Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ And I Fell in Love With You All Over Again ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

And I Fell In Love With You All Over Again

By Kara

Disclaimer: I do not own CCS!!!!

Remember, this is in Sakura's perspective!!!!!!!

I gracefully walked out, showing the dress off, half smiling… yep, that's the so-called "bored, model expression"… And as I turned around, I got a glance of a fine young man that had dark hair and liquid cool eyes. I felt that the gaze was following my every move. But of course it would since I am the model on the stage… right???

I flipped my hair and gave a bright dainty smile and waltzed off the stage. I carefully changed into another outfit. I carefully curled a dangling bit of hair, and paused.

Who was that man? Seemed so familiar… just so, so familiar…


"Sakura-chan… Anyways, about the ball… I am going to make the most wonderful gown… The Li Clan leader- ehm, let me rephrase that… The Li Clan leader-to-be will have to marry somebody because the current leader will not give the throne to him until he marries, and she's quite ill…"

"Who's the current leader?" I asked Tomoyo.

"Yelan Li…"

"Tomoyo, what will we do now, then?"

"Let's go see the Great Wall of China, eh? I know just the right person to tour us…"

"Who?" I asked.

"You'll see…"

I smiled pleasantly, knowing surprises were up Tomoyo's sleeves. I let Tomoyo keep her surprise. Surprises don't bother me.

I sighed. How could I explain this feeling I had gotten when I saw those eyes coolly looking at me… as a spectator. I blushed. It was tingly warm feeling that I liked, and was oddly familiar, but oh so vague just like my childhood. My hunch is that I have amnesia…


I enjoyed the tour, pleasantly. Actually, I just really didn't pay attention. My mind was busy. Why couldn't I remember my childhood? Dad didn't mention amnesia!

I closed my eyes. I remembered the handsome man, with the mysterious serious face and cool eyes washing over me.

Then, I knew where my childhood was hidden. That man was the key to unlocking my past. Most likely. If I had been so drawn to him, and recognized him in a strange way, he must have been from my past…

I rose early the next morning. The cool morning air greeted me, as I took a quick shower. I could feel the coldness all around, as I bit my lower lip. I frowned. Who was that mysterious man at the show? He was the only thought on my mind-even in my sleep!

I dressed quickly, and took a stroll at the nearby park. It was filled with blooming flowers, and the scent of honeysuckles mingled in the air.

I checked my watch. It was almost nine. I would have to turn back.

I walked slowly back to the hotel, and there Tomoyo was, standing with a young man with dark blue-black hair and dark blue eyes.

I smiled. It was Eriol… And then that question came to my mind. How do I know him?

My mind was filled with terror and shock. I knew him, but then I didn't…

I thought bitterly. Where?? Where?

"Ohayo, Tomoyo… Ohayo, Eriol?" I greeted.

"Ohayo, Sakura. Did you sleep well?" Tomoyo asked.

"Oh, yes…" I lied looking away.

My thoughts were locked on Eriol. I really couldn't remember where I knew him from…

"You remember Eriol, right? He's my good friend," Tomoyo told me.

Memories lit my head. Of course! I met him at the café with Tomoyo. There was still something hidden in the past I knew him from, but I brushed the thought away.

Ohohohoho! I like being EVIL!!!!!
