Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ And it was all because of her ❯ and it all begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

~ And it was all because of her ~

© 1

® by Kazumi Tachikawa

A.K.A kaZ™

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this happened after movie 2

disclamer: Card Captor Sakura is the property of CLAMP

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A girl wearing white platform sling backs, a brown Capri and white sleeveless button down shirt walked down the halls of the house she lived for her whole life, actually it was more of a mansion than a house. She was headed towards the garden eagerly. When she arrived towards two familiar white French doors she opened it and said

"GRANDMAMA!" she exclaimed and hugged the elderly woman. Her Amethyst eyes shinned in delight and her blonde hair bounced as she jumped up and down.

The woman had light blue hair, which was brought down freely smiled at her. She had the same pale white skin and was apparently drinking tea when the girl came in. She was wearing a pale green skirt, a long sleeved blazer that was buttoned up and had flowers on it and a green hat (imagine what those old RICH women wear on T.V.)

The woman known as grandmamma hugged back and said

"its nice to see you too Adeline"

and the girl known as Adeline sat down the chair infront of her grandmamma and said

"so…grandmamma…to what honor does this visit bring?"

asked the girl, the woman just chuckled at her antics and said

"it really isn't an honor that brought me here, but if you count what's left of your cousins love sick honor…I believe that would be it"

the woman just smiled at the confused girl

"I don't get you grandmamma"

"don't you remember how horrible and terrible your cousin became after he came back from japan?"


Eriol was just staring at the window counting petals. His cousins, Elizabeth, Adeline, Philip, Loraine and Jean (pronounced as John) were cracking up while they were watching him from behind the door.

Eriol noticed this and turned to them slowly with sad eyes and just went back staring at the window. Then Philip said

"I don't get it, wont he be…I don't know…using his magic on us now?"

Elizabeth just shook her head and said

"Im just as confused as you are Philip"


"oh THAT I remember…he became like…I don't know 'mr zombie' ever since ::sigh::"

said Adeline sadly. The woman chuckled again

"oh and remember that other, when every month…"


Eriol saw his parents and grandmamma in the parlor and quickly he ran and begged on his knees


he begged. And his father stood up enrage and said



"I wonder what happened to him in Japan that he wants to go back there so much…hmm"

said Adeline

"Its not what happened…its more of a WHO"

and with this her eyes widened

"you don't mean-"

the woman nodded. And Adeline said

"it IS the end of the world…Eriol's in LOVE"


a few days later Eriol's parents were at the study with grandmamma.

"Theodore…Eriol will go back to Japan next week"

announced grandmamma

"but…but mother…he cant he has responsibilities here….his studies, his position…I just cant allow him to just go to Japan"

"NO…he will go back…cant you see the boy is leading a miserable life here in England…how do you expect him to do his best when he's miserable…and besides…if its about studies there are a lot of fine schools in Japan so don't worry anymore"

then she smiled


he was about to continue when his quiet wife slapped him

"don't you see Teddy…he's miserable, and besides, its obvious he has someone he likes in Japan, don't you remember when you were courting me?"

said his wife Natasha. Teddy was to shocked at what happened and Natasha said

"mom, don't worry, Eriol will go back to Japan, but of course Nakuru and Spinel Sun would have to go with him"

"of course Natasha…and Ill have Adeline come along too"

and she left


Eriol was in his room just staring at the window thinking of HER again. He sighed he could never think of anyone other that her anymore. He was unhappy, always wanting to go to Japan, for goodness sakes he was PATHETIC…yeah a big pathetic LOSER. Slowly the doors creaked and an old woman with light blue hair tied up in a bun and had glasses walked inside

"greeting grandmamma…to what brings you to my humble abode?"

he said as he kissed her hand like a TRUE gentleman should

"dear boy you are still as sly as ever it seems"

said grandmamma as she chuckled

"Eriol, I want you to continue you studies in Japan…I-"

but she was cut off by ERIOL


"of course Im serious…Eriol dear please stop that your going to give me a heart attack"

"Im sorry its just that…"

"I know…now about the plans…your mother will take care of everything you leave next week so you may attend the second semester"

"OH thank you THANK YOU!"

the week went by fast and now Eriol was at the airport. He was avoiding the press with his family, luckily the VIP room didn't allow the media so they were safe. A few moments later Eriols flight was called upon and it was soon time to leave but

"well I guess Ill see you during summer vacation"


said a person emerging…

"::breath:: sorry ::breath:: Im ::breath:: late"

"what are YOU doing HERE!"

said Eriol to the newcomer . then their grandmamma said

"oh Eriol, don't you want your cousin to come along…I wanted her to come along incase you have any objections we could just…cancel the whole thing"

said grandmamma grinning

then Eriol thought

'now I know where I got it ::sigh::'


'now I know how Syaoran feels'

"come on Adeline"

Eriol said gloomily


said Adeline happily


said their grandmamma with the same giddiness.

"you know Eri-dear…I believe this will be the start of a beautiful relationship…don't you think so cousin of mine" said Adeline grinning sarcastically, enjoying every moment of Eriol's discomfort

"yeah…WONDERFUL" Eriol said sarcastically Adeline just laughed


inside the plane. Eriol and Adeline were seated in first class. They were quiet and Eriol said

"now I know where I get it ::sigh::"

"get what?"

"oh nothing"


then she shut up


so what do you guys think??? It's the revised version hope its better than the 1st one

-to my beta reader kY a.k.a decon's a.k.a decondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecon decondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecon decondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecondecon decondecondecondecondecondecondecondeconde…

well you get my point…anyhoo…watchatink????
