Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ The greatest show on earth! ❯ Introduction ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Beverley hills, USA

The girls' villa.


Sam was on the computer reading a fan fiction on the Internet.


Clover: How long you are going to be Sam! We got to hit the mall soon while the sales are on.


Sam: In a minute, I just want to find out how they escape from the volcano.


Alex eavesdrops on the conversation while playing her Xbox.


Alex: What volcano?


Sam: The volcano on Zack Island.


Clover: Sam, I thought you were a bright spark! Zack Island doesn't exist; it was just a stupid name a Japanese development team had to create for a spin-off to a beat em up game.


Alex runs up to Clover


Alex: It's not stupid! If you read the manual to DOAX you will see that Zack called it Zack Island after himself.


Clover: Who cares, he doesn't exist, and besides who would want to date a man who is a total womaniser!


Sam: Girls, this isn't helping me concentrate!


There is a sudden click and a trap door opens under Alex and clover's feet. Also Sam's chair bends down towards the trap doors as the girls get WOOHPED.


Sam: I didn't know my chair does that!