Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A crazy thing called love ❯ The Cold And Taking Care of Her ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: hello everyone! ><;;; Please forgive me everyone! I will try to update more chapters. But I’m still not very sure. *sighs* Gomen ne! Thank you all who reviewed this story

Chapter 5

Syaoran watched Sakura silently. He followed her home after the humiliation Mizuki had given her. As much as he hated to admit this, he felt sorry for Sakura. By watching her suffer, he felt his heart arched with pain. He did not know why he was feeling this way, but that doesn’t seem to matter now. Right now, what matters the most was that he needed to take care of his enemy, who happened to be his roommate.

Entered Sakura’s room, he walked towards her bed, placed the blanket on her shivering body. Then sighed heavily and questioned in his mind. Why do I have to take care of her? Because you are her roommate and if you don’t take care of her, her condition will get worse. Besides, you are the only one here! His heart answered. Right. Just my luck. He complained and placed a hand on Sakura’s burning forehead.

“ Goodness, her temperature is high.” Syaoran muttered to no one in particular and blinked in shock, then decided to get some icepack to put on Sakura’s forehead. Then he went to his room to find some medicines for her to eat. Where’s that stupid Tylenol? He questioned impatiently in his mind and frowned. The last time he saw it was six months ago. Of course, he’s always very healthy so he did not need any medicines.

Looked in all of his drawers, he finally found it. Ah! There it is! Thought Syaoran in relief and quickly took it to Sakura’s room. I still can’t believe I have to take care of her. Syaoran whined in his mind as he entered her room. Patted the sleeping Sakura lightly on the shoulder, to wake her up.

Sakura groaned as she rubbed her eyes, her head was burning and she felt very dizzy. Opened her beautiful emerald green eyes slowly. Everything in the room looked very blurry to her. She looked up and saw a figure standing in front of her, but she couldn’t really see whom it was, her vision was too blurry. “ Who are you…” Sakura asked weakly. She tried to sit up, but her body was too weak to support her.

“ Here, swallow this, it will help you get better.” Syaoran said and sat down on the edge of Sakura’s bed then helped her to sat up so she could eat the medicine. Sakura felt a strong arm supporting her and felt safe. Slowly sat up with the help of Syaoran and swallowed the medicine. “ Thank you…whoever you are…” Sakura mumbled and smiled weakly. She then felt her heavy eyelids closing up and soon, she fell asleep in the strong arms of Syaoran.

Syaoran blushed as he felt Sakura’s head fell on his chest. Her arms were wrapped around his waist. Several shades of red appeared on his cheeks, but he quickly shook them away. Placed Sakura carefully on her bed and stared at her peaceful yet pale face. He felt his heart melt into ice cream soup. Stop staring at her, Syaoran! Yelled Syaoran furiously and shook the feeling away.

He turned away, decided to leave, but then felt a warm hand grabbed his hand. He turned around and saw Sakura sleeping soundly. Syaoran wanted to leave, but he did not want to wake her up. Oh my dear god! He thought and sighed. Lied down beside Sakura, and felt her body snuggled closer to his.

Stared at the ceiling blankly then felt his eyelids closing up. He closed his eyes and felt Sakura’s arms wrapped around his neck, and soon, he found himself in a magical dream world.

Few hours later, Sakura groaned and opened her eyes slowly. Her head was still burning hot but she felt much better than before. Touched her forehead and felt her temperature. Oh my gosh! It’s still so warm! She thought and sighed. Turned around her body and felt a strong arm wrapped around her waist. She looked around and saw her worst enemy sleeping beside her. Widened her eyes and opened her mouth. She wanted to scream. But then realized that he was the one who fed her the medicines.

Softened her eyes. Gazed at him and studied his peaceful face with curiosity. His soft chestnut hair hung low, covered some of his eyes, and some of his hair hung loosely on his cheeks. Sakura reached out a hand and gently brushed them away from his cheeks. Smiled lightly to herself, and looked up at the greenish ceiling. Painful memories of what happened this morning haunted her mind. A single crystal tear rolled down her smooth and pale cheek.

A warm hand touched her cheek and wiped away her tear. Sakura turned her head and saw Syaoran staring at her. She blushed as she looked into his handsome amber brown eyes. “ You really shouldn’t cry over that prank. Your life is far from ruined yet, you know.” Syaoran said softly, his amber brown eyes were locked to Sakura’s emerald green eyes.

“ You saw it?!” Asked Sakura urgently then looked away. “ Probably the whole school has saw it…my life and reputation are ruined…” She trailed off, her voice was cracking and tears of sorrow filled in her emerald green eyes.

“ Come on, sit up, you need to eat your medicines now.” Syaoran reminded, changing the subject so Sakura would not be so sad. He got up and headed towards the kitchen to get Sakura some hot water. Sakura watched him left room and wondered in her mind. How come he’s so nice to me? Oh well, probably because I look very stupid and pathetic so he’s just pitying me…She thought in disappointment and sighed heavily again, then sat up a little.

Several minutes later, Syaoran returned with a glass of hot water and some Tylenol in his hands. Sat down on the edge of Sakura’s bed and passed her the medicines. “ Here, drink some water and swallow this.” Ordered Syaoran and gave Sakura the glass. Sakura took the water and placed the medicines into her mouth then quickly swallowed it as she drank some water. “ Thanks.” Muttered Sakura and passed the glass back to Syaoran, smiled as she lied back down.

Syaoran took the glass and placed it on Sakura’s desk. Pulled the blanket on Sakura’s body and decided to leave her to rest. “ Wait.” Sakura said and grabbed Syaoran’s hand. He turned around and looked down at her in confusion. Smiled Sakura lightly and insisted. “ Please stay here…with me.”

Sighed Syaoran lightly and sat down on Sakura’s bed. She snuggled closer to his body and smiled. “ You know, you are not that bad after all.” She commented and chuckled softly. Syaoran couldn’t help but smile at her childish act. “ You’ll never know, I might be nice to you today and act cold towards you tomorrow.” He joked and chuckled. “ I have two different sides.” He said finally and looked at Sakura.

Sakura rested her head on his shoulder and said. “ Well, I like the nice Li-Kun better.” Smiled lightly and gazed at the wall. “ You sure like the color green.” Commented Sakura as she continued to gaze at the greenish wall.

“ Yup, its my favorite color.” Syaoran agreed then looked down at Sakura. “ What’s your favorite color?” He asked curiously. She laughed softly and joked. “ Since when are you interested in getting to know me?” Laughed again as she poked Syaoran’s arm playfully.

“ Since when the sun started to raise on the west.” He joked and turned serious. “ So what is your favorite color? I’m just curious.” He added.

“ Okay, pink is my favorite color is pink.” Answered Sakura and wrapped her arms around Syaoran’s strong arms, she felt safe that way. Several shades of red appeared on Syaoran’s cheeks as he felt the warmths of Sakura’s body pressed against his body. His heart pounded rapidly as he felt Sakura’s smooth skin touched his arm. Why was he feeling this way? He shook his blushes, and shook away his thoughts.

“ Li-Kun.” Sakura called his name softly. “ You know, fate is a funny thing, it can always surprise you somehow. Just when you thought everything in your world is fantastic and wonderful. It would turn your world into a nightmare the next morning you woke up. Just when you thought you world was ending, turning upside down. Fate will put someone special into your life and guide you through the darkness when you were lost. Cheer you up when you are in despair.” Whispered Sakura, she did not know why she was telling him all these, she just followed her heart.

Syaoran listened silently. These words sounded so familiar to him, but he just couldn’t remember where they were from. Just when you thought your world was ending, turning upside down. Fate will put someone special into your life and guide you through the darkness when you were lost. Cheer you up when you are in despair…Cherry Blossom…

“ Li-Kun?” Sakura whispered his name gently, snapped him out of his thoughts. “ Huh? Nani?” Syaoran asked, and looked at Sakura. She was smiling at him. Her emerald green eyes were sparkling with happiness. Syaoran blushed lightly and looked away. For the first time, he noticed her true beauty.

“ What were you thinking about?” Asked Sakura curiously. “ I hope you won’t mind me asking about it.”

“ Nothing much, just some stuff.” He responded simply and kept his gaze on the wall. Sakura watched Syaoran silently. He is actually pretty handsome…His messy chestnut hair fits him perfectly…and his dreamy amber brown eyes… She commented. She never noticed how handsome he was, until now. Took her gaze off him and rested her head on his shoulder, smiled secretly to herself.

The room was silent again. They lied still and remained silent. But Syaoran decided to break the silence between them. “ Do you want to eat anything? You haven’t eat anything for lunch, you must be very hungry now.” Syaoran said softly as he got off Sakura’s bed. Gazed at her, waited for her answer patiently.

A loud growl was heard from Sakura’s stomach, and several shades of red appeared on her cheeks. “ I’ll take that as a yes.” Syaoran said and grinned as he left her room, headed towards the kitchen. Sakura watched him walked away and smiled to herself. As much as she hated to admit it, he’s actually a very nice guy. He should’ve acted nicely to me in the beginning! Oh well, it’s not too late for him to change. She thought and grinned.

Five minutes later, Syaoran returned with a bowl of hot soup. Passed it carefully to Sakura and their fingers touched lightly and felt electrics between them. Both teens blushed and quickly took back their hands. “ Here, drink it, it’ll help you get better.” Syaoran murmured and handed it to Sakura.

“ Arigatou Syaoran- I mean, Li-kun.” Thanked Sakura and looked down at her food. “ It’s okay, you can call me Syaoran.” Syaoran said softly and looked away, hiding his blushes. He didn’t know what had gotten into him. Perhaps he just pitied her, however, his heart did not agree with him.

“ You can call me Sakura too. I mean, since we are friends now…” Sakura trailed off and looked down again. She was worried that Syaoran wouldn’t want to be her friend. “ Hai…Sakura…” Responded Syaoran, refused to face Sakura, because he knew that he would blush like crazy if he dare to look into her beautiful emerald green eyes. (A/N: hehehe, love in the air! *.*)

“ Hurry up and drink it, before it gets cold. I’ll be in my room now, and you need anything just call me okay?” Syaoran informed and left the room. Sakura felt her heart sunk as he left. Why was she feeling this way? She did not know. The emptiness returned to her heart. She felt lonely. “ Sakura-Chan!” Kero called out and flew towards her, snapped her out of her thoughts.

“ Nani Kero-Chan?” Sakura replied and looked down at the stuffed bear.

“ I thought you hated that gaki? How come you act so nice towards him?” Kero questioned confusedly, he scratched his little head and sat down on Sakura’s bed. His starry eyes were locked to the food in Sakura’s hand. “ Yammy…” He muffled and drooled.

“ Don’t even think about it, Kero! Syaoran-Kun made this for ME!” Sakura teased, pretended to be mad at him and held the bowl protectively in her hands, but soon, a grin formed on her lips.

“ Ooooh! So now you started to like that gaki and forgot all about your old friend!” Kero complained in a fake serious voice and turned his back on Sakura, pretended to be mad at Sakura. Sakura smiled and grabbed Kero into her hands then looked at him half seriously.

“ Don’t call Syaoran a gaki and to answer your question, I like him as a friend, he might act like an annoying jerk sometimes, but he’s actually a good guy deep down inside okay? Also, I am not forgetting my old friends because I made a new friend.” Sakura defended herself and smiled again. “ Aren’t you happy that we finally got along?”

“ I’m happy for you Sakura-Chan. As long as you are happy, I’m happy too.” Kero said and grinned. “ Can I have some of your soup now?” He asked cutely and blinked innocently. “ Onegai Sakura-Chan?”

“ Fine, just don’t eat the whole thing. By the way, there’s a clean spoon on my desk.” Sakura informed and pointed at her desk. “ Domo Sakura-Chan!” He exclaimed and flew towards the table to get the spoon. Sakura lied down and lost in thoughts. Why was Syaoran so nice to her all of a sudden? Was it because he was pitying her? She wondered and kept her gaze on the window.

The rain has stopped, but the sky was still dark and gray. Emptiness rushed into her heart. She missed the warmths of Syaoran's body and his presence already. I’m going to see what he’s doing. She thought firmly and got on her feet. “ Sakura-Chan? Where are you going?” Kero asked, and looked at his mistress.

“ I’m going to go and see what Syaoran is doing. I’ll be right back okay?” Sakura told Kero and stood up shakily. She did know that her condition is still not very well. Her forehead was still kind of warm. Walked slowly towards Syaoran’s room. “ Syaoran…” She called out and felt dizzy, then lost her balance.

Luckily Syaoran heard her call and rushed into the hall, caught her in his arms before she hits the floor. He gazed at her pale face worriedly. “ Sakura, are you okay?” He asked concernedly. Sakura looked at Syaoran and smiled weakly. “ Gomen ne, I’m okay…Thank you…” She whispered.

“ You should’ve stayed in your room, you know.” Syaoran said and frowned as he picked up Sakura into his strong arms and started to walk towards her bedroom, but Sakura stopped him. “ Syaoran-kun, can I please stay with you? Onegai?” She begged and gave Syaoran her famous puppy dog eyes.

Sighed Syaoran heavily and nodded. “ Fine, but you have to rest while I do my homework okay?” He informed and headed towards his room with Sakura in his arms. “ We have homework?” Sakura asked in horror, and widened her beautiful emerald green eyes.

“ Yes, we do. I called my friend, but don’t worry, I already did yours for you.” He said and sighed lightly. Sakura looked at him with joy filled in her eyes and hugged Syaoran tightly. “ Domo domo domo arigatou Syaoran! You are the best!” She exclaimed as she rested her head on his chest, listened to his heartbeats. Then a big smile curved on her lips.

“ Yeah, yeah, whatever. I thought you hated me.” He teased and smirked. Sakura’s face turned red and shot back. “ Hey! I hated you because you acted like a jerk at the beginning! But you are nice now…so I don’t hate you anymore…” She said the last sentence in a small voice and buried her face into Syaoran’s shirt. Syaoran chuckled softly as he placed her on his bed.

“ Rest okay? And be quiet while I do my homework.” He ordered and smiled a little.

“ Okay, okay, I’ll be quiet.” Sakura replied and pulled up Syaoran’s green blanket on her body to keep herself warm. She watched Syaoran typing out stuff on his laptop quietly and looked around the room. Everything was neatly displayed. The walls were light green and pictures of his family were hung on the wall neatly. Wow, his room is so much neater than mine… Sakura thought amusingly. She always thought that guys are messy, but now, she knew she was wrong.

Glanced at the hardworking Syaoran, she sighed. The soft light of the computer screen glimmered at her eyes and made her wanted to sleep. Sakura turned around and buried her face into Syaoran’s pillow. There was a unique scent on it. She smiled as she recognized the scent. It was Syaoran’s. She smiled again before she closed her eyes.

Time passed by, Syaoran was finally done with his work. Rubbed his tired eyes and closed his laptop. Stretched his sore arms and turned his attentions back to Sakura. She was sleeping peacefully on his bed. Syaoran’s eyes softened as he gazed at her beautiful face, then a small smile formed on his lips. She was truly an angel. I guess I should’ve acted nicely towards her in the beginning…Oh well, it’s still not too late to change. He thought and walked towards his bed.

Sat down as he gazed. Reached out a hand and brushed away some of Sakura’s silky auburn hair that was covering her eyes. Caressed her smooth cheeks and blushed. He shook his head ferociously and turned away. What has gotten into me? He questioned angrily. Picked up Sakura into his arms and headed for her room.

Entered her room and placed her carefully on the soft bed, afraid that he would wake her up. He pulled up the pinkish blanket onto Sakura’s body. Looked at her one last time and whispered. “ Good night Sakura…sweet dreams…” Then got up and started to walk away.

“ Little Wolf…” He heard a soft whisper and stopped dead. Slowly turned around to look at Sakura, and saw her sleeping soundly. He shook his head and cursed his stupidity. Syaoran, you're imagining things. He told himself and closed the door.

A/N: that was close good thing it didn't happen, Chappie 5 ish done!!! Please review!! The next chappie will be up…errr…sometime this month…Gomen ne! I have to study! ><;;;; I try to update as fast as I can okie? ^____^ and please REVIEW!!!! If you wanna read more! ^____^ Ja ne!


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the Best Chappie ever!!!!!
Sakura and Li are having a date!!
A friendly One, and will Li finally figure Out who Cherry blossom is??!!
Next on A Crazy Thing Called Love "The Revenge And The Friendly Date"