Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Little Bunny ❯ There is a hole in your mind... ( Chapter 1 )
Little Bunny II
Disclaimer: Neither Card Captor Sakura or Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon belong to me, and I make no money from this work of fanfiction at all.
A/N: This takes place after Sakura has converted all the cards to Sakura cards, and for Sailor Moon, its a combination of the manga and second season AU... because its been awhile since I saw the anime. I am also going to totally screw with some powers and abilities here. Warning- sort of character death.
Yukito had finally learned the truth of his existence: he was not human.
Yet that didn't seem quite right. Yue was part of him, but at the same time, Yue wasn't ALL of him. His memories were fake... he thought. Yet he could remember his parents dying in that car crash. Something told him that was real. Real like his grandparents hadn't been.
It was like there were two of him... And NOT the two of Yukito and Yue.
He wondered if he should tell Touya or Sakura about his feelings, but he doubted they would understand. Probably because he didn't understand himself.
For all, life was going back to normal...
At least it seemed that way.
Touya and Yukito were out looking for colleges, and while they had pretty much decided on Towa University, Juuban University had recently mailed them both, concerning scholarships. As Touya was NOT rich, as his ever present, ever changing part time jobs could attest to, the bigger scholarship, the better.
Walking to the bus stop in silence, both young men looked up, when Yukito's stomach growled.
"Is it that time again?" Touya asked, drawling, and smiled gently at his boyfriend. Yukito nodded, sheepishly. The horrible hunger that had been symptomatic of his fading had gone away... now he was just back to eating twice as much as a normal person.
Yukito was smiling to himself, heading off in a direction towards something that seemed vaguely familiar... Smelling some wonderful junk food, too... when Touya, who had been walking complacently beside him, stopped, and snorted. The snort turned into a chuckle, and then an loud guffaw.
"What?" the gray haired young man asked, and turned... and saw what To-ya was laughing at.
It was a poster of a girl in a ridiculous costume, with the words "Sailor V IV- Attack of the Alien Zombies from Junior High".
"Its a costume that Tomoyo hasn't tried to put on my sister!" Touya tried to say, but couldn't, he was laughing so hard. Yuki was so shocked about his stoic boyfriend laughing that he didn't comment about the costumes. What- what the HELL?
If Touya knew the words going through Yuki's head, he'd have been shocked. Well, so was Yuki, but that was beside the point. This... Touya... Something was wrong with his To-ya.
Grabbing hold of his arm, he drug his boyfriend into the nearest establishment... a nearby arcade. He nearly tripped on the cat on the way in.
"Gomen ne, neko-chan!" he told the small black cat with the crescent bald spot, not thinking any more of it, his focus entirely on To-ya. He hadn't stopped laughing yet.
Looking around, he noticed a small group of girls looking at him- no, at both of them... rather like a group of hyenas eyeing fresh meat. His usual smiling mask quickly fixed itself into place, and Yukito turned back to Touya, who looked up in time to see a new batch of posters, this time for a Sailor Moon video game. This new 'sailor' person had the same ridiculous costume... and it set Touya off again.
Getting VERY concerned, the Snow Bunny cast about, trying to find something to distract his boyfriend.
There, at the counter, was the answer to both their troubles... Glorious food!
Almost tripping in his rush to get to the food counter, he ordered a soda and nachos for To-ya, a very large soda and two pizzas for himself, ignoring the stares of shock from the blond young man in the apron.
His order was done remarkably quickly- and Yukito wasn't going to question his good fortune. Juggling his large order, he nearly dropped it, when he bumped into To-
Wait, that wasn't Touya.
"Uh, you need some help with that?" the boy asked, nervously. This was a trait people often had around Yukito- Kero-chan had explained to him about the whole attraction to the moon thing.
"If you don't mind?" he smiled kindly at this teenager, maybe four, five years younger than himself. The dark haired boy, his looks oddly similar to his To-ya's, nodded and took hold of the nachos and drink, and followed Yukito to his table.
It was with considerable relief that Yuki saw his boyfriend had calmed down. In fact, he looked considerably deflated... in fact, he was giving his patented "You damned gaki" glares to the boy who was helping him. Yukito tittered quietly... Touya was so possessive it wasn't funny. Never mind- it was. Maybe he should amend the 'sister complex' to 'family complex'? Or would he could as family?
Oh well, he'd think on it later. Thinking was never high on his priority list when there was food to be eaten.
Said boy had backed off, wilting under the steady, deadly gaze of To-ya, and Yukito smiled at him reassuringly. His Touya was so cute like this...
"Are you okay now?" he asked, after having eaten about half a pizza. Touya had started looking pensive, then frowned, contrite.
"Gah, Yuki, I worried you? I'm sorry... its just," he ran his hands through his hair. "It all came bubbling out, you know? Like, like... all the crap of the past two years... and seeing a girl in a pathetic costume just seemed to make all of it seem like, I don't know... a bad video game. All I could do was look back on it and laugh- and I couldn't stop. Sorry I scared you." He finished quietly, ignoring the odd looks from the girls around him, and ducked his head.
Yukito tilted his face and smiled understandingly. "I know... after all this, when you look at it in the right light, it IS rather funny, isn't it?"
"Yeah... if it had happened to someone else," Touya muttered and seemed to deflate.
"Saa... it did though, and it wasn't nearly as funny then. It hurt. I was wondering when you would show SOME kind of reaction," he smiled at his Peach Blossom- and about half the girls in the room (his new fan club) fainted out of joy.
To-ya didn't answer, just rolled his eyes. They didn't notice the small black cat staring at Yukito intently, nor the youth sitting beside it.
"There is something very strange going on here," the black kitty murmured, and the boy sitting next to her nodded. Something very strange indeed.
Luna was the Guardian of... someone.
Who, exactly, she couldn't remember.
It had started several weeks ago, as she had followed her ward, Mamoru Tsukino, as he tried to assemble his warriors, the Sailor Senshi.
The feeling of something both deja vu and something not being right had been following her for some time, ever since she had been given her memories back by the Earth Prince, Mamoru. She was rather mad- it felt like something deep and important had been locked away from her. Yet this afternoon, she had been watching Mamoru at his part time job, when she had sensed... something... jarring from this pale lad...
Behind the face of Tsukishiro Yukito, two minds spoke...
Well, not exactly spoke. One had a sudden, shocking flash of recognition and memory, the other, surprise as what had been in the other's mind. One, the mind of Yue, Guardian of the Clow Cards, and Usagi, Princess Serenity of the ancient, dead Moon Kingdom.
Yukito, the overlap between their minds and souls, looked up at the moon and sighed, suddenly overcome with melncholy.
"What's wrong?" Touya asked softly.
"Nothing... just- all of a sudden I felt sad. Like, there was something missing, destroyed, inside me."
"I don't think so... You know... You've told me about Yue," his expression turned pained. "But- is he all that I am?"
Touya didn't answer- he had heard Yukito wonder aloud about Yue often. How could he give his best friend, his love, the answers he wanted, when he didn't know himself?
"You are you," was all he could say.
Yukito smiled, face vaguely bitter.
"I wish I knew that."
//There is something happening duty calls//
The snow bunny suddenly jerked. He looked around, confused, wondering who he had heard. It wasn't a voice, exactly- it was a feeling, a rush. It was not unlike the feeling just before Yue emerged. Only this time-
"I have to go-" he muttered, rubbing his eyebrows.
"Is it Sakura?" said Touya, automatically slipping into Big Brother mode.
Feeling a headache building in his temples, Yukito shook his head no. Instinctively, he knew this had nothing to do with Sakura, the Cards, or anything to do with-
With what? Us? THEM?
His feet were carrying him somewhere- and he was helpless to follow. He didn't even noticed he had left until he was running and Touya was following him.
Two minds, two hearts- and the need act- were tearing at him. Yukito didn't understand it- whenever he had become Yue he had been completely blank. This time, he felt like-
Being pulled apart heart soul mind pieces RIPPPPP-
What was happening to him?
Luna, watching as Mamoru tried to fight this newest monster, she felt someone horribly familiar approach her.
Tuxedo Mask dodged and danced about, blasting the new youma with La Smoking Bomber, barely making headway. Fear made her heart thud, and dread at whatever this new menace could be.
Then an arrow slammed into youma, pinning it to the asphault.
"Now, Tuxedo Mask! Use your sword!"
And the world stood still.
Standing tall atop a fire escape was a slim, small figure, golden hair streaming behind her, wearing Arabian style clothing, a silver crescent on her brow. Her weapon, a bow of silver, was pulling another arrow in the ready.
It couldn't have been her- Luna stared. It was all she could do, as her thoughts tumbled like so many river stones, clicking and clacking against each other.
However, the fight was still going on, and the young Tuxedo Mask wasted no time as he transformed his cane into his Golden Sword.
"Sunset Flash!"
Brilliant, hot light incinerated the newest of the unknown threats- and Tuxedo mask looked up at the beautiful woman.
"Who- who are you?" he whispered
"I am Serenity," she said, voice and face impassive, without recognition or even interest. Turning, she leapt away- leaving a gaping maw inside the heart of Mamoru, who turned to question his cat, while Luna was left with questions.
Questions without answers...
To be continued.
A/N: Was this lame? Confusing? I hope not... questions will get answered. However, it won't be another story about Yukito coming to terms with what he is. I have no idea where its going, actually...