Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Card to card ❯ Chapter 2
Chapter 2:
Sakura and Kero now are at the school "Why are we not doing anything?" asked Kero "Well there something wrong here and feel weird Kero." said Sakura "If there is some kind star card then you have to cheater it." Said Kero "Key of my staff drawing light Realess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Sarkura garbing the wand "Fire!!!!!" yelled Sakura but when it hit the doom nothing happened "I have to go close Kero." said Sakura "OK be careful OK" said Kero Sakura nodded and went close but she went to close and she was not in the school or with Kero she was in a different dimension.
In the 3 season of digimon……………
Takato was sitting and reading a comic and then he hear something but could make out what they are saying. Just then his digivole was going wakook "What going on?" though Takato "Takato you have get out there NOW!!!!!!" yelled a voice "oh" said Takato but it was to late Takato was gone with the that shadow made.{And Yugi was gone with card that shower made too OK}
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So if there any mistake sorry but I have to do my H.W. and if you want to now want happen in the next Episode WRITE ME REVIEW PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
From the author