Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Way of the Ninja ❯ Proving Your Mettle ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Way of the Ninja
Chapter II Proving Your Mettle
Sakura groaned as the morning light shown through the window of her bedroom. She slowly sat up in her bed as she reoriented herself. She smiled happily at the familiarity of her bedroom. It was a fairly simple. The walls were painted yellow, and her bed was situated in the left corner from the door's perspective. The left wall was erect, until it reached about halfway up before the wall angled up to agree with the roof's design. In the middle of the wall was a window that gave Sakura a clear view to a cherry blossom tree, with the horizon beyond the tree. Against the opposite wall in the left corner, was her desk littered with a few books and scrolls. Next to the desk, was simple table with a group of plushies decorating the table, and directly across from her was her closest. Also in the center of the wall was a window, in which the sun currently shone through, at an angle. It really was a modest room.
In the left corner laid a large scroll, leaned into the corner. The scroll was marked with the characters for the word Tiger. She smiled at it, as it served as a one of the few reminders that her mother loved her. She had given her that scroll for her 5th birthday, saying that when she became of ninja, and had enough chakra, she would teach her how to use that scroll. She never got to find out. Soon after her birthday, her mother died in the line of duty. She was on a mission when she her team encountered Sound Ninjas. It was a rescue mission she led. She had ordered her team-mates to run away while she held them off. By the time she was found, she had died, leaving behind a written message to Sakura, for her to read when she became a Genin.
Sakura suddenly gasped remembering being told about a message her mother wanted her to read when she was older. She got out of bed, grabbed the clothes she wore yesterday, and ran into the bathroom, as she began her morning business. She took a shower, brushed her teeth and the like. As she put on her clothes, she took a moment to look at the birth mark on her left shoulder. It was a short curvy line. It wasn't much, but often reminded her of the few fond memories she had of her mother. As she pulled on the rest of her clothes, she thought back to some of the more fun times they had. There wasn't much, but each and every one of them she cherished dearly in her heart. She had never forgotten her mother, and never would. She often wished she could talk to her, but she more often than not could somehow feel her spirit whenever she needed her. It was enough for her.
“Sakura-san,” a voice called out. Sakura looked up to see that her father stood in front of her. She smiled at the sight of her father. His soft chestnut hair, and eyes, glasses, just everything about him she loved about him. He also happened to be a highly ranked Jounin, and for a time served in the ANBU before she was born. Currently he only sported a pair of sweats, revealing his well toned body. Despite the fact most of the ninja's were extremely thin, most had incredibly great physique. She often blushed whenever she saw some of the Chuunins and Jounins walking around without shirts. It was only her father that she ever felt comfortable around.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, otou-san,” Sakura cheerily greeted her father. He smiled as he held out a scroll.
“Is that it?” she asked anxiously as she slowly reached out for the scroll.
“Hai, Sakura-san, this is the message your mother left behind,” Fujitaka warmly replied as he placed the scroll into her trembling hands. “Know that she loved you and your brother dearly. Always remember that, Sakura.” Sakura nodded her head as she held the scroll close to her heart. She thanked her father, and slowly walked around to find a safe spot to read. Considering the amount of clan members that lived in the manor, she often found it hard to get some privacy. Even in her own room people often came in to speak with her.
As she walked around, she suddenly found herself walking around the edge of the courtyard. She looked towards the courtyard on her left to see several other clan members sitting on the ground meditating. Often the main courtyard did provide itself to be a place of tranquility where people could meditate. It used to be maintained by her mother. It was rather simple, some flower patches here, a couple trees there, but somehow the arrangement just brought the best out of everyone whenever they entered there. Sakura let out a sigh before she continued her search for a private room.
She slid open a door to suddenly realise she had found her mothers old work room. It was empty now, but she had a lot of fond memories in that particular room. Growing up, her mother would take her into the room, and set her down into the play pen, where she would watch her mother perform or research various techniques. It also served as a place for where they could just hang out for hours and hours.
Sakura smiled at the memories as she slowly closed the door behind her, and sat down on the dusty wooden floor. She didn't really care if it was dusty or not. She just wanted to be somewhere familiar. She sighed as she slowly broke the seal and read the contents.
To my lovely Sakura,
You already know that I wrote this with my dying breath. I am so sorry that I cannot be with you to see you graduate, fall in love, or grow up into the beautiful woman I know you will become. Please forgive me, Sakura.
I've written this just to give you a little bit of advice. The real world is a cruel place where you will face many hardships. Especially since the line of jutsu you specialise in will, most likely irou ninjutsu, you will be faced with injuries that will scar your mind, and enemy ninjas who will be intent on killing you to eliminate the support. Sakura you must be strong. You must face these hardships head on and fight with all your heart. Only if you are prepared to fight that you can withstand these hardships. I'm sure along the way you will make friends who will be there to support you, and help you, along with your first Jounin instructor, whom I'm sure will teach you many new skills.
An old proverb I had learned when I became a Genin, “Those that do not follow the rules are called trash. But those that don't take care of their friends are worse than trash.” A proverb to surely live by, for Rokudaime Hokage lived his life like that. I hope you find friends who will be loyal to you. I wish you the best of luck.
I love you Sakura, and I will always be in your heart
“Okaa-san,” Sakura choked out as tears started to stream down her face. It was hard enough to read it, but she never knew it was written her own blood. Even dying, her mother's writing was as elegant as ever. She silently cried as she reread the message. She missed her mother dearly. Ever since they brought her body in, she struggled to be like her mother. She wanted to honour her memory. She had almost forgone her childhood if it weren't for her brother Touya who told her that being a ninja also meant knowing when to let go and relax.
“Thank you okaa-san,” Sakura murmured as she held the message close to her heart. It was her first and last piece of advice from her mother. She would cherish it with all her heart. She would make her proud. She would become the number one irou ninja that her mother once was. It was once said that her mother had ranked 4th or 5th below the late Godaime Hokage. Tsunade was the best in her own time. She was the one who had set the standard in which most irou ninjas strived to surpass. She vowed to be one of those who surpassed the standards.
She rolled up the scroll and headed back into her room, where she opened up a drawer with her few prized possession. The kunai her mother had crafted out of wood, a pink bandanna she used to wear growing up, and now she added the message of her mother's to the contents. She quickly closed the drawer and left the room again, and looked around the house, to soon find her brother eating breakfast in family room. He looked up at her and smiled.
He had dark brown hair and eyes, a bit of a pointed chin, and a smug expression that annoyed her to no end. Her brother Touya often enjoyed harassing her, although she always paid him back by crushing his foot. Today wouldn't be any different. One crack from him she would do something similar.
“Ohayo onii-san,” Sakura greeted as she sat down across from her brother.
“Ohayo kaijuu,” Touya lazily greeted.
“Sakura no Kaijuu!” Sakura shrieked as she whaled her brother across the head.
“Doesn't matter if you're a Genin or a Jounin, I'm still going to call you that,” Touya smirked. Sakura merely huffed as someone from the kitchen brought her breakfast.
“Arigatou gozaimasu, Sayuka-san,” Sakura thanked before muttering, “Itadakimasu!”
“No problem, Sakura-san,” she replied before going back into the kitchen. As she ate, she noticed her brother blushing as his eyes trailed the girl until she disappeared into another room.
“Say onii-san, why did you give the position of heir to the clan to me?” Sakura asked through a piece of toast.
“Hmm, well let's see,” he lazily replied. “I'm still a Chuunin when I should be a Jounin, I'm already of age, and I have no one in mind that could help me take over. Besides, you're more popular within the clan, and throughout the entire village. It makes you an ideal candidate.”
“I see,” she replied as she continued eating her breakfast. “By the way, why are you staring at Sayuka-san eh? You've got a thing for her now?”
“Why are you still here? Don't you have classes in 5 minutes?” Sakura raised an eyebrow and looked at the clock behind her.
“HOE!!!” she shrieked. “I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN!” She shot up from her seat, and bolted out of the room. As she left the room she could hear her brother laughing his head off. Every single time he always did that to her. He always kept her busy until the last five minutes without her knowing. Then at the last minute, he somehow pops up the question of if she was going to be late or not, and in the end, she ends up being late. She had vowed to make her brother pay, but had yet to figure out how.
She quickly put her shoes on before bolting off towards the academy as fast as she could. As she ran, she literally had to jump off walls to make her way. She eventually reached the rooftops and began to run as fast as she could.
She suddenly saw the familiar academy roof, and landed on it, as she entered the building through the fire escape. Then as fast as her legs could carry her, she ran towards her classroom, just to see Kodama approaching the room. Using whatever speed she could muster, she pushed it as she entered the classroom right in front of Kodama.
“Well for once, you actually beat me here by a second,” Kodama said aloud in a sarcastic tone. The class snickered at the comment as Sakura walked up towards her seat while Kodama took her spot in front of the class. Sakura slumped down into her seat as Kodama sorted through a few pieces of paper.
“Why are you here? I thought you failed?” a voice muttered next to her.
“I got a chance to prove I'm Genin material at the accident site,” she muttered, too tired to talk back.
“How, but showering the area with cherry blossoms?”
“Why you-”
“Alright then, in a moment, Jounins will be entering the classroom,” Kodama said aloud, drawing everyone's attention, effectively cutting the conversation between Sakura and Syaoran. “Each of you will be divided into three-man cells, in which they will explain what you will be doing with him or her.” The door suddenly opened as ninjas starting to file into the room, all of them dressed similarly as Kodama, with various add-ons that made each one unique.
“The teams will be based on how each team member will be able to support one another. The teams are as follows: Team 1…” the list went on as she divided the students into the individual teams. Soon enough the class dwindled to the point it was only her, Syaoran, and a third boy she never noticed. Oddly enough, he sat next to Syaoran.
“Umm sensei,” Sakura called out, “what about us? Where's our Jounin instructor?”
“Well actually, he made the oddest request,” Kodama replied as she read the final team. “You three are supposed to meet him up at the Hokage monument.”
“Nani?” Sakura whined. “You're kidding me!”
“Nope, so you better hurry up if you don't want to be late. You're instructor said something about finding him sitting or sleeping on the railings, whatever that means.” Sakura sighed as she, Syaoran, and the third boy got up and left the classroom, to meet their instructor. As they made their way towards the monument, Sakura took a gander at the rock face.
Carved into the wall of the rock wall, were the heads of all 9 legendary Hokage. On the far left were heads of Shodai and Nidaime Hokage, founders of the village, powerful ninjas in their own time, and legends in their own right. The third head was of Sandaime Hokage, who sacrificed his own life 50 years ago when Orochimaru and his Sound Ninja's attacked the village 50 years ago. Next was Yondaime Hokage, the hero that sealed the legendary Kyuubi demon. Then there was the head of Godaime Hokage the legendary Sannin, Tsunade. She was the first female Hokage, and the one who had enforced the policy of having one medical ninja assigned to every team. Next to hers was the all powerful Rokudaime Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto. He too had left a great mark upon the village. It was said his hard working spirit had passed on, into everyone, and indeed it was observed those who had the will and ambition to achieve their dreams were the hardest workers, and some of the best in the village. Then the head on the very far right was his descendant, Hyuuga Naruto. It was well known that Naruto had married Hyuuga Hinata, but kept his original surname, but bore the Hyuuga clan symbol. All subsequent descendants however took the Hyuuga name.
“This is taking too long, let's just jump our way there,” Syaoran suddenly said, cutting off Sakura's gaze into history. She and the other person nodded as she leapt after Syaoran, as they tried to keep up. They soon found themselves below the faces of the great Hokages. They looked around for a moment before they saw a ninja sitting on the railings, much like a frog would. His arms were crossed, and somehow he was able to balance on his feet on the small railing. His eyes were covered by his protector, so they couldn't get a clear view of his face.
Sakura slowly approached the ninja as she slowly reached out to gain the ninja's attention. As she neared, she suddenly heard a peculiar sound. She did a double take from surprise. Strangely the noise sounded much like the snort of the pig. Her mind suddenly froze as an image of a pig faced Jounin appeared in her mind. Shaking the idea out of her head, she brought her head close to the ninja's face. She nearly face faulted as she realised that the ninja was snoring. Sakura looked at him weirdly, as she wondered how he was able to sleep yet remained balanced.
“What's taking you so long?” Syaoran growled out, highly annoyed at the wait.
“He's…I think he's asleep,” Sakura answered back.
“Are you sure he's asleep?” the other boy asked, in surprise.
“I'm positive that he is-”
“He was asleep, before you disturbed his nap,” a voice suddenly said, cutting Sakura off.
“HOE!!” Sakura screeched as she jumped back in surprise and right into Syaoran's arms. Both looked into one another before they backed away from each other. A blush crept up Sakura's face while Syaoran scowled at the sudden contact.
“Just sit down before you create a ruckus,” the ninja muttered as he pulled his protector back. “By the way, I told you that you'd have your chance Kinomoto-san.” Sakura looked up at the ninja curiously.
“It's you! You're the person I spoke to yesterday!”
“That I am,” Sousuke replied with a smile. “And I am not too surprised that Kodama let you passed. She always did have a bit of a soft spot. Much like her grandfather Iruka.”
“Wait a second, you know this Jounin?” Syaoran asked in surprised.
“Well I met her yesterday after she had failed her exam,” Sousuke explained. “Anyways, enough about yesterday, let's get on with the introductions, ne?”
“Introductions?” Syaoran asked, feeling highly annoyed by the idea of having to introduce himself.
“What should we say?” the unknown boy asked.
“Oh nothing really, just things you like, dislike, dreams for the future, hobbies, and that entire sort off stuff. Just basics to put it simply.”
“Then why don't you introduce yourself first then, sensei,” Syaoran muttered, emphasizing sensei.
“Eh why not,” he replied. “I'm Uchiha Sousuke, of the Uchiha Clan. I have no intention of telling you what I like. I dislike idiots who think they can do things by themselves. My hobbies…hmm…I'd say that it would involve either training with my Murasame Sword, or working on this vegetable patch I grow in my backyard. Dreams…oh…that's a toughie…I'd say start a family soon. That's about it. Let's start with you then, blue haired boy.”
“Hai sensei,” the boy replied. Sakura looked to the boy next to Syaoran. He had blue hair and eyes, glasses, somewhat pale skin, and a wide smile, that she swore was unnatural. He wore simple clothing, a t-shirt, and a pair of shorts, with a pouch strapped to his right thigh.
“I am Hiiragizawa Eriol, of the Li Clan. I dislike it when my cousin is this grouchy, my hobbies…too many to name. As for what I like and what my dreams are, I'd say they revolve around a girl named Daidouji Tomoyo.”
“Oh good lord,” Sousuke muttered.
“Sensei, are you alright?” Sakura asked in concern.
“Teaching her was not fun,” he muttered. “She was assigned to me two years ago when she became a Genin. Her style of dress was rather…interesting, to put it mildly.” Sakura couldn't help but laugh. Tomoyo was her cousin, and she had an affinity, with creating clothes. Whenever she could, she would design clothes for herself, and Sakura, but more often than not, she used to use Sakura as her fashion dummy whenever she came up with a new idea.
“I know what you mean, Sousuke-sensei,” Sakura spoke, sympathetically.
“Yeah, yeah, let's move on shall we. You're up next,” Sousuke muttered, looking directly at Sakura.
“My name is Kinomoto Sakura. I love cherry blossom trees, I dislike this idiot here who's always bugging me,” pointing towards Syaoran, who shot her an annoyed look. “My hobbies…actually come to think of it I don't really have any. As for my dream; it's to surpass my late mother as a medical ninja.”
“Hmm, sounds simple enough. What about you?”
“I am Li Syaoran, heir to the Li clan. Yes, before you ask, Hiiragizawa is my cousin within the clan. I only like peony flowers; that's all. I highly dislike this idiots annoying smile, as he smiles way too often. I have no hobbies as I train everyday, as for dreams, I have none. Never did, and I never will. My only goals are to surpass my father, allowing his spirit to rest with the rest of the clan leaders, and to kill 100 Sound Ninja's to avenge my father.”
“Is that what caused him so much pain? That incident 10 years ago?” she muttered to herself.
“So he's still trying to achieve that goal,” Sousuke muttered. “Well then, you're all interesting people. You've made a good impression so far. Anyways, we'll start our missions the day after tomorrow.”
“Why not tomorrow, or today for that matter?” Syaoran growled.
“Because there is something we are going to do with just the four of us tomorrow,” Sousuke replied back, ignoring the bite in Syaoran's voice.
“And what would that be?”
“Survival training,” Sousuke simply replied.
“Survival training,” Eriol repeated, as he rubbed his chin.
“More training?” Sakura groaned. “Why do we have to do more training? We've done more than enough of it at the Academy!”
“This isn't your normal training.”
“Then what kind of training is it, Uchiha-sensei,” Eriol asked.
“You are definitely going to flip when I tell you this but uh … actually I'll just be blunt. Of the twenty-seven graduates, only nine will be selected as Genins. The rest go back to the academy. This training is a highly difficult test, with a failure rate of over 66 percent.”
“Nani?” Syaoran sharply blurted.
“Hoe!!” Sakura squealed in shock.
Eriol merely had an annoyed expression on his face.
“See, see, I told you that you guys flipped,” Sousuke teased, smiling at the shocked expression of their faces.
“Then what was the point of graduation if only 9 will become Genin?” Syaoran growled, not amused at the fact he might have to redo the academy.
Sousuke merely scoffed at the question, “That's just to select who have a chance to be a Genin.”
“Naniii?!!” Sakura whined. “But we worked so hard! How can our work be for nothing?”
“Hence the purpose of this test. All graduates will be tested today or tomorrow. I will be grading you on the training field. Bring all of your Shinobi equipment, and assemble at 9:00 A.M.” Sousuke sat there for a minute as he let his words sink in. He could tell from the expressions on their faces they were contemplating the consequences of failing the mission. In particular, he couldn't help but smile at Syaoran's expression. To be sent back to the academy would be an insult to his kin. Sakura on the other hand was panicking. She always did have a bad habit of panicking before exams. Eriol however, intrigued him the most. The expression told him he was more contemplating on what the test would be about.
“Well then, dismissed.” He got up to leave when he remembered something. “Oh, and do yourselves a favour and skip breakfast. You'll throw up.” And in a puff he disappeared leaving all three stunned as they wondered what kind of training they would do.
“Hoe, I was not expecting to be tested a Jounin,” Sakura moaned.
“He's a skilled one too,” Eriol commented.
“Hmm? What do you mean by that?”
“By the looks on his face, he's seen a lot of combat. Then there was the face he had a few scars on his forearms, plus the one on his face,” said Eriol as he recounted his observations. “He's also apparently either paranoid in combat, or it's something else, considering how many of those kunai pouches he had, along with those four shuriken packs on his calves.”
“So that just means he relies heavily on those,” Syaoran scoffed. “Big deal, it's not like he'll be using them.”
“I suppose so,” Eriol muttered before he got up. “Anyways, I'm going for a walk. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. Ja ne, Syaoran-kun, Sakura-chan.”
“Sayonara Eriol-kun,” Sakura called out to his shrinking form as he walked down the stairs.
“So Syaoran, what are your plans-” Sakura turned around to see that he had disappeared already. “That bastard,” she muttered. She sighed as she stared up at the sky.
“Okaa-san, what did you do for your test,” she asked aloud. Sadly, she got no response. She sighed sadly as she left the same way Eriol did.
The following morning everyone gathered in the training field as they waited for Sousuke to show up to being their mission. Sakura took a moment to see what the other two brought. Eriol was now sporting a blue t-shirt, with the Li Clan symbol emblazoned on the chest, a pair of white shorts, a few scrolls on his belt, and a kunai pouch strapped to his right thigh. Syaoran merely sported the same sleeveless green top, green pants, and green sandals. He had changed the cloth to be a black, as it did work with his clothes. The hemming around the arms, waist, neck, and the zipper of his shirt were black, along with his name written in Japanese on his left chest. He also had a large scroll behind him, below his rucksack, as well as a sword on his back. Sakura took a moment to examine her equipment. Nothing really special, except she wore her forehead protector, had a pair of black gloves, along with the same top, skirt, and shorts. She had nothing really noticeable.
“Ohayo,” a voice greeted. They looked behind Sakura to see that Sousuke had shown up, but had dressed a bit differently. He still wore the navy blue pants; however he didn't wear the standard top. Instead he wore a royal blue, high collared, short sleeved shirt, a signature article of clothing in the Uchiha clan. On the shoulders, the clan symbol had been stitched on. Strapped to the back of his flak jacket was a katana, to his waist, was what appeared to be four large golden kunai, to facing the left, two facing the right. He also had kunai pouches on each shoulder, one each side, one on the outside of each thigh, and four shuriken pouches, on the inside and outside of his calves.
“Hoe,” Sakura muttered under her breath.
“Interesting,” Eriol commented, from all the equipment.
“Hmpf,” was all Syaoran said as he crossed his arms. “Let's get on with it.”
“Fine, fine,” Sousuke muttered as he put his pack down. “Just let me take off some of this gear.”
“Huh?” everyone asked.
“Well you don't expect me to be using this entire gear do you? I'd probably kill you guys by accident!” Sousuke stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He undid the buckles on his flak jacket that held his sword, and stabbed the katana into the ground, then pulled out all the kunai on the shoulders and side, and placed them on the hilt of his katana. He then pulled out the four gold blades, to reveal, that each blade was actually supported by half a shuriken. He flicked his wrists a bit to let the blades snap out to look like boomerangs before snapping the weapons together, to make it a massive shuriken.
“This, by the way, was the Murasame Sword I was talking about yesterday,” he explained as he tossed it into the ground. He quickly undid the pouches strapped to his calves, and placed them next to the rest of his gear.
“Now, I'll explain your mission,” he said, as he took out a clock, and winded it. “This clock will be set to ring at noon.” He placed the clock down on the center stump behind them. They suddenly heard a jingling sound, to see that he had pulled out two bells.
“The mission, to take these two bells from me by noon. Those who fail to grab said bells will get no lunch. The punishment is whoever fails to get a bell, will be tied to one of those posts. In addition, I along with those who passed will eat lunch in front of the people who are tied. Oh and before you go jumping the gun, I told you not to eat breakfast, because of my calibre. I will make you throw up if you're not careful.”
“Wait, Sousuke-sensei,” Sakura called out, “why only two bells? There are three of us.”
“I'm guessing two bells, mean that one of us will surely fail,” Eriol explained.
“He's correct,” Sousuke replied. “The one who is tied to the post is sent back to the academy. However, it could just be one or all three of you. Anyways, the mission involves you three coming at me with killer intent. You may use whatever means necessary to gain the bells. And don't worry; I won't have problems handling you guys, so give me your best. Any questions before we start?”
“So when you say do our best, you mean we can use any means we've got?” Syaoran asked.
“Yes I do,” Sousuke replied. “However, I don't think that you do anything with that particular skill just yet.” Syaoran scowled at the comment, while Eriol snickered. Sakura however looked at them clueless, wondering what they were talking about.
“Don't ask Kinomoto-san. It's something related to the Li clan head family.” Sakura merely nodded as she put her backpack down, and quickly went over her gear. Seeing that her skirt might get in the way, she undid it and left it with her bag. She thanked herself for not wearing the same pair of shorts she wore yesterday. Syaoran dropped pack, and unsheathed his jian sword. Eriol dropped his pack, stretched for a moment, and then prepared himself.
“San, ni, ichi, STARTO!”