Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Senior Year Romance ❯ Dancing Queens ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or Cardcaptors (*sobs* I wish I did though). Clamp owns Cardcaptors and I don't know who owns Yu-Gi-Oh. I also don't own any of the songs I put in here. The music companies do, but if you wanna sue me, you won't get any money cuz I'm just a broke teenager! (Ha ha! Suck on that lawyers! You will NEVER get my money cuz I don't got none!).

Okay…here's a summary of what's gonna happen. This is a Yu-Gi-Oh/ Cardcaptors crossover. Yugi, Tea, and Joey are moving in with the Kinomotos' for their Senior Year in High School. (This is after he's freed his grandpa). Yugi and Syaoran both fall for Sakura at the same time. How will Sakura choose between them? Also, Kaiba breaks Tea's heart, and Joey is out for revenge. Syaoran + Sakura, Sakura + Yugi, Eriol + Tomoyo, Tea + Kaiba, Tea + Joey. Rated R for language, make-out /perverted scenes/quotes (make-out quote? Hmm… I wonder what that is?), and maybe some violence. Rating is subject to change.

"…" =Talking

`…' = Thinking

*…*= Actions

(…)= Little intrusions of me.

Okay. Here's the deal. I'm still on internet probation (week two). Again, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE AWESOME REVIEWS! As I have said many times before and I will continue to say it…if you flame me in grammar/spelling I will hate you forever and I will post your name up here so people can laugh at and mock you! Here's some good news! This is the funny Sakura & Yugi chapter! I know I said that last chapter, but it was getting too long and I had to cut it off somewhere. I also wanted a good cliffhanger. So, I hope you guys like it! Notice I moved my rating from PG-13 to R! The R rating is because there is some slight lemon! (VERY SLIGHT!) If was bad this would have a higher rating! I might have some lemon in later chapters, but I'm not too sure. It depends on how I plan out the story line as I go along. Now please read, review, and enjoy!


Chapter Four: New Nicknames

Yugi opened the door to the bathroom, and went inside. He sighed, trying to soak everything in. Kaiba's living with the Kinomoto's (and sharing a room with him), the moving into a house with seven other people, and not to mention seeing a full frontal of Tea.

He faced his closed bedroom door, just in case one of the girls accidentally walked in, and undressed. Stepping into the shower, he heard the door to the bedroom door open. `Please get out of here!' Yugi prayed in his head. He closed the shower curtain, doing his best to be quiet. He peeked out, and saw a girl with long auburn hair in front of him, undressing.

`Oh shit' thought Yugi, `That's probably Sakura. Tea must have told her the shower was open.' The shower curtain opened up and the girl stepped in. She turned around, and stood there for a minute, then she let out a piercing scream. Yugi screamed back.

Tea came ran in on one side, Joey and Kaiba on the other. They all just stared at Yugi and Sakura pointing and screaming at each other.

"Dad!" screamed Sakura, wrapping a towel around herself, "There's a pervert in the bathroom!"

Fujitaka, Touya, and Yukito ran into the bathroom through the main door leading to the hallway, when they saw who it was, everyone busted out laughing.

"What the hell is so funny?" asked a furious Sakura, "What are you all laughing at? Do you guys know him?"

"Sakura, this is Yugi Moto. This is the one I was talking to all of you guys earlier about," said Fujitaka.

"You…You're Yugi?" asked a baffled Sakura, "Oh my God. I'm so embarrassed."

"It's okay. You didn't know," said Yugi.

"That's not what I'm embarrassed about you retard!" yelled Sakura, "A total stranger, that's going to be living in my house, that's a guy, just saw me in the nude!"

"Don't worry. There wasn't much to see anyways," shot back Yugi.

"Oh you little," said Sakura, her face red from rage. She pulled back her hand and slapped him as hard as she could across his face. Her hand then came back around to slap him again on his other side.

"Whoa. Yugi just got bitch slapped by a girl," said Joey, "Even Tea hasn't done that to either of us."

"Humph," said Sakura as she stormed out of the bathroom and slammed the door on the way out.

Yugi touched his cheek where Sakura had slapped him. His face was totally emotionless.

"Yugi? Are you okay?" asked Joey.

Yugi turned around. "Do I look fuckin' okay Joey?" he snapped. Joey backed up a little bit.

"You know, I hate to stand up for the Chihuahua, but Yugi, you shouldn't snap at him. It's not his fault you talk before you think," said Kaiba.

"You of all people shouldn't be talking about blame Kaiba," replied Yugi, " It's your god damn fault this happened in the first place!"

"How is it my fault Yugi?" said Kaiba, "You're the one who dissed Sakura in the first place. I didn't do it for you."

`But…I…" protested Yugi before he ran into his room and slammed the door, like Sakura had done a few minutes before.

"Whoa…intense," commented Touya.

"Yeah," said Yukito.

Inside her room, Sakura heard every word that they had said, and she didn't care. "That hentai deserves everything he gets."

"Actually, Yugi's normally more polite than that," said a voice behind Sakura. Sakura whirled around and saw Tea had come back in. "I don't know what the hell got into him," she wondered aloud.

"I don't know either, but if he was going for a good first impression, he sure did a horrible job," said Sakura.

"Well, Yugi can be a real jackass, I won't lie about that, but that was just uncalled for. Even though, I think you should give him a chance," replied Tea.

Sakura scoffed. "Maybe when pigs fly," she retorted.

Tea sighed. She knew that trying to argue with Sakura when she was this mad and embarrassed was totally useless. She knew because she was in Sakura's shoes not too long ago. She shuddered at the memory.

Sakura looked at Tea and saw her grimace and shudder. "What's wrong?" asked Sakura.

Tea looked up. "Oh nothing," she said, "Something alone of the lines of what just happened to you happened to me today."

"Really," replied Sakura, "Did someone see you in the nude too?"

"Yep," said Tea, "Yugi, and the two guys I like."

"Ouch," said Sakura, "By the two guys you like, do you mean Joey and Kaiba?"

Tea blushed. "How'd you know?" she asked.

"Well, you already named Yugi, you don't really know Touya and Yukito that well, and Joey and Kaiba are the only two left," said Sakura matter of factly, "But why you like Kaiba, I don't know. He's such a creep."

"Yeah, I know," replied Tea, "but I guess he's just grown on me."

"Whatever," said Sakura, "Just don't get too involved, okay Tea?"

"Sure Sakura," said Tea.

"Hey Tea. Wanna get a little party started? To kinda clear our minds?" asked Sakura, "I mean, you do know how to dance right?"

"Of course!" said Tea, "I was head cheerleader at my old high school!"

"Oh my god! I'm a cheerleader too!" squealed Sakura.

"Head cheerleader?" asked Tea.

"Does it look like I would have it any other way?" asked Sakura. (AN: I'm sorry if you don't like cheerleaders, but in the Cardcaptors series Sakura was a cheerleader. Also, in a Yu-Gi-Oh episode, Mai said something about Tea being a cheerleader. So I decided to make them the same way.)

The two girls grinned at each other. "Let's do this," they said simultaneously.

"Before we do this, lets change into something more comfortable. I have an extra pair of PJ's you can borrow," offered Sakura.

"Sure," replied Tea.

Sakura and Tea both changed into sleeveless pajama tops with matching bottoms. Sakura's was all white with "Devil" written in red on the front. Tea's was the same, only she had "Angel" written on it in blue. (AN: So Kawaii! (sp?))

"Okay… What song to pick…" said Sakura as she flipped through her CD case.

Tea walked her by Sakura, and looked over her shoulder. "Hmm… How about…this!" she said, pointing to a CD.

Sakura looked at Tea and grinned evilly. "Tea, you are pure genius. Hey! It's 1:00 in the morning. Wanna see if we can wake everyone?" said Sakura.

Tea and Sakura shared an evil smile. "That'll pay the guys back for humiliating us earlier. Teach them to mess with us," replied Tea.

Sakura peeked into the hallway, everyone's lights were out. She turned around and gave Tea the thumbs up signal. Tea reached over and turned on one of the blacklights hanging on the wall by her. Sakura ran to the other two and turned them on too. Then she turned off the light switch by the door.

The room was pitch black except the everything in Sakura's room that was white. Tea and Sakura's pajamas were all glowing except the "Angel" and "Devil" on their shirts.

Sakura pushed play on the CD player, and turned it up all the way…

"Oh my god, Becky.

Look at her butt.

It is like…so big…"

Yugi and Kaiba woke with a start. Joey, however, snored away…

"It's so round, it's like out there!

I mean… gross!"

"I like big butts and I cannot lie…

You other brothers can't deny…"

"What the hell is that?" Yugi asked Kaiba.

"I don't kn…" Kaiba stopped in the middle.

"Sakura and Tea…" Yugi and Kaiba said together.

"Let's go get them…" said Yugi.

"One step ahead of you, Yugi," said Kaiba who was already out the door.

They ran down the hall and flung open the door open, but what they saw stopped them in their tracks.

The two girls had their backs to the boys, and were shaking their butts in circles. Yugi and Kaiba gulped. They couldn't tell which girl was which in the dark. Their hair was the same length, and they had the same figure, and they both looked totally hot! Then Yugi had an idea.

"Hey Kaiba, looks to me like their trying to pay us back for what happened earlier. Let's say we surprise them?" Yugi whispered.

"What do you mean Yugi?" Kaiba whispered back.

"Let's choose one and kiss them, and whoever gets Sakura has to go out with her," said Yugi.

Kaiba grinned. "You gotta deal Yugi," he said, "I didn't know you liked Tea like that."

"I don't," said Yugi, "I just wanna see the look on her face."

"Well, let's go for it!" said Kaiba.

Yugi and Kaiba both walked toward a girl. Kaiba for the Angel, and Yugi for the Devil…


AN: I know! I know! Weird chapter! Kaiba and Yugi acting all chummy isn't how I really planned to do this, but that's how it turned out! Please review especially for this chapter! I wanna know if you guys thought it sucked or not! I'm thinking about changing the rating back down to PG-13, but I'm not sure. I moved it up to R because I thought it was lemon-y but my good friend Saturn-hime (sp? Sorry if it's wrong Mandie-chan!) told me it wasn't lemon-y at all. I guess I thought it was gonna be more graphic than I thought…hmm… Please remember to review!!!