Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Cardcaptors-The Legend Continues ❯ Precious Moments ( Chapter 2 )
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CHAPTER 2: Precious Moments
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Maddison put the phone away and tried very hard not to cry. As soon as she sat on her bed, the phone rang again. She was sad and exhausted, and ignored the phone hoping it would just go away. But it just didn't.
"Shut Up!!" she screamed at the phone. Why was this happening? She picked up again:
Maddison (irritated and choking on her tears): Konichiwa. Taylor residence.
Eli: May I speak with Ms. Maddison Taylor please.
Maddison: Speaking. May I help you?
Eli: Hi Maddison, This is Eli. I was wondering if----"
Maddison: Eli!! The Eli who left for London, England three months ago.
Eli: Yes, This is the same Eli.
Maddison (Excited): When did you come back to readington?
Eli: About two hours ago. Kero says Hi.
Maddison: Kero is here too? And Spinny? and Ruby?
Eli (laughing): Yes, all of them are here. We decided to visit our favorite magicians.
Maddison (disappointed): I see. So how are they?
Eli: Oh I haven't called them yet. I figured they would be too busy. If u know what i mean.
Maddison (giggling): I know exactly what you mean!
Eli: So, I was.....umm...We were wondering if you would like to join us tommorrow, for a picnic.
Maddison: I would totally love too. What time!?!?
Eli: Why don't you come down to our mansion now. You can sleep over. Ruby will be extremely happy.
Maddison: Ok. Let me pack a few clothes and stuff.
Eli: Ok. Should I come to pick you up in about half an hour?
Maddison: No! I'll be fine on my own. It's only----
Eli: NO! I insist. Either me or Ruby will be there in half an hour.
Maddison: Ok. Fine. Have it you way. Bye.
Eli: Bye.
Maddison rushed to pack. She was bubbling with happiness. Eli was here and she didn't feel lonely anymore.
In half and hour her doorbell rang. She barely finished opening the door, when someone grabbed her. She was pulled into a tight hug, by Ruby of course.
"Can't breath...." Maddison sputered.
" Hey, Do ya wanna kill her, before I even get to say Hi?" a low voice said from beyond her.
Ruby let go of Maddison and put her down gently. Eli stepped out of the shadows and kissed her hand, "It's nice to see you again"
Maddison blushed, "I'm glad to see you too." Eli always made her feel wanted. No matter how lonely or sad she was, he would change everything. He was soo sweet, nice, caring...She didn't have enough adjectives to describe him, or the way she felt. It wasn't like a crush, she just couldn't describe it. Could she love him??
"Nah...I do not act like Sakura! We're just close friends." thought Maddison before pushing the thought away.
"Should I ..ummm... like leave you two alone, master?" Ruby teased.
"Huh?....Waa?." Eli realized he was still holding her hand. Quickly letting go, both of them pretended nothing happened. Ruby just giggled all the way to the mansion. Eli was getting annoyed- really annoyed. Maddison just ignored it; she had too much on her mind. She was soo deep in her thoughts that she tripped over a rock and fell face first into a puddle of mud, in Eli's garden. Ruby moon burst out laughing immediately. She fell over becuase she was laughing too hard to stand. Eli rushed to Maddison and helped her up.
"Hey are you ok? Didn--" He couldn't help giggling when he saw Maddison's face covered in mud. Maddison gets really mad at him for laughing at her. She just storms away towrd the mansion, but stops and laughs when she sees her reflection in the lily pond. Eli and Maddison exchanged apologies and went to meet Spinny and Kero. Kero and Spinny fly out throwing countless questions at Maddison. It was quite obvious that they missed her very much. She smiled to herself at the thought <<atleast someone thought about me>>. She took out two cupcakes from her bag and gave one the Kero and the other to Spinny. Ruby showed Maddison to her room, so she could wash all the mud on her face. After half an hour, the whole house came for dinner. Ruby cooked, as usual!
"Watch out for poison." remarked Spinny, "Ruby cooked, so you can never be too safe." Everyone laughed as Ruby threw a cushion at Spinny, didn't have enough time to fly out of the way. Maddison felt a warm and friendly atmosphere around her; Something she missed for a long time- something she no longer felt around Sakura and Li. She no longer had cold, dark, unfeeling eyes. Now her eyes shined and sparkled with happiness. She looked around the table and noticed so many faces smiling at her. Was she dreaming?? She tried pinching herself and it hurt a lot because of her long nails, "OUCH!!!"
"Are you ok?? Where does it hurt?" All of them yelled at the same time. Ruby immediately hugged Maddison. It took Maddison a while to convince everyone she was fine. The rest of dinner was quiet, except for the time Spinny pretended to die because of food poisoning. Ruby was soo pissed she literally buried him. Everyone sweatdropped (anime style) -_-;. Then again those two won't get along EVER. I mean even clow reeds magic is not strong enough to make those two like each other!
Eli was reading in his room, when he heard the main door open. He looked out his window and saw Maddison leaving- in her night clothes. He quickly grabbed his jacket and ran down the stairs two at a time, and caught up to her.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Eli managed to say between short breaths. Maddison was so startled she slapped him across the face, hard, "I'm sooooooo sorry! You scared me." she squealed.
"So where ARE you going?", Eli asked again, "It's so late!"
"Oh! I was just going to walk around your garden. It's so nice outside that I decided to come out." explained Maddison, "Besides I couldn't sleep"
"Do you mind if I join you then"
"Nope. suit yourself. I was going to ask you, but you were reading, so i decided not to disturb you..."
Eli looked away, blushing slightly. There was long silence between them. The only thing they heard was the wind dancing through leaves. They stopped and sat on a rock infront of the lake, right behind Eli's house. They looked up at the stars; They were so beautiful, like diamonds, as they sparkled against a dark night sky. It was getting colder and Maddison felt stupid for not bringing her jacket. She moved closer to Eli, unintentionally, and hugged his arm.
"You can have my jacket if you are cold" offered Eli.
"No thank you. You will feel cold then" muttered Maddison, "Can we go back now?"
Despite what she said Eli put his jacket on Maddison fragile shoulders. Maddison looked up at him and smiled. Finally, she saw a light in her life, which for the past three months had been complete darkness.
"Arigatou" she said as they started making their way back to Eli's mansion.
Maddison returned Eli's jacket upon entering the mansion. She made some tea for both of them. The house was dead silent and motionless. Eli cleaned up the dishes, with Maddisons help. Maddison thanked him again, and headed for her room after hugging him good night. Eli just stood, still, in the kitchen for a while. He couldn't understand why she hugged him. What was she hiding? And why did he care? Maybe he'll find out on the world. For now he had to focus on tommorrows picnic. He still had to call Sakura and Li. Oh well! tommorrow morning would be good. Besides if I remember, Sakura isn't a morning person. So, I'll give her a wake up call.
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So........How was it? Plz review if you have time. Thank you for reading./'^_^'\
Preview of the next chapter: Haunting Dreams.
Are Maddison and Eli ever going to realize they like each other? Maybe it takes only a dream to convince them-- A Dream of their Destiny.......
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Maddison put the phone away and tried very hard not to cry. As soon as she sat on her bed, the phone rang again. She was sad and exhausted, and ignored the phone hoping it would just go away. But it just didn't.
"Shut Up!!" she screamed at the phone. Why was this happening? She picked up again:
Maddison (irritated and choking on her tears): Konichiwa. Taylor residence.
Eli: May I speak with Ms. Maddison Taylor please.
Maddison: Speaking. May I help you?
Eli: Hi Maddison, This is Eli. I was wondering if----"
Maddison: Eli!! The Eli who left for London, England three months ago.
Eli: Yes, This is the same Eli.
Maddison (Excited): When did you come back to readington?
Eli: About two hours ago. Kero says Hi.
Maddison: Kero is here too? And Spinny? and Ruby?
Eli (laughing): Yes, all of them are here. We decided to visit our favorite magicians.
Maddison (disappointed): I see. So how are they?
Eli: Oh I haven't called them yet. I figured they would be too busy. If u know what i mean.
Maddison (giggling): I know exactly what you mean!
Eli: So, I was.....umm...We were wondering if you would like to join us tommorrow, for a picnic.
Maddison: I would totally love too. What time!?!?
Eli: Why don't you come down to our mansion now. You can sleep over. Ruby will be extremely happy.
Maddison: Ok. Let me pack a few clothes and stuff.
Eli: Ok. Should I come to pick you up in about half an hour?
Maddison: No! I'll be fine on my own. It's only----
Eli: NO! I insist. Either me or Ruby will be there in half an hour.
Maddison: Ok. Fine. Have it you way. Bye.
Eli: Bye.
Maddison rushed to pack. She was bubbling with happiness. Eli was here and she didn't feel lonely anymore.
In half and hour her doorbell rang. She barely finished opening the door, when someone grabbed her. She was pulled into a tight hug, by Ruby of course.
"Can't breath...." Maddison sputered.
" Hey, Do ya wanna kill her, before I even get to say Hi?" a low voice said from beyond her.
Ruby let go of Maddison and put her down gently. Eli stepped out of the shadows and kissed her hand, "It's nice to see you again"
Maddison blushed, "I'm glad to see you too." Eli always made her feel wanted. No matter how lonely or sad she was, he would change everything. He was soo sweet, nice, caring...She didn't have enough adjectives to describe him, or the way she felt. It wasn't like a crush, she just couldn't describe it. Could she love him??
"Nah...I do not act like Sakura! We're just close friends." thought Maddison before pushing the thought away.
"Should I ..ummm... like leave you two alone, master?" Ruby teased.
"Huh?....Waa?." Eli realized he was still holding her hand. Quickly letting go, both of them pretended nothing happened. Ruby just giggled all the way to the mansion. Eli was getting annoyed- really annoyed. Maddison just ignored it; she had too much on her mind. She was soo deep in her thoughts that she tripped over a rock and fell face first into a puddle of mud, in Eli's garden. Ruby moon burst out laughing immediately. She fell over becuase she was laughing too hard to stand. Eli rushed to Maddison and helped her up.
"Hey are you ok? Didn--" He couldn't help giggling when he saw Maddison's face covered in mud. Maddison gets really mad at him for laughing at her. She just storms away towrd the mansion, but stops and laughs when she sees her reflection in the lily pond. Eli and Maddison exchanged apologies and went to meet Spinny and Kero. Kero and Spinny fly out throwing countless questions at Maddison. It was quite obvious that they missed her very much. She smiled to herself at the thought <<atleast someone thought about me>>. She took out two cupcakes from her bag and gave one the Kero and the other to Spinny. Ruby showed Maddison to her room, so she could wash all the mud on her face. After half an hour, the whole house came for dinner. Ruby cooked, as usual!
"Watch out for poison." remarked Spinny, "Ruby cooked, so you can never be too safe." Everyone laughed as Ruby threw a cushion at Spinny, didn't have enough time to fly out of the way. Maddison felt a warm and friendly atmosphere around her; Something she missed for a long time- something she no longer felt around Sakura and Li. She no longer had cold, dark, unfeeling eyes. Now her eyes shined and sparkled with happiness. She looked around the table and noticed so many faces smiling at her. Was she dreaming?? She tried pinching herself and it hurt a lot because of her long nails, "OUCH!!!"
"Are you ok?? Where does it hurt?" All of them yelled at the same time. Ruby immediately hugged Maddison. It took Maddison a while to convince everyone she was fine. The rest of dinner was quiet, except for the time Spinny pretended to die because of food poisoning. Ruby was soo pissed she literally buried him. Everyone sweatdropped (anime style) -_-;. Then again those two won't get along EVER. I mean even clow reeds magic is not strong enough to make those two like each other!
Eli was reading in his room, when he heard the main door open. He looked out his window and saw Maddison leaving- in her night clothes. He quickly grabbed his jacket and ran down the stairs two at a time, and caught up to her.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Eli managed to say between short breaths. Maddison was so startled she slapped him across the face, hard, "I'm sooooooo sorry! You scared me." she squealed.
"So where ARE you going?", Eli asked again, "It's so late!"
"Oh! I was just going to walk around your garden. It's so nice outside that I decided to come out." explained Maddison, "Besides I couldn't sleep"
"Do you mind if I join you then"
"Nope. suit yourself. I was going to ask you, but you were reading, so i decided not to disturb you..."
Eli looked away, blushing slightly. There was long silence between them. The only thing they heard was the wind dancing through leaves. They stopped and sat on a rock infront of the lake, right behind Eli's house. They looked up at the stars; They were so beautiful, like diamonds, as they sparkled against a dark night sky. It was getting colder and Maddison felt stupid for not bringing her jacket. She moved closer to Eli, unintentionally, and hugged his arm.
"You can have my jacket if you are cold" offered Eli.
"No thank you. You will feel cold then" muttered Maddison, "Can we go back now?"
Despite what she said Eli put his jacket on Maddison fragile shoulders. Maddison looked up at him and smiled. Finally, she saw a light in her life, which for the past three months had been complete darkness.
"Arigatou" she said as they started making their way back to Eli's mansion.
Maddison returned Eli's jacket upon entering the mansion. She made some tea for both of them. The house was dead silent and motionless. Eli cleaned up the dishes, with Maddisons help. Maddison thanked him again, and headed for her room after hugging him good night. Eli just stood, still, in the kitchen for a while. He couldn't understand why she hugged him. What was she hiding? And why did he care? Maybe he'll find out on the world. For now he had to focus on tommorrows picnic. He still had to call Sakura and Li. Oh well! tommorrow morning would be good. Besides if I remember, Sakura isn't a morning person. So, I'll give her a wake up call.
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So........How was it? Plz review if you have time. Thank you for reading./'^_^'\
Preview of the next chapter: Haunting Dreams.
Are Maddison and Eli ever going to realize they like each other? Maybe it takes only a dream to convince them-- A Dream of their Destiny.......