Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ 4ever ❯ Past/Dance ( Chapter 6 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Sakura/Katie I can sense a Heartilly card' said Kero and Kari in unison. Obviously Katie had sense it too, for she was standing very still trying to find the exact point. Suddenly the room around them changed. The bed turned into a little baby's cot.

`Madison, grab my hand.' Katie shouted. Katie held out her hand to Madison who immediately grabs it and gasps as she sees the room change. `It's the past card. The room is going back in time.' Katie said calmly looking at her surroundings. `Which means Li's not here. He's in Hong Kong and I'll be disappearing soon. Madison can go to anyone though. We have to stay with our past selves. Sakura, I've got a way that we can capture it, but only if you want to do this. Remember we MUST NOT CHANGE ANYTHING HERE or it'll damage to the future. We have to switch places. Do you have the change card?' Sakura nodded. `We need to confuse the Past card.' Suddenly the cradle began to change. `Quick Sakura!'

`Change card release and dispel. Change around me and Katie.' Katie and Sakura suddenly felt different and then slowly but surely Sakura began to disappear. The room she was in looked different. It was dark and full of different magical

`Hello!' came a voice `I think you are here from the future. You got here using the past card. You look like me but you are not me, am I right?' Sakura nodded `I know this for you're powers are much stronger here.' She pointed to Sakura's Heart `I have hardly any humanity in me. I am almost incapable of loving anyone, but I am able to find peoples soul mates and put them together. It is strange that, because in my guardian form I am the sign of love.' The past card seemed to be getting confused because soon Katie appeared. `Ah! I was wondering when my future self would be showing up.'

`Hello!' Katie Waved `I think this will be our shortest meeting. It's time to capture this card, but…' she said `it's my turn. Past Card return to you're power confined.' She yelled. The room faded and they fell on to the floor in Sakura's room.

`Who's my soul mate Katie?' Sakura asked her sister

`I cannot tell you that. Now we have the ten weakest cards. The order doesn't matter now. They will come when they like. We should rest. We've got rehearsals and the dance in 2 weeks. You and I have been chosen to sing a song for it. I think that we should sing this song.' She handed Sakura a piece of paper saying Search My heaven. `I'm sing the first verse you sing the second we'll sing the rest together. Good night Sakura.'

`Good night Katie…Goodnight Li' [His feeling will be revealed soon Sakura be patient.]


`So!' Madison jumped out behind Sakura and Katie.

`HI Madison!' Katie said calmly as Sakura screamed and grabbed Katie's arm.

`Can I ever surprise you?' She asked hopefully. Katie shook her head. `Why?'

`Cause I can sense you coming.' She said plainly. `Eriol asked you to the dance yet?' Madison blushed and shook her head. `Well, Li and Eriol better hurry up with asking cause you two are gonna have people lining up from here to Brazil to ask you guys.' She laughed, as Sakura and Madison blushed crimson. `Well I'll leave you two lovesick girls here. I've got to sort out some things on some people priority lists.' She said and walked off.

`I wonder what she's up to.' Asked Madison. She looked at Sakura. `She's right about you having boys lining up to Brazil asking you.' Sakura blushed again. `So what you wearing to the dance?'

`Same thing as Katie except Pink, Cause we're doing the song together we gotta look good together. Why don't we all look the same together?' Madison nodded and smiled.

On the other side of the grounds

`Hello Boys! We got some priority on your list to sort out.' Katie yelled as she walked over to Li, Eriol and Zacery, Who had those dots as their eyes. `I'll start with yours Li.' She smiled evilly. `Oh before I do that, I'll let you know I can get you to do anything I want.' She grinned as the boys gave her frightened looks. `Well, among us we have three chickens.' She laughed. `Now LI! WHEN ARE YOU going to get your lazy feathered butt of the bloody seat in the I'm to chicken to Ask a girl out and ask Sakura to the dance?'

`I was hoping never…' said Li.

`WRONG! Alright you three come with me.' She smiled and they followed her to the other side of the grounds. `Hey Sakura! Hey Madison! Hey Chelse!' The boys turned to run, but Katie grabbed them back while saying `Li, Eriol and Zacery have something to say.' She picked up all three boys and placed them in front of the girls. They turned around angrily at Katie who grinned back.

`How did I let anyone do this to me, let alone a girl?' Li muttered angrily.

`What did you want to say?' the girls asked together

`Well seeing as you want tell them yourselves.' She whispered to them and grinned widely. `They're to afraid to ask you so I'll gladly do it for them.' She said walking up to Chelse and pushed Zacery on his knees and put Chelse hand in his. `Miss Chelse would you like to go to the dance with me.' She said In Zacery's voice. Eriol and Li were about to run again. `No you don't.'

`I would love to go to the dance with you Zacery.' Chelse Screamed happily.

`Kiss her hand dope.' She pushed his head down to Chelse's hand forcing him to kiss her. `Well that's one down two to go.' She said as she pulled Eriol and Li back and pushed Eriol down the same way she'd done to Zacery. `Miss Taylor.' She said in Eriol's voice `I would be more than honoured if you'd go to the dance with me.' Eriol Blushed terribly as Katie Pushed his head forward and watched him until he kissed her hand.

`Yes Eriol, I will go to the dance with you.' she smiled. Li thought this was his chance to run without being noticed.

`And where do you think you're going?' Katie said taking her eyes off Madison and Eriol. Madison thanking her for what she'd done. Sakura blushed as she realised she was next. Katie grabbed Li again and pushed him back. When she let go, just as she planed he ended up in Sakura's arms. Both of them blushed. `I would feel the luckiest man on earth if you Sakura Avalon would go to the dance with me.' Katie said in Li's voice. Sakura was crying so hard. `As I would feel the luckiest girl in the world if I went with you Li.' She said in Sakura's voice. Everyone looked at her. `What?! It's what she wanted to say.' They all laughed, but knew she was right.

`She's right.' She said looking at Li. Li blushed and let go of Sakura.


`I can't do my hair!' yelled Sakura, who was wearing a pink sleeveless top and a beige skirt with pink at the bottom.

`Ok I'll do it for you, but just remember be yourself and everyone will love you.' She said as she came into the room wearing an outfit like Sakura's except blue. She put Sakura's hair in a diamond-studded hair net. `I get to be the DJ…cause no one asked me to go with them I volunteered.' She whispered the last sentence. Sakura looked sadly at her sister. Sakura had everything she wanted tonight, but Katie had nothing. `Don't be sad Sakura. No one wants to see a beautiful face cry.' She said as she spun Sakura around to the mirror, Sakura gasped.

`Thank you!' she hugged Katie. `So when are we going?' asked Sakura.

`In a second! TORI! You coming? Ruby's going to be there!' she shouted bringing Tori right out of his room. Katie laughed as Tori blushed. `I knew you'd come out if I said that.' She said laughing even more.

Later at the dance

`The next song will be sung by Sakura Avalon and Me!' she said cheerfully. Katie grabbed her guitar and played the first few notes. Sakura walked over to the microphone. `We're singing this for our special someone.'

K: Yesterday my life was cold and empty
All my hope was gone
And every time I tried a new romance It always turned out wrong
And then you came along
To light up my life like a candle so bright
Yes you came along
And give me a lifeline, just at the right time

K and S: I can't help but love no one but you
and I could search my heaven
No one in this universe will do Whoa-whoa

S: I was drowning in a sea of pity
Love had passed me by and then you came along
you got my attention Divine intervention
Yes you came along
as quiet as a church mouse and bright as a lighthouse
K and S: I cant help but love no one but you
And I could search my heaven
No one in this universe will do
Now were together I can't help but love no one but you Whoa-whoa

You've given me a higher love;
you helped me to understand
you got me reaching for the stars above
you give me a reason to live Yeaaaaahhhh!

Yesterday my life was cold & empty now I just wanna stop… and thank you

I can't help but love no one but you
And I could search my heaven
No one in this universe will do
Now were together I can't help but love no one but you Whoa-whoa

`The next song I want to play to those who know me well it'll seems like me. So please pick a person and head to the dance floor.' Katie screamed as she watched her friends enter the floor.

So I'm a little left of centre
I'm a little out of tune
Some say I'm paranormal
So I just bend their spoon
Who wants to be ordinary
In a crazy, mixed-up world
I don't care what they're sayin'
As long as I'm your girl Hey, you are on my side
And they, they just roll their eyes
You get me
When nobody understands
You come and take the chance, baby
You get me
You look inside my wild mind
Never knowing what you'll find
And still you want me all the time
Yeah, you do
Yeah, you get me
So what if I see the sunshine
In the pouring rain
Some people think I'm crazy
But you say it's okay
You've seen my secret garden
Where all of my flowers grow
In my imagination
Anything goes I, I am all you want
They, they just read me wrong
You get me
When nobody understands
You come and hold my hand, baby
You get me
You look inside my wild mind
Never knowing what you'll find
Still you want me all the time
Yeah, you do
'Cause you get me Hey, you are on my side
They, they just roll their eyes
Yeah, yeah, yeah
'Cause you get me
When nobody understands
You come and take the chance, baby
You get me
When none of the pieces fit
You make sense of it
You get me
You look inside my wild mind
Never knowing what you'll find
And still I want you all the time
Yeah, I do
'Cause you get me
Yeah, oh, yeah, oh

`Another song another dance, and this song is dedicated to all of you.'

We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Never dreaming, what we had to go through,
Now here we are, I'm suddenly standing
at the beginning with you

No one told me I was going to find you
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
when I lost hope; you were there to remind me
this is the start

And life is a road I wanna keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever,
Wonderful journey
We were strangers, on a crazy adventure
never dreaming, how our dreams would come through
now here we stand, unafraid of the future
at the beginning with you
And life is a road I wanna keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever,
Wonderful journey
I'll be there till the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
in the end I want to be standing at the beginning
with you
Knew there was somebody somewhere
that may love in the dark
now I know that my dream, will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing's gonna tear us apart
Life is a road I wanna keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
in the end I want to be standing at the beginning
with you

`Thanks everyone. Please remember if you have lines in the play practise them.' Katie jumped off the stage and landed right in front of Li and Sakura. `So Li! Do you want to come over to practise your lines.' She grabbed the back of his head and made it nod. `Madison's coming over too and no she hasn't got her video camera. I told her she can't use it until the play which is exactly when her mum will use it.' She smiled.

`I've got a question.' Said William popping up behind Katie. `If you two are sisters, twins. How come you have blue eyes and neither Sakura's parents have the same coloured eyes.' Katie glared at him.

`Simply due to the fact that I need contacts' she said angrily

`Okay, no need to get so emotional, I was just asking.' Replied William in an annoying agreeable tone designed to annoy whomever it was directed to.

`I wasn't annoyed, you misunderstood me my dear William' was the audacious reply

Katie walked off calmly away leaving William feeling bitter. Suddenly a song filled the school. Though the CD player was not on. Katie collapsed on the floor.

`Katie!' yelled Sakura watching her sister. She could do nothing, she was paralysed.'

Katie from the floor saw a flash of black and recognised a pair of shiny, black shoes coming slowly towards her. Click they tapped on the floor Click, Click, till they reached her.

She looked up and saw a smartly dressed man she had been waiting for.

`Katie are you alright?' asked Julian.

`Yes, yes I'm fine'

She suddenly felt a hand under her chin lifting her up. A gasp escaped from the lookers-on.

`I love your dress. Did you choose it yourself?' smiled Julian

Katie suddenly looked down at the clothes she was wearing. Her sleeveless top and skirt had changed to a pale white Customary Hong dress, though there was no pattern. It was outlined in cream, the colours blended with her pale skin. A string tightened on her middle finger showing most of her hand it lead up covering her arm. On her feet were glass slippers `What's happening?'

`Your magic from within has worked a spell.' Julian said softly and simply pointing to her heart. `You look beautiful you know `

`Thank you, Julian.' Said Katie

`Would you like to dance?' Julian asked. Katie curtseyed and nodded. The song started again, though Katie had never heard it before. She sang it.

Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I'm loving you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may.
Come what may,
I will love you until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may,
come what may,
I will love you until my dying day
Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Come what may,
come what may,
I will love you until my dying day

`You look a bit flushed.' Said Julian. William watched from over in the corner fist clenched at the scene. He was holding a long gold chain attached to a black crystal.

`Oh? Am I? I'm sorry I have to go.' She said as she rushed out.

`Katie? Wait! Why?' Julian asked surprised. Katie upon exiting fell---right into Williams's waiting arms. She pushed him away and ran sobbing wildly.

`What's up with Katie Julian?' asked Sakura

`I have no I idea, but I'm going to find out.' Sakura Rushed out after Katie.

`Katie?' asked Sakura giving her sister a worried look

`I - I - Just go dance Sakura. I can't tell you, not now, I may someday but just not now okay?'

`Tell me, please. I can help.'

`Sakura, just go okay?'


`NO! Ok? Now just go?' Katie surprised even herself. When she saw that Sakura was shocked she softened. `Look, just go. Please?'

`No not until you tell me I can help.'

`The only way you or anyone else can help is just to leave me alone.'

`Ok Katie, but remember I'll always be there for you ok? No matter what.'

`I'll remember. And Sakura?'

`Yeah?' Sakura turned from walking away.

`Dance with Li and have fun.' Sakura walked away from Katie. Though know no one probably knew it She thought Katie was the best sister there was. [Thanks Sakura] Sakura entered the room; it might have been Katie's smile. It might have been the seriousness in her eyes, but She went straight over to Li.

`Li would you like to dance?' Li couldn't believe his luck - to be asked to dance by the girl of his dreams.

`Ye-yes' was the shaky reply. She couldn't believe her luck that Li Syroan would say yes to HER - a girl

A slow dance came on as Li and Sakura came onto the dance floor. Li put his arm around Sakura and she put her arms around his neck. They began to sway slowly to the music.

By the half of the song Li had his eyes nearly closed, Sakura had her head buried into his shoulder. They were definitely the most intimate couple at the dance.