Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Tower of Strength ❯ Frosty and Fries ( Chapter 1 )
Author's Notes: I thought of writing a story… So here I am!!!! Um…yeah so read on. R+R!!
Disclaimer: I don't own CCS
Chapter 1
Sakura sat staring at the sink, though it wasn't visible anymore. Countless pieces of china, plastic, and recyclables were all piled into this sink that wouldn't even fit a cookie sheet in it. Sighing she stood up, then changed her mind for she sat back down again. She tried again but ended up on the stool, again. Carelessly she let her head drop, forgetting that there was a counter there. A loud thud filled the room. A plain and unemotional "Ow" could be heard as Sakura sat up rubbing her head.
"I need food…" murmured Sakura. She got up successfully this time and left the comfortable stool to stand-alone. "Kero, I'm going out." Her black leather jacket swung about her as she struggled to put it. "My muscles hurt." a high pitched whine left her.
"Where do you think you're going? You need to wash the dishes." Kero stated in a sort of I'm-your-father-do-as-I-say tone.
"Kero I need food and there isn't anything good. All there is... is pudding and Ice cream. You know I don't need that right now. I need FOOD. Real food. And don't try to protest."
"Where are you going?"
"Wendy's!" She licked her lips. "Frosty and fries!!"
"Some, real food…" Kero rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll do the dishes, then." He clasped his hand together and smiled widely in sarcasm.
Reluctantly, he flew over to a small cupboard and took out a small blue apron. He tied it around his waist. Next he flew over to the old wooden desk Eroil had given Sakura on her 16th birthday, saying that only people with magical powers can open it. It was very useful, for the landlord, Miss Ratchet, constantly tried to enter and snoop about the apartment. Luckily she was never able to open the desk, and if she did… what she would have found Sakura would never be able to explain. Sakura would be out of the building in an instant. Kero pulled open the drawer and an extremely old, and maroon book-more on the pink side-emerged. The seal opened and cards started flying out. In perfect order they lined up in front of Kero, all 53 of them. Kero scanned the cards closely.
"Where are you?" He dragged out, "Aha! Bubble, come with me."
All the cards except one filed back into the book.
Once the book was back in its safe zone, Kero journeyed over to the sink, the card following. With a wave of his hand the card glowed and bubbles appeared from no place in particular.
When Sakura trusted Kero would be all right, and not accidentally fill the whole apartment with suds, she left him with a small kiss on the head.
"Arivadarchi, Kero!"
"Come on Jerri!" Sakura leaned against the counter. Wendy's was her favorite place to eat, because she knew all that worked there. Jerri was the best friend of Troy-Sakura's late fianc*. Everyone was kind and they all knew-Jerri, more than anyone in the world-what she had been through. "It's only fifty cents. You know I'll pay you back!"
"You are an honest girl, Saki, but I can't. You have to pay now or you won't get your food."
"I told you I have it at home. Come on, Jerri! Let me go, just this once." Pleaded Sakura. "Look! I'm on my knees. Jerri just this once!" It was true. She was on her knees pleading for Jerri to let her pass with out paying the fifty cents.
"Man, I can't even get a girl to plead and he does it just by not letting her get her food. I have to try that sometime." A young man in line remarked to his friend next to him.
"Please Jerri! I'm on my knees!"
Jerri rolled his eyes and looked over to the drive up window. A short, stocky, bald man was showing the new girl how to run the cash register. Jerri bent over the counter to see Sakura.
"Saki, quit making a fool of yourself. Stand up." Jerri said as he tried extremely hard not to laugh at her puppy dog your-not-really-going-to-hurt-me-mister look.
Sakura stood up while Jerri motioned her to lean over the counter and look in the direction of the drive up window.
"You see that man?"
Sakura looked at Jerri. "Duh" was written all over her face.
"He's the new manager."
"And that means-" she made a small farting noise with her mouth, "-to me."
"Yesterday he miscounted at one register and was off by one cent, he fired the dude who was at the register."
"One cent?" Sakura asked inquisitively.
"Okay, I'm exaggerating, but hey!" Jerri threw his arms up in the air. "When he realized he was wrong he let the guy come back, but he didn't even say he was sorry. Why that dude came back, I have no idea. Think about what he'll do to me if finds that there isn't fifty cents in my register."
"Its just fifty cents…"
"Gomen, Saki, I can't…"
Sakura looked down at the floor knowing that she lost. She was about to speak when a young man with cinnamon hair stopped Sakura from saying something she might regret to the people that feed her.
"Fifty cents right?"
Sakura nodded.
"I got it."
"Oh no, you don't have to-" she was cut off but the man holding up his hand and giving her a sweet smile.
"I want to." He placed fifty cents on the counter.
"See, Jerri, there are nice people in the world. Nice and handsome. And have charming eyes…" at this point the man began to blush, "and-and… I'd know those eyes anywhere. Syaoran? Li Syaoran?"
The man was taken aback. He stood there a second studying Sakura. Then his eyes showed understanding and logic.
"Kinomoto Sakura?" He said hopefully. His joy spread as she watched the young woman smile and nod. It was Sakura! He had been waiting for six long years to see her, and here she was standing in front of him. He didn't even recognize her.
Her emerald eyes glittered as she waited for Syaoran to order and receive his food. They picked a small table in the corner by the window, which had an excellent veiw of concrete and plants in a symbiotic relationship.
"How are you, Syaoran?" Sakura said with her always-brightening smile, that could turn any man into a blinking idiot.
"I'm doing well. I've become master of the Li-clan."
"Oh! That's great Syaoran! Congratulations!"
"Thank you."
"Why are you in Japan? If you don't mind me asking."
"My father left some loose ends here for the master of the Li-Clan to take care of, when he past on. I must speak with the Emperor." Syaoran took a bite of his sandwich.
"The Emperor?" Sakura asked, her eyes wide.
"What other Emperor is there?"
A pacific silence floated between them. It had been so long since they had parted and confessed their love for each other. Only to never see each other, until this day.
Could he still love me? Sakura thought while she studied him. He was tall, probably as tall as Touya. He still had those messy cinnamon locks and those firey amber eyes. He was more regal then when she last saw him. He had grown up quickly. Just like her. Under certain pressures one must grow up as soon as possible.
"What about Meiling how is she? I heard you broke off the engagement."
"She is fine. And yes we did. We felt we weren't right for each other, though we tried, it never worked. And yes, she has found someone. But he bothers me. He seems like the guy who would get her drunk, knock her up, and leave. But he loves her and she loves him. You can see it in their eyes."
"As long as they love each other and that he's not beating her, or cheating. I'm sure she's fine. Plus Meiling can take care of herself." Sakura said while dipping her fries into her frosty.
"I've heard that's good. You wouldn't mind if I…?" Syaoran indicated toward the fries that Sakura had placed in the Frosty.
"Oh! No, I don't mind at all." She smiled her trademark smile while she watched Syaoran hesitantly put the frosty covered fry in his mouth.
Sakura looked inquiringly at him. "So?" she urged.
"Interesting," he dragged. "Quite interesting. But I like it." he smiled as he took another fry and Frostied it. "So, what about you? How have you been?"
"I graduated high school with flying colors. I'm taking a break for a year before I continue my schooling for some personal reasons. Touya moved out and in with Yukito in the States. Now I have no moon guardian to rescue me-"
"Pity." Interrupted Syaoran with sarcasm.
Sakura just giggled and continued, "Otou-san died a year ago. He was extremely ill." Her mood had changed a little toward the melancholy side.
"Oh, I'm sorry…" Syaoran said empathetically
"It's alright. After graduation Tomoyo moved up to England to live Eroil. They're engaged and will be married in a few months. August, to be exact."
"That's wonderful for them."
"Yes it is…" Sakura whispered in a gloomy tone.
"What's wrong?" Sakura shook her head, "Tell me, you can tell me."
"I was engaged," Her voice cracked a little. "He was so nice. I cared for him a lot, and he took care of me."
"What happened? If you don't mind telling me…"
"He died. There was a head on collision caused by a drunk driver. Troy was on his way home. They both died." Her tone filling with anguish.
Never had Syaoran seen her this separated from the world, this lonely. "That's horrible."
"Now I'm all alone and I'm pregnant and-and all I have is Kero and you know how much help he is!" she said slowly getting over her relapse, the last part was filled with much sarcasm.
Syaoran choked on his sandwich. Within minutes his face was purple. She's what? "You're what?" he managed to say after swallowing down his bite. His face slowly turned back to its original color.
Sakura couldn't help but giggle at his appearance. She responded with an angelic tone, "Pregnant, three months."
"Troy's. That's why we were getting married."
"Oh." Syaoran said quietly
The spring winds blew hard over the city of Tomoeda. The door to Sakura's apartment complex opened. Sakura and Syaoran walked side by side telling each other their most embarrassing moments. Sakura headed over to her mailbox and opened it. She slowly skimmed through the mail. When she stopped.
"…and as the hot air balloon came crashing down…What is it Sakura?"
Her face had consternation written all over it.
"That bitch!" Sakura said dropping her other mail and stormed down the hall.
After picking up the dropped mail Syaoran followed Sakura. "What is it? What's wrong?"
Sakura turned to him, her face full of rage, revenge, hate, and bitchiness. "I'm being evicted." She spun on her heel and continued down the hall, leaving Syaoran. After a few extremely long and contemplating seconds Syaoran followed the enraged Sakura.
Author's Notes: I hope ya liked it. Please review and the second chapter will be up soon!