Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Looking for the Cards ❯ Is it the cards or new evil ( Chapter 5 )
Chapter 5: Is it the cards or a new evil
When Sakura got to Takato school there was no one there and it was all dark then there in the dark fog there was a little glow. "Takato!!!!!" yelled Sakura taking her wand out "Key of clow…..draw you light……Release!!!" yelled Sakura grabbing the wand and running toward the glow. (I forgot what Sakura says when she have to open the wand so it wrong then sorry.)
In the dark fog…..
When Sakura got to place where the glow was she saw Gilimon but bigger. "Gilimon?" asked Sakura walking towards Glowmon. "Sakura I think the star card here." Said Takato out the dark fog. "OK I ready one thing you look cool gilimon!!" said Sakura get ready to attack but then Sakura scene the same power form the park. Then form out no where here a shape of a digimon with dark skin and one wing was while and the other one with dark. Well the face was purple "Welcome to the end your days!!" yelled the digimon.
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What is happening? First the cards now this.....can Sakura and Takato power defect the digimon and get the cards? Please review.