Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Night's Children ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hakura walked toward the mall looking for food. It had been so long since she had eaten last, so long that even something small might suffice for this hunger that she felt inside her. The last time she had eaten was four years ago, four long years. She remembered it with pleasure, the feast. The smell of the food came to her mind, how wonderful it looked, how great it tasted.
She kept walking, and eventually saw a few people leaving the mall and heading toward their cars. She walked toward them casually as to not to frighten her prey. Her eyes glowed with pleasure at this luck. She walked toward the first, a girl that looked to be around twenty years old. She was humming a tune that was sweet, and happy as Hakura came closer. The girl stuck her keys in the car lock and turned them. She threw her purse into the car and just as she was about to get in, Hakura grabbed her from behind, bite her neck, and started to suck.
THe girl tried to put up a fight, but Hakura was too strong. She might've screamed, but Hakura was too smart for this to happen, she clamped a quick hand over her victims mouth. Didn't take long for her to finish, only a few minutes. After she finished she set her sights on the other two.
"The night is young." she grinned as she walked toward them.

Hakura walked back to her home grinning and wiping blood from her face. She enjoyed being a vampire so much. She walked into the mausoleum where Sakura was waiting for her. Something was different about Sakura, she was usually more... violent, scary, you name it, everything a vampire should be, but she had a way about her normally that just wasn't there now.
"Enjoy your meal?" Sakura asked with a sly grin.
"Yes, very much." she replied, walking over to Sakura.
Sakura grinned, a total of four years still hadn't taken the evil out of her, the lust for blood. They hadn't eaten in four years, now they were going to have the time of their lives. Sakura closed the shutters as the sun peeked through them.

Night's Children
By dos_bytes
Chapter 1

Syaoran closed the car door and looked around at the town of Tokyo. He was still searching for her, for his Sakura, who he loved. Luckily the sun hadn't come out yet or he wouldn't be more then dust and dirt littering the streets. He walked toward a small ally where a women was being mugged. He watched as the theives foolishly went about their business robbing the poor women. She didn't have much money, but they didn't care, they only wanted the money.
He was about to do something about it, when he felt something familiar, something small. He turned and followed it.
"This feeling, it's Sakura, she's nearby here." he thought.
He kept following it, taking in everything about the town as he walked. Then he saw her, Sakura. Her hair was the same brown hair, the same green eyes, the same smile, but her soul, her feeling, everything that made her herself was long gone. He stared as she inched her way toward a small homeless child. When Sakura reached her, the girl smiled up at her. Sakura smiled back, but it was evil smile, one that could send shivers down anyones spine, including Syaoran's.
The girl screamed slightly as Sakura drank her blood, enjoying the feeling it brought over her. Syaoran frowned, she was evil, but this wouldn't stop him, he would help her even if she didn't want it. Sakura dropped the girl after she had finished her meal. The girl lay limp on the ground, her last drops of blood dripping from her neck.
"So you enjoying youself bitch?" Sakura heard from behind.
"Syaoran, nice to see you. And yes, I am." she grinned. "How've you been? Still sulking?"
Syaonran winced. He was a vampire with a soul, so he regretted everything he had done, the killing, everything. Sakura was glad to have insulted him.
"You know why I'm here?" he asked her uncertainly.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screamed at him. Long ago he had promised to either kill her, or curse her. He always followed her, he still loved her. Ever since he had gotten a soul his feelings for her were something he treasured. It hurt him so much to know that he had been the one to make her like this.
Sakura walked away from Syaoran, bothered that he had followed her. It made something inside her change, her personality, her usual manner. She'd better not let Hakura know about this, it didn't matter anyway. Syaoran wouldn't kill her, he wouldn't curse her either, she wouldn't let him.
"THAT ASSHOLE! He's still following me!" she grimaced. She'd make him pay, but if only he were evil again. If only...