Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ All of this time... It was you... ❯ Broken Heart... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

In anormal monday morning, like any other in the town of Tomoeda, the Kinomoto house awakes at the usual call that you can hear almost every morning.


The scream of Sakura Kinomoto, the youngest member of the family at her 16 years old, makes a smile appear in her father's face. "Ah, Sakura-san is already awake.."

"and it's only 7:30... she's getting better...I guess..." His son's voice mentioned from behind the news paper. "Ah, here's the reason... full moon..." He said.

*SMACK* A book collided with the back of Touya Kinomoto's back of the head, followed by a loud "I HEARD THAT!"

"Monster..." Touya muttered, while rubbing his poor head. - The monster sure has a temper in the morning... -

"Mou! I'm NOT a monster!!!" She glared at him from the other side of the table. The young girl wore the blacke and blue uniform of Tomoeda's Highschool, Seijou, where all of the town's kids studied. Her long brown hair tied in a ponytail behind her head with a blue ribbon. "And stop trying to upset me, today is my turn to clean up the classroom!" she said while spreading butter in a toast.

"Cleaning the classroom? didn't you do that last time?" Touya asked, still feeling the pain in his head.

"Well, yes. Today was Tomoyo's turn to clean up with Eriol, but she had to practice her singing until late at night, and so I offered myself too do the clean up with Eriol today..." she said, blushing.

"Yeah right... you'll do anything to stay alone with Eriol in a classroom, wouldnt you?" Touya asked with a smug grin, giving his sister an evil look.

Sakura's blush grew deeper and stared in disbelief at his brother for a few seconds until her mind got back to work. "ONNICHAN! Of course not!!! I... Him... !! I'm only helping my friend here!!" she said, without convinving anyone.

"Oh yeah?" Touya asked, raising an eyebrow."And how exactly are you helping her? Eriol can clean up the class room by himself. He has the power to do it."

Sakura got up and quickly took her packed lunch from her father's hand. "The fact that Eriol is Clow Reed's half reincarnation doesn't means that he uses his powers to do everything!" She exclaimed. "And to answer your question: I'm helping Tomoyo-chan because she needs to rest! every girl need to have her beauty sleep, you know!" She shouted from the door, in where she was putting her skates on.

*Yeah well, you should use that beauty tip! It would do great thing for those wrinkles in your face! And stop shouting around the house and give a good use to this mental link!* he scolded her trhough the mental link that all the members of the Kinomoto family shared.

Touya immediately felt a hard "punch" inside his brain, giving him a hard headache, followed by Sakura's mental message. *You want me to use the mental link? Fine, I can do it, but are you sure that you'd survive!?* she sounded proud.

"How does she do that!?" Touya exclaimed after feeling the hard hit in his head.

"Well, she IS the most powerful of us..." Fujitaka answered him while waving at Sakura throug the window. "And you shouldn't tease her all the time."

Touya managed a smile thru the sharp pain left in his head. "But dad, it's so obvious that she loves Eriol... it has been obvious since they were six years old... and she still won't admit it nor to him nor to anyone!"

Fujitaka smiled. "I'm sure Hiiragizawa-san knows what she feels for him, but he waits for her to admit it herself."

"I still can't believe that the most powerful sorceress in Japan can't confess something so simple to someone..." Touya said, getting back to his paper.

"You shouldn't say that, To-ya, since you were far worst than she!" a happy voice chirped in, making Touya blush an even deeper shade than Sakura.

"Good morning Yukito-san! please, join us, we're having breaksfast right now!" Fujitaka greeted the snow haired boy.

"Thank you sir, but I only came to pick up To-ya. We ofered ourselves to prepare the University's gym for the morning practices!" Yukito answered. Touya got up and got his backpack. "Let's go, Yuki. We'll be late." He called him.

"Oh, To-ya, one more thing.." Yukito spoke while Touya closed the house's front door behind them. "What is it?"

"I invited someone else to help us prepare the gym, I hope you don't mind, but she was so persistent about it..." Yukito said with an innocent look on his face.

Touya's eyes widened in terror. "She? You don't mean "Her", right? you don't mean--?" Touya was interrumped by a loud screech.

"TOUYA-KUN!!!!" Screeched a brown haired girl as she jumped and glomped the balck haired boy.

"--Nakuru...." Touya muttered.

Sakura skated fast, while looking at her watch. "7:55... Eriol has practices with the football team at 8:30...that means that I still have half an hour..." she smiled, and blushed. "Half an hour to be with him...." she closed her eyes and imagined the face of Hiiragizawa Eriol. -I've been knowing him ever since we were four years old...he, Tomoyo and I have been best friends ever since then... and I still can't bring myself to tell him that I love him...-

she entered the school campus and changed her skates for her school shoes. Smiling all the time, day dreaming about her best friend. - and some day, hopefully, boyfriend... - she blushed.


- Thud -

"Hoeeee...." Sakura complaned from the floor.

"I'm sorry, are you hurt?" a male voice asked worriedly, a voice that made her jump and blush at the same time.

"E-Eriol!!" she exclaimed, blushing. "A-ah... no! it-it was my fault!! I shouldn't be daydreaming!" she said, smiling goofily.

Eriol chuckled at her. "Sakura-san, you have always been so clumsy..." he said while helping her up.

Sakura laughed nervously and dusted herself off. "Yeah, I guess so..."

"So, what are you doing here so early? covering for Tomoyo-san again?" he asked as they walked towars the class room.

"Yeah, she has that recital next week, and I wanted to help her, even when is ust covering for her in the cleaning of the class room..." she smiled.

"Ah, that's Sakura-san, always caring for her friends..." He said as they entered the class room, making her blush.

Sakura went towards the chalkboard, and started to write the date, while Eriol went to change the flowers. He made appear in his hand a bouquet of pink Cherry Blossoms and placed them in the flower jar. Sakura saw this and spoke. "Do you always use your magic to do the cleaning of the class room?"

Eriol smiled as he cleaned the desks with a qick move of his hand. "Most of the time I don't even come here so early... gotta stay at home to keep Spinel from killing Nakuru... or the other way..."

Sakura giggled at that. "And why did you came this time? I could have slept a little more you know" She said, faking a pout.

Eriol chuckled at her. "Well, I guess I have to thank the link that bounds, me and your father..."

Sakura blushed a little. "What do you mean?"

Eriol looked at her. "Today I wasn't planning to come here, but I felt that I had to come... I when I saw you here I knew you were the reason..."

Sakura was about to shout "hannyannnn" but held herelf. - why is he talking like this? maybe he wants to tell me something in private? maybe he wants to declare his love to me? - she thought hopefully.

"I wanted to talk to you for a long time, Sakura-san, and it was he magic that bound us the one who told me to come here this morning..." he said, walking towards the door. "Can we please talk outside, in the garden?" he offered.

"S-sure..." Sakura was uncertain, nervous and blushing.

They walked in silence towards the school's garden, near to a bench were Sakura sat down. She looked up at Eriol and saw something that no one had ever seen. Eriol was blushing. - Eriol is blushing!? oh my god... - She thought.

"Sakura-san, I don't know how to say this... nor how to act towards this... this is new to me, you know..." He said, looking away.

Sakura raised an eyebrow. - Something new to Clow Reed? this should be interesting... - she thought.

"Actually, yes. Is as new for me and it would be for Clow Reed, since he never felt this." he said, startling Sakura.

"ERIOL!! You were reading my mind!?" she blushed furiously as she standed up.

Eriol held up his hands in signal of innocense. "Calm down! it was just that only thought, really!" he said.

Sakura sat back in the bench and crossed his arms. "mou... just don't do it again!" she looked at him and saw him smiling. "weren't you about to say something important?"

Eriol's blush came back as soon as she said those words. "Um, well yeah..."

"And what's that feeling that not even Clow Reed knew?" she asked, interested.

Eriol heaved a sigh. "Sakura-san, I recently found out that after so many years, I'm... well.... err... how to say it..."

Sakura smiled and loooked at him with even more interest. "In love?" she asked, knowing already the answer.

Eriols's eyes widened for a second as his blush gre deeper. "Yes... that's it..." he said, looking away.

Sakura giggled seeing him so baffled. "You know, Eriol, you must be really in love... I never saw you like this before..."

"It's not funny, Sakura-san, I'm very nervous and I don't know how I'm going to tell her..." he said, a little mad about her attitude.

"And that's why you came to me, right? you want to know how to tell her?" She said. - This is the perfect chance... I'll get the boy of my dreams to declare himself to me in the most romantic way I can think about!! there's some magic missing here, but the important part is that he'll declare to me! Hannyaaaaaaannnnn -

"yeah... so, what do you advice me to do?" he asked, still a little baffled.

"Well, it's really simple, you know... just take her to dinner to her favorite restaurant and tell her. it's simple and romantic." she said blushing. Tht's the way she always dreamed the he would tell her that he loved her.

"Yes... it does seems like a good idea. thank you, Sakura-san." He said with a genuine feeling of grattitude. He made a yellow rose appear in his hand and pffered to her. "Thank yoiu, Sakura-san. Thank you."

Sakura blushed and accepted the rose. "Y-your welcome, Eriol..." she smiled shyly.

Then, the sound off a whistle sounded in the football field, followed by the sound of many boys running. "The football practice... aren't you a little late for it, Eriol?" Sakura asked, a little sad because the magic of the momen had been broke.

"Yeah, I guess..." he said. He colsed his eyes and for a moment, his clothes glowed in a deep navy blued, and when the glow faded, he as wearing his sport clothes. "I have to go now Sakura-san. I than you again for your advice." he said,s miling at her.

Sakura admired his thick frame for a second before returning the smile. "You can always come to me for advice, Eriol." He kissed her hand goodbye and started trotting towards the football field. Then, in midway, he stoped and went back towards Sakura, who was looking at him, clutching the rose againsst her chest. "Something wrong, Eriol?" she asked him.

Eriol was blushing again. "Yeah, I wanted to ask you, what's Tomoyo-san's favorite restaurant?"

Sakura's eyes widened for a second. "T-Tomoyo's f-favorite restaurant?" she asked, trying to hide her shaky voice.

Eriol smiled and blushed deeper. "Yeah, I.. I want to follow your advice, and I need to know what's her favorite restaurant.." He said with his hand behind his head.

"Antoine's" she answered quickly. "T-that's her favorite restaurant..." she said, looking down, hiding her tears.

"Oh, I see, thank you Sakura-san! gotta run now! see you later!" he said, trotting back to the field.

"Yes... see you later..." she said to herself in a low voice, watching her fresh tears drop over the yellow petals of the rose she held so hard against her chest, and against her broken heart.