Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction / MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction ❯ Blood tears high ❯ History class ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: I don't own anything involved in this fic, except maybe the story, Vega Tatum, and me, of course.
A/N: Thanks for the reviews. I'm not giving out any names or my reviewers, but thanks. I may keep the non-script idea in mind, but not for this chapter. BTW, when I'm talking, I'm going to be using either one of my nicknames I'll mention later in chapter
Blood tears high 2: History class.
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Summary of Chapter 1: Pat was introduced. His best friend, Vega, and himself, had headed to English class, to learn that Stone Cold Steve Austin was the teacher. Pat get's drunk, and begins to really cuss at a couple of people, especially Stone Cold
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Life for Pat (AKA SuperFreakSayian), was boring. He hated almost everybody, and especially hated the first day. It was still the first day.
SuperFreakSayian: Barely survived that one. Man. If I knew Stone Cold was the English teacher, I would have brought a six pack. Let me guess who's the next teacher, SGT Slaughter. HA! I was lucky to get Stone Cold, but I doubt any other wrestler I like will be teachers. But English class was lucky. They didn't see my powers. If History class does, it will only be a small taste. Ahhhh Yeah!!!
SuperFreakSayian pulled out a deck of cards. It was a normal deck of 52 cards. He smiled. He then put them away as he entered the History class. He noticed a small blue man on the desk, and a woman and a cat beside the desk. Soon after the bell went, he introduced himself.
Teacher: Hello, my new slaves. I am Emperor Pilaf.
SuperFreakSayian : Ahh crap.
Pilaf: WHO SAID THAT!!!!!!!!
The whole class was silent. A grasshopper sound was heard.
Pilaf: Now with that settled, my assistant are also your bosses. To my right, Mai. To my left, Sho. Listen up as they will tell you the rules.
Mai: One, always listen to us.
Sho: Two, always call us either mam, or Sir, depending on Gender.
Mai: Three, do as what you're told ON THE SPOT!!!!!!!
Sho: Four, always respect your bosses as we try to collect the Dragonballs on various field trips.
Pilaf: Any questions?
A tomboyish girl stands up from the back row. SuperFreakSayian turnes around, and really likes what he sees.
Girl: Yeah, I do. Are you delousional or something? I mean, the dragonballs can't make the world yours, and not to mention you are weak and Pathetic.
Pilaf: Enough OUT OF YOU!!!! YOU BRAT!!!!!!!!
Girl: Just to let you know. My name is Pan Son. Remember it. And I will not be pushed around, Whatsoever. Take this
Pan begins to charge up a KI blast. She launches it. SuperFreakSayian, as well as some other students in the Ki's way, duck. But the KI blas t doesn't hit Pilaf.
Pilaf: I'm protected by a KI barrier. No source of KI can harm me.
Pan sits back down, in a grumpy mood. But SuperFreakSayian stands up. But at the same time, something happens to his right arm. It become mechanical. SuperFreakSayian also takes out a card from his deck.
Me: Pilaf. Do you like to taste blood?
Pilaf: There is a good slave in this brood after all.
SuperFreakSayian: I'll take that as a yes.
SuperFreakSayian then inserts the card into his mechanical arm, and begins to throw ninja stars at Pilaf. Three of the three he threw hit him on his face, cutting up the Emperor's face.
SuperFreakSayian: Badmouth to anybody again, and my next star will kill you.
A few minutes later, the period was over. SuperFreakSayian was glad to get out of there. He was tapped on the shoulder by Pan.
Pan: Hey, what you did there, was cool. You summoned Ninja stars, and made the teacher look bad.
SuperFreakSayian: All in one minutes worth. I never did properly introduce myself. My Real Name is Pat. People often call me by one of my many nicknames.
Pam: Like what?
SuperFreakSayian: SuperFreakSayian, or SFS for short. Ace, or D-wave. I also couldn't help but notice what a fine girl you are.
Pan: You're the second to say that. Thank you.
SFS (I'm not using full name this time): Who's the first?
Pan: My boyfriend.
SFS: DAMN!!!!!!!! This always happens. I'll kill the unlucky bastard.
Pan: Well I take it you like me. But you can't kill him. He's the strongest being in the universe, and he's also a god.
SFS: Wait. Let me get this strait. You are the girlfriend of a Real God. S***!!!!!!
Pan: Yeah, and his name is Vega.
SFS: Wait. You said Vega, as in Vega Tatum?
Pan: Yeah
SFS: S***. I don't know anything about that boi. I thought I did.
Pan: You know him?
SFS: Since the cradle. Damn. He's chosen quite the looker, and fighter for a Girlfriend. Well I'm going to have to give props to that. Damn. I have to head to class.
Pan: See you around Pat.
SFS: I'll second that
A/N: Whew. Done that. What should be Pat's (Mine), next class. Only the reviewers can decide. Personally, I'm leaning towards either math or Science. TTFN!!!!!!!