Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A New Breeze Breaks ❯ A Mysterious Arrival and a Sudden Departure ( Chapter 3 )
Disclaimer: I don't own CCS or CC.
Author's Notes:
In my story, the capture of the Void card occurred before Syaoran left for Hong Kong. And again, this story runs on the basis that Syaoran left without fully understanding his feelings for Sakura. I want to develop their relationship all on my own. Sigh...I just love love stories.
A New Breeze Breaks
Chapter Three: A Mysterious Arrival and a Sudden Departure
Syaoran stared at the ceiling, wide awake. Sleep seemed to be a slippery thing tonight. He couldn't calm the nervous pitting in his stomach every time he thought of the girl sleeping on the other side of the wall. He had been surprised by how easily Sakura had given into the idea. Maybe it was because of how tired she had been. She had fallen asleep working on her essay and he had carried her to bed, willing his mind to stay blank.
Or maybe it was because Kero had left.
After dinner, she had gone to her room to look through her cards and found Kero's note. Just two quick lines jotted down on a slip of paper and stuffed on the inside flap of the book.
Something important came up and I had to leave. Stay close to that gaki until I come back.
-Keroberus, Guardian Beast of the Seal and ultimate cool guy ^_^
He had bristled at the gaki comment, but then Sakura had agreed to leave that night and move in with him. It hadn't taken too long for her to grab some clothes and the few things she'd need immediately. He had been a little embarrassed by how bare his apartment was when she had entered, but as expected she only smiled and complimented how clean everything was.
Syaoran doubted she ever thought bad of anyone or anything.
He had made her leave questions and worries over the cards for morning, sitting her down in the living room to do her work. By the fourth time he had gone to check on her, she had fallen asleep, the last line of her essay just barely finished.
The various cracks that criss crossed the ceiling blurred as his eyes watered over from lack of sleep. It was well past midnight, and still no sleep. Coupled with a sleepless night before, tomorrow was looking to be more and more like a bad day. Finally giving in, he drew his tired body from the bed and shuffled over to the closed door next to his. The warmth in his stomach grew, flushing forward into his face as he opened the door and tiptoed in.
She had moved in her sleep and now clung to her pillow. A small moan escaped her lips and she kicked at the blankets wrapped around her. Syaoran knelt until his face was level with hers. He could feel her light breath against his cheek and unconsciously he slowed his to match hers. With one calloused finger he traced her cheek, an electric jolt driving through his back at the slight touch. His finger stopped at her lips, wanting to touch them with his own.
That thought woke him from his daze and stood up, guilt filling his mind. He had invited her to stay with him so he could protect her- and already he was taking advantage of her. Shame faced, her crept out from her room and crawled back into his bed. Syaoran stared back at the ceiling.
He knew it for sure now. Tomorrow was going to be a horrible day. And he closed his eyes.
* * * * *
"Ohayo!" Tomoyo looked up in surprise. Her Sakura was early! Behind her, shuffled in Syaoran, his eyes glued to the floor. The poor boy looked exhausted, with dark rings under his eyes. His normally tan skin was a sickly pale, and he seemed especially worse compared to the energetic girl beside him. While Sakura seemed to be fairly bursting from the seams, Syaoran looked on the verge of collapse.
"Ohayo!" Tomoyo said back happily. Today was to be the first day of her role as Tomoyo the Spy. She bit back her laughter knowing that even the dense Sakura would get suspicious if she went starry eyed too much. "You're here early, Sakura-chan."
"Hai, hai! I slept wonderfully last night. I even woke up before my alarm." She beamed as she sat down behind her violet haired friend.
Syaoran sunk into his seat next to her, already counting off the minutes until he could get home and get to bed. He glanced over at Sakura's bright smile; he was glad though that she was doing better. At least her energy was returning. All he would need to do now was test her magic to make sure it hadn't weakened in any way. He already had his suspicions as to what the loss of Sweet's magical presence had done to Sakura. And he was sure it wasn't of just a physical nature.
He knew though, that his probing would lead to questions about this unknown entity that both he and she had been dreaming of. Well, technically she had been dreaming of. He had only been sneaking peaks. Was this power even a person or was it a card like the Void card? Maybe Hiiragizawa should be called...after all, he still had half of Clow Reed's powers, not to mention memories. Maybe the dream would spark some forgotten bit of knowledge in the reincarnation's memory. Mentally, Syaoran made a note to call him that evening. He bit back a smirk, with the time difference, he'd be waking the annoyingly smooth boy with his phone call.
"Li-kun, are you sure you're alright?" Syaoran returned to reality to find Sakura's face only mere centimeters from his own. Nervously, he shook his head, trying to put some space between them.
"Are you sure, because I can walk you to the nurse. Maybe you got a cold from the rain. You weren't wearing a coat. Or maybe it was the food I made. Hoe! I'm so sorry, Li-kun!" He covered her mouth with his hand, ignoring the warmth of her breath on his skin, and shook his head.
"No, I'm fine. I'm just tired, and it's not your fault." She nodded, keeping her mouth closed. He retrieved his hand, the blush full force. Well, not her fault entirely. If he had a little more will power than maybe he could have just forced the images out of his head. Truth was he didn't think he much wanted to. At least, with as tired as he was now, he'd definitely sleep. His head started to slip forward, and his eyes closed. Just a little nap before class started...
"Syaoran Li! Your third day in class and already you're as bad as Kinomoto!" Kaikato's sudden roar jerked him awake. Unfortunately for Syaoran, it also jerked him into falling on the floor, his feet getting tangled up in the chair. He winced as he picked himself up. Sakura motioned her hand across her cheek, mouthing something to him. Clueless, he mimicked her motions, finding a long line of dust left on his hand. Great, now he had dirt all over him. Just great...he knew today was going to be a horrible day.
Kaikato glared at his dark haired transfer student as he seated himself before returning to the front of the class.
"Sasaki-san! Mihara-san! Class has started; if you want to continue your conversation, I suggest you leave the classroom."
Both Rika and Chiharu straightened in their seats, each noticeably wincing at their teacher's reproof.
Kaikato ran a hand through his short hair, frustration apparent on his face. "I realize that you just returned from winter break, but you students need to control yourselves. This is school, not some playground." He sighed deeply, dropping his hands. "Anyway, before we begin, our class has yet another new student to add to its hooligans. Class, welcome Keiji Noriyori. He's just moved to Tomoeda from Kyoto."
Sakura stared expectantly at the doors as Syaoran just looked on blearily. Tomoyo had already pulled out her camera, filming segment one of 'Sakura's experiences with the new student.' After a slight pause, the doors opened and a tall boy walked in. His dark red hair fell far past his ears, chunks of it having fallen out from a sloppy pony tail. More than his shock of red hair though, it was his eyes that drew Sakura's attention- they were a startlingly clear shade of blue, almost silver it seemed. He smiled easily at the class as he bowed.
"Noriyori-san, please take the seat beside Daidouji-san."
Keiji nodded, a smirk playing across his boyish features. Kaikato's eyebrow jerked. That little punk...already he didn't like his newest student.
Sakura watched with wide eyes as the new student with the strange hair and unusual eyes sat beside her best friend. Noticing her stare, he turned and winked. Immediately, she looked away, a light blush on her cheeks. Beside her, Syaoran fought off the strong desire to rise up and punch Keiji in the mouth. Tomoyo just looked on, a pale hand held to her lips, and the camera scope to her eye. So many new moments to film!
* * * * *
"He's so handsome! Don't you think Rita-chan?" Naoko's glass rimmed eyes sparkled as she semi fainted unto the picnic cloth.
"His hair is so unusual, and he seems so confident." Rita took a small bite of her lunch before passing its contents to her friend.
"Well, one of the student teachers was telling me that he had been kicked out of his prior schools. This'll be his fourth school in three years!"
Sakura looked up with wide eyes. "Really?"
"Yes, AND supposedly he was kicked out from his last school because he set a girl's hair on fire." Naoko's voice dropped a notch, just like when she told her ghost stories. "The strange thing about the whole event though, was that they couldn't find any matches or lighters on him. He must have used magic."
Both Rita and Chiharu gasped while Sakura shared a look with Tomoyo. Magic?
"I mean after all, just look at him! Red hair and those eyes- he must be a magician."
"Oh, it's just too romantic!" Chiharu sighed, biting down on her spoon absently. From behind her, Takashi Yamazaki blinked open one eye to send a glare to the newest student at Seijou High School before scooting up to his girlfriend and taking her hand possessively.
She smiled brightly, pushing back one of her braids. Unfortunately, as Takashi always seemed to do, he ruined the moment by opening his mouth. "Magic first originated with the arrival of meteors from space. Small aliens the size of acorns planted themselves and then when people ate the fruit, the gained the magic. Sometimes though, instead of just growing fruit, the trees would grow things like money, creating the money tree which we now commonly-"
Chiharu's smile was replaced with an angry frown and her previously held hand was now firmly clamped over Takashi's mouth. "Stop lying, Takashi."
Sakura stared blankly for a moment, obviously having believed Takashi's words at first. Tomoyo shook her head, more than a little amazed at her green eyed friend's naivety.
"Naoko-chan, what you said- about Noriyori-san, are you sure?" she asked.
Naoko answered hesitantly. "Ah, well, Sakura-chan, it's just rumors. They might not all be true, but he was kicked out of his last school. Still-" A bright smile came on her face. "Maybe he is a magician!"
Sakura turned her emerald eyes to a red haired figure standing beneath one of the still blossomless cherry trees. All at once, he turned and his blue silver eyes met hers. She felt a shiver trail up her spin and quickly she looked back to her friends.
"Maybe, Naoko-chan..."
* * * * *
Syaoran closed his eyes, enjoying the warm feel of the sun against his face. Spring wasn't too far off. Already, the trees were readying themselves for the added weight of children in their branches and nests in their highest eaves. He let his thoughts wander as the still brisk air filled him. That new student...Keiji Noriyori...there was something strange about him. He hadn't sensed anything odd in the guy's aura, but there was an all together weird sensation about him- like deja vu, only Syaoran was sure had never seen the guy before.
He would certainly have remembered the red hair if not the bizarre eyes.
Even if it weren't for the strange feeling the guy gave off, Syaoran didn't like the way he had kept glancing back at Sakura, following her with his eyes. Tomoyo didn't like it much herself, Syaoran could tell. The normally stoic girl had nearly broke her camera handle when Keiji had 'accidentally' brushed Sakura's knee when picking up his pencil. Syaoran himself had felt an almost instinctual call to break the creep's every finger. But- and his amber eyes flew open- he knew that no matter what he would say against the guy, Sakura would be sure to point out twelve good points about him.
A small smile tugged at his lips. It was just one of the many things about her that awed him. While he would have a hundred bad things to say, all she could see were the good, beautiful, and innocent. And to top it all off- she was sincere. It wasn't just pretense or that she was stupid. No, she honestly believed everything she said. She was like some kind of angel...
"She's like a beautiful angel, isn't she?"
Syaoran sat up, the cool voice immediately annoying him. Keiji sprawled out next to him, his long legs tucked beneath him.
"Li Syaoran, right? I'm Keiji Noriyori," he said pleasantly enough, apparently quite comfortable where he sat.
"I know. What did you mean by that?" Syaoran snapped.
"Kinomoto-san, she's like a beautiful angel, wouldn't you agree?" Keiji turned his blue eyes in the direction of the talking girls. Even from where they sat, the honey haired girl stood out from her friends. Her clear laugh and bright smile seemed like a beacon of light. Syaoran felt his heart lighten just looking at her.
"Yeah, she is..." Keiji laughed, placing a hand on Syaoran's shoulder.
"Glad to know."
Syaoran jerked back to reality, brushing away the hand with a scowl. "Know what?"
Keiji stood up, stretching. He brushed off a few pieces of grass and then patted Syaoran on the head, much to the Chinese teenager's anger.
"Who the competition is." He turned around, flipping back a piece of escaped hair. "See you later, Li-san."
Competition? His eyes went back to Sakura's seated form and then to Keiji's retreating back. Just what did he mean by that?
* * * * *
The math equation blurred before her eyes, and finally Sakura gave up completely. She simply couldn't understand it. It didn't matter what sensei said- it wasn't because she didn't want to. She simply couldn't. She sighed and rolled over, pulling her pillow close. She sniffed at the fabric. Everything smelt so foreign and stale. She looked over at the empty walls, devoid of any color or decoration. Syaoran's room was much the same way she knew. Maybe she should bring over a few more of her things, to brighten up the place a bit. Add a couple curtains, maybe some fresh flowers, and the apartment would look ten times better.
She tugged at her hair, twisting around her finger. How strange it was to be sharing the same home as Syaoran. She had considered them good friends three years ago, but then there had been all that silence. Sakura hadn't really expected him to write frequently, but he had only answered two of her many letters. She didn't hold it against him, but still, she wondered why. Her brother had once tried to explain boys to her, mumbling something about getting older and changing, and hormones, but it had all been gibberish to her. Why should growing up mean changing? She hadn't changed, at least she didn't think so.
Tomoyo hadn't changed either, although her best friend had seemed to grow a bit more protective. Just a few months ago, at the fall dance, Tomoyo had chased off this one boy who kept on insisting on her drinking the punch he had made. Sakura hadn't really minded, but she just didn't like grape juice, which she had told the boy. For some reason, her best friend had been very angry, and threw the juice all over the boy, yelling at him, and threatening to sic her body guards on him.
Maybe her friends were changing. Chiharu and Takashi were dating now. Rita had some mysterious man that she met with frequently. Even Naoko was growing up, and becoming close friends with the student teachers and younger staff. Sakura released the pillow and sighed. Was she the only one still acting the same?
She would have to ask Tomoyo.
Tired of lying on the bed, she got up and walked into the living room, bending to stretch over the edge of the couch. Continuing to pull at her muscles, she walked over to Syaoran's room, pausing only to knock. She stopped just short of the door, hearing the muffled sound of conversation. She pressed her ear against the door, barely conscious of having done it. Faintly, she could make out the words. Syaoran was talking on the phone.
"...dreams, Hiiragizawa?"
"Nothing at all?"
"I see. But what then about the card? There's absolutely no sign of life from it at all. It's as if Sweet was just like any other piece of paper."
"What can I do?"
"She's weaker, her aura's weaker."
Sakura pulled away from the door, mentally scolding herself. She should know better than to eavesdrop. But what had Syaoran meant about her being weaker? Her aura? How could he tell? She stepped back to the couch and fell backwards over it, so her head rested against the floor. She could always think better with the blood rushing to her head. Even if Touya did like to make fun of her for it.
She closed her eyes and focused on her energy. She couldn't see any difference at all. She blinked her green eyes open and frowned. What did he mean by that? The slight sound of a door being opened made her bounce up, the sudden return to normal balance flushing her face.
"Hoe..." she said weakly, leaning against the couch. A cool hand touched her forehead and she looked up blearily. "Hoe?"
Syaoran dropped his head, an all too familiar flush coming to his cheeks. "You okay?"
"Just got up too quickly and all the blood left my face!" Sakura laughed and mock knocked her head. "I can be a little dumb."
"Oh." Syaoran stared at his hands, well aware of her proximity to him on the couch. She crouched next to him, her hands wrapped around her knees, and her chin resting on top. Her gaze was fixed on his face and he felt the blush increasing. "What?"
"What did Eriol-kun say?" Syaoran felt a slight prick of jealousy. Why did she call Hiiragizawa by name and not him?
"He can't think of any ancient power that would be after you, and the dream didn't remind of anything, although he did say that he'll look through Reed's books and try to find something."
"And what about us? What should we do?"
"Be careful and extra cautious. That's about it."
Sakura closed her eyes, burrowing her nose into the crook of her knees. "Your apartment's cold, Li-kun," she whispered.
"Huh?" Syaoran perked up, a little confused. Cold? He rather thought the place was too warm. He had the heaters on full blast and even for his Hong Kong climated body, it felt more than warm enough. Was she getting sick? He reached out with his hand hesitantly and then finally pressed it against her forehead. She was freezing!
He put his other hand against her arm and felt the same. It was like someone had dunked her into ice water. Already he could hear her teeth chattering and her lips were turning an odd shade of blue. He had to get her warmed up.
He picked her up; her body felt like one giant icicle against his chest. Running into the bathroom, he turned the water on, turning the faucet to the left. Steam rose quickly from the hot water and gently he eased her into the water. Almost immediately, her shivering stopped and her eyes opened. Panic ran through them as she struggled against his arms, but gently he held her down.
"We have to get you warm, Sakura. Something's attacking you again." He was sure of it. Although he hadn't felt any energy or power source this time, the quickness of Sakura's hypothermia was nothing of a natural source. Who was doing this? Her struggling ceased, and slowly her eyes closed again.
Now that he had her warm again though, he would need to get her out of the bath. She couldn't stay in the water all night. And getting her out meant that she would need to get dry. A furious blush stained his cheeks as his reality enhanced images flashed through his mind. He couldn't think that now! Syaoran shook his head, trying to push away the images that continued to taunt him. Pulling her back from the tub, he whispered softly into her ear.
"Sakura, Sakura? I need you to wake up." She opened her eyes momentarily and smiled, and then closed them again, leaning heavily against him. Damn...that wasn't going to work. Already though, she beginning to shiver, the warmth gained from the tub draining with every second gone from it. Making up his mind, he carried her into his room. He'd simply have to do it so quickly that there was no time to see anything.
Syaoran grabbed his largest towel, closed his eyes, and pulled her shirt off in one quick motion. With his eyes still closed, he wrapped the towel around her. Still half asleep, Sakura managed to grip the towel weakly in one hand. Releasing his breath, Syaoran prepared for round two. Taking one of his sweatshirts, he closed his eyes yet again, and tugged at her towel. Then he felt for her arm, careful not to touch anything else (although if he accidentally did touch something, after all, it was going to be an accident- slap that thought away!), and pulled the sweatshirt over her head. Thankfully, it covered enough of her to be decent. Round two came to a close as he shoved the pants on over her. Finally, he could open his eyes.
Sakura fell against him as he rose beside her. Her damp hair felt soft against his cheek and his breath caught in his throat at the nearness of her lips. This was just so damned frustrating! But she shivered and his attention returned. Picking her up, he carried her to his bed and tucked her in. He raced back into the other room, grabbing the blankets from her bed and rushed back. She was still shivering from beneath the blankets. He added the extra covers and stepped back to wait. But the minutes passed and the shivering continued; she needed some more warmth! But how?
Syaoran racked his brain, trying desperately to think of how he could help. He remembered watching a movie once where two people got stuck on an ice flow that broke loose. They kept each other warm by their body heat. His face heated at the mere thought, but he forced his mind blank and edged into the bed. Immediately, Sakura latched onto him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her cold face into his chest. He stiffened at so much contact and then slowly relaxed. He placed his arms awkwardly around her and she scooted closer yet. Her body felt so very cold compared to his. But slowly, ever so slowly, Sakura's shivering lessened and then finally stopped altogether. A thick warmth settled over Syaoran's mind, either from Sakura's nearness or from the excessive amounts of blankets over him, and he felt his eyes slowly close. Finally, he could sleep.
From the other room, a pink book engraved in mysterious markings, flew open. A pink glow emanated from the book at first and then the warm glow faded into a dull shadow of itself. Fading almost entirely, the once pink aura eased from the book, taking refuge elsewhere. From within the book's confines, the shadowy aura dug into the cards, seeking out one specific card. Finding it's individual energy, the aura latched onto it, sucking greedily. The shadow seemed to grow in strength and in darkness before finally releasing the card and withdrawing completely. The book remained open, the flap stretched. One card laid against it, the normally bright colorings seeming almost permanently darkened. Freeze had been taken as well.
* * * *
Author's Notes:
It's three am and I should so be in bed, but I simply had to write this chapter. Whoohoo, I'm setting up the story. Now in case you guys didn't get it: Sakura had been cooking and eating when Sweet was taken, and she was struck with pain in her stomach. Now Snow was taken and she turned extremely cold. Get the connection? Good, cause it's going to be mad fun thinking up something for each of the cards. Fun, fun, fun. Love y'all.