Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A New Breeze Breaks ❯ A Wrong Turn and a Short Separation ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I don't own Card Captor Sakura. The wonderful ladies at Clamp do.

Author's notes:

Um, I would just like to give warning. This chapter may upset a few of you. I kind of didn't mean to go down these lines, but sometimes a story just makes its self, you know? Anyway, be patient. All will definitely be alright!

A New Breeze Breaks

By: carpetfibers

Chapter Five: A Wrong Turn and a Short Separation

The first edges of the spring rich Chiyo area filled the horizon. The tall pines stretched skyward, their tips digging into the blue sea overhead. The thick branches tangled together into one giant mass of trunks and leaves as the trees sloped gently up the mountains. The barest fingers of the pink dawn hued the earthy tones in the calm colors of the day's beginning. Sakura stared at the growing vista, excitement etched across her face, and her nose firmly pressed against the window. Beside her, Syaoran shifted uncomfortably. He would have liked to sneak a few minutes of sleep- he had unfortunately suffered from another ill slept night- but it was impossible being this close to her. He'd have to have a few words with Tomoyo later on just why she insisted on this seating arrangement.

Behind him, Tomoyo leaned back, her lips curved in a serene smile. She had quickly foiled whatever plans Keiji had by shoving Syaoran next to Sakura and then sitting herself next to him. She planned on keeping up these same tactics throughout the entire field trip. Her smile gained a grim edge to it as she eyed the slouched boy next to her. Even if it meant sleeping next to him the tent, she'd keep him away from her Sakura. Plus, and her eyes went starry as a thousand potential images went through her head, she had her camcorder to film every moment of Sakura's field trip to the Chiyo Springs!

As if sensing her friend's thoughts, Sakura turned away from the window and glanced behind her. It was just as she thought- Tomoyo was in her camera crazed mode. She sighed, and then brightened. Whatever made Tomoyo happy was fine by her! Her conscience satisfied, she turned her focus to the scowling boy next to her.

"Ne, Li-kun, have you ever been to a spring before?" she asked.

Syaoran paused, her words repeating in his mind. Spring...well, spring meant bathing, and bathing meant no clothes, and Sakura bathing meant her- his face went scarlet. He turned away from her waiting eyes and leaned against the seat in front of him. Damn his traitorous thoughts! Just when the hell had he developed such a graphic mind?

Sakura sighed at her friend's silence and returned to staring out the window. Syaoran confused her sometimes. She knew he was kind at heart, but then sometimes he'd act so coldly, and she couldn't help but wonder if it was because of something she did. Was there something she did that bothered him so much that he couldn't even stand to look at her, let alone talk? It seemed as if the only time they had an even semi decent conversation without him running off or getting angry was if it involved magic. Was that all they really held in common?

Outside, the sun pulled into the horizon, replacing the soft and gentle pinks with violent reds and oranges. The trees looked like teeth as the sun stretched over them. The whole image reminded her of Naoko's words from that morning as they stood waiting for the bus.

"Yes, the Burning Spirits of the Chiyo Springs are famous! During the overthrowing of the Tokugawa rule, several of the loyal samurai gathered in Chiyo for a meeting. But one of the samurai was traitorous and while they all slept, he set fire to the building. It's said that at night, their spirits roam the forests, searching for a spring that will quench the fires that still continue to burn them."

Sakura shuddered as she had shuddered just hours before. Samurai ghosts that wandered the forest looking for water? She could already picture them coming at her, their mouths opened in ghastly grimaces, and their swords raised overhead, flames shooting from their arms and legs. She shuddered yet again, squeezing her eyes shut. She needed to think of something else- anything other than those ghosts with their cold hands and fiery eyes. Agh! Nothing was helping! Burrowing her head into her shoulder, she prayed silently that the bus would arrive, and she could just focus on the trail and camping trip ahead of them.

Syaoran finally gave in and nudged her with his finger. When she didn't respond, he nudged her a little harder. When yet again, she didn't look up, he poked her in the ribs. Immediately, she jumped up out of her seat as if on fire.

"Hoe!" Sakura looked around wildly, her over active imagination having played tricks on her again. As a few bits of laughter met her ears, she flushed nervously and sat back down, embarrassed.

"You should pay more attention," Syaoran chided gruffly.

"Sorry," she stammered, her heart still racing from the surprise. Mou...scaring her like that! He should have known better!

"But, uh, don't worry about that story."

"Eh?" Sakura looked at him surprised. How'd he know she was scared?

Syaoran flushed and plowed on, "You have your cards, and I have my sword so, if anything happened- not that it would- but I'd protect you; anyway, people wouldn't go camping if there were ghosts and the trees would have burned down by now, and-"

Sakura smiled gratefully, and cut him off with a quick hug. "Arigato, Li-kun, for worrying about me. I won't be so scared."

Syaoran stiffened at the sudden contact, but seeing the gratitude in her eyes, smiled softly in return. "You're welcome."

And then a voice came from the front of the bus, announcing loudly: "Students, gather your bags; we're here!"

* * * *

"Ah, this fresh air feels good after being in Tomoeda so long!" Saito Kaikato announced, stretching out his lean arms.

Tomoyo eyed her teacher suspiciously. She thought it a bit strange that her sensei should have chosen to be in charge of the group that supposedly held his least favorite students. She knew he didn't like either Takashi or Chiharu- he was always breaking up their conversations and separating them in class. He picked on Syaoran almost as much as he did on Sakura, and he had made it more than abundantly clear that he couldn't stand their class's newest student. As for herself- her smile widened- she rather thought he was afraid of her.

"Kaikato-sensei, how long should it take to reach our campsite?" Chiharu asked, batting away at a longer branch.

"We should reach it long before nightfall; at least by three o'clock," he answered back cheerfully. Yes sir, he was feeling good today! Pretending to look into the distance, he let his eyes follow the energetic stride of a certain green eyed student of his. Yessiree, Sakura Kinomoto was looking gr-r-r-r-reat today! His eyes trailed up from her bare legs to her tiny waist held snugly in a dark green sweater that brought out her eyes. She had her hair held back for the hike, probably to keep it out of the way, and it brought out her slender cheekbones and smooth throat. He grinned widely and called out to the couple straggling behind them.

"Yamazaki! Mihara! Hurry up; can't have you getting left behind, can I? What if Yanagisawa's burning spirits got you?" His grin widened even more as Sakura froze in her steps, the mere mention of the ghosts making her shiver again. Now there was potential...

Syaoran threw his teacher a glare, and then placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. He didn't trust that guy...his eyes fell on the last member of their group who seemed to be content smirking and strolling along side their teacher...he didn't like that guy either. He shifted a little closer to Sakura. He was going to have to keep an eye on both of them. He glanced at the object of his worries and winced. She really was oblivious to her effect on men, wasn't she?

Apparently, when Sakura had chosen her attire that morning, it never occurred to her that her shorts, while convenient, showed just a little too much leg. Or that her sweater showed off her figure perfectly. Not too mention, having her hair pulled back in a bun only made her look older, and more desirable. Where was that annoying brother of hers to warn her of these things? Or for that matter, what about her supposed best friend? Why hadn't Tomoyo taken her friend aside before now and advise her on her dress? Surely Tomoyo saw what Sakura did to men!

He glanced back at the long haired girl, and he winced again. Figured...Tomoyo had her camera to eye and was trained directly on Sakura's every step. Tomoyo was probably just reveling in 'her Sakura's' cuteness. He muttered under his breath and kicked at the underbrush. Wasn't there anyone who could help her- and him- out?

"Li-kun! Look, bijoux aux bise!" Sakura grabbed his hand and dragged him over to a small clump of tiny white flowers. "Hoe! These are really rare."

She broke off one of the tiny blossoms and lifted it to his ear, rubbing it between her fingers. A faint buzzing sound filled his ear and he frowned as she pulled it away.

"When you rub them like that, they make a sound like bees," she explained, kneeling down by the flowers. "Bee keepers used to dry them, and then to get the more aggressive bees away from the hives, have them pressed. The bees would leave the hive in search of the sounds, and then the bee keeper would gather the honey." She smiled happily. "I haven't seen bijoux aux bise since I was at least five."

Syaoran stared at her in amazement. Sometime, she really surprised him. Half the time she seemed so separate from the world, so fragile and innocent. It appeared as if real life bounced off her, but then she'd say something like this, some little tid bit of knowledge and he'd realize how truly wrong he was. She lived in reality as well, but unlike others, she sought the beauty in it, not the ugliness. She was truly amazing.

Sakura looked up from the flowers to the amber eyed boy next to her. For once, he wasn't staring at the ground or running off, but maybe it was just as well. Something in his gaze unnerved her- his eyes were always rather intense, but this look, this was something different. Nervously, she stood up and raced up the path. His eyes made her feel...she struggled for the right word. She glanced back, he was still kneeling by the flowers, his dark hair covering his face. She turned back to the path, looking up into the sky overhead, clouded by tree branches. Strange... that look made her feel strange.

"Sensei! How much longer did you say?" Chiharu shouted, still batting away branches that seemed to reach out to grope her every move. Beside her, Takashi only grinned, moving easily among the leafery.

"Come on Mihara! Only a few more hours!" Kaikato cried back. He glanced down at the map; was he holding it the right way? He peered a little more closely. What kind of compass rose didn't have directions? Oh well, all he had to do was follow the little red line to the big yellow 'x.' Shouldn't be too hard, right?


* * * *

"I think we're lost, Sensei," Tomoyo remarked calmly, gazing around the unfamiliar foliage in the dimming light.

Saito glanced at her, annoyed by her calmness. Obviously they were lost! He had known this little fact a good two hours earlier.

"In fact, Sensei, I think there's a chance we're not even in the Chiyo area proper anymore."

Her teacher fought back the urge to throw the map at the camera toting girl. Once again, she was just stating the obvious. He doubted they were anywhere near the cluster of natural springs the class was supposed to be observing.

"Lost?" Sakura asked, a trace of fear in her voice. She stepped closer to her best friend and gripped her hand. "Are we really lost, Kaikato-sensei?"

Immediately calmed by the normality of her reaction, Saito held out the map with a slight chuckle. "Guess I should have let someone else handle the map!"

"How irresponsible..." Chiharu muttered under her breath.

"Alright then, we'll just set up camp here. There's still enough daylight to gather some wood. Li, Yamazaki, and Noriyori- help me with this tent. You girls go gather up some wood for a fire. And don't wander off too far; last thing we need is one of you getting separated." The young teacher pulled off his pack and motioned the non commital boys over, handing out poles and other tools to set up the tent.

Sakura looked first at her best friend, who only smiled from behind her camera, and then at Chiharu who shrugged and then wandered off, randomly picking up sticks from the ground. She sighed, and then turned around as well, heading in the opposite direction. Careful of where she stepped, she barely noticed the growing distance between herself and the makeshift camp. In fact, it wasn't until she could no longer hear the sounds of the grumbling students and clang of metal poles that she looked up at all. All around her were trees, trees and more trees. And none of them looked familiar!

The growing darkness seemed to collapse all together into night and the air itself seemed to grow colder.

"Hoe!" she shouted before she curled up on the ground then and there. Why hadn't she paid attention to where she was going? And sensei warned her, too! Syaoran was going to be mad...she bit down on her lip. A flicker of light made her look up in alarm. What was that? Another flicker, but from the opposite direction. Oh no...she tucked her head back into her arms in dread. The ghosts! Naoko had been right, and now the ghosts were here!

A flicker came closer to her, and in full terror, she rose up and started running, barely paying attention to where she was going. She had to get away! Branches whipped at her bare legs, but she didn't notice. She had to get away- she had to get away! She probably would have gone on like that for a good while if not for a sudden collision. The fairly solid object sent her flying backward, sprawling her out on her back. A very familiar face leaned over hers, a scowl across it.


"Kaikato-sensei!" Sakura stammered, sitting up immediately and knocking her head against his forehead. She jumped up as he staggered backward, a grimace taking the place of the scowl. "Sensei!"

Worried, she helped him sit down. Peering closely, she removed his hand from his forehead. A big, red welt stood out glaringly, even in the dim light. "Oh Sensei, I'm so sorry!" She almost bowed again, but stopped herself in time.

"It's fine, it's fine." He glanced up at her and then motioned for her to sit down. "What were you doing all the way out here?"

"Eh..." Sakura smiled weakly. "I wasn't paying attention, and I sort of lost my way, so..."

Her teacher remained silent, and she shivered. It was getting cold...

"Here," Saito stretched out his arm.

"Huh?" She looked back at him, not understanding.

"You're cold, so this will get you warm," he stated impatiently.

"But-" she started.

"Kinomoto-san, just move," and he pulled her against him, tucking her under his arm. Sakura stiffened, uncomfortable with just how close she was to her teacher. "Not afraid of the ghosts are you?"

She scooted closer immediately, and Saito bit back a grin. So predictable... He sighed, satisfied with himself immensely. Despite the little matter of having gotten his students and himself lost, one of the major goals of this trip seemed to be well along the way of becoming a success. He looked down at the girl huddled against him, and let his hand slip so it rested on her bare thigh. She looked up at him, her cheeks flushed.

"Ano, Kaikato-sensei, maybe we should-"

"Call me Saito, Sakura-san. After all, I'm not a teacher all the time, am I?" he smirked down at her, pleased with his manuevering.

"Sensei, perhaps if we tried calling to the others-" Sakura was growing increasingly uncomfortable with her position. Why wouldn't he move his hand from her leg? Maybe he didn't realize...

"Now, what did I just say? It's Saito. Saito!" His grip on her thigh tightened and inched up. Sakura stiffened and tried extracting herself from her teacher's hold, but his other arm came out of no where wrapping itself around her waist and pulling her tightly against his chest.


"Saito, Sakura-san. Call me Saito," Kaikato repeated. He let his hand travel up her waist and across her stomach, enjoying the semi scared look in her innocent eyes. "Feel warmer, Sakura-san?" he teased, squeezing her thigh gently.

"Please let me go," she whispered, her fear of ghosts and darkness replaced with this unknown terror going through her.

"Not until you say my name." He brought his lips to her ear and whispered. "Say my name, and I'll let you go little Sakura."

"Please," she whimpered, calling out mentally, screaming, for help. Where was Syaoran? He said he'd protect her! Please, find me. Someone find me!

"Sakura!" A voice shouted out from nearby. Another quickly followed it.


Saito quickly released the girl, cursing his bad luck. A few more hours and he might have been seeing some action. He pulled her up next to him, bringing his lips to her throat and then to her ear. "Say a word and you'll regret it, little Sakura."

Sakura shuddered, her hand wiping away at where he had pressed his lips. She felt so dirty... soiled. She nodded, edging away from her teacher and now tormentor. Saito cocked a grin at her. "You're cute like this, Kinomoto. Wear a skirt tomorrow, okay? Nothing like showing your legs off, right?"

Sakura took another step backward, fear stark in her wide eyes. She turned around, poised to run, when two strong hands landed on her shoulder. Terrified, she jumped back, her eyes darting up fearfully. It was Syaoran! Tears of relief flooded her eyes, and she threw herself into his arms. Ignoring the flustered feeling in his stomach, Syaoran looked over at his teacher, suspicion in his eyes. Sakura looked terrified. Had that teacher tried something?

"Hey, Sakura, are you alright?" he asked softly, not removing his arms from around her. She shook her head, her hands digging into his shirt. God, what happened?

"I'm afraid Kinomoto's imagination may have gone off on her. I found her like this, crying about ghosts and burning samurai." The teacher laughed lightly, placing one of his thin hands on her shoulder. "But I told her everything was fine. And everything is fine, right, Kinomoto-san?"

Sakura shuddered in Syaoran's arms, not daring to say a word. Syaoran pulled her away from the smiling teacher protectively. Something was wrong here...but it would have to wait until later. For now, he just needed to get Sakura back to camp. Tomoyo and Chiharu were worried sick. He'd keep her away from that teacher for now as well.

Wrapped tightly against Syaoran's lean chest, Sakura fought to gain control of herself. She wasn't this weak! She was a fighter, Kero-chan told her that all the time. So why had her teacher been able to do those things to her so easily? Why hadn't she fought back more? Maybe she really was just weak... maybe this was her punishment. Another wave of tears broke free, and she barely noticed as Syaoran picked her up entirely, tucking her in his arms.

Syaoran wiped away gently at her tear stricken cheek. She hardly reacted to his touch, her crying increasing it seemed with every second. Never had he seen her this upset, not even when Yukito had rejected her. Worry filled his heart and he increased his speed. Once there, she could tell him what was really wrong.

'I can't stand seeing you cry like this. Please, Sakura, tell me what's wrong; let me help you.'

* * * *

"Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo's every fear magnified when she saw Syaoran stumble into camp with Sakura in his arms. She met his eyes, a thousand questions she wanted to ask, but he shook his head, his own eyes filled with worry. Chiharu ran up to them, relief flooding her face.

"Oh thank goodness! I was getting really worried." Takashi placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He frowned, taking in Sakura's still wet checks and withdrawn eyes.

"Are you alright, Sakura-san?" he asked. He could count on one hand the number of times he had seen Sakura upset in all the years he had known her. And never had he seen her like this.

Syaoran placed her back on her feet, one of his arms still draped around her shoulder protectively. Sakura smiled weakly at her concerned friends.

"Hai, I'm fine. I just-"

"Feeling better, Kinomoto-san?" Kaikato joined the huddled students, his voice carrying easily. Even Keiji stared suspiciously at the teacher. He seemed just a little too casual...

Sakura bit back her words and then continued. "Yes, S-sensei. I was just saying that I scared myself thinking about that ghost story." Even her excuse sounded lame in her ears.

"Are you sure, Sakura-chan?" Tomoyo peered closely at her best friend. Something was very wrong here. Her Sakura still looked terrified.

"Noriyori, Li, Yamazaki- I need your help with this fire. Leave Sak- Kinomoto-san to Daidouji and Mihara. She'll be fine, won't you?" Again Sakura shuddered at her teacher's words.

"Yes, Sensei," she whispered. Syaoran followed his teacher, his eyes returning continuously to watch as Tomoyo and Chiharu led Sakura to the tent.

"Is she really alright?" Takashi asked quietly as he stacked the wood.

"I don't think so," Syaoran sighed, scrapping the flint together, trying to get a spark.

"I'd watch that guy if I were you, Li-san," Keiji added a small pile of leaves and moss to the wood. "He seems suspicious."

Syaoran looked up at the red haired boy surprised. Gone was the smirk and lazy attitude. Only concern and understanding showed in his features. Had he judged this guy so wrong?

"Of course though, any guy is suspicious when Kinomoto-san's concerned! After all, she is a babe." The smart ass attitude was back, full force. Syaoran smacked together the two rocks angrily. A large spark shot out, igniting the moss immediately. Takashi fell back as a burst of flame ate at the wood.

"Temper, temper, Li-san!" Keiji laughed.

Takashi quickly intervened before Syaoran found a new use for the rocks. "Humans first discovered fire while immigrating through northern Japan. But instead of sharing the discovery, these immigrants kept it to themselves. But when the original owners of the fire found out, they were very angry and launched an attack using the first fireworks. While their plan was to use the fireworks as bombs, they ended up just distracting the immigrants long enough for the fire to be stolen back. Thankfully though, one of the immigrants made peace, and-"

"Takashi, I can hear your lies from here!" Chiharu stuck her head out of the tent, glaring from across the camp. Her boyfriend only nodded, his job already accomplished. Syaoran was too focused on imagining using fireworks as weapons and Keiji on whatever he thought about all the time while smirking to fight each other

"Mou," Chiharu shook her head as she re-entered the tent, "I don't think he'll ever stop with his lies."

She sat down beside Tomoyo who was still trying to coax out an explanation from Sakura for her tears. But the normally energetic girl would only shake her head and insist she was fine. But her eyes kept darting to the mouth of the tent and she'd shake everytime the flap fluttered. She went positively pale at one point when one of the boys walked by the side of the tent, sending his tall shadow across its canvas.

"Sakura-chan, please tell me what's really wrong?" Tomoyo was genuinely worried. Whatever happened in the woods had really affected her! And she could tell when she heard a lie, especially coming from Sakura. That girl could no more lie than kill someone.

"Thank you, Tomoyo-chan, but I'm fine," Sakura repeated for the third time. "I'm just tired." As if to stress her point, she closed her eyes and drew the blanket up to her chin.

Tomoyo sighed and then stood up. "Want me to wake you for dinner?"

Again, Sakura shook her head no. Chiharu placed a hand on Tomoyo's shoulder, giving the worried girl a comforting smile.

"Okay, Sakura-chan, we'll let you off tonight. But tomorrow, you're telling all! No but's about it. Sleep well, okay? We all care about you."

Chiharu led Tomoyo out of the tent and shut the flap. Sakura turned over in her sleeping bag. Even with the extra blanket over her, she still felt cold. She could still feel her teacher's hands on her body. How she longed for one of those hot springs! Then she could wash away his touch and the dirt she knew had to be covering her. How could they not see it? She had been sure the shame of it would have been apparent just by looking at her. In a way, she had hoped that it had, then someone could wake her up from this nightmare. She blinked away her tears and closed her eyes. Maybe if she went to sleep...then in the morning, everything might be better.

If she went to sleep, then just maybe...

* * * *

She was back in Syaoran's arms. At least in her dream, she was. The monster was close at her feet, but Syaoran was there to protect her. He pulled out his sword and with one jab, the monster fell, its long slimy tentacles twitching uselessly. She held onto him tightly, feeling safe in his warmth, with his strong arms wrapped around her. She felt so safe. He leaned down, his chocolate hair tickling on her cheeks.

"I'll protect you, Sakura. Always."

In her sleep, Sakura smiled. Even though it was just a dream, the thought gave her comfort. That was right, Syaoran would protect her. He always had- everytime there had been a danger, he had been there to help her, protect her. In the morning, she'd tell him what happened. He'd take care of everything and then there'd be nothing to be afraid of. The thought latched onto her hopes fully, and with a bright smile, she opened her eyes. Everyone was asleep.

She propped herself up on one elbow. Beside her Tomoyo was curled up in a ball. Her eyes softened. She was really lucky to have such a good friend. She never said it enough, but Tomoyo really was one of the best parts of her life. Her eyes traveled down to the girl lying next to Tomoyo, her braids undone for the night. A grin tugged at her lips. Chiharu and Takashi fell asleep holding each other's hand. It was so kawaii! And next to Takashi was the new student, Keiji. The grin faded. Why did she have this strange dislike of him? She really wasn't being fair...tomorrow she'd try to find out something about him. It was only right.

Finally, she brought her green eyes to the slumbering form of Syaoran Li. It was only in sleep that he ever truly looked as kind as she knew he was. His face lost all the anger, his lips relaxed, and his terminally wrinkled forehead straightened. He looked like a little boy. A wave of comfort washed over her. Yes, Syaoran was her protecter and friend. He'd help her as he always he promised he always would.

Her eyes sought out the last member of their tent, tension filling her stomach at the mere thought of him. She counted down the line of bodies again; all six of them were here, so then where was... A fear filled her mind; no, he wouldn't have dared? Breathing deeply, she turned around to her other side, her eyes immediately meeting the wide awake light blue of her teacher. Sakura's breath came out in one long gasp. Like a snake, his hand covered her mouth, while his other pushed her flat down.

Saito smiled. He wasn't a sadist or anything, but that seeing that look of fear in her gorgeous eyes really gave him a kick. He shook his head, and brought his lips to her ear. "You made your friends worry far too much, Sakura," he whispered.

Sakura couldn't move; she could barely breath. Surely someone would wake up! Tomoyo! Syaoran!

"I really wish you would say my name...I'd like to hear it come from those pretty little lips of yours. I bet you've never been kissed...what am I saying? A little girl like you? Of course you've never been kissed. You're pristine, innocent, completely clean."

She shuddered, the fear filling her stomach, as his free hand caressed first her throat and then traveled down to her chest. He quickly found his object and squeezed tightly. She bit back a cry of pain, and again the tears began to fall. Why wasn't anyone helping her? Why?

"Hey,'s no fun if you cry, Sakura." He kissed her throat, sucking gently at the pale skin. This whole school girl thing was really a trip...his friends really didn't know what they were missing, not being teachers. "Just think, tomorrow, we could get lost again. Just you and me...what do you say?"

Sakura closed her eyes, and tried to imagine herself away. If only she had her cards, if only- but no, and she was finally realizing this, she was alone. Completely alone. No one would help her. No one...

Saito fought back a yawn. He had been up since before dawn after all. Letting go of her mouth, he squeezed once more for measure. She was as perfect as he had figured. Maybe tomorrow he'd get to know a little bit more.

"Night, little Sakura. Sweet dreams."

The tears continued to fall long after his words, even after his breathing slowed and he fell asleep. She doubted she'd ever stop. Even when morning did arrive, he would still be there. And she wasn't safe. She'd never be safe again. Never...

'You promised, Syaoran! You promised...but you lied. Not even you can help me...'

In her misery, Sakura missed the increased breath of one individual. Bi colored eyes stared at the tent's ceiling, his hands tightened into fists. That bastard... and then the anger faded. Saddened by the decision he knew he had to make, Keiji allowed himself one moment of guilt, before pushing the emotion away entirely. He had a role, a calling, that took precedence above all else. Whether the Card Mistress was molested shouldn't be any concern of his. He had his duty to fulfill. These things had been decided long before he had been born.

Still though, he stayed awake til morning, listening to her quiet sobs. Fate was a real bitch at times.

* * * *

Author's notes:

I do not in any way mean to make light of sexual assualt. Sadly, too many girls are taken advantage of and don't report it. Allow me my soapbox moment: if someone ever touches you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, it is sexual harassment. If the contact continues in an aggressive manner, it is sexual assualt. Both are illegal. Consider that if you don't report such actions, then some other woman may become a victim. Or man...I'm certainly not limiting this advice to women alone. Anyway, I'm done.

Til next time!