Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mini Mall Mayhem ~Calling your name.... ❯ Rise and shine ( Prologue )

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AN: MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....well Hiya!!! I'm a co-founder at a really
wonderful RPG...

Kimo: shameless commercial...

LiCat: well what am I supposed to do...........well anyway...I'm in
this RPG and me and my sister Catin decided that we would write a
little fic containing what's happened in the will be updated
with new chapters every week...hopefully ^_^ ....

Why don't you come over and visit??


M ini Mall Mayhem

Calling your name......

CHAPTER 1 ~Rise and shine

There was a nerve wrecking silence breathing in the little American
Mini mall. That of course if you didn't count the snoring coming from
people shattered all over. In a small record shop lying on an alcove
was a (?) young woman. She blinked sleepingly, yawned, sat up and
reached for her covers.

Covers that we know wasn't there. Her eyes widened when she discovered
that they weren't there and neither was her bed. Scrambling to her
feet in shock, she let out the one cry that was her typical confused

Almost at the same time not so far away from the record shop a young
man with a braid was sleeping peacefully on the floor. He mumbled
something in his sleep and turned, which caused him to lie on his long
braid. His bed was harder then usual his dream fogged mind told him.
He rolled around again and this time he hit his head at a table leg.

Should there be something hard in his bed , no it defiantly shouldn't.
He had probably fallen out of his bed his sleepy mind thought. He sat
up and rubbed his head, he was on a floor alright. He raised his eyes
and gazed around, but he sure as hell wasn't at the safe house.

In a little food shop Yagami Hikari sat up in what she thought was her
bed. She shivered and rubbed her eyes to her surprise it was cold. She
stopped rubbing her eyes and looked around. Was she still asleep? She
rubbed her eyes again and pinched her arm, it hurt. She was sitting in
a meat section in a little mall.

Back in the record shop Sakura clamed down after panicking for a
moment. She looked around and noticed all the signs were in
"Looks like I'm not in Kansas any more," the card mistress whispered;
quoting from an old classic movie Tomoyo had made her watch.
Feeling in her pocket, Sakura was relieved to discover she had all the
Sakura cards with her; although it had been a little while since she
had used them - since Syaoran had forgotten everything about his
Sakura swallowe dand forced herself to concentrate on where she was
and why she was there. She was about to start to look around when she
heard a male voice and began to run to where it came from.

"This must be a really bad dream.." Duo said and stood up and rubbed
his head. If it really was a dream should his head hurt? But how could
he go to sleep in a bed at the safehouse and wake up on the floor of a
mini mall? He heard a noise of running feet's and turned around.

Sakura rounded the corner and saw a dark haired woman. No wait, it had
to be male, the braid down his back made him look female. Sakura
coughed a little to hide her embarrassment and walked over to the man.
"Who are you? Do you know why I'm here?"

Duo heard a cough and saw a young female appear from behind a
corner....she had auburn hair to her neck and green eyes...Kawaii...he
gave her a brilliant smile and answered her questions...
"I'm Duo Maxwell...nope I don't know why you are here...I don't even
know why _I'M_ here"

Sakura frowned; her hands on her hips. What on earth was going on?
WERE they on earth any more? She looked down and started to blush
vividly. As on a contrast with when she captured the Fly card she was
wearing her pyjamas. Feeling fully self conscious she stuttered "Uh I
have no idea what's going on, I'm just going to find some clothes

He noticed her wearing her pj's and looked down at himself. He was
only wearing the boxers he slept in.
"Oi! wait up...I need some clothes too" he pouted and ran after her,
she didn't even tell him her name.

Sakura noticed the man was chasing her and stopped shamefacedly.
"There's a clothes shop over there," she frowned. "I guess we could
just borrow them? There's no way to buy them since there's no-one else
At Duo's puzzled look she sweatdropped and held out her hand.
"Oh, sorry. The name's Sakura. Kinomoto Sakura."

He took her hand. "Hi...well then lets go and find some decent

During Duo and Sakuras meeting someone other awoke at the nearby
clothes shop. A cinnamin haired boy glanced at his surroundings,
noting that he was not in his threshold. Since when was there clothes
racks surrounding his bed? Then again, he wasn't even on a bed! What
was going on...? Where was he?
Motomiya Daisuke stood up and frantically began running in circles.
Almost immediately he stopped, not wanting to look like a total dork.
He sighed and took a look at himself in one of the shop's mirrors. His
eyes growing wide, he realized he was in his pajamas!
"No... Why does everything always happen to me? What if Hikari sees

Same time again at the little food shop close by.

"What is going on" Hikari whispered to herself and climbed out. Was
she in the Digital world?...
She couldn't be, she rubbed her freezing arms and walked out of the
little food shop. Maybe she could find someone who could tell her what
was going on.
She looked around but didn't see a soul. After a bit of pondering she
spotted a clothes shop and decided to go in and borrow a coat. She
walked in and noticed someone she recognized staring at a mirror.
"Uhm...Daisuke...what's going on?!...."

Outside a stadium in Obida, Yamato "Matt" Ishida flopped down in the
car seat. Feeling a bit exhausted after the concert, he simply told
the taxi-driver where he was going and then leaned back, trying to
shut out the screams of hundreds of fangirls who had come to see him
and the band live.
Matt, who hadn't bothered enough to change clothes after the
performance, deciding to change them when he was home instead, was
wearing a pair of baggy jeans and a black top; the jacket had been
torn off when he had been making his way out through all of the fans.
After a while in the cab, he felt how he floated away into sleep...

Somewhere in the Mini mall The perfect solider opened his eyes. His
soldier instincts instantly warning him that something was wrong.
Heero sat up and glanced around at the shelves of Christmas candy and
reduced priced lawn equipment surrounding him. Reaching into his
spandex he made sure he still had his favorite gun then stood slowly.
'Hn, rakes for a dollar that's a good price.' He thought as he headed
for the nearest exit.

Heero scouted the area searching for familiar faces when he noticed
the mall seemed deserted except for some noise in the distance.
Heading down past the fountain he noticed everyone seemed to be
wearing night clothes.. hmm maybe he should find some PJ's to disguise
himself so he could better fit in. With a decisive nod he headed to
the clothes shop.

Back with Duo and Sakura again.

Sakura grinned and bowed respectfully and spotted a sign leading to
the clothes section. Then she paused. She could see Duo's confused
expression and decided to explain.
"Shush, I think I hear someone else," she said softly and frowned.

"OK, maybe I was hearing things." She padded over to the clothes store
and peered in and started to blush.

"The girls section's over here, the guys clothes are over there."

"ok cool" a loud grumble from Duo stomach was heard...

"uhm....maybe we should find a food store later" he waved to Sakura
and rushed over to the guy section to find some cool black

Heero had reached the clothes shop and was now going through it
looking for some Pj's.

How could they call this men's sleepwear? Heero wondered as he picked
up a hideous pair of Yellow P.J's that had smiley faces on it.
"Hn looks like something a baka would wear."

At the same time in the same section of the clothes shop Duo was going
through some clothes racks looking for some black leather pants<*VBG*>
when he heard someone mumble something about 'that only a baka you
wear it' he rounded the clothes rack and saw someone familiar.

"HEEEEEEERRROOO!!" he rushed at his friend and glomped him. Happy that
there was at least someone he knew in this really weird mini mall.

Sakura had just managed to scramble into some vaguely normal clothes
(blue cycling shorts and a purple T-shirt) while hiding behind the
huge dress racks. heading back out to the front of the store she saw
Duo and another guy hug each other and she noticed the underwear in
one of their hands.
"Urm, am I interrupting something here, guys?" Sakura asked.

The same time a bit from the now famous clothes shop Matt suddenly
found the car seat strangely hard and flat. Groaning slightly, he
shifted a bit. His eyes cracked open and...
"What!?" He was lying in the middle of a... a... mall?

"Um... Gabumon...?" Matt tried, carefully getting on his feet.

Sakura watched the two men shrug and decided she'd find out about them
later. Deciding to explore she left the shop and was just about to
investigate a sports shop which was selling roller skates when she
noticed a blonde guy looking fairly dazed in the middle of the floor.

Matt swung around when he suddenly heard footsteps behind him.
A girl was walking towards him and if he hadn't been so confused at
the moment, he probably would've thought that she was rather cute. He
scratched his head. At least, he now knew that he wasn't alone in the
strange mall...

Heero sweat dropped as he felt the boy glomp on to him.
"Baka, What are we doing here?"


AN: okee that was the first chapter...stay toned for the next week.....

