Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Miracles and Cherry Blossoms ❯ Part 1 ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Digimon is not mine. CardCaptor Sakura is not mine. The idea of Sakura and Syaoran moving to Odaiba is not mine, but this is my version of it. The idea belongs to the author Robster80, but this is my version of the story. I own Kristen, Virgil, their parents, and the idea of the couple Krisato which is Matt + Kristen. Now, I'll stop droning on like a robot.

Prologue: Sakura Kinomoto watched as the district of Tomeda left behind her and they got closer and closer to Odaiba. Sakura had heard that monsters appear there, which was no more comforting to her than she already felt. Touya had made fun of her for acting scared when he had told her about the monsters known as digimon that attacked a few months ago, saying that it wasn't real so she didn't have to be afraid, which was something he normally wouldn't say. Sakura sighed and shook these thoughts out of her head. At least Syaoran would be with her; he was moving too, for some reason.

Miracles and Cherry Blossoms: Part 1

13-year-old Kurisutaru Callten a.k.a Kristen lay asleep in her bed, snoring loudly, when her digimon, Gryphonmon, crawled onto her chest, with an alarm clock in her claws. She pressed a button on it and a loud ringing emitted, causing Kristen to bolt up. Kristen's brown hair was a staticky-mess as she looked around until her soft brown eyes landed on a grinning Gryphonmon.

"What was that about, Gryphonmon?" she asked, her voice groggy, showing that she was still half-asleep. "It's Saturday!" Gryphonmon tossed the alarm clock over her shoulder.

"For one, it's noon, and another, we have new neighbors," she answered, pulling the covers off of Kristen. Kristen was wearing dark purple shorts with a white over-sized shirt covering them. Kristen panicked as she looked to her clock. She quickly grabbed a pair of jeans, ankle socks, and a tight white top, and ran into the bathroom, muttering something about how she was supposed to meet Matt a-half-hour ago. Just as she rushed out of her apartment, hopping on one foot as she put on her sneakers, she knocked into a pre-teen girl with short brown hair. The contents of the box she was carrying scattered all over the floor. Kristen lay dazed on the floor, spirals in her eyes. Sakura sweat dropped as she saw this.

"Um, are you okay?" she asked. Kristen closed her eyes and shook her head. When she opened her eyes again, they were back to normal. She looked around and began to help Sakura pick up her things when she picked up a weird-looking book. She disregarded this and put it in, then rushed off and down the stairs, too pre-occupied to wait for the elevator. Sakura cocked her head at Kristen.


Syaoran Li walked along a sidewalk in Odaiba, several people rushing by him, looking at their watches and talking on their cell phones. Syaoran then looked into a café to see a brown-haired girl. She was with a blond haired boy and they were both laughing. Syaoran sighed. He envied them and he knew it. It must be nice to have someone who really cares for you. He had known he loved Sakura for a long time, but he never got the guts to admit it to her. Lost in his thoughts, he knocked right into a boy with spiky brown hair and blue goggles. They both sweat dropped.

Monday at the Junior high

Kari, T.K., and Davis's teacher stood up and the class grew silent.

"Class, we have two new students," he said in his droning voice. The door opened and in walked Sakura and Syaoran. "This is Sakura Kinomoto and Syaoran Li. Sakura, why don't you sit next to Davis; Syaoran, you can sit by T.K.." Sakura and Syaoran took their seats. Davis immediately grinned at Sakura. Kari, who was sitting on the other side of Sakura, put her face in her hands as she saw this. On the other side of the classroom, T.K. was introducing himself to Syaoran.

"Hi, I'm T.K.," he introduced.

"Syaoran," Syaoran answered.

This guy doesn't talk much, does he? T.K. thought.

At lunch

Kari, Kristen, and Yolei sat at a lunch table talking.

"Some new people moved into my apartment building," Kristen stated, sticking a fork into her spaghetti and twirling some onto it. "From what I hear, they moved from the Tomeda district." Yolei raised her eye brows.

"Isn't that where all that weird stuff was happening?" she asked. Kristen snorted.

"We're good ones to talk," Kristen replied.

"I met one of those kids," Kari added. "She seemed nice. Kinda quiet, but nice. She seemed kinda clingy to the other kid, though."

"What's her name?" Yolei asked.

"Sakura Kinomoto," a voice behind them answered. They turned around to see Sakura holding a lunch tray. "Mind if I join you? There's no more room." they shook their head and Kari moved over to give Sakura room.

"We never really got formally introduced," Kari started. "I'm Kari Kamiya."

"I'm Kristen Callten," Kristen introduced.

"Yolei Inoue," Yolei added.

"Sakura Kinomoto," Sakura told them, smiling. "I moved from Tomeda."

"Hey, Sakura," Kari addressed the auburn haired girl. "not that it's important, but is Syaoran your brother or something?" Sakura shook her head.

"A friend," she answered. "We just moved at the same time." Kristen looked over to see Davis and T.K. were talking with Syaoran.

"Soooooo, Syaoran, is Sakura like, your sister or something?" Davis asked. Syaoran blushed and shook his head.

"She's just a friend," he answered, pushing the blush off of his face. "We just moved at the same time."

Great! Davis thought. Since they're just friends, I have a chance with Sakura! T.K. must have known what Davis was thinking, because he spoke up.

"If I may say something, Davis, I don't think Sakura even knows who you are," he told the brown-haired boy.

"Who said you could speak?" Davis asked coldly. T.K. held back a chuckle as he continued eating, disregarding Davis's comment.


Sakura, Kari, and Kristen walked along the halls of the junior high on their way home when Kristen's D-3 started beeping. Kristen sweat dropped.

"Uh, mind if I catch up with you?" she asked. Without waiting for an answer, Kristen ducked into an empty classroom and took out her D-3. On the screen was a message.


There's something attacking the digi-world! Get Gryphonmon and meet me and the others in the computer room


Kristen rolled her eyes. Just who's idea was it to have code names, anyway, she thought. Kristen was about to leave the classroom when Sakura opened the door.

"Kristen, Kari told me to walk home with you because she had to do something," Sakura started. She spotted the D-3 in Kristen's hand. "What's that?" Kristen quickly put the D-3 away and pushed Sakura out.

"Why don't you, uh, wait right in this classroom?" Kristen asked, pushing Sakura into a random room. She cringed as she heard Izzy asking "Who are you?", knowing Sakura would be questioned. She quickly pulled Sakura out of the room but not quick enough to not be spotted.

"Kristen, who is that?" Izzy questioned. Kristen put Sakura behind her and glared at Izzy, trying to psyche him out. Before anybody could do anything, the computer screen started glowing.

"Uh, I think there's something wrong with the computer," Sakura stated. A beam shot out and went to Sakura, shocking everybody. The light cleared and a D-3 colored cherry-blossom pink at the edges sat in Sakura's hands.

"Sakura, you-you're a digidestined?!" Kristen shrieked.


"She is?!" Yolei demanded into the phone. She was laid on her bed, her head draped over the side and her long purple hair was brushing against the floor (kay, I'm gonna do the split-screen thing. You know how they do that sometimes on cartoons when people are talking on the phone?). Kristen nodded.

"Her digimon's name is Hoshimon," Kristen answered, turning over onto her stomach on her bed, twirling the phone cord around her finger. "It's funny, though. I could feel these powerful vibes coming from her, and they weren't digidestined vibes." Yolei cocked her head.

"Well, she is from Tomeda," Yolei answered. "Do you think she could be one of those Cardcaptors?" Kristen shrugged her shoulders.

"It's possible," she replied. There was a knock on the door and Kristen stood up, carrying the phone with her (let's just say it's a cordless phone). "I haven's even met that other kid, though, and who knows about him. I just…" Kristen opened the door and there stood Syaoran. Kristen's eyes grew wide. "Yolei, I'm gonna hafta call you back." She pressed the off button on the phone and tossed it onto the couch. "Uh, can I help you?" Syaoran nodded.

"I was wondering if you knew where Sakura is," Syaoran answered. "She isn't at her apartment, and her dad and brother weren't much of a help." Kristen shook her head.

"No, I don't but, would you like to come in? I can get one of my friends to look for her," Kristen offered. Syaoran nodded his thanks and entered the apartment.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

That's it for the first chapter. Kinda short, I know, but it's late, and I'm tired and hungry, so just bear with me for now.