Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ An S+S Halloween ❯ Getting Perpaired ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This is out of season I know. But, I wrote it awhile ago. Please enjoy
I have 9 Chapters in this story.. I will post more but I need Reviews.

Dis. I dont own CCS. ENJOY!!!!!

Chapter 1 "Getting Prepaired"

It's mid October, and everyone is getting ready for Halloween, including
Sakura and the gang. It's a bright sunny morning with a light breeze blowing.
"SAKURA-SAKURAAAAAAAAA" Kero yells. But, there is very little movement from
Sakura. Kero finally got tired of calling her so he goes to the bathroom and
gets an ice cold glass of water. "I'll get her up." Kero said with an evil
grin. Slowly Kero tilts the glass and the water slowly starts to drip. When it
finally reaches Sakura she jumped straight up and knocks Kero for a loop.
"What was that for?" Sakura sreamed at Kero. "It's 9:00 and you are suppost to
meet Madison and the others at 10:00...Remember?" Kero reminds her. "Oh
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" She leaps out of bed so fast and so high you would think she
was using Jump and Dash. "AHH why didn't you wake me sooner Kero?" Kero widens
his eyes with his mouth hanging open. "WAHHHHHHHH" Sakura looks up and grins
at Kero. "Well nevermind I need to get going." Kero flew into her face "Can I
come too please I need a costume also." He pleaded. Sakura sighed but gave in
"Ok, But you have to stay hidden." Kero nodded and flew into her backpack.

Sakura grabbed her skates and straps them on as she runs out of the house.
Kero was daydreaming about what he wants to be. As she picks up speed her short
blue skirt waves around and her light blue tank top shines with glitter.
She skates past Julian's house and waves as he and her brother were drinking
Tea on the lawn. While speeding down the street she almost runs into Rita and
Nikki. "Hi Sakura." Rita called out. Sakura stops to say hello. I can only
stay for a moment I am late to meet Madison and the others." Rita laughs
"Sakura you can never be on time." Sakura Smiled "Don't remind me." She giggled.
"Well, I'm off bye." Sakura yelled as she started to skate away. "BYE Sakura"
The girls yelled back. Kero pops out "Man you need to hurry before all the good
costumes are gone!" Sakura smiled at Kero. "Alright we're almost there." She
finally arrives where Madison,Li, and Eli are waiting. "Sorry, I'm late."
Sakura smiled weakly. "It's ok we're use to it by now." Said Madison smiling
with her camera on Sakura. Li stands to the side and blushes with a small smile
on his face. "Hello Eli." Sakura gives him a hello hug. Li gets angry and
balls up his fist and glares at Eli sharply. Sakura not not noticing gives Li
a big hug and says "Hello Li." With her amazingly bright smile. This makes Li
melt and for the moment forgets about how much he hates Eli.

As Sakura turns away to look at the stores Li
blushes like a radish. Madison who was taping the whole time whispters to Li
"She is very pretty isn't she? You should hurry and tell her how you really
feel before someone else does." Looking at Eli as she makes that statement.
Li glares once again at Eli. Eli looks back and slyly smiles. "Welp, lets get
shopping" Kero yells as he pops out of Sakura's bag. "Oh Kero I didn't know
you were ciming too." Madison smiled while she tapes him. "KERO" Screamed
Sakura as she runs into a corner. "Eli is here you have to be careful." Kero
smiled "I will Sakura you worry to much remember I am the Guardian Beast of
the Seal." Sakura Sweatdrops. They finally head into the store. "WOW!"
Exclaimes Sakura "All these pretty costumes." Madison smiled and started to
imagine Sakura in this long slinky Vampire dress, then a princess gown, and
yes even a bear costume. Sakura looked at Madison "What are you smiling at?"
Madison smiles at Sakura "Just You" she says. Sakura blushes and sweardrops.

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R&R so I can post more chapters.