Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ C'est La Vie (Such is Life) ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

C'est la vie

(Syaoran stands in front of the Kinomoto house. He looks torn between

going up and knocking on the door or leaving. He spots Sakura in the

window and runs off.)

Have your leaves all turned to brown

(Eriol sits on a tree branch. He leans forward suddenly as Syaoran

comes into view, and autumn-brown leaves fall from the branch.)

Will you scatter them around you

(Syaoran blinks up at the branch, but from where he stands, Eriol is

hidden. A leaf manages to fall on his forehead, right between his

eyes. Eriol covers his mouth to stifle laughter as Syaoran's eyes


C'est la vie

(Syaoran irritably brushes the leaf away and walks off. Eriol's amused

expression turns into a wistful one.)

Do you love

(Syaoran watches Eriol doing his best to charm Sakura. Abruptly, Eriol

leans in and kisses her, making Sakura turn bright red. Syaoran does

too, but out of rage.)

And then how am I to know

(Syaoran runs from his hiding place to confront Eriol and starts

yelling at him. Eriol raises an eyebrow and, smirking slightly, asks,


If you don't let your love show for me

(Syaoran sputters indignantly, "J-jealous?! Of you?!" Eriol's smirk

broadens. "I never said that, now did I?" Sakura blinks at the two in


C'est la vie

(Syaoran turns even redder than before and stalks off. Eriol's smirk

vanishes and he sighs. Sakura frowns slightly, glancing from one to

the other.)

Oh, oh, c'est la vie

(Eriol stands on the right in full 'mage' regalia, flanked by Ruby Moon

and Spinel Sun, sun-staff held before him.)

Oh, oh, c'est la vie

(Syaoran stands on the left in his 'captor-uniform' of green Chinese

robes, with his sword in one hand and an ofuda held between the first

two fingers of the other.)

Who knows, who cares, for me

(Syaoran, hiding behind a tree, watches Yukito lean against Touya in

the park, as Touya slips an arm around Yukito's shoulders. Eriol is

sitting in the same tree, but high enough not to be seen, and with a

shadow-image of Clow overlaid on his features. Eriol/Clow see Yue

there instead of Yukito, wings curved around himself and Touya.)

C'est la vie

(Syaoran looks depressed, and Eriol/Clow sadly resigned.)

In the night

(Eriol, again in full regalia, stares up at a waning moon at midnight.)

Do you light a lover's fire

(Syaoran, dressed in his 'uniform', produces an ofuda that quickly

lights on fire, acting as a torch to see in the night by.)

Do the ashes of desire for you remain

(In Eriol's mind's eye, the crescent changes first to the curve of

white wings, and then to the blade of a very familiar sword.)

Like the sea

(Syaoran watches Sakura change The Watery into a Sakura Card.)

There's a love too deep to show

(Syaoran stares suddenly as he sees a silhouette of mage-Eriol appear.)

Took a storm before my love flowed for you

(Sakura attacks the silhouette with The Watery. Syaoran starts forward,

then halts, not knowing which to aid...or why.)

C'est la vie

(The silhouette vanishes. Syaoran, frozen, stares at where it had


Oh, oh, c'est la vie

(Eriol walks through the park with Nakuru as Suppi-chan hovers by his


Oh, oh, c'est la vie

(Syaoran blushes slighly as he talks to a smiling Yukito. Kero-chan, in

the background, is smirking as much as a 'stuffed toy' can.)

Who knows, who cares, for me

(Sakura sits on a park bench with Tomoyo. Tomoyo stares at Sakura,

waiting for some reaction. Then, hesitantly, Sakura leans in and

kisses her.)

C'est la vie

(Syaoran walks up at that moment and freezes. He stares for a few

moments, until they break the kiss, then bolts off. He runs past

Eriol, who whirls around to face the direction Syaoran ran off in.

Eriol raises a hand to his cheek, then brushes something off and looks

at it. It is a tear. Syaoran is crying as he runs.)

Like a song

(Syaoran sits huddled in the corner of his room. He is staring at a

picture of Sakura.)

Out of tune and out of time

(Eriol, standing outside Syaoran's house, winces suddenly and looks up

at the window of Syaoran's bedroom. He pauses, nods, and walks off


All I needed was a rhyme for you

(Eriol, back in his home, is sketching something. He frowns at the

piece of paper and drops it to the ground. It is a chart of names:




________ - SYAORAN

Eriol sighs, ignoring the piece of paper. Unnoticed by him, Suppi-chan

slips in and carefully traces the kanji for Tomoyo's name in the blank


C'est la vie

(Syaoran stares at the picture of Sakura for a long time. Then,

suddenly, he throws it against the wall.)

Do you give

(Eriol knocks on the door to Syaoran's house. Syaoran answers it, his

eyes a bit red. Eriol frowns fractionally, then bows and asks to


Do you live from day to day

(Syaoran, looking a bit surprised--and suspicious--says yes. He walks

Eriol to the living room, and they both sit in silence for a long

while. Finally, Syaoran asks what Eriol wants.)

Is there no song I can play for you

(Eriol blinks at the sudden question. Then he sighs and says, simply,


C'est la vie

(Syaoran stares at him.)

Oh, oh, c'est la vie

(Eriol, softly: "Yue is no longer mine. Sakura never was. And...I love

you, Xiao-Lang Li.")

Oh, oh, c'est la vie

(Stunned silence. Syaoran, hesitant: "But...")

Who knows, who cares, for me

(Eriol, interrupting, pleading: "Do you feel anything for me? At all?")

C'est la vie

(Long pause. Then, Syaoran, firmly: "Yes.")

[Musical repeat of last line.]

(Syaoran leans forward and embraces Eriol tightly. Eriol's eyes were

closed as if waiting for a blow, but they fly open at the sensation of

Syaoran's arms around him. Both Syaoran and Eriol, at that moment,

look completely at peace with the world, each other, and themselves.)