Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party


*beep beep beep beep beep*

Sakura turned in her sleep

*beep beep beep beep beep*

"mmmmhhhh, go away....." she mumbled.

*beep beep beep beep beep*

Sakura covered her head with a pillow.

*beep beep beep beep beep*

Sakura groaned and pushed the alarm clock to the floor with a crash. "Mmmm, all better." she sighed sleepily.

~half an hour later~

"Sakura. Sakura!.... SAKURA!!!" shouted what appeared to be a tiny flying teddy bear

Sakura rolled off the bed, tangled in her blankets, "Mmmft mmf mmt Mmmm!" she shouted- or at least tried to.

"You're going to be late for school." Kero said slowly. Sakura jumped up and tripped over her blankets. Kero rolled his eyes, "Again I might add."

Kero watched lazily as Sakura scarambled around the house trying to comb her hair, put on her uniform, and brush her teeth all at the same time. She flew down the stairs and grabbed her bookbag. Fujitaka was standing at the doorway with a piece of toast. "Thanks Dad!" she called.
Sakura shoved the piece of toast in her mouth as she jumped up and down trying to get her roller blades on while standing up straight. Finally she had her skates on securely and raced out the door.

"Have fun at school!" her father called as she sped around the corner.

'I've got to start getting up on time!' she thought angrily to herself.

"You've got to start getting up on time!" called a male voice beside her.

"Hoe?" Sakura looked around and saw Li on a bicycle beside her. She blushed and looked questioningly at him.
Syaoran laughed at her strange expression, "Late for school again, Right?" Sakura only blushed again in reply. "Hop on!" he called.

Sakura watched as he quickly pulled in front of her and she instinctively grabbed the back of his seat. Syaoran sped up. He was heading for Coles Avenue, the quickest way to get to school, obviously because it was headed downhill.

Sakura may have been an excellent skater, but she didn't do hills much, especially not steep hills like this one. "Are you sure about this? " Sakura asked warily, but Syaoran, nothing but excitement in his eyes, didn't hear her. Probably because he was too busy focusing on trying to keep his cool in such close proximity to his favorite little cheerleader.

"Get ready..." Syaoran called. They turned a hard right on to Coles, their combined weight carrying them fast on to the next street. Sakura seperated herself from Syaoran's bike, trying to decrease her momentum so she'd go down the hill slower. Unfortunately, it didn't work and Sakura raced past Li and cruised down the hill at lightning speed.

"Wh-Whaa- Whooaaaa!!!" Sakura couldn't even hear herself speak, just the sound of wind rushing past her ears.

Syaoran watched wild eyed as she rushed past an old woman, startling the heck out of both of them. He pedaled hard to catch up with Sakura and waved an apology at the old woman.

Sakura flew down the hill not even seeing her surrondings. "Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God!!!!!!!" Up ahead was a lazy turn into the schoolyard. "Syaoran why did you do this to me!!!!!!!" she shrieked. She shut her eyes tight and started praying.

Syaoran had almost caught up to her, "SAKURA WATCH OUT!!" he yelled.

Sakura opened her eyes wide just in time to see herself approaching the curve into the school yard. Sakura skated around the corner and breathed a sigh of relief seeing her high-school in front of her. The hill for the most part had leveled out, and Sakura thought she was safe, but she hadn't counted on the speed bumps. "Uh-oh." She charged straight into it and went sailing into the air. Sakura couldn't even shut her eyes. She did a flip in midair, and thudded softly onto her back in the grassy ground of the school yard.

Syaoran pulled up sharply next to her and hopped off his bike, "Are you all right?" he said kneeling out of breath next to Sakura

Tomoyo had seen the whole thing from across the yard, and ran up to the two, "Sakura, that was amazing!! And I got the whole thing on tape!!" she turned and saw Li bent down next to her friend. "Sakura, get up! ...You're not hurt are you?" she asked warily.

Sakura was laying on the ground, her emerald-eyes staring upwards at nothing.

"Sakura???" Li asked, anxiety in his eyes. "Sakura what's wrong?? Are you hurt?" concern filled his voice.

Tomoyo dropped her camera and bent down closer to her friend. "Sakura, are you okay?" she said patting her on the cheek.

Sakura remained looking up at the sky.

Tomoyo turned towards Li, "WHAT DID YOU DO!" she shouted.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!!" he shouted back.

Sakura stirred and they both turned to look at her. She blinked, "Woah. That was wild." she said softly.

Tomoyo and Li sighed in relief. The blask-haired girl immediately picked her camera back up and started taping.

"Oh I'm so glad you're all right!" Li exclaimed.

Sakura turned to look at him suprise in her wide green eyes, "Really?"

Syaoran rambled on, "Well yeah! Of Course! I was worried you were knocked out or something! I'm just glad you're not hurt!" he blushed a little at what he'd said, then in a quieter voice, "I'm sorry, I guess, for taking you down that hill...I didn't mean for you to.. well, you know."

Tomoyo trained her camera on him and grinned.

Sakura smiled up at him, and he blushed, "Don't worry about it, as scary as that was, it was totally exciting!" She jumped to her feet, "Let's do it again!"

"NO! You could get hurt again!" Li shouted, "I- I mean, there's no time, and anyway, we should be getting to class."

Tomoyo giggled behind her camera, 'So sweet!' she thought.

"You're right," Sakura said, "It'd be a shame to be late after all that."

Syaoran blushed and locked his bike up, then headed towards the school building with Sakura at his side. Tomoyo walked in front of them, facing the 'couple' and filming every blush.

"Tomoyo do you have to!" whined Sakura.

"Of course I do. It's what I live for! Someday I'll make a movie featuring my two favorite subjects- You two!"

Syaoran rolled his eyes, and just walked on.

The trio walked together through the hallway. All the while Tomoyo taping them.

"You know if you keep walking backwards like that, you'll run into something." Syaoran said.

"That's a chance I'm willing to-" she stopped as she backed into something, and turned to see who it was.

"Hello, beautiful." Eriol said with a twinkle in his eye.

Tomoyo looked up at him and smiled, "Oh hi, Eriol, I didn't see you."

Eriol just wrapped his arms around Tomoyo's waist and kissed her softly on the nose. The violet-eyed girl giggled and ran her hand through his hair.

Syaoran coughed, "Uh, Guys, there are others present..." he said blushing

Sakura turned pink at the couple's outward display of emotion and started walking to her next class.

Tomoyo pulled reluctantly away from Eriol's embrace. "Wait Up. Sakura, I-" Eriol pulled up behind his girlfriend and rested his chin on her head, "I forgot to tell you that-" he started blowing softly in her ear. Tomoyo giggled and continued, "You need to drop by my house after school so I can-" she started to giggle again. "So I can-" she started laughing, "Eriol-Baby, stop! Just hold on a second! Anyway, you need to drop by my place after school so I can make sure I've got all the measurements right for the costume I made for my Halloween Party. Okay!"

Sakura smiled, "Sure! I'll be there!"

Tomoyo immediately turned back to her impatient boyfriend, and Sakura started walking to her classroom.

"Do I need to stop by and be fitted for mine too??" Syaoran asked Tomoyo. She didn't answer, obviously to preoccupied with pleasing her handsome boyfriend.

"oh-kay..." he said sighing. Syaoran turned back to find Sakura. She was at her locker putting her rollerblades inside. She slammed the locker-door shut and smiled at Li, causing him to blush. "Shall we?"

They walked down the hallway together passing Tomoyo and Eriol now intimately making out. Syaoran sighed sighed and commented to Sakura, "That Hiragizawa fellow's no good." he sighed, "Well, At least he got Tomoyo to stop taping us. But that's about all he's good for."

Sakura laughed, "That's not 'all he's good for'. Besides, I think it's good for Tomoyo to be involved in a...well.. a healthy relationship." she said blushing.

Syoran was blushing too. "Well lets hope they don't end up sucking each others faces clean off."

Sakura laughed again. Syaoran smiled- He loved her laugh, and loved making her laugh even more. Sakura stopped at a doorway and looked inside it cringing.

"What is it?" Syaoran asked loking inside.

Sakura shuddered, "Algebra first period. Uck"

Syaoran chuckled, "Well, good luck." He said, "Though I still don't think you have any reason to not like it."

Sakura peeked inside the classroom. "Easy for you to say! You're in honors extra-super-calculus or something like that."

Syaoran smiled, "Well maybe you could come-" he froze considering what he'd almost said. 'Should I? Or should I not....' he thought.

"Maybe I could what?" Sakura asked looking at him.
'Syaoran,' he told himself 'it's not that hard, just a few simple words, thats it... Relax. God, her eyes are so beautiful....'

"Syaoran??? Hello????" Sakura waved a hand in front of his face.

Li took a deep breath, "Maybe you could co-- come over to m-my place....and I could help you with it......" he said turning an alarming shade of red.

"Oh could I?!?" she asked happily. Syaoran forced himself to nod. "Oh thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! Mrs. Burns said I was in danger of failing this class. Oh, you're a lifesavor!" Sakura couldn't contain herself and hugged him tight, blushed deeply. Syaoran froze in place, 'She-She's hugging me...I- I---'

"Is tonight good?" she asked. Syaoran just stood there. "Uh-- I'll take that as a yes. Thanks again!" Sakura called and walked confidently into the classroom.

Syaoran stood there for a moment, not too sure if he'd be able to walk, just staring into the classroom as Sakura took her seat and pulled out her books.

The late-bell rang and he glanced at the beautiful auburn-haired girl one more time before taking off to his own class.


LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!!-- sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Anyway, in my own personal opinion, that chapter was nothing but mucho sweetness. *sigh* I love S+S.

By The Way- I'm hoping this chapter will compensate for the last one, which was unbelieveably short.

Also- This was originally gonna be strictly a S+S fic, but I couldn't help myself-- Eriol and Tomoyo are a just a way cute couple.

Hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to Review please!!!