Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction ❯ Rainbow ❯ Part 2: ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Date : 100109

Disclaimer : All BTVS, Magnamund and Everquest characters and concepts belong to respective creators and owners.

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A Halloween story in which Ethan Rayne does something more permanent ... and the Scoobies are going to take sometime getting back.

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Part 2:

Darkness turned to light. Light turned to side of a wall made of solid one foot by two feet thick bricks. Four figures fell out of the sudden maelstrom of energies. One was dressed in form-fitting clothes in different shades of scarlet and red with a matching cloak to wear. The figure was clearly female and landed on her feet like a cat. Her eyes darting to and fro, taking in her surroundings quickly for any sign of danger, she easily cut a striking figure, with her athletic and well-proportioned body.

A second and a third figure tumbled out and landed on the ground in a heap.

The second figure wore beautiful robes more fit for a ballroom party and quickly got to her feet. She was exquisitely beautiful and in her right hand, she held a serpent-headed staff. The third figure dropped next to her and rolled over the ground a good distance before coming to a stop. Like the second figure, she was beautiful although it leaned more to the 'demure' arena rather than the 'sultry' or 'regal' arena that the first two were.

The fourth figure was male, easily landing on his feet like a cat revealing a good sense of agility and footwork.

The four adventurers looked around themselves in puzzlement wondering where they were.

Finally, the sole male of the group broke the silence.

"Is everyone here? I'm Xander currently. Lone Wolf appears to have left," he spoke.

The woman in scarlet and red clothing studied her three compatriots for awhile before saying, "Xander? You're back already?"

"That's right. It's me Xander here, not Lone Wolf," he answered.

"Buffy here," the woman in rich embroidery that was coloured green followed in reply.

"Dawn here," the demure waif echoed.

"Alright ... we're all back now. The personalities that inhabited our bodies have left. The trouble is ... let's find out where we are," the dark-skinned woman with pointed ears brought up.

"I'll go first. Lone Wolf was always a master tracker, fighter and assassin," the male figure in the green-hooded robe volunteered.

"You retained his abilites, skills and memories?" Dawn asked.

"The ones that mattered and I'm sure so did each of us," came Xander's reply.

"What about that Anubis fellow?" Buffy asked.

"I hope not. Otherwise we're going to have one massive headache when we get back. That guy was as nasty as any being with a god-complex that came," Xander answered before moving to the opened doorway.

The Kai Lord looked around. It appeared to be a two-way corridor made up of old stone slabs leading into two opposite directions. One one side of the wall hung a row of burning torches evenly spaced apart that provided the illumination to the path.

"Okay ... which direction, left or right?" the Slayer asked.

Xander studied the well-lit corridor for a moment before saying,"Left."

He quickly took off, his movements not even making a sound and as Willow's sharp eyes noticed after a few moments, not even a footprint in the dust that had gathered on the floor of the corridor. They walked onwards until they came to another wooden door. Xander paused momentarily before opening it. The door opened to show ... a richly furnished room with a dead man in it. On the floor of the room, a sword of black metal lay on the ground. But it was not the colouring of the weapon drew their attention. Rather, it was the small puffs of smoke leaving the sword that drew their attention.

"Am I seeing things or is that sword giving off smoke like a person puffing away on their daily cigars?" Buffy asked the obvious.

"Wait ... I think I'm receiving a few things ... Don't touch anything ..." the Kai Lord answered.

"OK ... This dead bozo used to be a Deathmage. Apparently, he was killed by a Ninja. Interesting ... this sword negates all magic directed against its user much like the sword I'm carrying ... the Deathmage couldn't use any of his magic and was not good in physical combat. His assailant simply broke his neck. So anybody want it?"

"How do you know all that?" the Slayer asked Xander suspiciously.

"Lone Wolf was very good at divination. If none of you ...," came the reply as he picked the black sword up from the floor.

"I'll take it," Willow answered.

"Okay ... give me your sword in exchange," Xander replied.

"Why so?" Willow asked.

"The Sommerswerd ... though it is a most wonderful weapon against the forces of darkness ... especially vampires ... its use would just as easily draw attention to the wielder from the very same forces. I would rather not alert them to our presence if possible," Xander concluded.

"By the way, its name is Sorcerak."

"Sorcerak? That's a weird name for a sword," Buffy commented.

"Don't look at me. I didn't name the thing," Xander answered.

Willow took hold of the black sword and gave her own weapon to Xander. Buffy watched the exchange with interest.

"So what do we do now?" Dawn asked.

"We better go. I can't imagine that the owners of this place would be too happy at finding us in a room with a corpse in it," Xander answered.

"Which way?" Buffy asked.

"This way," the Kai Lord went to bedchamber and tapped one of the bricks beside it.

There was a slight sound of brick moving against brick and a section of the floor in the center of the room opened to reveal a stony staircase. It was lit and covered with cobwebs, a sign that the secret passage had not been in use for a long time. As usual Xander went in first, followed by Willow. Dawn was next and finally Buffy stepped in to make sure that no one struck her sister from the back. They made their way easily through the passage despite the absence of light. Elven and Kai nightvision was certainly a great help.

Finally, they came to an underground stream.

"Okay, everyone. This is it. Time to get wet," Xander announced to the trio.

"I'm not going in there," Willow answered.

"Relax ... It's just fresh water."

"No way. You can't be serious. What if they have some carnivorous creatures ready to party on us the moment we jump in? I maybe be good at fighting them on the surface but you can never tell how things will turn out underwater," Buffy asked sceptically.

"Well ... It's either here into the water or back where we came from,"Xander pointed out.

"Come on ... It's alright. All you have to do is take a deep breath. I'll even take the first jump into the water," he answered before leaping into the water.

"Xander, if anything were to happen to any of us, God help you, because I'm never going to forgive you for this," Willow answered before spring into the water after the Kai Lord.

Buffy and Dawn looked at each other momentarily.

"Well I guess this is it," Dawn took a deep breath and leaped into the water.

Her sister leaped in after her.

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Xander swam steadily like it was second nature to him.

'Lone Wolf certainly has some neat tricks,' he thought.

After holding his breath for what seemed like a minute or two, he sensed a difference in the flow of the underground channel and realised that he was close to the end of the stream. The water was becoming slightly muddy as he reached the end of his destination. Finally, the solid rock that formed the ceiling of the underground channel gave out to give to the darkness of the night sky.

Xander swam upwards towards to the surface to catch his breath. As he surfaced, he quickly took stock of his surroundings to find himself in the moat on the outside of what appeared to be a classic English castle from the thirteen hundreds. Around him, there was garbage of all sorts floating in the water, no doubt unwanted items from the castle's inhabitants. He was about to swim to the opposite bank when he heard the sound of a large bell tolling in the background. The drawbridge lowered and footsteps echoed in the distance. Dogs barked and horses neighed as fully armed soldiers carrying torches began to march off into the surrounding forests. No doubt to search for the person who had killed the man in the castle.

Suddenly, he felt some form of danger in the water. There was another creature in it, a scavenger of some sort that moved through the water quietly to feed on the trash being thrown into the water. Seeing that it was still quite a distance off ... about five hundred yards away ... he floated in the water quietly and used Lone Wolf's advanced camouflage abilities to mask any sound and heat that his body gave out to avoid drawing the creature's attention. His efforts were rewarded for the creature remained seemingly ignorant of his presence. Of course, he wanted nothing more than to get out of the water this instant but he remembered that Willow and the others had yet to surface.

Willow surfaced with right next to him and he warned her in a hushed tone to swim as gently as she could towards the opposite bank. When she asked why, he told her of the creature in the moat. Upon hearing about the creature in the moat, Willow wasted no time in making for the opposite bank.

'Quietly!' Xander screamed a warning to her telepathically as the creature began to move in her direction.

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Xander wasn't worried about Willow making it to the opposite bank. Oh no! He was more worried about Buffy and Dawn. Dawn surfaced and just as she was about to speak, Xander covered her mouth and spoke to in her mind.

Be quiet! There's a creature in the water! Remain still! And don't shout! The guards can hear you!

The moat creature moved in Willow's direction only to abandon pursuit when the dark elf pull herself onto dry land. It stopped before moving off ... and then turning back towards them.

'What a great time for Buffy to surface!' Xander mind-sent to Dawn.

"Fresh water did you say? Yugg! There's so much garbage here!" the elven-looking slayer remarked.

'Quiet! The guards can hear you! And stop beating the water so hard! There's a creature in the water!' Xander shouted into her mind.

She was about to retort when she caught sight of the strange shapeless creature moving towards her.

'Guess my warning comes too late for you,' the Kai Lord sighed before moving in to help the Slayer.

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Character Summary:

Xander as Lone Wolf. Race: Human. Occupation: Kai Grandmaster. Allegience: Sommerlund. World: Magnamund.

Buffy as Lady Aiendu. Race: High Elf. Occupation: Enchanter. Allegience: Elddar Alliance. World: Norrath.

Dawn as Lady Briana. Race: Half Elf. Occupation: Bard. Allegience: Elddar Alliance. World: Norrath.

Willow as Lady T'Lak. Race: Dark Elf. Occupation: Rogue. Allegience: Shadowrealm. World: Norrath.

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First World: Guess ... There's a clue in the story.

Series: Same thing.

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