Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ All I Need... ❯ Revived ( Chapter 15 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
As the light cleared, the heart monitor rung out with a shrilling beep. A nurse rushed in hearing the commotion, and then rushed out.
“Call a doctor and get a defibrillator down here quick, her heart has stopped”.
‘Wretched girl,’ Jinji cursed. He leaned heavily against the wall of his dark room, his breathing labored as he recovered from his panic. Her power nearly took his life, and he had the burns to show for it.
‘Perhaps Lady Marta will forgive-,’ His thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream in his mind. Lady Marta had just found out what he’d done. In a flash he relocated to the meeting room, where Lady Marta and the six other warlock’s stood waiting for him. Jinji bowed his head to her and fought to suppress the shiver down his back.
“So, you thought to destroy the card mistress. Did you truly believe that you, the least in power of my seven warlocks could defeat her? Because I have to say that was rather impetuous for you to believe. Now do tell me, what the hell were you thinking!” Lady Marta screeched. Jinji cringed at her tone of voice, and lowered his head further, as if to hide himself under the table before him.
“Please have forgiveness My Lady, I thought only to serve you and end you worries. I wanted to try and rid you of the Card Mistress before she awoke to her new powers,” He said in a humble tone. Lady Marta scoffed at him and took a seat in her large velvet chair.
“Does it make you proud then that you have caused her to find it faster. You disgust me, but I am willing to give you one more chance. Now leave me and tend to those wounds before I change my mind”. She waved her hand at him dismissively and then he retreated from the room.
“You may speak now, Honatori”. The figure closet to her stood, and removed the hood of his cloak. His piercing blue eyes fell upon his mistress.
“Do you really think it wise to let that disobedient boy continue with his mission?” Honatori asked, his deep voice ringing clear in the silence of the room. Lady Marta smiled callously at the pale man, her crimson eyes narrowing with humor.
“As I remember you too, were quite the rebel when you were just a boy. I gave you another chance, and now you are my top warlock, and second in command to me. I believe that Jinji will show potential, and I am willing to give him a chance. However, I do wish to relay to all of you that I do not like to be questioned”.
“I understand My Lady, I will not speak out again”. Honatori bowed his head and then the cloaked figures took their leave. Lady Marta sat forward in her chair, resting her elbows upon the wooden table, she waved her hand and a small round portal appeared before her. The images flashing before her eyes made her grin wickedly.
“Jinji, you might have awoken her to her power, but perhaps you might have done us some good…. We shall see if she can live through taming it”.
The hospital was on full alert, nurses and doctors were rushing in and out in the intensive care unit were where they were trying to revive Sakura.
“Put it up to six hundred, charge”.
“Clear”. Sakura’s body let out a tremor as the electrical current was sent through her body, but still the shrill sound of the heart monitor remained the same. The doctor’s were all looking doubtful as the girl’s heart had not started again, and it had already been ten minutes, but they wouldn’t give up just yet.
“Put it up to maximum,” The doctor in charge said. The nurse looked to her with worried eyes.
“Are you sure that’s wise?”.
“Yes, don’t argue now charge the paddles,” The doctor snapped. The nurse shook her head as she charged the paddles again.
‘Beep…beep…’ the heart monitor rung out in a heavenly tune. There was a release of worry from everyone involved, as the doctor replaced the paddles on the defibrillator.
With a sigh the doctor wiped her brow, and looked down at the pale girl. It would have been too hard to let her die; she was too young and had some many who cared for her.
“Keep her in intensive care, and make sure to leave a defibrillator in the room, have nurses checking on her every five minutes the rest of the night. And make sure you get in contact with her father, and be sure to relay the message that everything is under control”. The doctor looked back to Sakura now as she lie still in her bed, the only sign of life the unsteady rise and fall of her chest, and the weak beeping of the heart monitor. They had nearly lost her, but she was a fighter, and hopefully she would pull through.
Fujitaka removed his glasses holding them in one hand as he reached up to rub at his weary eyes once again. He’d taken a few days off from working to spend by Sakura’s side. He was worried about her since he got the scare of his life, when the hospital had called to inform him of his daughter’s heart failure. He knew his being there was just a hassle for the doctor’s and nurses, but deep down inside, he was afraid of losing Sakura, and all he wanted was to be with her. He hadn’t been able to be with his wife when she passed, and it had come so suddenly he hadn’t gotten a chance to say good-bye or see her once more. He only hoped that if maybe he was there he could stop such a horrible fate as death from befalling his daughter.
A knock at the door had Mr. Kinomoto looking up to see his son standing there. Toya smiled at him, trying to be positive, but still a grim sadness lurked in his eyes.
“How’s it going, Dad?” He asked quietly. Fujitaka gave a small inaudible sigh as he looked back to Sakura.
“The same… She look’s like she has a bit more color to her, doesn’t she. She’s not as pale as yesterday, right?” His father asked. Toya looked to Sakura, but shook his head to himself. He didn’t see any change, she was still pale as snow and he didn’t know what to say that could comfort his father.
“Yeah, maybe a little bit,” He replied solemnly. Fujitaka smiled across the bed as Toya took his seat there, a silence then encompassed the room casting a sad shadow upon the room and it’s occupants. Both father and son watched Sakura, each silently wandering if the next breath she took would be her last, or if her eyes would flutter open and she’d smile cheerfully.
“It seems so weird, to see her so still,” Fujitaka said, his voice quiet. Toya nodded.
“Yeah, but she’ll be up and about soon. Knowing her she could never stay still for to long,” Toya said, trying to be cheerful. Fujitaka nodded, and then bowed his head, as he rubbed at his eyes again.
“Yes, hopefully she’ll recover soon”.
“Call a doctor and get a defibrillator down here quick, her heart has stopped”.
‘Wretched girl,’ Jinji cursed. He leaned heavily against the wall of his dark room, his breathing labored as he recovered from his panic. Her power nearly took his life, and he had the burns to show for it.
‘Perhaps Lady Marta will forgive-,’ His thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream in his mind. Lady Marta had just found out what he’d done. In a flash he relocated to the meeting room, where Lady Marta and the six other warlock’s stood waiting for him. Jinji bowed his head to her and fought to suppress the shiver down his back.
“So, you thought to destroy the card mistress. Did you truly believe that you, the least in power of my seven warlocks could defeat her? Because I have to say that was rather impetuous for you to believe. Now do tell me, what the hell were you thinking!” Lady Marta screeched. Jinji cringed at her tone of voice, and lowered his head further, as if to hide himself under the table before him.
“Please have forgiveness My Lady, I thought only to serve you and end you worries. I wanted to try and rid you of the Card Mistress before she awoke to her new powers,” He said in a humble tone. Lady Marta scoffed at him and took a seat in her large velvet chair.
“Does it make you proud then that you have caused her to find it faster. You disgust me, but I am willing to give you one more chance. Now leave me and tend to those wounds before I change my mind”. She waved her hand at him dismissively and then he retreated from the room.
“You may speak now, Honatori”. The figure closet to her stood, and removed the hood of his cloak. His piercing blue eyes fell upon his mistress.
“Do you really think it wise to let that disobedient boy continue with his mission?” Honatori asked, his deep voice ringing clear in the silence of the room. Lady Marta smiled callously at the pale man, her crimson eyes narrowing with humor.
“As I remember you too, were quite the rebel when you were just a boy. I gave you another chance, and now you are my top warlock, and second in command to me. I believe that Jinji will show potential, and I am willing to give him a chance. However, I do wish to relay to all of you that I do not like to be questioned”.
“I understand My Lady, I will not speak out again”. Honatori bowed his head and then the cloaked figures took their leave. Lady Marta sat forward in her chair, resting her elbows upon the wooden table, she waved her hand and a small round portal appeared before her. The images flashing before her eyes made her grin wickedly.
“Jinji, you might have awoken her to her power, but perhaps you might have done us some good…. We shall see if she can live through taming it”.
The hospital was on full alert, nurses and doctors were rushing in and out in the intensive care unit were where they were trying to revive Sakura.
“Put it up to six hundred, charge”.
“Clear”. Sakura’s body let out a tremor as the electrical current was sent through her body, but still the shrill sound of the heart monitor remained the same. The doctor’s were all looking doubtful as the girl’s heart had not started again, and it had already been ten minutes, but they wouldn’t give up just yet.
“Put it up to maximum,” The doctor in charge said. The nurse looked to her with worried eyes.
“Are you sure that’s wise?”.
“Yes, don’t argue now charge the paddles,” The doctor snapped. The nurse shook her head as she charged the paddles again.
‘Beep…beep…’ the heart monitor rung out in a heavenly tune. There was a release of worry from everyone involved, as the doctor replaced the paddles on the defibrillator.
With a sigh the doctor wiped her brow, and looked down at the pale girl. It would have been too hard to let her die; she was too young and had some many who cared for her.
“Keep her in intensive care, and make sure to leave a defibrillator in the room, have nurses checking on her every five minutes the rest of the night. And make sure you get in contact with her father, and be sure to relay the message that everything is under control”. The doctor looked back to Sakura now as she lie still in her bed, the only sign of life the unsteady rise and fall of her chest, and the weak beeping of the heart monitor. They had nearly lost her, but she was a fighter, and hopefully she would pull through.
Fujitaka removed his glasses holding them in one hand as he reached up to rub at his weary eyes once again. He’d taken a few days off from working to spend by Sakura’s side. He was worried about her since he got the scare of his life, when the hospital had called to inform him of his daughter’s heart failure. He knew his being there was just a hassle for the doctor’s and nurses, but deep down inside, he was afraid of losing Sakura, and all he wanted was to be with her. He hadn’t been able to be with his wife when she passed, and it had come so suddenly he hadn’t gotten a chance to say good-bye or see her once more. He only hoped that if maybe he was there he could stop such a horrible fate as death from befalling his daughter.
A knock at the door had Mr. Kinomoto looking up to see his son standing there. Toya smiled at him, trying to be positive, but still a grim sadness lurked in his eyes.
“How’s it going, Dad?” He asked quietly. Fujitaka gave a small inaudible sigh as he looked back to Sakura.
“The same… She look’s like she has a bit more color to her, doesn’t she. She’s not as pale as yesterday, right?” His father asked. Toya looked to Sakura, but shook his head to himself. He didn’t see any change, she was still pale as snow and he didn’t know what to say that could comfort his father.
“Yeah, maybe a little bit,” He replied solemnly. Fujitaka smiled across the bed as Toya took his seat there, a silence then encompassed the room casting a sad shadow upon the room and it’s occupants. Both father and son watched Sakura, each silently wandering if the next breath she took would be her last, or if her eyes would flutter open and she’d smile cheerfully.
“It seems so weird, to see her so still,” Fujitaka said, his voice quiet. Toya nodded.
“Yeah, but she’ll be up and about soon. Knowing her she could never stay still for to long,” Toya said, trying to be cheerful. Fujitaka nodded, and then bowed his head, as he rubbed at his eyes again.
“Yes, hopefully she’ll recover soon”.