind full of the piles of snowy flesh her mind knew were just out of sight.
For the next two hours Buffy had to be on constant guard as she tried to keep track of their mysterious followers, and at the same time she’d struggled not to be distracted by Tara and Willow’s supple body's, as the two girls maneuvered through the forest. Even though she knew she should, the Slayer hadn’t been able to force herself to retake the lead and put temptation quite literally behind her, the view was just to good to do without.
Buffy had been so stunned by her own thoughts and the need to keep tabs on the thing’s she could feel following the three girls, that it had taken the one time social queen nearly half that time a whole hour to realize what was going on.
The little minxes were doing it on purpose!
Buffy could have slapped herself in the head! Yes her own reaction to the two girls was one thing, but looking at what was happening through the eyes of the one time queen cheerleader of Hemery High, it wasn’t just the Slayer who was acting weird. As the three girls squeezed between one of the towering Spruce giants and a boulder to stay on the course they’d held away from the underground base Willow hadn’t needed to stop and bend that way, holding onto a tree branch, so she rubbed teasingly up against Buffy! Tara’s stopping for the sixth time asking Buffy to help the taller girl with the straps on her backpack, which had already been adjusted, to perfection. They were doing it on purpose! The two Wicca were where flirting with everything they had! When this finally soaked through the Slayer’s distracted mind, Buffy had almost walked into a tree!
No they needed to find out what had been done to them ASAP and they needed to know everything about this place just as quickly. But Buffy’s original point of getting as far away as possible, that was still valid as well. So the Slayer had lead the three on, covering as much ground as possible before the sun set.
Triennia Province, Mountain League, Near the border to Edo.
The perfect campsite had presented itself just as the sun was starting to dip below the taller tress and shadows starting to grow. In the shadows of a huge Fir tree, a woods trick Tara remembered from her childhood, they’d found a sheltered spot. The tree’s branches heavy with age and snow, bent down until they nearly touched the ground. Forming a large sheltered space around the trunk.
Tara walked the perimeter laying down notice-me-not spells and alarm wards, while Buffy and Willow put up the tent. By the time they’d finished their camp was as secure as they could make it. Not a fortress by any standards, but well hidden from most things and Tara’s wards would warn them if anybody or anything tried to get in.
“Finished Buffy.” Tara called, heading back towards the big tree trunk where Buffy and Willow were putting up the tent. As she walked Tara dusted off the chalk powder she’d gotten on her gloved hands. She’d been using it to mark out the boundary for her spells.
“Great, the tents almost ready as well.” Buffy answered as she nailed down the last peg. Erecting the tent had fallen into a routine of Willow starting all the pegs with a firm tap with her hammer, once she’d chosen a good spot for the anchor with many references to the Byzantine instruction manual. And Buffy following along behind her, grabbing each pegs nobbly head and pushing down until it was sunk deep into the rock hard ground. The ground was frozen solid and pretty much immune to Willows best blows after a centimeter or so. It was pretty tough for Buffy as well, she’d broken a few of the pegs on the tough ground and Willow had nearly caught up with her tying down the guide ropes by the time she finished.
The tent was a silver and blue dome affair or two domes one inside the other if you looked at it that way. Really it was too big for the three girls, in the manual it was rated for eight humans. And that wording had raised a few eyebrows among the Scoobies. But the tent had been the pick of the bunch from the gear they’d looted from the underground base’s storeroom. Obviously newer and in better condition than the rest of the tents and camping gear. The carry bag was covered in little marketing blurbs, about how strong and hard wearing the material was. The claim of being half as strong as Dragonslave Brand Underwear had nearly decided Buffy against it, but the Slayer had felt the materiel herself and it really was tough. She’d looked through the shelves but hadn’t been able to find any of the Dragonslave Brand Underwear, only stuff that looked like normal cotton and silk. There was more leather and latex than she would have expected in a secret base as well.
Still it was a very big tent for three medium to small girls and Buffy had nearly decided to dig out one of the smaller ones. But she had no idea who’s Pokepack the other tents had ended up in, or what they’d been labeled as. As the three Sunnydale girls had gotten a handle on the Pokepack’s, they’d gone a little nuts, just piling anything and everything into them and naming them what ever came to mind if they didn’t already have an entry. And if they did have an entry it had seemed a more productive use of their time to start emptying the next shelf, rather than learn what something they’d already packed was called. Once they got somewhere safer than in the middle of a forest and had time they’d have to have a thorough sort out and try to get some idea of exactly what they’d managed to haul away.
Buffy had kept her head long enough to leave the tent and sleeping bags on top in normal part of her Pokepack, making sure it was easy to get to when they set up camp. She knew Willow had kept a selection of the little PDA computers and the Laptop computer so she could get to them. Tara had been more interested in anything she could cobble into spell components, like the chalk she’d had Buffy crush into powder or the herbs and spices they’d taken from the base’s small kitchen. Tara had also been fascinated by the CD looking things called T2’s (7) there had only been ten of them in a locked case and Tara swore she could feel magic in them.
So after a long days march Buffy had decided they would get some sleep before they started on computers or spells, the Slayer had bustled her two Wicca into the tent and found a comfy piece of the big Spruce trunk to lean against as she kept guard. She had no idea what the things following them had been playing at. Why didn’t they attack? If they weren’t going to attack why had they followed them all day?
After a while Buffy noticed a little bit of extra light from the tent and wondered what Willow and Tara were up to and immediately blushed scarlet as her imagination promptly provide a range of answers. From mature audience recommended all the way to triple x, resolutely Buffy pushed the images from her mind and tried to concentrate on the world outside the Scoobies camp.
5 miles away, East. Towards the border to Edo.
The Ninjette shivered, biting a piece of bark trying to keep her teeth from chattering. Chao-Ahn was exhausted, freezing and slowly loosing her mind, it had not been a good day.
Chao-Ahn was running for all she was worth her heart pumping trying to force an extra ounce of speed from her shacking legs, she given up hiding or trying to lay false tails, all that was left was the distant hope of outdistancing her pursuers. The Ninjette stumbled again but managed to keep her feet, darting between trees. The darkened nighttime forest zipped by the racing Pokegirl like a nightmare the excited YIPS! Coming from behind her spurring the girl on.
The chasing Pokegirl’s hadn’t given her a minutes respite, for hours they’d followed her always just a minute behind. No matter what tricks she tried nothing seemed to throw them off. What was worse was the Ninja Pokegirl had finally gotten a clear look at her stalkers. Mongoosed!
The Weasel type Pokegirl’s were quick and vicious, known cannibals when Feral. And these weren’t only Feral but Feral Born Mongoosed by the look of their oversized snouts and jagged claws. Stronger and faster than their domesticated sisters, they also had an animal cunning and fine tuned instinct for the hunt that no domesticated Pokegirl could match. It nearly made the young Ninjette give up right then and there, the thought of being dragged down and eaten horrified the exhausted young Pokegirl and she could see no way to avoid it. Most of the skills Chao-Ahn had struggled to master were based on evading the sight of the enemy. Mongoosed had weak eyesight anyway but all their other senses were razor sharp. Her best attacks were Throwing Star, which needed something to throw, and the collection of stones she’d found wouldn’t do much damage unless she was very, very lucky. Her Sword skills were at the very bottom of beginner, but Mistress Jade had said her Slash attack was coming on nicely, but again the fallen branch she’d grabbed was a poor substitute for her Bokken. If she could manage to get away from them for a while she could use her Sleep meditation to recover enough strength to try a Bunshin. But even at her best, all she’d ever managed was a hazy mirage like silhouette, not the full Bunshin illusion she’d need to fool her hunters.
A flash of movement out of the corner of her eye was Chao-Ahn’s only warning. Screaming she threw herself desperately to the side, a line of agony across her shoulder telling her that she hadn’t managed to avoid the swiping claw.
Springing back to her feet Chao-Ahn clutched for a second at the bloody wound on her shoulder blood welling between her fingers while she looked wildly around. There! The grey form of the Mongoosed charged out of the dark forest, her clawed hands poised to slash. The Ninjette whipped the length of wood that was her best remaining weapon from the sheath she’d jerry-rigged from her belt sash and brought it up in a hasty guard. The sturdy wood didn’t last a second a single swipe from the Mongoosed razor sharp claws shattered it in Chao-Ahn hand sending the girl tumbling back.
Terror giving her a grace the Ninjette had never been able to reach in training, Chao-Ahn dragged the shadows from the surrounding trees using the dregs of her remaining power to cloak herself in dark and fading back into the darkness. Chao-Ahn flipped the handful of stones from inside her Gi launching the last of her supply at the Weasel faced Pokegirl as the Ninjette leaped back. With a snarl the Mongoosed batted the flight of stones aimed at her eyes away, one getting through leaving a small cut on her furry check. Straining to hold the illusion of shadow around her Chao-Ahn slipped into the forest and took off again. Almost immediately the fleeing Ninjette heard the YIPS! coming from all around her as the Mongoosed closed in.
Chao-Ahn knew she was doomed now, with a bloody wound she would never loose the carnivorous Pokegirl’s their powerful sense of small would lead them straight to her no matter where she ran. After a few seconds the Ninjette released her shadows they couldn’t help her now and the strength could be better spent in running, where it might by her an extra minute.
“Tara! Willow! I’ve got to check something!” Shouting over her shoulder at the top of her lungs went against every stealthy bone in the Slayers body, but she couldn’t leave without at least letting the girls know she was gone.
Buffy had been moving before she’d even consciously registered hearing the scream. And cursing herself for a dozen different types of fool nearly as quickly. She’d allowed herself to relax and had reacted as if this was just another night of patrol at home. She couldn’t let her guard down like this! She had no idea what was out in the woods and she’d left Willow and Tara undefended. Even as the thoughts tumbled through her head Buffy was out from under the Scoobies Spruce tree and ghosting through the snow blanketed nighttime forest, leaving barely a whisper of sound to mark her passing.
The Slayer’s senses reached out cataloging each sound and scent, from an owl gliding through the trees above her head to mice and rabbits scurrying in the bushes, searching for her target. The faint sounds of the hunt were easy to pick out from the general forest background. And it was most definitely a hunt. The slight breeze carried the hunters excited bloodlust/anticipation and the quarry’s despair/terror just as easily as it carried the faint yipping cry’s. The Slayer angled her course slightly, aiming to intercept the fleeing prey.
Chao-Ahn’s run had been reduced to a stumbling rush. Exhaustion, the cold and blood loss had drained the strength from her legs, until she could barely feel them. She had lost her strip of bark somewhere and her teeth chattered loudly in the chill air, but she hardly noticed. The bloody gash on her shoulder had stopped hurting which was nice, but something in the back of her mind nagged at her telling the Ninjette that not feeling major pain from large wounds was a bad sign. But Chao-Ahn couldn’t remember why so she just enjoyed the lack of pain while it lasted. The Ninjette had gotten turned around and wasn’t sure if she was running from the Mongoosed, running towards them or just running around in circles. Still she kept going, if only to make the bitches work a little harder for their meal!
Chao-Ahn wasn’t quite sure why that was so important to her. To keep going, suspecting it had more to do with going insane and the lack of blood in her body than how tough she was. Still she hoped if she wasn’t going feral and bleeding to death she would still act the same. It sounded totally kick-ass, like something her Kunoichi instructors back at the farm would have said in the same situation. A noise caught her attention and Chao-Ahn turned her head, one of the Mongoosed was walking along right behind her! The sight of the predator she’d been running from all day, strolling along three or four meters just behind her, struck the Pokegirl as hilarious and she giggled quietly.
Deciding to ignore the hungry eyed Weasel girl until she could get her breath back, then she’d show the damn rodent Pokegirl what a Ninjette could do! Chao-Ahn concentrated on putting one foot on foot of the other. Blinking the Ninjette staggered out of the dense tree line and suddenly found herself in a wide clearing, the forest canopy broken letting the light from the moon and stars cast the snow covered ground in a silvery glow.
Buffy let her eyes take in the scene for a second as paused on the edge of the clearing. One human girl? Human looking anyway, youngish maybe in her teens? Hard to tell with the balaclava (6) covering most of her head. Not a child anyway, short she was wearing karate gear like Giles sometimes had Buffy wear in training, except hers was white and this girl’s were black. She had a bad slash across her right shoulder that was bleeding freely, wet red making the right side of her black jacket shiny in the moonlight. The girl was stumbling, on her last legs across the snow covered ground trying to reach the other side of the clearing and whatever protection the trees offered.
Buffy labeled her Ninja-girl.
With Ninja-girl in the clearing were four demons. All four were taller than their black clad prey and Buffy but not by much, maybe 5’5”? naked but covered in grey fur with black markings. They had long tails with a tuff of fur on the end their bodies seemed out of proportion, with legs and arms, not quite long enough to look right of their long big breasted torsos. Each demon had small dainty looking hands but each finger came equipped with a long wicked looking claw. Their mouth and nose were pushed out into snouts with small triangular teeth pointed teeth like sharks, their eyes were pure black, the creatures heads were capped off with a pare of oversized ears, which seemed to cover a good quarter of their skulls.
Rat demons, great! Well they were probably Vole demons or something, but Rat demon would do for now.
“Hey!” This looked like the finale act of the hunt Ninja-girl was about to fall or the Rat demons would get bored with playing and take her down “how you doing?”
The Rat demons whipped around in a flash of movement, Yipping excitedly. As the Slayers sudden appearance startled them. Buffy stepped out into the clearing watching as the Ninja-girl stopped and slowly turned to look at her. The six stared at each other for a moment, then the biggest of the Rat demons hissed at Buffy. All the Rat demons crouched and started slinking forward, nearly on all fours they were so close to the ground.
They charged in a silent rush, pretty quickly, definitely human plus speed. Buffy stepped forward and she was in the middle of them!
Blocking or avoiding a continuous rain of slashes and raking swipes as the four creatures tried to mob her Buffy quickly got an idea of the threat level these things represented. It didn’t look like they’d ever heard of a punch, or even a fist for that matter. The Rat demons attacked in a frenzy of opened handed, hooked finger blows as Buffy blocked and twisted among them. To the Slayer they appeared to be moving in slow motion.
Buffy was wishing she’d brought one of the machetes they’d taken from the base, or at least made herself a stake. Beating these stupid things to death by hand was going to be messy. She half hoped they’d get a clue and run away, with Ninja-girl to look after she wouldn’t be able to chase them down anytime soon.
The Slayer caught the wrist powering a vicious swipe aimed at her throat and with a sharp twist broke it, the loud snap and the Rat demon’s squeal shockingly loud after the near silent battle. Buffy grinned into the Rat demons stunned look, she half hoped they’d run and half hoped they’d stick around.
Going on the offensive Buffy started tearing the Rat demons apart. A kick to the chest knocked one back at the same time as she grabbed another and threw it into the third. In the second they were all busy getting back to their feet the Slayer slipped behind the one with the broken wrist. Casually Buffy took a handful of the slightly longer fur on top of its head in one hand, and grabbed it under the jaw with her other. The Rat Demon started a high pitched whine as Buffy pulled her head back, rising quickly to a panicked scream as it began to desperately wiggle trying to brake the Slayers grip, it clawed hands scrambling madly on Buffy’s thick gloves. The scream cut off with on a final high note as Buffy with violent jerk, snapped the Rat demon’s neck.
Letting the limp body crumple to the ground, Buffy grimaced as she looked at her shredded snow gloves, those claws were sharp! With a disgusted sigh Buffy stripped the white thermal gear from her hands and stuffed them in a pocket. Maybe they could be fixed? Sown back together? She had a few spare sets but not many. Finished the Slayer flexed her hands in the cold and looked at the staring Rat Demons.
They were all hissing now, but they didn’t charge. Their eyes were wary as they regarded the Slayer. Slowly, carefully they edged forward, Buffy watched them come.
Chao-Ahn slumped down into the snow as the battle raged on the other side of the clearing. It wasn’t much of a battle really, she didn’t know what species the new Pokegirl in the white and blue snow gear was. But she was obviously a strong fighter elemental and she was making quick work of the normal element Mongoosed. Easily sliding through their attacks and replying with devastating blows nearly at will. The young Ninjette stared in horrified awe at the brutal simplicity the new Pokegirl fought with. The Mongoosed weren’t only being beaten and killed, they were being destroyed.
The Ninjette watched as one of the Mongoosed ventured to close or maybe too far away from her sisters? It was hard to tell at the blinding speed the fight was going at. But one of the Mongoosed was to far from the others for a second and she was snatched over the new Pokegirl’s head and slammed back down to the ground with bone crushing force. Before the other two could intervene, a booted foot crunched down on her throat. The fallen Pokegirl twitched once, then the weasel girl’s body relaxed with a limp finality that said that there was no life left in her body.
Mongoosed were known for they’re tenacious natures and their love of a fight. But even the most stubborn had limits when reality hit them hard enough and this was more a slaughter than a fight. So Chao-Ahn was only a little surprised when the two surviving weasel Pokegirl’s suddenly turned and bolted for the tree line.
Note from the Author:
This Fanfic runs on reviews.
Extracts from the Pokegirl Items and Equipment Primer.
(1) POKEPACK: Looks like a 'normal' hiker's backpack, and does have a storage section for stuff you don't want to use energy to get to (or want to have even if the storage/release mechanism is damaged). Can hold a maximum of 500 pounds of material total, and able to keep track of as many as 100 different items. For duplicates (say multiple hi-potions) it can hold a 'stack' of 20 max, so 30 Hi Potions would take two 'slots' of memory (one at 20, the other at 10). It can hold Pokeballs (this was why I liked it) so a Tamer that passes his limit doesn't need to immediately hustle to the nearest Pokecenter to 'unload' his excess Pokegirl’s. Empty Pokeballs stack according to type and amount normally, filled Pokeballs are 1/slot. While in the Pokepack, they are considered in 'long-term' storage mode, so no time passes for them. The item has it's own display, but it also can connect (short-range coded broadcast, requires cable connection to synch-up the first time) to a Pokedex allowing someone to wear it and see what's in it. It runs off a battery (hence some of the weight) and uses something like an EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) to hold the patterns of things. Charges at any Pokecenter or from any electric Pokegirl.
(2) POKEBALL: Technology for this item was designed from stolen blueprints from one of Sukebe's labs. This item allows a Tamer to catch a pokegirl and keep them in a container the size of a large baseball. Pokeballs are electronically registered to the one that owns them with a Pokedex. Pokegirl’s kept in a Pokeballs are normally subjected to pleasure/pain training to obey their Tamer, during which they are instructed to repeat phrases of submissiveness and obedience. Compliance and obedience are rewarded with sexual pleasure. Resistance and defiance is punished with mild but shocking pain and nausea. Despite being physically in a state of suspended animation, a pokegirl is still awake while inside a Pokeball in order to undergo the training. Pokegirl’s report that time seems much longer inside the Pokeball, with minutes seeming like hours to them. Pokegirl’s who are fully compliant with the training are able to pretty much ignore it, and can even sleep. In order for a Tamer to catch a pokegirl that they don't own yet, they normally have to weaken the pokegirl so she won't resist the power of the Pokeball. Some modifications make it easier for a Tamer to catch a pokegirl. Some illegal modifications, usually mod-chips, allow a person to force a human female to go through Threshold and possibly change them into a pokegirl. Most people caught doing this are punished heavily. Also, Pokegirl’s in a Pokeball can be transported back to storage where they can undergo healing and Taming cycles. Catching a pokegirl in a Pokeball links that Pokeball to that pokegirl. Until the data is wiped from it, it cannot be used to capture another pokegirl, and its recovery beam will only affect the pokegirl it's keyed to. Pokeballs are registered to the Tamer who uses them by having information loaded into them via a Pokedex. All Pokeballs act as contraceptives, more as added precautions against parthenogenesis than anything else, since Pokegirl’s aren’t fertile until they become pokewomen.
(3) BREEDER and BREEDER FARM: There are only a few classes that are allowed to own Pokegirl’s, and the ones that can own the most are the Breeders. The Breeder's job is just like that of the animal breeders of old; make sure pokelines of certain types are strengthened, others reproduced in order to make them more common, and train them skills they need. Breeders are allowed to keep as many Pokegirl’s as they want, depending on what their housing conditioners are and how good the Breeder is. Almost all domesticated Pokegirl’s come from Breeder farms, the remainder are from unfortunate girls that underwent Threshold. Most girls that do undergo Threshold are sent to Breeder farms if there aren’t any new Tamers or ones looking for domestic Pokegirl’s.
(6) POKEDEX: An item used by Tamers. It's a multi-purpose hand-held computer. It is capable of giving tips to Tamers, scanning a pokegirl for info, displaying what the Tamer currently has in storage or with them, and several other things depending on how the Tamers customizes their Pokedex. A Pokedex is registered to one person, and after that can never be changed.
(7) T2: Technique Training (T2) Machines: A subliminal ingraining recording method developed from using some of the same Lostech of Sukebe’s Taming Machine. In appearance T2’s are small metallic ‘gems’ that are used for teaching Pokegirl’s a single attack technique or skills that are not attained naturally by the pokegirl, and are more for ‘customization’ for battle strategy and for outside of battle.
(4) Notes on Chao-Ahn the Kunoichi’s equipment and clothes.
Gi: also known as Karategi, loose fitting training uniform common to most martial arts made up of trouser like pants and a jacket with a long wide knotted belt.
Bokken: is a wooden Japanese sword used for training, usually the size and shape of a katana.
Shurikens: is a traditional Japanese concealed weapon that was generally used for throwing, and sometimes stabbing or slashing an opponent's arteries. They are sharpened hand-held blades made from a variety of everyday items such as needles, nails, and knives, as well as coins, washers, and other flat plates of metal. The most famous being the throwing star.
Tabi Boots: or Jika-Tabi are a type of heavy-duty footwear worn in Japan. Also known outside Japan as Tabi boots Ankle high and with a separation between the big toe and other toes, they are worn by both men and women.
(5) PDA: Personal Digital Assistant. A lightweight, hand-held, usually pen-based computer used as a personal organizer.
(6) Balaclava: A close-fitting, knitted cap that covers the head, neck, and tops of the shoulders, worn esp. by mountain climbers, soldiers, skiers, etc.
Name: Buffy Summers.
Age: 19
Residence: None
Region: None
Status: None
Rank: 0
Security Clearance: 0
Active Harem
Species, Name, Level
G-Poindexter, Willow, 35
Witch, Tara, 35
Species, Name, Level
Ninjette, Chao-Ahn, 10.
Alpha: None.
Beta: None.
Tamer N
Master Tamer N
Researcher N
Watcher N
Breeder N
----------------Pokegirl Notes-------------------
NINJETTE, the foppish in-training ninja Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Normal
Frequency: Very Uncommon to Rare (all Leagues)
Diet: Normal Human Diet
Role: Kunoichi-in-training
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: N/A
Weak Vs: Fighting, Magic, Ghost, adorable non-aggressive Pokegirl’s
Attacks: Sleep, Leap, Leer, Throwing Star, Bellyflop, Metronome, Fake Bunshin (*), Partial Bunshin (**), Full Bunshin (***, Only at Level 14 or higher)
Enhancements: Ninja techniques, high regeneration
Evolves: Kunoichi (Level 15), Kunimitsu (Fox E-medal), Ninjanezumi (trigger unknown)
Evolves From: None
A Ninjette is a pre-evolution to Kunoichi, Kunimitsu and a Ninjanezumi, but unlike pre-evolutions, a child of any of those three Pokegirl’s may randomly be born as a Ninjette. Strangely, a threshold girl with any of those three Pokegirl’s in their bloodline has a much higher chance to become a Ninjette than the domesticate child of any of those three Pokegirl’s.
Once of taming age, Ninjettes stand between four-foot and five feet tall. Their breasts rarely go above C-cup, but are even less likely to remain an A-cup. Their eye color can be any color, including white or lavender, and they may or may not have visible pupils (i.e. their pupils may match their irises). Their hair color ranges across the rainbow.
Ninjettes are not bad fighters, provided they've either been properly tamed (if of taming age) or properly motivated (if under taming age). What will properly motivating a Ninjette is as random as their Metronome attack. Ninjettes love adorable things, and will not attack any 'cute' Pokegirl unless said Pokegirl is acting aggressively. Some may become so obsessed with cute that they may temporarily forget how to use Throwing Star because they don't like the smell of metal.
When a Ninjette begins training for the first time, she will screw up. A LOT. However, unless verbally berated to the point of being emotionally damaged, most will continue their training diligently until they evolve. If verbally berated so badly, she will flee, seeking to become strong on her own.
But doing so is considered an enormous blunder. A Ninjette's core principles can be determined early in her training. An intelligent instructor can mold her to the point that not even the normal tendencies of her evolved states will affect her after her evolution, so a Ninjanezumi might be open and friendly or a Kunimitsu can be brash, loud and obnoxious.
Techniques that she learns through a T2 are not affected by this clumsiness, but a Ninjette has a strong aversion to the devices as using them causes a strong headache that refuses to go away for an entire week. During this headache, using any technique other than the T2 will likely result in her accidentally using Metronome or Bellyflop.
The Ninjette can use Fake Bunshin from the get go. This technique creates a small group of replicas of the Ninjette, but these are illusions, incapable of attacking. They vanish once attacked or if the user is struck. All of the Fake Bunshin will mimic the user's motions perfectly, even appearing to attack, but of course do no damage.
Perhaps the creepiest technique in a Ninjette's natural repertoire is the Partial Bunshin. The technique creates fifteen replicas of a single part of the Ninjette's body above them and their target, which rain down on both of them. The body part in question is random, but fully functioning and capable of levitation-like movement. 90% of the time, it will be replicas of the user's hands or feet, but 10% of the time, it will be replicas of their head or other parts. If it's the users hands, they can grab, punch, tickle, etc. as if they were attached to an entire body. A set of Partial Bunshin hands can even pin an opponent to the ground with the same force as the Ninjette herself could muster.
The Ninjette's Full Bunshin is perhaps the most useful. She can create up to two full clones of herself. Both have HP equal to the amount of PP used (the Ninjette can divert PP from other techniques to give them more HP). They cannot be captured by Pokeballs, and cannot use any advanced techniques, but are useful for distractions, ambushes, moving furniture, cleaning, etc. Each turn they're active, they lose 1 HP, meaning that they cannot last forever, but a smart Ninjette doesn't need much time. Once defeated, they vanish in a puff of smoke.
MONGOOSED, the Viscous Weasel Pokegirl
Type: Anthropomorphic, Near Human
Element: Normal
Frequency: Common
Diet: human style foods
Role: pest extermination, crop protection, border guards
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Ghost, serpent Pokegirl’s (Nagas, Arbusts, Lamias, etcs)
Weak Vs: Fighting
Attacks: Tackle, Leap, Dodge, Dance, Slash, Vacuum Slash
Enhancements: Anthropomorphic (Weasel) Near Human; high speed, extremely high agility and coordination, enhanced sense of hearing and smell. Poison Resistance.
Disadvantages: Temper, easy to anger. Nearsighted. Obsessive (Single-track minds.) Mongoosed all suffer from a problem with their lung capacity, resulting in tiring quickly from sustained exertion and vulnerability to certain attacks.
Evolves: Ermine (normal)
Evolves From: Furrite (normal)
Mongoosed are evolved Furrites. When Furrites evolve they lose many of their disadvantages, but gain some new ones. Their eyesight improves, slightly. They gain several inches in height and bust. They also get stronger due to the slightly more robust frame. There form also gains slightly larger claws and canines. Kleptomania is reduced and they gain a resistance to poisons. However their temper grows, they can be quite viscous and are highly tenacious. When they get something in their heads be it in battle or out. To the point where they will ignore anything else going around them, until they get it done. Otherwise they remain fond of cuddling and much of their personality from the previous evolution remains, but gain a harder edge when compared to the more carefree personality of the Furrite..
Non Anime: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Action /
Adventure /
Hentai /
Post-apocalyptic /
Sci-fi |
Type: Alternate Universe |
Uploaded On: 02.03.2008 |
Updated On: 02.03.2008 |
Pages: 7 |
Words: 9.0K |
Visits: 710 |
Status: Work In Progress
Chapter 4: A Slayer's Harem.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Pokegirl.
Episode 1: Welcome to the Wildlife.
Disclaimer: This is a piece of ADULT fiction. Its contents should be viewed as such and only read by people deemed legally adults by their communities. This story features violence and sexual situations and should be considered Adult material.
Metroanime first penned the Pokegirl Universe in his fic Wild Horses and Pokegirl's and it has since been explored by many other great authors I claim nothing. BTVS is the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy I still claim nothing.
Chapter 4: A Slayer's Harem.
Ruins Initiative Complex, Hard Pass, thirty miles north of Triennia Town, Triennia Province, Mountain League, Near the border to Edo.
The Slayer had been, all those millennia ago, designed as a hunter more than a warrior, her skills and powers more centered on tracking, remaining hidden in the civilian population, and sudden, brutal `Assassination' like, attacks. Meant to destroy her targets as quickly and as safely as possible, and quickly move on to the next. One mystical soldier, no mater how skilled or how tough they were, could ever really hope to fight the hordes of Vampires and Demon's that threatened humanity. The Slayer was there to destroy the enemy leaders the planners and take down the odd group with ambitions to destroy the world. The actual front line battle, was by necessity, fought night by night by humans themselves. There was just no way a single Slayer, no matter how good, could protect even a fraction of the worlds human population. Even right in the beginning, when the first Slayer was created, and there'd only been a few million of them. So a Slayer was a hunter there to be sent after the big fish, the monsters that threatened humanity as a whole and her powers reflected her role.
Buffy had never really reaped much benefit from the Slayer's more arcane powers. The more physical things, the incredible speed, strength, healing, instinctive skill with most any weapon? Yes all those had proved invaluable over the four and a half years since she'd been called. Sensing evil? When you lived on top of the biggest concentration of evil on the continent, it was more of a good way to give yourself a headache than of finding any particular demon or vampire. Prophetic dreams? They may have provided cryptic clues, every now and then, but on the whole they were more of a pain than a real help. The same was true with the Slayer's danger sense. Ever since Buffy had been called it had been ticking over in the back of her head on say, A constant background buzz that Buffy had felt, all day and all night, for four and a half years. After all just about every monster, demon, vampire or anything else that went bump in the night. They would like nothing better than to kill a Slayer. Buffy had felt it so long, she hardly even noticed it, anymore. Every now and then Buffy thought it gave her a little help in a fight a warning that something was heading for her back. But Giles thought those times it was more likely just a more vivid sense of the Slayer's battle instincts kicking in.
Now while Buffy was dozing peacefully, dazedly enjoying the afterglow of her recent bout with Tara and Willow. It was still there, still buzzing away. Buffy had long since learned to sleep with the constant low grade annoyance. But when that annoying little buzz suddenly exploded into a roar! Ratcheting up, all the way from level Three `There's something out there, it wants to kill you!' To level Nine `Oh My God! We're all going to Die!' That Buffy couldn't sleep through! The Nineteen-year-old jerked awake, her heart racing on full battle alert.
Buffy's eye's snapped open, going straight to the shadowed ceiling. Her ears picked up the faint sounds of stone grating on stone, and the groaning creak as the few remaining supports, as they strained under thousands of tons of weight.
“Up!” Buffy hissed as she scrambled to her feet, dislodging Willow and Tara's tangled limbs.
Buffy's cheeks burned as she saw her two friends naked bodies, the heat quickly spread to the rest of the Slayers body and she realized just how incredibly aroused she still was. But on full alert, with a truckload of adrenaline pumping through her veins, Buffy was able to throw the affects of the Lust Dust off for the moment.
The two Wicca were still well and truly under the aphrodisiac pollen's influence however, and as soon as Buffy slipped from between the newly awakened teenagers the two girls rolled together, straight into a passionate kiss. With no time to be subtly, Buffy simply reached down and picked the amorous Redhead up and threw the petite Hacker over her shoulder, while grabbing Tara under her arm and hauling the taller Blonde to her feet.
“Go! The roofs going to come down any second, Run!” Buffy ordered, casting one longing glance at the Katana, leaning against a burnt out computer station, Buffy reluctantly left the weapon behind. The Slayers hands were full with her girls. But Buffy had a strong feeling that she would need the blade again soon.
With no good idea of where to run where she and her girls could escape, Buffy took a firm grip on Tara's upper arm and dragging the stumbling older girl ran towards the far wall, heading for the opposite side of the crumpled building. During her duel with the Samurai Buffy had caught a glimpse of a darker shadow, behind one of the Pod things. Hoping it was the entrance to a tunnel, or at least an alcove they could take shelter in. Buffy raced through the broken junkyard scrambling over burnt and twisted laboratory gear. Towing Tara along behind her, with the limp and giggly Willow dangling over her shoulder, Buffy ran!
CRACK! Behind the running Slayer and her charges something gave way, causing a huge echoing explosion as a multi ton piece of stone broke away from the crumbling roof and plummeted to the ground. With a deafening CRASH! The piece of stone, easily the size of a large house, shattered on the cavern floor. It's destruction sending a violent shock wave through the ground under Buffy's feet. Barely keeping her footing, as the floor bucked and tried to throw her down. The Slayer managed to stay upright, wrestling with Tara's dazed, dead weight, dragging behind and Willows amorous, wandering hands. The Redhead was completely oblivious to the cavern coming apart around the girls, and was trying to continue where they'd left off, an hour ago.
An ominous groan echoed through the dark cavern and Buffy struggled to increase her already flat out pace. The whole ceiling shifted, sending dust and fist sized pieces of gravel raining down, as Buffy finally worked her way around the metal building and saw her goal. Without the light from the glowing Crystals that had disappeared sometime while she slept, Buffy couldn't make out the darker shadow she's spotted earlier and had to navigate by memory.
The ceiling started to rumble and didn't seem to be about to stop!
The Slayer cursed, stopping for a second and scooped Tara off her feet and hefted the taller girl over her other shoulder. Staggering as she tried to balance both girls on her smaller frame, before taking off again this time at a dead sprint. Her senses screaming Buffy could feel in her bones there was no time! Jumping over some obstacles and onto and running across others, Buffy made the last thirty meters in seconds.
Starting in the already damaged center the man made cavern came apart! Thousands of tons of stone, simply fell there was no slow collapse no rockslide the Initiative Laboratory was just obliterated. Five hundred meters above a section of Himalayan valley floor dropped seventy meters straight down a sinkhole a hundred meters across that instantly swallowed.
Crimson League, St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
Doctor George Hanower frowned, starring through a magically shielded observation window, glaring at the six unconscious figures occupying his Thaumaturgy Accident ward. Normally the compact man radiated an aura of calm confidence and authority. (Picture a classic D&D Dwarf minus beard, short, wide looks like he could barrel his way through solid stone, but dressed in a nice suit instead of armor) Now his hands were clenched into fists and he'd developed a nasty looking nervous twitch in his left eye. His carefully planned world had been put at risk, and Doctor Hanower wanted the reasons gone.
St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries was a big sprawling building, the original had been a pre Sukebe mansion with delusions of being a castle. Three, five story wings sprouting from a large six story central manor house. Since the Sukebe's time, two extra wings had been built and the whole place had been renovated several times, as the fortunes of the owners had risen and fallen in response to the Crimson League's own success. Twenty years ago St. Mungo's had fallen on hard times, the owner had attempted to open a school of magic in competition to Vale and everything the retired tamer touched suddenly turned to lead. Investments that had been secure moneymakers for generations of the Mungo family suddenly died, crops in the family vineyard were blighted, friends and acquaintance's who'd been interested in helping the new endeavor as Investors or teachers, suddenly found more important things to do or vanished completely.
The last of the Mungo's family died in a tragic accident, involving a parachute, his pet Pidgeota and a yellow rubber ducky, leaving the Hospital in debt and on the edge of bankruptcy. A foreign medical megacorp, based in Indigo league, the CCC, Critical Care Corporation swooped in and saved the ailing Hospital, investing heavily and completely refurbishing the entire complex and hiring on dozens of new staff.
Doctor Hanower had been one of the new employees and had quickly risen until he was the top administrator and for the last ten years had run the Hospital. Few of the Crimson League officials or high society that he regularly dealt or socialized with could have imagined that the calm wise little man was a loyal member of one of the most feared crime syndicates in the world. St. Mungo's served Trauma Team as a minor magical research base and recruiting ground for agents with medical/magical training, but its real utility was allowing the syndicate access to magical Knowledge and Pokegirl's as well as laundering an impressive amount of Trauma Team's ill gotten SLC. For years Hanower had run the Hospital with barely anything obviously illegal happening anywhere near the place. Now he had a half dozen wanted criminals that he had to treat while hiding them from the other patients and most of his staff. He'd already had to arrange for one of the patients to suffer a relapse and pass away unexpectedly! Not to mention the three of his NurseJoy's he'd ordered run through level five taming cycles.
All it would take were a few hints, a little suspicion and the League investigators would be all over the place. St. Mungo's greatest defense against the enemies of Trauma Team, had always been the venerable institutions spotless reputation. Anything that could jeopardize that had to be removed instantly. Unfortunately the Trauma Team Governing Committee had put a high value on the survival of these Initiative people, so he couldn't just get rid of them. Instead he and his staff were in a constant state of damage control. Using the resources of the Hospital to save the Initiative members lives, while at the same time trying to keep those same resources Mages, Doctors, Nurses and support Staff from realizing that there were anything odd going on.
Ruins Initiative Complex, Hard Pass, thirty miles north of Triennia Town, Triennia Province, Mountain League, Near the border to Edo. (Lemon Scent ahead)
Tara McCay woke, spluttering and groping blindly. Shocked awake by trying to swallow a mouth full of hair. The blonde Wicca blinked while pulling the damp strands away from her face, trying to clear her eyes, hoping to make some sense out of the gloom that she found herself in. After a frantic second, Tara was able to breath normally, and took a second to think.
She'd fainted or been knocked out she realized, as her recent memory's sluggishly started to float to the surface of her mind. Again! Slowly as her mind came online, Tara looked around as world swam into focus. It was very dark and the weight across her chest was warm and spongy, and breathing.
“Buffy! Willow! Can you hear me!” Tara shouted giving whoever was laying on top of her a shake, all she got in return was a mumbled moan, which sounded kinda like Willow.
“Willow sweetie, are you OK? It's time to wake up.” Tara looked around trying to get some idea of where they were, this time.
All she could make out were vague shapes in the darkness, lines that could be walls running at slopping angles to her right and a darker area up above to her left. Straight ahead she could just barely make out stairs leading down, it looked like there was more like down there.
Tara felt around on the person, Willow? She could feel, and found the sleeping body's head. It was too dark for the Wiccan girl to see her hand in front of her face. But with a little exploration and experimentation, Tara was able, after a lot of pushing and pulling, to get the unconscious form settled. Now with the limp body right way up and comfortably arranged in her lap. Tara listened to the mumbled complaints, about the bad frogs not letting her sleep. Tara grinned her brilliant white teeth flashing in the darkness, that was her Willow.
“Willow wake up!” Gentle slaps to the face started to bring Willow around. Tara was by this time blushing furiously, dragging Willows limp body around like she'd been doing, was making the blonde Witch remember what had happened. Vivid memories of after the battle with the two demon women started popping to the front of Tara's mind. Doing things like that with Willow was one thing, but Buffy! Oh My God! As a rather interesting memory caught her attention Tara's blush spread. Come to think of it, some of the gymnastics with her girlfriend she'd indulged in earlier rated an Oh My God! as well, especially for the normally shy Witch.
Even so, Tara couldn't quite keep a naughty little smile of her face, as Willow slowly started to wake up. It had been wrong and they hadn't been in their right minds, being affected by whatever drug the Lust Dust was made of. But as Tara remembered more and more, as sleep cleared from her brain, she couldn't deny that the sex had been incredible.
“Come on Willow, time to wake up.” Tara gave the redhead a gentle shake.
“Mmmth don't wanna, ooh! Tara, baby. I had the most incredible dream last night.” Willow murmured cuddling into Tara's warmth.
“If it was about you, me, Buffy and wild monkey sex, I don't think it was a dream Sweetie.” Tara told her girlfriend.
“Mmm that's nice can we do it again?” Tara's eyebrows shot up at Willows half-conscious mumbled question, then she smiled wickedly down at the drowsy redhead. Leaning down to place her lips next to the redhead's ear, Tara blew gently, causing Willow to shiver softly. As one of her erogenous spots, one that only her girlfriend knew about, was strummed to life.
“Sure Sweetie, I'll get the whipped cream, you go get Buffy.” Tara whispered into Willows ear.
Willow was mostly awake now and her brain was starting to listen to the conversation.
“What!” Bolting up, sitting straight, the Hacker went into babble mode. “But the dream! You and I and, and, and Buffy!” Flailing around, arms waving as she tried to get up. “Buffy and us without clothes! With sex! Lots and lots of sex!”
Tara quickly snagged the redhead and hugged her close, before her panicked struggles could hurt herself.
“I know honey, but we've got to think! It's dark, we don't know where we are and Buffy isn't here.” Tara told Willow firmly, holding the other girl in her arms.
Willow was a Sunnydale veteran, she knew when it was safe to freak out, because of the weird and when you needed to keep a cool, level head. Although this was pretty darn freaky, right here! Willow pulled herself together, trying to focus and force herself to think. Taking a long calming breath, the Hacker's eyes shot open wide and she immediately wished she hadn't. The deep breath, hadn't particularly calmed her shot nerves, but she had tasted a half-remembered sickly sweet flavor, in the back of her throat.
“Oh Crap, I think there's still some of that Lust Dust stuff in the air!” Willow told Tara. The Redhead carefully took stock of her self and immediately noticed how her body was reacting to Tara's gentle embrace.
Willow carefully climbed to her feet, seeing what Tara had earlier. Dim light, coming from down some stairs, darkness above and behind.
“Yes." Tara nodded, following Willow to her feet. "I think so to, I feel a bit tingly, but I think I can handle it.”
The two girls carefully started down the stairs. Willow winced as she took the first step.
“Baby? Are you alright” Tara asked, concerned laying a hand on Willows shoulder, sensing rather than seeing her girlfriends sudden pain.
Willow blushed furiously, glad that the darkness hid her from view.
“Um, I thought for sure, I mean that that bit had to have been a dream, but I'm sore.” The halfhearted explanation, telling Tara nothing.
“What bit, Willow? It was all pretty strange, the waking up in metal coffins, the fight with the Samurai and Plant demon women, the sex stuff, then the cavern falling apart and Buffy carry us, running while the ceiling fell in.” Tara listing it all out, hearing it out load, made both girls remember more of what they'd experienced since waking in this strange place.
Willow suddenly remembered Buffy carrying her, her body slung across the Slayers shoulder. The redheaded hacker had been more than a bit out of it at the time, still swimming in Lust Dust, and had spent most of her efforts trying to grope the tiny blonde's bum. But she did remember where her head had been and what she had, or more to the point, hadn't seen there. Willow was suddenly relieved and confused at the same time. If she had imagined Buffy fucking the hell out of her little cunny; and that was really the only explanation, considering Buffy didn't have a great big dick to do said fucking with. Then why did Willows pussy feel so tender and so satisfied at the same time?
“Um, near the end I guess, before the roof came down I had this strange, I don't know it must have been a dream. Through it sure felt and still feels, really real.” Willow cupped the sensitive area and gentle probed, wincing when she found a particularly abraded spot.
The girls had made it down the first flight of stairs and could see that they went down at least another level, with the light getting brighter the further down they went.
Tara could make out Willows shape now, in the light coming from bellow and could see her girl's hand, making frequent journeys to rest between the junction of her legs.
“What dream Willow?” Tara insisted, turning to face the shorter girl, taking a firm hold on Willows shoulder, stopping their descent. The blonde Witch still had more than a few fuzzy spots in her own memory, that Lust Dust had really messed them up.
Willow looked at Tara shadowed face for a second and dropped her eyes briefly, gathering her courage.
“Err well, I kind of remember Buffy having a, a pecker.” She finally blurted, getting a shocked gasp from Tara. Thinking her girlfriend didn't believe her, Willow babbled on. “Although calling that monster a pecker, really understates the effect it had. Because she banged the hell out of me with that thing. Like you did, that time, when we got home after that whole Adam mess.” Willow stuttered to a stop realizing what she'd just said. Willow briefly wondered if you could actually die from embarrassment.
Tara's eyes glazed, as she thought back to that night, a few days after the four core Scoobies had destroyed the Cyborg Demon Adam. The two Witches had really gone nuts, Tara had been frantic with worry during the battle and had had a lot of pent up emotion to work through. That had been the first time she'd ever used a strap-on and Tara had gotten a little carried away.
The blonde nearly fell off the little landing the two girls were standing on, lost in the memory and suddenly vividly recalled sensations. Only a quick grab from Willow, saved her from tumbling down the next flight of stairs.
Tara shook her head, trying to clean her mind of the sudden barrage of images.
“Oh, I think the Lust Dust is affecting me more than I thought.” Tara mumbled, the taller girl leaned on her girlfriend, as she caught her balance.
“Yeah me to, maybe we should talk about something else.” Willow offered hopefully.
Tara didn't answer, the Witch was having another flashback, this time not of hers and Willows sexual adventure back in Sunnydale but something that had happened while they'd been under the influence of the Lust Dust earlier today. During all the sex, Tara could remember slipping in and out of her lovers minds, and finding a longing in Buffy. Buffy had wanted something, something long and hard. Tara couldn't quite follow what she'd thought she'd been doing, or precisely how she'd done it. But she could definitely remember drawing power and building a spell. It had been amazing, the magic had flowed so easily, like nothing she'd ever felt before.
“Willow, I don't think you dreamed it.” Nearly whispering, Tara ducked her head and let a curtain of blonde hair cover her face. Remembering what she had done, the girl was overcome with waves of guilt. “I can remember doing a spell, there was this whole mind meld thing going on. And Buffy was thinking, that she would really like err, some pe… pen… penis action and I was really out of it and, I did a spell.” By the end of her explanation Tara was doing a first rate Willow babble impersonation. Ashamed of her herself for the magic, for the sex and pretty much everything else she could think of.
Willow watched, as the taller girl seemed to shrink, cowering away from her, as if she expected to be slapped.
“No Baby No!” Willow grabbed the blonde Witch by the shoulders, to stop her retreating and pulled her into a fierce hug.
“It's not your fault Tara! Stop it.” Willow held Tara's nearly limp form to her, cradling her protectively, more than a little shaken herself. Willow had grown used to Tara's quite strength and gentle wisdom, Willow called the blonde her Goddess and usually said it teasingly, but the truth was that Willow did all but worship her girlfriend, seeing in the shy beauty all the things she felt she lacked in herself. To see her like this, crushed under her own feelings of guilt and unworthiness, was a hideous shock to the redhead's own shaky sense of self-confidence.
“Please listen to me baby, it wasn't your fault! It was that stupid lust attack and whoever brought us here!” With a gentle hand Willow cupped Tara's cheek and turned the blonde's head brushing aside her lovers bangs until she could look into Tara's eyes, to see the dim light reflecting off of glistening tears.
“It wasn't your fault! I remember the mind meld thing, half of what I was thinking was you or Buffy. It happened and you cast the spell; but we all did it! And we were all messed up, by what ever they did to change us, by the Lust Dust, and just the whole being kidnapped and dumped into this freaky situation. Please Tara it's going to be alright.” Willow was starting to sob herself now.
Soon the two girls were crying on each other, a shuddering mess of emotion in a backlash against the whole bizarre day. They stood like that for five minutes clinging to each other, until the sobbing died down. Willow sniffed and saw that Tara had stopped crying and tried to muster a naughty smile.
“Besides it's not so bad. So Buffy had a little extra equipment for a while, I'm sure she enjoyed it.” Willow leered giving Tara another hug. “I know I did!”
A surprised giggle escaped from Tara and she smiled uncertainly and wiping tears away she hugged the redhead back.
“What happens in the Underground Demon Sciencey Fortress, stays in the Underground Demon Sciencey Fortress.” The badly shaken Wiccan joked bravely.
That forced a startled laugh from her slowly relaxing girlfriend.
“That's the spirit!” Willow exclaimed, overcome with relief that the crisis was passing, Willow stretched up on her toes and kissed Tara on the lips.
The two Wiccan had forgotten about the lingering affects of the Lust Dust in the emotional upheaval and were completely taken by surprise by explosion of passion the roared through their bodies.
Groaning as the sudden lust ran through her veins Tara caught a handful of Willows hair and pulled her girlfriend's head back leaning into the kiss forcefully. Willow draped her arms over the taller girl's shoulders and laced her fingers behind her lover's neck as she sucked wantonly on lips devouring her own.
Whimpering into the demanding kiss, as she felt Tara's free hand skim lightly down her back, setting her nerves on fire. Before the searching hand cupped and squeezed her bottom urgently, Willow closed her eyes and gave herself over to the sudden make out session, wholeheartedly.
Tara's bum groping hand stopped in mid fondle as something Willow had said earlier connected to her returning memories of the spell she'd used on Buffy. Pulling her lips away from Willows, Tara tried to get her bearings amid the raging lust.
“What's wrong.” The pouting redhead whined as her lover stopped ravaging her like she wanted.
“I don't think it was for only a while Willow, there was a lot of really powerful magic.” Tara said, trying and failing to remember the mechanics of the slapped together spell she'd used. The details were lost in a fog of pleasure, but what little she could recall had been pretty potent stuff.
“What magic?” Willow asked not really listening, more interested in laying a trail of light kisses along the line of Tara jaw.
“Buffy's extra equipment. I can't remember much of how the spell actually worked, but there was tons of magic in it, more than I've ever felt before. It was tied into what Buffy was thinking, ooh!” Willow hit a sweet spot right over her collarbone nearly causing Tara to loose her train of thought, but the blonde Witch bravely carried on. “I bet if she wanted it, it would pop right up again.” Tara moaned the last sentence. Mostly having lost interest herself, distracted as Willow gave up waiting to be ravaged and decided to do some ravaging of her own. The shorter girl pushed Tara firmly up against the stairway wall.
“Sounds like fun, we'll do that later.” The redheaded Hacker muttered as she dropped to her knees.
One level down, around the next turn in the stairs, just returning from her scouting mission Buffy the Vampire Slayer stood frozen. The shocked Slayers mouth was open in preparation to call out to her friends, a shout that had never happened. Arriving just as Willow had compared their earlier encounter to Tara's performance after Adam was destroyed, the Slayer had never recovered enough of her wits to ether retreat or announce herself.
“Oh Yes! ooh Willow, Goddess, there, right there, faster!” Tara's voice carried just as well crying out in passion as it had when the two Witches had been discussing penis growing spells.
Looking down, Buffy discovered that, Yes! If she wanted it to, it did indeed, pop right up.
The dazed Slayer stumbled back down the five levels to the small complex of rooms she'd found still hearing Tara's increasingly loud screams of pleasure.
The last two levels boasted working safety lights and Buffy stared at… What had Willow called it? her extra piece of equipment in fascinated horror. Not quite sure if she should throw up, try to find some snow to practice writing her name, or just have a complete mental breakdown go sit in a corner and gently rock back and forth for a few years. All three options seemed to have some good points going for them, except the scarcity of snow.
In the end she settled for staring, calling it out and sending it away. Dozens of times watching as the long piece of muscle just suddenly grew. It felt strange; kind of pins and needles, the whole new range of sensations, from part of her body that hadn't been there a second ago. It took a while to get used to. It didn't look much like any of the penis's the admittedly, not greatly experienced nineteen-year-old, had ever seen. It was too smooth, more like a stylized version, the knobbly end was too even, no testicles it grew straight from her vagina, pressing her lips apart and pressing firmly against her clitoris.
Once she couldn't hear Tara's high pitched calls anymore, it went limp, a little bit. But nothing like the deflation she remembered from natural ones. As far as touching went, a brief exploration convinced a gasping Buffy to wait, until she could wash away the Lust Dust. Hopefully then it wouldn't be quite so sensitive. Buffy was however relieved to find, that when dismissed it seemed to leave everything in its proper place. The thing was huge, and she'd been more than a bit worried about being stretched out of shape.
After five minutes experimenting, all the Slayer had decided was that her weird-o-meter would need to be completely re-scaled after this little adventure. Little boys who could drag everybody into their nightmares? The coach turning his swim team into fish monsters? Floaty guys with bad skin stealing everybody voices? Six's and Seven's on the Sunnydale charts regulated to Two's and Three's. One day in this place, and she had a great big magical dick, one bigger than either Riley's or Angel's, grafted onto her.
“My life is so far beyond weird, they have yet to event a word!” At this declaration the Slayer nodded solemnly.
Buffy stood at the bottom of the stairwell staring at nothing in particular, letting the complete left field, utterly bizarre, that the universe had thrown at her this time simply wash over her. After a few minutes, she looked back up the stairs frowning, wondering how long she should wait before going back to collect her Witches. Glancing mournfully at her bare left wrist Buffy sighed, she was going to miss that watch, it had been really cool, and her Mom had spent a bucket load of money on it.
“At least this puts the whole, talking to myself thing into perspective, that was really starting to worry me.” The seriously weired out Slayer mused.
Note from the Author:
This Fanfic runs on reviews.
Name: Buffy Summers.
Age: 19
Residence: None
Region: None
Status: None
Rank: 0
Security Clearance: 0
Active Harem
Species, Name, Level
G-Poindexter, Willow, 35
Witch, Tara, 35
Alpha: None.
Beta: None.
Tamer N
Master Tamer N
Researcher N
Watcher N
Breeder N
----------------Pokegirl Notes-------------------
G-POINDEXTER, the Intellectual Pokegirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Normal
Frequency: Uncommon (never wild)
Diet: eats human style food
Role: librarians, clerks, secretaries
Libido: varies from Pokegirl to Pokegirl
Strong Vs: None
Weak Vs: Fighting, Ghost
Attacks: Drone, Recite, Aura of Cute
Enhancements: Increased flexibility, Enhanced Stamina (x2), Knowledge Specialty, Memory Recall
Disadvantages: Physical skills are usually on par with normal humans if even that. No combat potential unless trained, even then still very low. Typically only good in support or command positions
Evolves: Supe-bra Genius (normal)
Evolves From: None
G-Poindexters, or the more commonly called G-Points are a very near human, though most can be indistinguishable from normal humans save for their flexibility. Though some have some strange hair colors. Found in universities and such G-Points are intellectual Pokegirl's who are known for their intellect and desire to learn, which is nearly as great (in some cases greater) than their libido. Most appear as comely human females, and are a bit shy and bookwormish.
Their Knowledge Specialty is usually centered on a single field. While their Memory Recall allows them to instantly recall anything they've heard, read or seen in detail. A skill which make them excellent walking aides to lawyers, researchers, and as secretaries.
Their only attacks are Drone and Recite. Using drone the G-point begins talking in a monotone voice with no presence of emotion or change of pitch, most Pokegirl's (and humans) tend to fall asleep when Drone is used. Recite allows a G-point to recall in a lecturing tone anything that they've read in such a way that it will drive others to want to get away from them. It is often combined with drone to drive those who won't succumb to Drone's sleep effect away. These techniques are most effective on domesticated or semi-domesticated Pokegirl's.
A more complete description of the G-Poindexter Type Pokegirl can be found here http://www.angelfire.com/mn3/pokegirls/pokedex_pokedex.html
WITCH, the Magic Abuser Pokegirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Magic
Frequency: Uncommon (Most of the world), Very Rare (Edo League)
Diet: Human-Style
Role: Amateur magic-users
Libido: Average mainly, gets High when they're excited
Strong Vs: Ghost, Fighting
Weak Vs: Psychic, Magic, Water, Fire
Special Weakness: Ticklish, green-skinned witches have severe water allergy
Attacks: Spellwork, Witch's Curse, Barrier, Aura Barrier, Mystic Bolt, Mana Bolt, Power Bolt, Reflect
Enhancements: Magical Affinity
Evolves: Sorceress (normal), Enchantress (Moon Stone), Elementalist (Angel Stone, Dark Stone, Diamond Stone, Fire Stone, Heavy Metal, Ice Crystal, Leaf Stone, Mana Crystal, PSI Crystal, Thunder Stone, Venom Stone or Water Stone), Tick-Tock (Dream Stone)
Evolves From: None
Witches are how almost every magic-user Pokegirl starts out. They can use only low-level spells and Magic Techniques, but they are generally useful for those wanting to start out with magic Pokegirl's. Witches are low in all-around power, but they are usually attuned to a particular sort of magic. They have little in the way of magical strength but can usually be counted on to have some minor tricks that make them useful in day-to-day affairs.
This is not to say that there are not risks in having a Witch Pokegirl.
Witches tend to be extreme in everything. Whether it's being pissed, battling, or Taming, they go at it with gusto and THEN SOME, encouraging their Tamer and Harem sisters to do the same. Most Tamers tend to want a more mild-mannered girl, but the growing few able to cope, though, find witches to be very useful, their powers capable of defeating Pokegirl's that most would consider to be out of their weight class. Because of their tendency to overcompensate in, well, everything, a proverb has arisen. It goes: "Only a Witch could want to kiss you and kill you at the same time." This is most certainly true, as Witches sometimes find themselves frustrated with their Tamer's inability to keep up with them.
Their Witch's Curse attack causing completely and totally random things to happen, and not always for the Tamer's benefit. Fortunately, the effects are low-level and amount to nothing more than light slapstick humor for the most part.
A more complete description of the Witch Type Pokegirl can be found here http://www.angelfire.com/mn3/pokegirls/pokedex_pokedex.html