Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ inside my mind.. ❯ Imagination ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Rain: O.K. today I am taking a leaf out of my sister's book, and writing off the top of my head.

Rika: which means it will turn out angry.

Rain: what do you mean?

Kelly: you're angry because of that review.

Rain: what are you doing here? You're 1 of my oc's from T- blade, you are not supposed to be here.

Misty: where is here, anyway?

Rain: you're here, too? Never mind, this is my domain, this is where my mind goes to write stories.

Amy: you mean we are inside your mind? Fascinating.

Rain: ^ ^*

Kelly: have you noticed that only girls are here?

Rain: yes.

Kelly: any ideas as to why?

Rain: it's probably because I am a girl.

Nakuru: Hi, everybody!

Misty: ouch, stop shrieking!

Rain: Touya, is in the next room.

Nakuru: really? Which room?

Rain: you go down that hallway, and take the first room on the left.

Nakuru: thank you!

Rain: well, she'll be gone for a while.

Amy: er...isn't Touya a boy?

Rain: Yep!

Amy: didn't you say there are no boys here?

Rain: ye-loud scream is heard in the back round -s.

Kelly: what is in that room?

Rain: oh, that is my torture chamber. Or you can call it the black room. I have a black room, and a white room. Most of my stories contain 1 from both.

Rika: 1?

Rain: 1 file. In each room there is 1 file cabinet. In the file cabinet there are of course files. In each file there is either an idea or a part of a story.

Rika: so, why did she scream.

Rain: she probably opened the files and read some of the stuff I may do to her. Or she triggered the security system. I'm betting on the latter.

Rika: and what does the security system do?

Rain: we-ll, take every nightmare you have ever had and quadruple it. Then read every horror book in the metropolitan main library and add every horrible or nasty thing you come across. Put those in the room with somebody and quadruple it. And that's when you find out that the door automatically closes and locks behind you.

Kelly: ok, I think that it is time to end this chapter.

Rain: but-

Everybody-Rain: the end

I don't own anybody except myself and Kelly.