Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A turning Event ❯ Ch.3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~**~ Heyla!! I'm back!!! ^^ Enjoy! Last Chapter!…. maybe… hopefully… ^^()

A Turning Event

Chapter Three:

On the plane… Tomoyo's POV!

I ran the argument with Eriol through my head at least a million times. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so angry before letting him tell his side. But then again, I had the right to be angry. Didn't I? There could have only been one reason Kaho was there. To try to get back with Eriol. I found that I had developed a hatred for my former teacher. What gave her the right to ruin Eriol's and my happiness? As I thought through things longer, I began to feel sorry for what I had done, but I knew I couldn't go back now. That would make me just like Kaho. All I could do was hope for the best…

England, Eriol's POV

After Tomoyo walked out, I was too shocked to do or say anything. I even forgot that Kaho was there. I just sorta zoned out. After thinking through our fight, I felt bad about it. I realized that in fact I wasn't still in love with Kaho, but only used to be. I just overreacted a bit when I saw my first love again. I knew that Tomoyo was the only one for me.If only I could get her back…

Japan (regular POV) or more specifically S&S's house (they're married)

Sakura answered the door and was quite surprised to see her best friend standing in her doorway, her face streaked with tears.
"Tomoyo! What's wrong?" she asked, ushering her inside. Tomoyo sniffed.
"Eriol and I got into an argument…" Syaoran appeared in the doorway looking concerned.
"You alright?" he asked.
"No… he probably hates me now…"
"Oh, Tomoyo, you know he loves you too much to hate you." Sakura sympathized.
"What'd you two get into a fight about?" Syaoran questioned.

England! (Nakuru's POV)

After his fight with Miss Tomoyo, Master sat in their room in silence for an hour. After awhile I got pissed off and fed up with him for not going after her. Kaho had no place in his life, and had no right to come here. I had contacted her in the past to leave Master alone since he was going to marry Miss Tomoyo, but she ignored it. After about an hour of his sulking I grabbed Suppi-chan and dragged him with me to talk some sense into the guy.
"Why do I hafta come with you? You know how unpleasant Master is when he's angry." Suppi-chan complained.
"Too bad. You wanna see Master and Miss Tomoyo back together like me right?"
"Yes… but don't you think they should try to solve this problem on their own?"
"No way! They're both too damn stubborn for that!! Now come on!" Pulling Suppi along, I opened the door to Miss Tomoyo and Master's room and barged in. Going to their closet, I picked up a bag and started stuffing some of the things Master might need for his trip. Suppi got away from me and went over to Master, who didn't seem to notice our presence. Finishing his packing, I threw the bag at him and he looked at me.
"What's this for?" he asked.
"You. You're going to Japan. You're going to find Miss Tomoyo. You're to apologize. And you're going to bring her back home. No questions asked." He stared at me. Maybe he didn't speak English… I repeated it in Japanese. Still staring at me, I got pissed and pulled him up, put the bag in his hand along with his plane ticket. I drug him down the stairs and shoved him out the door. Smiling with satisfaction, I turned around to see Kaho giving me an odd look. I shrugged.
"I warned you. You brought this upon yourself. You know Miss Tomoyo's going to kick your ass when she gets back?"

Japan… again… (regular POV) S&S's house

After Tomoyo had told them about her fight with Eriol, Syaoran left the two girls to talk and he (AHHH!! The window is breathing!!-Cacia Ooookay… -Stacey) took off for the airport.
"I'm going to catch the next flight to England and drag his ass here…" he thought to himself. About twenty minutes later (usually takes forty minutes to get to the airport… major speeding on Syaoran's part) he arrived at the airport and bought a ticket to England. Just as he was about to board his plane, he noticed Eriol in the airport.
"GAH! Damn him!" Syaoran cursed aloud, causing several people to stare at him. He tossed his ticket off to the side and chases after Eriol. (BTW, a day or so has passed since Eriol left England) "Oi! Hiiragizawa-san!!" he called to him. Eriol turned to face him. Syaoran approached him looking quite angry. He opened his mouth to yell at him, but Eriol silenced him by raising his hand.
"Yes I know. I'm a son of a bitch and shouldn't have done that to Tomoyo. I'm here to apologize to her and hopefully win her back." Syaoran raised an eyebrow.
"How did you know I was going to call you that?
"Just a hunch. So where's Tomoyo at? I know you've seen her over the past two days."
"Hai. She's at Sakura's and my house crying her eyes out." Syaoran replied. "Now come on, let's get over there."

15 Minutes later, @ S&S's house… Eriol's ready to die from Syaoran's driving… ^^()

Sakura sighed unhappily. Tomoyo was still quite upset. Leaving her friend alone to give her time to think, she went down the stairs and walked by the door just as it quickly opened.
"HOEE!" she screeched as the door hit her.
"Gomen nasai Sakura!" Syaoran apologized, helping her to her feet.
"Don't worry about it. I'm fine." She just then noticed Eriol. "Eriol-kun..?" she broke into a smile. "Are you here to apologize to Tomoyo?"
"Hai." He replied.
"Good." She told him where the room Tomoyo was staying in was and pushed him towards the steps. She and Syaoran smiled at each other both hoping things would work out between the two.

Tomoyo's Current room.. last scene! ^^ YAY!

Fidgeting with the two rings in his hand, Eriol gathered his courage and stepped into the room his more or less wife was in. She noticed someone enter the room and looked up, expecting it to be Sakura and/or Syaoran. She froze when she saw who it was and lowered her gaze, but kept it high enough to see him slightly. Smiling, he walked over to her and sat down next to her.
"Tomoyo…" he started. When she didn't look at him, he took her chin in his hand and lifted it upwards. "You're the only one for me." He whispered. He smiled at her, which caused her to smile back. "I love you. Can you ever forgive me?" she smiled a loving smile, which turned into a mischievous one.
"Two… no three things." She told him. He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Ok… What are they?" he asked, a hint of a smile on his face.
"One, I get a cat." Eriol chuckled. "Two, you re-propose to me. And three… you let me beat the crap out of Mizuki-san." Eriol broke up laughing at the last one and Tomoyo joined in. "I'm just kidding. You don't have to do any of those things. I forgive you." Eriol shook his head, pulled her left hand towards him and slipped the engagement ring onto her ring finger.
"Daidouji Tomoyo… will you marry me again? I'll give you everything you could possibly want, including a cat and allow you to beat the shit out of Kaho-san."
"Oh Eriol, of course I will. I love you too." She replied, grinning as he pulled her close for a deep kiss.

~Collapses~ finally done!! YAY!! OK… credit and dedication for this story goes to Kevin, Cacia and unfortunately Megan. This Tomoyo/Eriol/Kaho love triangle reminds me of the three of you! ^^ Hope you guys enjoyed this! Arigatou for your reviews!

Also… Cacia wants me to write a short side story for this of the fight between Kaho and Tomoyo! Anyone want to read this? If so I'll post it, but I gotta write it anyway or Cacia will kill me. ^^()
