Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party ❯ Invitation ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party
by ~BaBySmurf~


"Oh Tomoyo! That's wonderful! It's going to be so exciting!!" exclaimed a cheerleader with beautiful shoulder-length auburn hair to her best friend. Tomoyo was going to throw a Halloween Party, and everyone was invited.
The two friends started chatting about how much fun it was going to be, and what everyone was gonna wear, when a different idea struck Sakura. She stopped in her tracks, "Wait- this isn't going to be a...a...a Ha-HAUNTED Halloween Party..." she questioned, fear evident in her eyes. "Is it?" she squeaked.

The girl beside her smiled slyly. "That's just something you'll have to see for yourself!" Tomoyo said with a glint in her eyes. She started to walk away, her jet-black hair swishing behind her.

Her best friend scrambled to catch up with her, and started again, "I- I mean there's not gonna be any sc-scary stories, or- or spooky mon-monsters hiding behind doors or anything like that.... right ??" she asked shakily.

Tomoyo smiled evily. "Let's just say that this isn't going to be your average Halloween Bash..." she said.

Sakura looked frightened for a moment then, "Well, if you're hosting a haunted house or something like that, then...then I'm just not going." Sakura said with false confidence, not daring to look Tomoyo in the eye.

Tomoyo pouted. "Come on Sakura! It's just harmless fun and games! Besides, I already made you the most PERFECT costume to wear!!"

"Well, I guess that's too bad, because you KNOW I'm frightened to death of ghosts, or, or spooks.... or....monsters....."

Tomoyo laughed "Sakura, you're scaring yourself! Stop it." She sighed. "You'll dissapoint a lot of people if you don't show up Sakura! Everybody's going to be there! Chiharu, Eriol, Naoko, Rika, Yamazaki" Tomoyo decided to pull out the bomb, "...and Li...." She chuckled silently to herself at the expected blush from Sakura at the mention of the amber-eyed boys name.

Still blushing, Sakura managed to huff, "You don't expect me to go to your Halloween party just because Syao-- Li's going to be there, do you?" She said still blushing.

Tomoyo smirked, 'this is just too easy' she thought. "Actually.... I do!"


Later that night Tomoyo phoned up Li. Actually she had no idea whether or not Li was going, but she knew exactly what to say to make him come...

"Moshi-Moshi, Syaoran speaking." said a male voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hello Li-kun! If you hadn't heard yet, I'm hosting a Halloween Party.." she started.

"What a suprise." Remarked the 15 year old boy.

Tomoyo ignored his remark, "And you are invited!" she said happily.

"Funny Tomoyo. And why are you expecting me to come to some silly little Halloween party?" he said flatly. As you can tell, Syaoran is obviously not a party boy.

"Well, I would expect you to come if you knew a certain emerald-eyed beauty was going to be there..." she said smiling evilly.

Syaoran sat up straight, "Um... Well, What kind of party is this going to be???" he said stuttering a little.

Tomoyo shook her head, 'this boys got it bad- I can feel his blush over the phone!' she thought. "Oh, It's just the kind of party where some certain people may end up being scared silly and end up needing to be conforted by a some strong handsome male willing to save her from the evil creatures hiding under the bed." she said innocently.

"Uh.. Well- Well maybe... I'll go.. I mean ya know, If everybody else is going to be there... " he said trying to act cool, yet failing, "But...what would I wear?" he asked.

"No problem!" Tomoyo said gladly, "I have JUST the thing! I made it myself!"

Syaoran sighed, "Oh Joy." he said hanging uo the phone.

Tomoyo giggled, "This is going to be the GREATEST party in the world!!!!!!!"


Hey ya's all!

Anyway, I wrote this 3 days before Christmas, yes, I know WAY out of season, but I was suddenly struck with inspiration and had to write it down before I lost it.

Also, I prefer longer chapters, but this was the best I could do, considering that I don't expect this to be the longest fic in the world and I didn't want to write TOO much in the very first chapter. Oh Yeah, Also, I don't really have to much of a clue as to where this is going to lead I would really appreciate any and all inspiration!

Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed it!--
but PLEASE R & R !!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!